Sunday, February 28, 2010
[AM]1* Compare claims and charges of [EAC]2* "Many of the things recorded about Jesus in the Gospels were similar to the things magicians did." etc. Thus did many early anti-Christians take these parallels & make the claim & charge that Jesus and the early Christians had borrowed here & there from their occultic rivals, and environments.
Celsus "...criticizes the books of the Bible. Using an elementary comparative method, he traces Biblical tales to pagan legends, to Platonic theses, or beliefs derived from the Oriental cults of Mithra & Osiris...."3* Celsus says that the story of the flood was borrowed4* and circumcision came from the Egyptians who practiced the rite with magical results.5* Celsus claimed that the system & doctrines in early Christianity, was derived from Judaism, thus both are also barbaric in their origin.6* Celsus also used the polemical writings of the Jews against the Christians, and points out that the Jews claimed that the Christians were apostates from the Jewish religions, borrowing from them in order to make this new religion.7*
Celsus used parallels & different methods in attempting to discredit Christ. Celsus compared the miracles wrought by Jesus, with similar miracles & magical tricks done by sorcery & wicked men. Thus charging Christ with sorcery. Origen of course responded these charges & rejected Celsus`s claims.8* Celsus is quoted by Origen as claiming that other things were borrowed to make up the Christian religion. For example He said that the different stories in the Scriptures were borrowed from pre-scripture myths, legends etc.9* Mysteries, or temple ordinances, (p.487-489), "...He likens us to those who "in the Bacchic mysteries introduce phantoms & objects of terror...."10*
Celsus also used parallels between the Christians & the Persian mysteries of the Mithras, & charges that the Christians had borrowed from them, & others.11* Other early anti-Christian writers must have noticed the parallels between the early Christians and the Mithra cult. In the Mithra cult, baptism, anointing, handclasps & other similar things are comparable to the Christians are known.
Even some of the early Christian Fathers noted the parallels & responded that satan had set up in pre-&-post Christian times, counterfeits, in order to attempt to discredit the divine pattern that had been revealed to the founders of Christianity & which had been passed on to the later Christians. Thus we have different ones like Clement, Hippolytus, Origen, the Apostle Paul, Tertullian, Justin Martyr, & later Eusebius, Cyril of Jerusalem, & others defending the Christian rites, symbols, doctrines & mysteries, as being divine. While the others were the counterfeits of satan, & that's why they were similar to the Christians, in some ways. This is the basic response that the different early writers would give.
They also charged that the pagan cults, & off-shoot branches of apostate Christians had blended the occult with the divine to make some perverted counterfeits. The pagans charged the Christians with having borrowed from them. Thus the early anti-Christians took advantage of the rival polemical writings, rumors, & charges to make their cases against the Christians as a whole.12*
1* Ttyk op. cit., p.202-207. And: (NMKMH), Brodie, op. cit., p.16-283 etc. (MSOR?), Tanners, op. cit., p.63-88, 94-5, 96E-G. p.484-492. Vogel, op. cit., p.73 etc. And: Early Mormonism & the Magic World View by D. Michael Quinn 1987.
2* (TCATRST) Wilken, op. cit., p.99.
3* Early Christian Civilization, by Stan-Michel Pellistrandi, 1978, p.180-199. Also: (COTTD), op. cit., p.55-6.
4* (OAC) ibid. p.516-7 bk.4 chap.xli-xlii.
5* (TANF) 4 p.405, bk.1 chap.22, & p.564, bk.5, chap. lvii.
6* Ibid. p.397 bk.1 chap.2.
7* Ibid. p.431 bk.2 chap.4 & p.557 bk.5 chap.33.
8* Ibid. p.450-1 bk.2 chap.xlix.
9* Ibid. p.477 bk.3 chap.33.
10* Ibid. p.501 bk.4 chap.x.
11* Ibid. p.583 bk.6 chap.22 & p.584 c.24 & p.622 bk.7 c.28.
12* (F&ROC) Legge Vol.2, p.203-276, etc. (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., And: Quinn, op. cit., p.1-5. Daniel To Paul, Ed. by Gaalyahu Cornfeld, 1962, Part 2, p.203-4. (PC&EC) Garretson, ibid. (the whole book.) The Birth of the Christian Religion & The Origins of The New Testament, by Alfred Firmin Loisy, Un. bk. 1962, p.206-9, etc. Monumental Christianity, Lundy, 1882, p.26-7, & 68-70, etc. 1 Cor.2:6-16; 2 Thess.2:1-17; 1 John 2:18-29; 3:1-3. Jude 4-6; Acts 8:9-24; Clementine Recognitions, on Simon. (F&ROC), Legge, op. cit., Vol.1, p.172-202. And: The Mythic Image, by Joseph Campbell, Princeton Un, 1974, quotes Hippolytus, Elenchos 5.17.1-2 & 8, etc. see p.298-9, ft.nt.15 on p.298 of Campbell's book, & p.507, etc. Lundy, quoting Tertullian, op. cit., p.66. Bible Myths, op. cit., p.124-5, & 129. (TN&PNF) Vol.I, Eusebius, p.113-4. And: ft.nt.s to chap.13, of Eusebius. (M&PITEC) W.H.C. Frend, 1967. And: Enoch The Prophet, by Huge Nibley, p.8-12; & The Book of Enoch The Prophet, Trans. by Richard Laurence, 1892, p.84-89. And: Stolen Lightning, by Daniel Lawrence O'Keefe, 1982, p.44-5, 55, 121-4.
[EAC]1* Celsus is quoted as claiming that during the birth of Christ, the star that was said to have helped guide the wise men, to the baby Jesus, was not generally seen, nor the wise men. He charges that the story, among other reasons must therefore be false.2* Celsus claimed no one witnessed the dove or heard the voice of God the Father saying that Christ was the Son of God, (During the baptism of Christ).3* [AM] Cowan contends that Mormons want the Christians to accept the story concerning Joseph Smith, when he didn't have any witnesses.
1* (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.74. 2* (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.58. 3* (TANF) Vol.4, p.414. [AM] Mormon Claims Answered, by Marvin W. Cowan, 1989, p.4.
[EAC]1* Celsus pointed out the fact that Jesus was betrayed by his followers or disciples. The fact that they betrayed Christ, (Or at least some of them, although we know later that these different ones later came back and became martyrs for the cause of Christ, a fact that Celsus left out in that part of his attack). These betrayals then became "evidences" in the minds of Celsus and perhaps other early anti-Christians, that Christ was a false god. Celsus also pointed out that those fishermen were unlearned.2*
Celsus said that they where sinners, who ran away from challenges & danger. Judas also had betrayed Christ. The early Christian leaders, & their followers were accused of all kinds of crimes, & terrible vices & acts of violent terror.3*
Wilken wrote that "...Celsus imagines Jesus having a conversation about his baptism with a Jew. "When," says the Jew, "you were bathing near John, you say that you saw what appeared to be a bird fly towards you out of the air.... What trustworthy witness saw this apparition, or who heard a voice from heaven adopting you as son of God? There is no proof except for your word & the evidence which you may produce of one of the men who were punished with you" (c. Cels.1.41). Here the question centers wholly on historical verifiability. How does one substantiate that a certain event took place? What are the criteria by which one evaluates the veracity of a document claiming to record a historical event?..." Celsus points to some of the different legends told about men, then claiming that they are no more true than the legend told by about Jesus. "...The only reasonable way to verify an account is to test the reliability of the witness. Since the account of the baptism of Jesus comes from Jesus & his followers, one should be suspicious...." Like other stories invented by the followers of hero's to glorify the hero. Wilken also tells us that Celsus also used this method of attack on the story & event, the resurrection of Christ. Celsus wrote in a mocking way & asking: Who witnessed this event?, a "hysterical female" & other followers "deluded" by the same "sorcery" had either dreamt, hallucinated, or saw the event through wishful thinking.4* Some modern critics have used a similar approach, as [EAC]s in some ways.5*
1* (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.61-3.
2* (TANF) Vol.4 p.423-4. (OAC) bk.1 chap. lxii.
3* Ibid. p.35-8, 424-25, & (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.9, etc.
4* (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.110-111.
5* [AM] (MSOR?), Tanners, 1987 ed., op. cit., p.50-64. (3 Witnesses to the Book of Mormon). Compare: Matt.11:18-19; 26:14-15; 47-52; 69-75; 27:3-5; Mark 14:43-72; Luke 22:47-62, John 18:1-27. [EAC] Frend, Garretson, Hoffmann, Benko, Wilken, op. cit.
[EAC]1* "...When Christianity gained control of the Roman Empire it suppressed the writings of its critics & even cast them into the flames...." Wilken tells us that some of the anti-Christian books that were burned were those written by Porphyry (born probably 233 C.E.) writing against the Christians " the 2nd half of the 3rd century. The Emperor Constantine "...sought to still Prophyry's voice, not by composing another treatise against him, buy by putting his writings to the torch, a precedent that was followed a century later by another emperor, Theodosius II, in 448 C.E. "The vigor, scope & sheer size of [Porphyry's] attack must have stunned the Christian communities," wrote Robert Grant."2*
Porphyry's treatise, Against the Christians, "...was still considered so powerful 150 years later that a Christian emperor had his writings burned." (After Jesus, (The Triumph of Christianity), by Reader's Digest, Editor, Gayla Visalli, etc., 1992, pp.199-200.)
Compare: [AM]3* Here the Tanners make the same sort of claim, that Mormons have burned [AM] books. While this may be true in some cases, it is not a common practice. It is also interesting to note that the Tanners forgot to tell us that the LDS Historical Library in Salt Lake City has one of the largest collection of [AM] publications, books, tracts, etc in the world, much of which can be read by those interested. So while some concerned Mormons, Missionaries, & others may have burned, or in other ways destroyed anti-Mormon books, tracts, etc. There are many others that collect, read, & like to respond to such publications. The critics themselves, I have heard, have also destroyed Mormon publications, & burned books, tracts, etc., for some purposes known to them that do such things. While other critics I have known also collect, read, & like to respond to some of the Mormon publications.
1* (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.xii of Intro.
2* (TCATRST), (Note.1 "Robert M. Grant, "Porphyry among the Early Christians," in Romanitas et Christiantas, ed. W. den Boer et al. (Amsterdam, 1973), 182." (TCATRST), p.126-7 see n.1 on p.126.
3* (MSOR?), Tanners, op. cit., 1987 p.10.
[AM]1* I have heard many modern [AM] Christians2* call Mormonism "a cult". Compare: [EAC]3* For [PMD]4* Bill Forrest & Van Hale, wrote about the charges made in the Godmakers that Mormonism is a one of the most "dangerous" & "deceptive cults."5* Bill & Van have also pointed out that one of the charges made against the early Christian by early anti-Christians, was that the early Christians were considered by many "Outsiders" to be "cults" & "secret societies".6* In anti-Catholic thought, especially during the Reformation period, Widmann, 1599, works looks upon the Catholic church as a cult.
1* (TGM) op. cit., Mormonism: Christian or cult? by Saints Alive.
2* (Such as on the radio, in talking with them, & in reading other anti-Mormon tracts, books, etc.).
3* The Foundations of New Testament Christology by Reginald H. Fuller, p.90, Pub. Charles Scribners's Sons, N.Y. And: Did Jesus Live 100 B.C.? by G.R.S. Mead, p.241, Pub. Un. Bks., N.H.P., N.Y. And: (PR&TEC) Stephen Benko, 1984, Pub. by Indiana Un. Press, Bloomington. & (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.124-5 etc. Also: (COTTD), Hoffman, op. cit., p.53 & 66 Celsus calls the Christians a secret society, & the "cult" of Christ.
4* Scrapbook of Mormon Polemics, by Mormon Miscellaneous Vol.1 #1 Oct. 1985 p.11. #3.
5* See also: Part II The New Myth Makers, A Reply to the Film "The Godmakers," p.21.
6* (Mormon Misc. Note Cards, Set #2, card #280, July 1985, Sandy Ut. Van Hale. Making reference to Pliny, Epist.10:96, as cited in Henry Bettensen, Documents of the Christian Church, NY Oxford Un. Press 1963 p.3-4.) See also: Apostasy From the Divine Church, by James L. Barker 1960 p.123-6. Apostasy to Restoration, Lyon, op. cit., p.60-1.
[EAC]1*. [PMD]2* Bill & Van deal with the anti-Mormon charges that the Mormons are some sort of revolutionaries out to over throw the U.S. Government. The anti-Mormons had brought back some claims of an earlier anti-Mormon campaign that was made in 1889.
They make reference to [AM] publications,3* & mention an earlier response to the earlier charges made in 1889.4* I have heard different talk show hosts on the radio, distort the different Temple Vows, & misinterpret them to be part of some revolutionary plan. Such distortion & misrepresentations of the Mormon Temple rituals, reminds me of how the early anti-Christians distorted the early Christian oaths & vows, as being revolutionary.5*
1* The Secret Doctrine of Jesus, by H. Spencer Lewis, 1937 & 65, p.23-146. And: Christ Lore, by Fredk. WM. Hackwood, reprinted 1969, from the 1902 ed. by Gale Research Co., Bk. Tower, Deroit, p.5. Also: Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199. (M&PITEC) Frend, op. cit., p.124-9 & ft.nt.s on p.453.
2* Scrapbook of Mormon Polemics, M.M, op. cit., Vol.1, #2, Feb.1986, p.23-5.
3* Walter Martin's Maze of Mormonism, 1978, p.237-44. & (TGM) Decker, op. cit., p.231-43, & The Tanners' "Will Benson Be King" SLC Messenger, April 1980, p.1-4.
4* Bill & Van give us a reprint, or copy on p.25, of the Deseret Weekly, #24, Vol.39, dated Dec.7 1889, SLC. UT. of a talk given by Pres. Woodruff entitled: President Woodruff Speaks.
5* (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.53, (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.9 & 129. Lundy op. cit., p.26-7. During 1987-8, when I was a talk show host on KZZI 1510 AM Radio. I heard on the radio, different [AM] callers & other [AM] Talk show hosts, misrepresenting, & distorting the meanings, & purpose of the Mormon Temple Endowments, & the vows contained there in. During this time I responded by presenting a number of radio programs on my own show: "Out of the Best Books." Which that I felt answered some of these charges, & claims. I presented also some parallel situations between the modern [AM] & [PMD] situation & that of the [EAC]s & [ECD]. I also had Van Hale come on as a guest, a number of times to help out. He also was a host of another radio show on KZZI.
1*. The early anti-Christians charged that the early Christians had taken conspiratorial oaths, 2* & even some apostates from the early Christian faith had said that they had taken oaths, but that they had not been conspiratorial. They said these oaths were a vow that they should do no wrong, or any crimes, etc. But perhaps there may have also been apostate from Christianity who may have charged that the oaths were conspiratorial & cultic.3*
1* Loisy, op. cit., p.191-3.
2* (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.9, etc.
3* Bettenson, op. cit., p.3-4, as cited by Hale, op. cit., #2, card 280. (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.124-5.
[AM]1* During the times of Mark Hofmann's scam & document forgeries. In which he forged documents to support his anti-Mormon-Atheistic beliefs concerning the origins of Mormonism. Thus coming up with a forgery that would go along with early to later anti-Mormon charges. During this time, a number of [AM] came up with their own biased interpretations, charges, & claims concerning what they thought was the case. The rumors spread, & talk radio became one of the places in which such rumors & charges were proclaimed.2* Before the time that Mark Hofmann murdered 2 people with pipe-bombs. And before his scam & forgeries were discovered. The different anti-Mormon groups were passing out tracts, making books, talking on the radio, holding booths at different County & City Fairs, printing up News Letters, etc., etc., all of which declared the "down fall" of Mormonism, because of what these different documents were saying, or gave "evidences" to.
I witnessed different reactions that people took towards these different documents. I talked with many different anti-Mormons during this time, and developed my own response to this polemical situation, of which resulted in some art works, tracts, and a chapter in a book I wrote later about the different situations.3*
On Aug. 20, 1988, & during "Out of the Best Books,"4* I responded to some of the anti-Mormon charges, & gave a short history of the "Hofmann situation." I talked about some of the main anti-Mormon charges & rumors that had been, & were being spread by some critics, before the bombings & after. Wild rumors & [AM] gossip continued even after they (the police & others) had found out that these documents were forgeries.
Before all this, some critics had claimed that these documents showed that Joseph Smith & Mormonism was "linked", "derive" from or had "borrowed from magic & the occult."5* Different responses were given to such charges by pro-Mormon writers.6* Positive interpretations were explored, as compared to the negative ones that anti-Mormons were claiming that the word & symbol ("salamander") could mean. Symbols were a big issue during this time & still are even now in some ways. The leaders of the Church also responded to some of these charges by telling members not to worry about the documents that they could be possible forgeries of the time that they are reported to have come out of. They also questioned the authenticity of many of the documents that the many critics used against the church. Some talks were given in General Conferences, & other meetings, some gave little attention to the documents, while other talk mention the situations, but point out that the Church leaders didn't see in them, (these documents), any real historical or "official" facts that challenged the Church's position on the historical line of authority, of the succession of the Presidency of the LDS Church.7*
Nor did the leaders feel that other documents challenged the "official" history & story concerning the origin for The Book of Mormon. (Like many critics had hoped would, before other documents by Hofmann were discovered to be forgeries; such as the "Salamander letter"). While other documents were being collected & printed up in the Ensign. Some of the top Church leaders also said that they would like to have the documents in order to check out their authenticity. This fact was left out by some critics. Different members took different sides of the issues that were raised. Some thought that the different documents were real, others thought that the documents were forged, others attempted to interpret the symbolical language they seemed to contain (like the salamander letter), & others thought that the anti-Mormons had something on us. While others just left the whole situation alone, & didn't pay heed to the anti-Mormon charges.
Even the different anti-Mormons expressed there doubts concerning the documents, & declared some to be possible forgery, but they still used the negative interpretations that they could find, & charged the Church was attempting to "cover-up" its "occult" origins. When the documents were found out to be forgeries, it was interesting to see how soon the different anti-Mormons attempted to point at the church again, by claiming that "the Church was fooled by Hofmann." Some of the critics that I heard on the radio, (blasting the church because of these documents that they said was "evidences against"), turned around there charges to make it sound like they had not been fooled, but the Church had. As if they knew it all along that the documents had been forged. If they did, then why didn't some of them say so? The critics were the ones who had hoped that they were real, because of the anti-Mormon tone & elements that some of the forged documents had had to them.
Even the Tanners, during this whole time, had used the different documents as "evidence" against the Church. And at times had contended amongst themselves concerning what the "experts" had said concerning different documents' authenticity. The Church accepted the judgment of the document "experts" but did not rule out the possibilities that they could be forgeries.
The Tanners also didn't rule out this possibility also. In fact they wrote their differences in their News Letters. At one point in time Sandra Tanner had accepted the claims of the experts, that the 'Salamander letter' was authentic. While Jerald Tanner pointed to some things that suggested (the salamander latter) was a forgery & plagiarism from an earlier anti-Mormon document. In time the whole situation exploded & the anti-Mormon forgeries & other documents by Hofmann were exposed. The Tanners pointed out that they had there doubts. And the Church voiced it sorrow & concerns for the victims, or those who had been murdered by Hofmann. As did others.
The charges and claims that many critics had brought up with these different documents, were redirected. Many on both sides of the issue, some Mormons & Anti-Mormons, confessed that they had also been fooled during those times. Mark Hofmann later went to prison for murder, forgeries, & his scam, on a plea bargain. He confessed that he was guilty. He is still there as to this day July 1991. He perhaps didn't realize, however, (as with many members and critics), that he may have been detected in prophetic warnings even before he began his scam.
For the Prophets had warned many years before all this, that there would arise different ones who would profess to be members of the church, but who would be plotting against it. And who would attempt to get the members not to follow the leadership that the Lord had set up. Who better than Mark Hoffmann could fit into this prediction? For wasn't he one who had plotted to lead others away from the Church, & out of the Church, with his forged anti-Mormon slanted documents? Thus if he got many to leave he would have caused many not to follow the Lord & the Prophets, as well as the other leaders. The prediction also hints to others, and I am sure they have already come forth. And they also will be exposed in time.8*
In the early Christian Churches similar situations also played a part in challenging the faith of the different Christians. Compare some of the [EAC] & [ECD] polemical situation in the early centuries. Modern inventions were lacking, of course, but there were similar situations, name calling, rumors, forgeries & scams, etc. that were going around. The early Christians defended themselves as best as they could against the different charges that were brought up against them by critics. But when some of their own fellow "Christians" went to different extremes in different points of doctrine & practice, they would also have to write against them as well. The scam artists had to be exposed, as well as the "false" brethren. In doing so, the rest of the Christian "body" could heal from the wounds it had received from the acts of it's own members. It was a difficult healing process that had it's challenges & problems. For the critics would take advantage of the situations, by claiming that the Christians were fools, & very gullible.9*
1* Mormonism, Magic & Masonry, by Jerald & Sandra Tanner, 1983, Utah Lighthouse Min., S.L.C., Ut. Also: The SLC, Messenger, by the Tanners, Issue #49, Dec.1982. And: Questions For Your Temple Tour, by Ed Decker, Saints Alive, (tract).
2* Hofmann's Confession, Office of SLC., County Attorney, David E. Yocom, Mark Hofmann Interviews conducted at Utah State Prison between Feb. 11 & May 27, 1987. Vol.1-3, see Vol.1, p.SS-13). Some of the [AM] callers & some host on KTKK 630 AM, & KBBX, & later KZZI 1510 AM Radio stations, brought up all kinds of charges & claims.
3* Entitled: When Our Faith Is Challenged, Vol.2, by DaRell D. Thorpe, 1988, chap. 12. An unpublished manuscript.
4* (As part of an on going radio talk show that I hosted on KZZI 1510 AM Radio, West Jordan Utah, "Out of the Best Books" by DaRell D. Thorpe).
5* Some [AM] tracts that used the documents for proof references were: Why All The Fuss Over The `Salamander' Letter? by Wally Tope, La Canada Calif. (A.M. Tract), etc. See also: Watchman Expositor Vol.2, #7, 1985, p.4-5, of the article: The Salamander Letter And Its Significance by Rick Branch. (Here this A.M. claimed that the document was an important document that showed that Mormons were linked into the occult. Other tracts are: Through the Maze, 1985 #12 entitled: Salamandergate: What's Behind The Utah Bombings? 1985, James R. Spencer, p.1-4.
6* In Defense of Faith, by Paul Hedengren, 1985. [PMD] FARMS. 1985, Why Might A Person In 1830 Connect An Angel With A Salamander? STF-85b, FARMS, Staff. Provo Ut. The Oxford Eng. Dict. 1933, Vol.9, p.47.
7* Some critics had thought that the "Joseph Smith the 3 document" was "evidence" against the Church's line of authority in the succession of the line of Prophets going back to Joseph Smith Jr. (See also: The [PMD] tract entitled: Succession In The Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by Joseph Fielding Smith, 1956? by Deseret News Press, & 1957?, 1959?, Pub. by the Church, 1964?, 1975, 1976, 1980 reprints).
While I was on a mission in California, in 1980-2, I remember having seen an [AM] tract that had made reference to the "Joseph Smith the 3rd" "Blessing" document. The critics claimed that this document showed that Brigham Young & later prophets were "false" prophets. (See also: [PMD] The Ensign May 1981. p.20-22, (a talk given in the April 1981 Gen. Conference by Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, entitled): The Joseph Smith III document & the Keys of the Kingdom.) As it turned out, years later, that document, (as well as others), was an anti-Mormon-Atheist's forgery, a creation of Mark Hofmann. (Hofmann's Confession, Office of SLC County Attorney David E. Yocum, Mark Hoffmann Interviews conducted at Utah State Prison between Feb.11 & May 27 1987, See Vol.1 p.SS-12 & 13).
8* [PMD] (As of this time unpublished: When Our Faith Is Challenged, vol.1-2, by DaRell D. Thorpe. LDS Arch. SLC Ut., has copies of these manuscripts Sept.3, 1987, Vol.1, & Vol.2 in 1988.) Also: The Ensign, May, 1982. p.62-4, "Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus" by Pres. Ezra Taft Benson of the 12. He quoted in conference a prediction made by Harold B. Lee. Benson's talk was given during the Sunday Afternoon Session on Temple Square, during the world wide Church General Conference, on April 4, 1982. Compare: The Deseret News, Aug.8, 1987 LDS CHURCH NEWS SECTION article entitled: Hofmann Confessions tell of Hunger for Money, Fame, p.4 & 13. See also: [AM] The SLC Messenger Issue #57, June 1985, U.L.M., SLC., Ut. p.13-16. Jerald & Sandra Tanner.
[PMD] The Ensign, Sept. 1985, see p.3-6: The First Pres. Message: "Keep the Faith", by Pres. Gordan B. Hinckley, 2nd Coun. in the 1st Pres. I went to, and was at the fireside meeting in which Hinckley spoke. It was during a Young Adult Fireside meeting, that was also broadcasted from Temple Square, June 23, 1985. See also: The Church News, Week Beginning April 28, 1985, p.6, see Presidency comments on letter's authenticity. Other leaders made comments & hinted to this polemical situation of the time also.
See also: The Ensign, Nov.1983, p.29-31, by Mark E. Petersen, his last General Conference talk before he passed away. Given in SLC Ut., on Temple Square, in the World Wide Church General Conference. Talk entitled: The Angel Moroni Came!
I also recorded off the radio many of the polemical situations that were going on over the different talk radio stations, such as KBBX, KTKK, KZZI, etc. Plus I have many recordings of radio programs that I did on KZZI 1510 AM radio 1987-8, during my show: "Out of the Best Books." For which I have used as a source for understanding the polemical situation of this time, & area. A number of books were published during & after all this saga. Some gave fair representations of the situations, while others were slanted towards the anti-Mormon side of the situation, & in fact some were unfair in their charges and presentation of the situation.
9* [ECD] (TANF) Vol.4 p.412-3 (OAC) bk.1 chap.38; & p.415-6 bk. 1 chap. xlv-xlvi & p.421-2, lvii & p.427 lxviii, p.428, lxxi, p.437. Bk.2 xiv p.450-2 xlix-liii & p.466-7. And p.590-1, Bk 6:38-41 etc. (PR&TEC) by Stephen Benko, op. cit., p.103-162. (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.43-4, 53-4, 56-7, 59-60, 66, 89-90, 95-99. (PC&EC) Garretson, op. cit., p.47, 49, 74-5. And: (TCATRST) Wilken, op. cit., 98, 100-1, 109. (P&C) by Robin Lane Fox 1987 Alfred A. Knopf Inc. NY p.96 & 117 etc.
[AM]1* [PMD]2* Scharffs responded to charges & claims made by Ed Decker. Earlier, & before all this fuss over symbols, the Architect of the Salt Lake Temple, T.O. Angell had given some explanations & interpretations of some of the symbols on the SLC Temple. Who better, than those who helped build the Temple, could help us understand what the symbols mean?3*
These & other sources (which the critics seem to either be ignorant of, or ignore), are interpretations & explanations of the different symbols, as explained by some Mormons.
On Aug. 20th 1988, during my radio program "Out of the Best Books", on KZZI 1510 AM, as well as other shows that I have done. A caller "Born-Again" Christian, and talked about the different symbols used by Mormons & Christians. His interpretation of the symbols in Mormonism, were biased & one-sided. He just couldn't seem to let himself consider that symbols can have more than one meaning to it. He charged that some of the symbols in Mormonism are occultic. I attempted to point out to him other possible interpretations, and to show that the symbols that he use, such as the fish & cross, etc., wouldn't be able to pass his own biased, selective interpretation, & approach. This anti-Mormon type of charge and biased misinterpretation & tactic, used many times by different anti-Mormon callers, during many other radio programs that I did, and also heard.
During an earlier radio program, on KZZI, on April 23, 1987, I talked about the vast use of the different symbols that have been used all throughout history, & by different peoples, in different places. And how that people are not being very fair, or honest, or are showing forth their ignorance, when they interchange the different meanings of similar symbols, & insist that it only has one meaning to it. Some seem to want to take symbols out of their historical setting, May 23 1988, I did another radio program on symbols, because this same sort of thing had been brought up again, & again. I had seen different anti-Mormons misinterpret the symbols in Mormonism, in their movies, tracts, books, and during different anti-Mormon presentations, a number of years before this, and so I had compiled a book, or manuscript on symbols, & had done a lot of research on my own. Thus: When Our Faith Is Challenged Vol.2, came about because of these polemical situations that surfaced many times.
On July 23 & 30 1988, I had a friend of mine, and fellow Talk Show Host, Van Hale (He also did a radio Program on KZZI, at a different time than by program), on with me as a guest on "Out of the Best Books". We talked about the different tactics & charges, and misinterpretations of symbols, etc. that different ones have brought up at different times. We also turned these different tactics around on the critics, to show that they wouldn't be able to pass their own test.4*
The many different types of stars have been used by both Christians and the cultic groups. Satanists & occultists have used & now still use the same sorts of symbols that different Christian groups have used, because this is one way in which they mock, counterfeit, and discredit the different Christian groups, that they are bitter rivals against. All the many different symbols, rituals, other things of God are counterfeited & copied, reversed, mocked, degraded, distorted, perverted, inverted or turned backwards. So we shouldn't be to surprised to see similar symbols, rituals, etc. amongst one extreme & the other. In some cases Satanism is like a reversed reflection of religions, in the most perverted and extreme way. The Lord`s prayer was said backwards, the cross was inverted, but at the same time the cross inverted has been a symbol of Peter who was crucified up-side down.
To a satanist, the up-side down cross, would mean the reversal Christ, and would be anti-Christ in it's meaning. The star is seen right side up and up-side down, in early to later Christianity. But so also is it seen in satanism. Now this being the case, many modern anti-Christians, Atheistic types of peoples have taken advantage of this parallel & charged that there is some sort of satanic connection. Or that Christianity derived from magic and the occult.
Here is another area & tactic that comes back to haunt the anti-Mormon "Christians" for their own tactics, logic, misinterpretations of symbols, etc., is reflected back to them in Atheistic, early & modern anti-Christian writings, & charges against the many different religions. The fish, triangle, cross, stars, rabbits, eagles, the early to later Christian finger language, circles, the all seeing eye, the snake, candles, stones, etc., that have been used all throughout early to later (& by different) branches of Christianity all over the world. Would not be able to pass the anti-Mormon test, standards, misinterpretations, misrepresentation, distortions, and interchanged meanings tactics & approaches.
It might help here to also understand why we can find similarities between religions and magic, the occult, & satanism. Satanism, magic, & the occult have all throughout it's history, borrowed, distorted, perverted, turned up-side down, backwards, mocked, counterfeited, replaced, blended into, infiltrated, renounced, fought against, plotted against, desecrated, etc., all of the different things in religions, old and new, ancient and modern. It borrows everything, the prayers, gestures, symbols, rites, sayings, scriptures, etc. and in many cases reverses them, & perverts it all.5* In the Church of Irene, 532, is 7-pointed star inside 6-pointed stars.6* Stars seem to have been used, in some cases, as drawing symbols, etc.7* Other types of stars have other historical settings and meanings for good & bad.8*
How many people might be shocked to find out that the Sheriffs all over the U.S. might be considered satanic cults, just because they also use a 6-pointed star? (If that is, we were to place the Sheriffs' symbols under the anti-Mormon selective & interchanged interpretations methods, logic, & narrow minded approach.)9* In other settings & situations a 6-pointed star was used by the occultic group the Golden Dawn which began in the late 19th cent., 1888.10* Some of these 6-pointed stars are like a triangle pointing up, & another one over, or entwined into it, pointing down, like the star of David, a Jewish symbol, but not exactly the same. For the Golden dawn star is in a circle with different colors to the circle, and other symbols as well.
For there is also a human figure with in the star & circle with arms & body forming a (T) shape. This (T) shape gesture is very similar to one of the prayer gestures that Dominican monks made (symbolic of the suffering of Christ on the cross, thus they make a cross shape with this prayer gesture), during the 13th cent. AD. Does this mean that these monks are occultic or satanists, just because someone might notice similarities between the gestures? Of course not! Each symbol should be consider in it's own setting and time frame, and according to how the people who have used the symbol interpreted it, rather than as many have done, & that is to take the symbol out of it`s historical setting and meaning & misinterpret it & interchange it with similar symbols.11*
On one of the said radio shows (Aug. 20th 1988, KZZI), I said to one of the callers, who said he was a "born-again Christian", that: Would you be afraid to go to the gas station `Texico' because they have a (T) in the middle of a star? His response was: "I don't go to Texico, because the star is such a widely known symbol for the occult". We talked some more, and I confronted him with his own narrow interpretations, & standard, but with the symbols that the Born Again Christian use, such as the fish, cross, etc. I brought up The Gas Co. & station Texico, not for the purpose of claiming that they are occultic, but to show how some people who might see their symbol might misinterpret it out of ignorance or for what ever reasons. I'm am sure that the (T) inside the star just means T-for-Texico. The star may be just a plain old star, with no occultic connections. But because similar symbols appear in occultic settings, some ignorant or uninformed persons have thought in their minds that there is some kind of occult connection just for the sake of similarities in the symbols.
What I have also noticed is how different ones like this, and some anti-Mormon "Christians" will ignore the other symbols that can be found with the ones they are making a big fuss over. For while they are misinterpreting, and interchanging the meaning of similar symbols around, in order to bring up some sort of "evidences" that the Mormons have occultic symbols, (because the occult also might happen to use a similar symbol), they will at the same time ignore the fact or pass over those same symbols that they themselves & the occult also use. Such as the cross, fish, and triangle, etc. The cross is also used with the star & (T), but also the triangle, is seen, now does this mean that all Christians groups who also use these symbols are connected with the occultic group the Golden Dawn just because both use the same sorts of symbols? Would the Golden Dawn be considered a "Born Again Christian" sect? Of course not! (Holroyd p.121.)
A star shown as a sign to the world that Christ was born, thus a 5-pointed star has been used to represent the star of Bethlehem.12* Other sources say that stars also symbolized the Epiphany, recalling the star which guided the three Kings to Bethlehem. While in other cases, a five pointed star was a Christian symbol that stands for the five wounds of Christ. In early to later Christian symbolisms the star in a circle has been used for the trinity,13* But also stars in a circle (right-side up like the Christian ones), also can be seen in occultic symbolism.14* Are Christian therefore occultic?
Some Atheists, & anti-Christians, might want to think so, but of course they are not. Mormons are not also! But you might see how the ignorant might be led to thinking that these religious groups are, if some uninformed, or dishonest persons was to interchange the meanings and settings of the similar symbols around or claim that the symbols have only the narrow meanings, that they want &, or misinterpret them to have. If Someone was to use the same sort of logic, reasons, misinterpretation methods, half-truths, etc., as I have seen anti-Mormons, early to Modern anti-Christians, & Atheists use. One could make any good group sound bad, evil, deadly, and satanic. So let me warn you (with their types of tactics) about some of these groups. But in telling you this, let me make sure that you understand that the following are just some examples, and are not the real picture or truth that you would get, if I was to give you the understanding behind the whole situation. Nor is this an attack on these groups, but it is to make a point, & to turn these types of tactics around on other good groups, for the purpose of exposing the methods, and tactic that the critics have used & now use. I am not going to give you the name of the groups at first, but will later explain what I did to give you this so-called "warning."
This group eats smashed up, extra bloody, thrashed dead cows. They perform certain hand clasping rites, oaths, and get new members to perform certain things in order to move up in rank. They use the 5-pointed up-side down star, a well known symbol in the occult. They learn how to use ropes, tie knots, use knifes. They meet up in the mountains, and gather a fire to sing and chant in a circle, and feast upon their smashed up, extra bloody dead cow. They use different symbol like the Hitler's Nazis in Germany used, such as the eagle. What should we do about such a group?
This other group is even more deadly, and evil. For this group also use knifes, clubs, guns, and other forms of weaponry. But they also kill people! They shoot them. And take people to places that they don't want to go! They take oaths, & eat smashed up dead cow also. They case people down, they looking for people. They use a star that is known to be an occultic symbol. They make people pay money to their vast organization. They will get the person, if they don't pay up, and take them to a place they don't want to go, were they could be abused and raped, and beaten up, or even killed. What should we do about this group?
This other group is the even more deadly! For these people have been known to kill thousands of people. They shoot them with guns, and use all kinds of advanced weaponry to destroy cities, & lives. They take oaths, and perform secret operations, they sneak into nations & spy on people. They award their members with an up-side down star in a circle, a well known occult symbol for satanism. They force people to go into their organization, even though the people don't want to go, & they make these people kill other people. They split up family members, to send these people away into dangerous places, and many never return. So what do you think that we ought to do about this group?
Perhaps we ought to raise money and start an "anti-group" organization in order to warn more people about these groups, and also to help people who are a part of these groups to come out from them, and to help them when they do. Besides, perhaps we ought to get rid of all those nasty terrible occultic $1 bills that have that nasty, occultic, evil terrible "all-seeing eye" symbol on it. So send all those nasty $1 bills to us, & we'll help you get rid of them.
Think now, of what kind of picture has been created in your mind concerning these groups, in this so-called "warning". Do you see also how the ignorant might want to try and stay away from these group? Perhaps even warn other about them also? Or even send in money to help fight against these groups? This is the same sorts of things that many anti-Mormon groups have done. Now for the full picture, the other side of the story. The first so-called "warning" was about THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA! Now that you know who they are, and perhaps even know of the good that they do, in teaching different good skills, and educational fun things for young men, the above so-called warning seems to be a big joke! But is it not true that boy Scouts eat smashed up, etc, dead cow? (= to hamburgers, but described in a negative way.) Is'nt it true that they perform handclasps? (= to the scout shake.15*) And oaths? (= to the scout oath, see n.15*) And they have new members to advance in rank with different "skill awards" and patches, etc. But these things are good things, such as "first aid", swimming, life-saving skills, and personal and family skills on some of the things that the young man might do if he see an accident, or other things.
They learn how to tie knots and put up tents, build camps and camp fires, to sing songs, and eat their hamburgers around their camp fires up in the mountains. But they have an up-side down 5 pointed star as some of their symbols and they use the eagle as a symbol!, like the occult and Hitler did!16* Does that mean that the Boy Scouts are Nazis and satanist? Of course not! Except only under tactics used by the critics.
The other group is our nation wide law enforcement organizations. The police do use guns, clubs, etc., and chase "bad guys" down. And when they do meet up with some of these "bad guys" in some cases they shoot at each other, or have to use force in order to take these people in to jail, or those place that no one wants to go.
Sometimes in the jails, the other bad guys, might beat one another up, & fight with each other. Some inmates at the prisons throughout the country, as well as in other nations, have problems with the different inmates who force themselves on other inmates, to do different sexual acts, etc. This might be what one might expect, because all different types of peoples, who have done all kinds of terrible things, rape, murder, theft, etc., are put in the jails & prisons in order to keep them from doing such things in our cities, or to pay for their crimes.
In some cases the cops have to kill the bad guys who want to kill the cops. So in self defense the cops must defend themselves from time to time. A bank robber pulls out a gun and starts shooting at the cops or other people, the cops would have very little choice in the matter but to try and stop the robber in the best ways that they know how, even to shoot to kill, if it came to that extreme. And yes cops, and other people of this kind, take an oath to up-hold the law. And yes they do have different pointed stars as a symbol.
And go after people who do not pay their tickets, or their fines, etc. Now has not the first picture that I placed in your mind with the so called warning changed now? Do you see & understand the situation better now, that I have presented the other side of the story, and explained the methods that I used?
The last group that I gave you a so-called "warning" about is THE ARMY AND OUR NATIONAL DEFENSE ORGANIZATIONS! During times of war, the such as the 1st & 2nd World Wars, & other Wars after these. The National Defense Organizations, the Army, Navy, Air Force, CIA, National Guard Units, etc., have had to kill thousands of enemy rivals, for what ever reasons. There have been times when other nations have forced themselves on other nations and taken away their freedoms, and control and enslave other nations, or peoples of their own nations. So the different defenses have gone to help other nations stop these tyrants.17*
And it is true that those who enter these defense organizations, take an oath to up-hold and defend the Constitution & our rights to freedom. And it is true that they have given the 5-pointed up-side down star in a circle, the medal of Honor to those who have done things during war times, above and beyond the call of duty, in saving lives, at the risk of losing their own, etc.18* Some people have also refused to go, or be "drafted" into the army, and have during the 1960s and early 1970s, many young men burned their draft cards, and protested the war that was being fought in South East Asia.
During times of the war drafts many families have been split up as Fathers, Sons and Daughter have gone off to war, or who have stayed home, or helped out in different areas. Some people have been sent into nations to spy out the enemies situations, or to go into dangerous areas never to return again, have come up missing, killed, or who knows what. Do you see now the points that I am presenting here, concerning how these different tactics can make any thing good sound bad? It is not being very fair or honest of the critics to present other peoples' religious beliefs in the says just presented. Each symbol has it's own meaning, and should not be misrepresented or misinterpreted as the critics do.19* Can the critics pass there own tests & standards. Is something fishy going on there? In the [AM] movie: (TGM) we see Ed Decker of Saints Alive by his car, on the back bumper is the common "born-again Christian" symbol the fish. Under Ed Decker's own logic, tactics, & misinterpretations, etc. would this fish symbol be evidence "proofs" he is a satanist, or occultist? Of course not! Except under his own logic and tactics, if they were turn around on himself & his fellow Christians who also use the fish as a symbol, (which stands for Christ etc.).
Would the modern anti-Mormons, Jerald & Sandra Tanner be into some sort of old Egyptian sun god worship, just because they have a similar pattern or design on their house that is similar & like the Egyptian sun god aten? Of course not! Perhaps the front parts of their house under the roof, on the side facing east, is just some patterns not intended to be seen as any sort of symbols, but are just some patterns only, for the people who made the house perhaps didn't have any symbols in mind, or certainly not an old Egyptian symbol of the sun-disk god aten.
Sandra Tanner has told me that the house was built by Mormons. And it is perhaps only just some similar patterns, which if placed under some anti-Mormon types of approaches & tactics could be blown out of proportion. Just like some of the patterns in Mormonism have been blown out of proportion or misinterpreted.20*
Would the later Christian god as depicted in the later art works be evil or satanic, just because the devil & the 3 in 1 god is depicted as both having three faced heads? Of course not!21* How do you think someone might react, if they saw some of the ugly faces and evil demon-like Gargoyles out side on some Christian churches, but who were also ignorant as to their symbolical meanings? What if someone sought to distort, misrepresent, misinterpret the meaning of gargoyles, and charged that these symbols were evidences that the people that go to these churches (with this symbol on it), worship demons? Now would have be fair, or honest? Of course not! Gargoyles are said to be a symbol of the evils that are outside in the world, as compared to the spiritual safety that is said to be offered within side the church.22*
Would some Christian groups be part of the smut magazine "Playboy" just because both use the rabbit as a symbol? Of course not!23* Another common ancient & modern polemical tactic is to quote from the rivals own sources as proof references. (We will return to this tactic later), but the early anti-Christian Celsus boasted about this, and the modern anti-Mormons have at times.24* I have also heard different ones say in anti-Mormon meetings that they are not giving their own interpretation of a certain point, but that they were quoting from Mormon books, or their own writings, etc.
Can these critics pass their own test & tactic? For I can also quote from the critics' own writings to make a few points also. For in an [AM] tract, by H.I.S. Ministries, p.1, the critics use a triangle to defend their concepts of the 3 in 1 Godhead, or the "one God only" concept.25* In historic Christianity, triangular shape nimbuses represented the Trinity. In some cases, three heads, or three faced depictions of the Trinity, with a triangle behind their heads, represented the Trinity too. An eye framed in a triangle symbolized God the Father in Christian symbolism. The triangle then as a symbol taken out of it's historical setting or context, & the meanings of similar triangle symbols with the meanings of the symbols interchanged around in an unfair way, show us that the critics wouldn’t be able to pass their own standards, logic, tests, and tactics, etc. For now I also can use their own sources as they claim that they can with us. For in the Tanners' book26* the Tanners had depicted an occultic symbol from the book: Witchcraft & Demonology. The Tanners attempted to compare this occultic symbol, (the circular portion of the objects), with those on one of the documents that was later found out to be one of the Mark Hofmann forgeries, the so-called "Anthon Transcript", (Hoffmann's version of it). Although the Tanners stated how that they had noted a number of similarities between the two things, at that point in time, (when they had written their book), they wrote that they didn't have enough sufficient evidence to prove their case.27*
In some Church publications such as the Ensign. This transcript is presented and discussed. When the document was later found out to be a forgery, even the critics had to confess that they had been fooled, as did many members in the Mormon Church. Many members of the church did question the documents, because they knew of other earlier "Anthon Transcripts" or the Reformed Egyptian samples that Joseph Smith had wrote on paper & had given to Martin Harris who showed it to a Professor Charles Anthon.28*
I noticed that the Tanners have taken out the portions concerning the above mentioned sources (from the Hofmann forgery and Witchcraft & Demonology), out of their later editions of their book.29* In this same symbol we see the triangle! But this is also a Christian symbol! But why didn't the critics mention this? There are also crosses with in this occult symbol, so would that also mean that Christians who use the symbol of the cross are also a satanic cult? Of course not. The occult use an up-side down cross in mockery of Christ crucified. However, inasmuch as historic Christians use an up-side down cross too, symbolic of St. Peter who was crucified up-side down, does that make Christians, who use this symbol in memory of St. Peter, occultic?! Of course not! Except under this tactic, or this selective method of interpretations of inter changed meanings of similar symbols.30*
The cross has been also used for both good & bad. And it is a symbol that is found all over the world.31*
The snake around a cross is a biblical symbol, & early to later Christian symbol, but which is also used by the occult! Are Christians and the bible therefore occultic? Of course not! In the eyes of the critics, anti-Christians, Atheists, & if we were to use the tactics & standards of the anti-Mormons on their themselves, one might charge that such things would be evidences that they are.32*
The eagle has been used as a symbol for both good and bad also. Would Christians be linked to the nazis just because they both have used the eagle as a symbol? Of course not!33* In historic Christendom: “The eagle suggests the soaring of the Gospel of John heavenward in contemplation of Christ’s divinity.”
Another symbol that we see in both good and bad settings is "the horned hand," in early Christianity finger language is very common. The occult also has similar finger symbols & signs. During modern Rock Concerts you can see the different people hold up their hands with the horned hand displayed, (pointer & "pinky" fingers pointing up, with the 2 middle pulled in) thus the horns of satan, or the horned hand in this setting a satanic symbol. But does the fact that the same symbol appears in early to later scattered branches of Christianity, in the art works, etc., mean that early to later Christians are all satanic, & worship the devil? Of course not! Except again under the critics own tactics and interchanging of meanings, etc.34*
Other symbols that have been used by some early to later Christians' symbolism, but also in satanic symbolism, is lions, & goats. (Rev.5:5, Heb.9:12-14). Jeffrey Burton Russell tells us that in The New Testament, demons are associated with a number of different kinds of animals. He names some of these as follows: the "...locusts, scorpions, leopards, lions, & bears. The Devil himself has direct associations only with the serpent, the dragon, & the lion. The lion did not become a lasting symbol of the Devil because it was used for Mark the Evangelist & for Christ himself."35*
In early to later Christian symbolism rocks or stones are also used. Jacob in the Old Testament anointed some stones. Different critics use tactics that they & the Bible would not be able to pass.36* Some [AM]s Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, have claimed that Joseph Smith used "magical objects" & was influenced by demons in his work.37* In response to these charges Mr. Scharffs points out that Decker's & Hunt's approach & tactics, (if the same thing was turned on the Bible that they claim to believe in), would make it seem as though they (Decker & Hunt) had inadvertently criticized their own Bible for what the bible Prophets did. For the Bible prophets also have used different objects, & also stones, & stone symbols.38* Scharffs points out that the critics' book (TGM), ignores this. (Concerning "The Urim & Thummim".)39*
If someone is going to attempt to represent others' religious beliefs, but can't do it fairly or honestly, then they may be faced with their own tactics, logic, & standards being reflected back to them in the attacks made by other rivals, or different ones like the atheists, & early to modern anti-Christians. If the anti-Mormon "Christian" tactics, etc., was turned around on the bible, and Christian history, etc., would they be able to pass their own tests & tactics, etc. No they wouldn't be able to! It also seems to me that if the modern anti-Mormon "Christians" were to answer the charges made by Atheists and early to modern anti-Christians. These same answers must then be given over as answers to their own attacks against Mormonism. The early anti-Christian Celsus mocked the early Christian use of symbols in a similar manner that some modern anti-Mormon "Christians" have done with the symbols in Mormonism.40*
If many of these modern anti-Mormon "Christian" hate groups should, in the future, insist on habitually distorting, misrepresenting, misinterpreting, & selecting negative meanings of similar symbols, in order to charge & claim that their rivals' symbols means the same thing. If this shall ever be the case, then it may be that the fish symbol that they use is " a fish of hate;..."* & thus fitting for their types of hateful bad attitudes & lack of tolerance towards their rivals' faiths. There are, however, many good & honest people that do belong to the critics' different "born-again-Christian" sects. Who also use the fish as one of their symbols of Jesus Christ. Thus, their love & tolerance towards their fellow members of the human family would be more fitting to what they claim their fish symbols means. Therefore this selected negative meaning thus used here is not for them, in this case. I only hope that members of my own faith will be worthy of the same kind of love & tolerance, & would not be guilty of the same methods, tactics, & hateful attitudes that I have seen & felt from some of the different critics.
[Note: * If we were to use the critics' own tactics & methods of selecting negative meanings to similar symbols in history, when it concerns the fish symbol. And then were to suggest that it means the same thing when the critics use a similar symbol, such as the fish. And in thus testing the critics' own symbols to see if they would also be able to pass their own methods, tactics, tests & this selection of negative meanings of symbols throughout history approach, etc. Then an early Christian source might be misused for this purpose. For the early Christian father & writer, Clement of Alexandria [153-193-217 A.D.], wrote that the Egyptians used the symbol of a fish, " a fish of hate;..." in some cases. (TANF) Vol. 2, p.454, Clement of Alex., Book V, chap. VII, of his The Stromata, Or Miscellanies.)
1* (TGM) Decker, op. cit., (Movie & Book), p.208-9, etc. And: The Evangel (Exposing Mormonism), Vol.38, #9 Dec. 1991, p.1 under the heading: "Ritual Satanic Abuse by Mormons" by RM = Robert McKay, Associate Ed. Here R. McKay misinterpreted & charged, (in similar ways as many other [AM]s etc.,) that some of the Mormon church's symbols are "satanic". He claimed many of the temples, & the flagship edifice in SLC Ut., "...bear Satanic symbols on their exteriors...." This claim & charge is not new of course, & it is an issue that some [PMD]s have answered. I showed in my book (unpublished at this time, entitled: When Our Faith Is Challenged Vol.2, Feb. 9, 1988, p.9-135, by DaRell D. Thorpe), how that the critics' own symbols (the fish, cross, triangle, etc.) would not be able to pass their own tests, logic, misinterpretations, misrepresentations, & standards, etc. And could, (if they were their own critics), be made to sound, or look as if they themselves were satanic. [AM] tract: Questions For Your Temple Tour, op. cit., p.1-2, etc., Decker op. cit.
2* The Truth About "The God Makers," by Gilbert W. Scharffs, 1986, p.270-1.
3* See: Millennial Star #18 Vol.36 Tues. May 5 1874 p.273-5 entitled: The SLC Temple. A descriptive statement of the Temple, April 6th 1853, as given by T.O. Angell, Architect.
4* [PMD] Insights And Background Into the Possible Meaning of The 5 Pointed Star As Used And Portrayed By The Mormon Church, by Allen J. Fletcher, Aug. 22, 1981. (Unpublished?, a copy of this research paper can be found in the LDS, Church Lib., in Ut.). See also: The House of the Lord, by James E. Talmage, 1969, Deseret Book, p.149. And: Temples of the Most High, by N.B. Lundwall, Pub. by Bookcraft, SLC., Ut., 1968, 131-2.
5* Painted Black by Carl A. Raschke 1990, The Book of Enoch the Prophet, Laurence, op. cit., p.84-89, & Enoch the Prophet, Nibley, op. cit., p.8-12. Stolen Lightning, op. cit., p.44-124. Religion and the Decline of Magic, 1971, Keith Thomas. Magick in Theory & Practice, by Aleister Crowley. And: Man, Myth, & Magic, Vol.9, p.2479, Cavendish, op. cit., And: Witchcraft From the Inside, by Raymond Buckland, 1971, p.58-61; Also: Witches, by Therese Ruth Revesz, 1977, p.44-6; Man, Myth & Magic, Vol.7, p.1866-9, op. cit., And: Temple Magic, by William G. Gary, 1988, p.114-119. (TN&PNF) Vol.5, p.524. And: Witchcraft, by Eric Maple, 1973, p.101. The Ultimate Evil, by Maury Terry, 1987, & Backward Masking Unmasked by Jacob Aranza, 1983, & More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, 1985. Jay's Journal, Ed. by Dr. Beatrice Sparks, 1979. The Encyc. of Witchcraft & Demonology, by Rossell Hope Robbins, MCMLIX, p.370-9, & The Encyc. of Witches & Witchcraft, by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, 1989, p.99-102, 168-170, 213-220, 285, 307-311. The video: The Occult Experience (Documentary), Nar. by Frank Heimans, Also: The Song Remains the Same, (Led Zeppelin), & Hammer of the Gods, by Stephen Davis, 1985, & The Rolling Stone Mag. Sept. 20th, 1990, p.56-60, by J.D. Considine. & The Rolling Stone Interviews, Sparks, in 1979, p.310-17. No One Here Gets Out Alive, by Jerry Hopkins & Danny Sugerman, 1980, And: Cavendish, op. cit., Vol.1, p.277. Lynn Bryson tape series "Winning a Testimony War." And: (F&ROC), Legge, op. cit., Pagans & Christians, Robin Lane Fox, op. cit.
6* In the book: The Book of Art, Vol.1, p.65, Pub. in 1965, Grolier Inc., prod. by George Rainbird ltd.
7* Classical Inspiration In Medieval Art, by Walter Oakeshott, 1959. Pub. Frederick A. Praegar, NY. NY., pl.141.A., 1245 AD.
8* Art of the Medieval World, by George Zarnecki, Pub. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., N.Y., 1975, see fig.64, dated 512 AD, Princess Juliana Anicia, in Constantinople. (Similar 6-pointed star of David, in a circle can be found in this manuscript). Compare: Teach Yourself Fortune Telling, by Rachel Pollack, 1986, p.60, Pub. by Rainbird Pub. Group Lim. Lon. Eng. Also: Man, Myth & Magic, Vol.2, p. 289, Ed. Richard Cavendish, depicting the late 19th cent. AD, occultist Blavatsky's brooch. (6-pointed star in a circle, etc.)
9* See also: Signs & Signets by Ernst Lehner, pub. by Dover Pub. Inc. NY 1950, p.106-7, fig.582. 5-pointed up-side down star used in the seal of Emperor Constantine, (was it also satanic, some might think so, but is it really?) What about the stars used by some Christians? 6-pointed = creation, or "the Creator's Star"? or 5-pointed = Our Lord's "Epiphany"? or the 8-pointed = Regeneration? (See: Church Symbolism, by F.R. Webber, 1936, ed., pub. in Cleveland by J.H. Hansen, 2nd ed. revised by Gale Research Co. Bk Tower, Detroit 1971, see fig.2 of pl.I, p.26-7, see also 7-pointed star, op. cit., p.149-50, pl.13, fig.9 the "mystic star," also said to be symbolic of the 7 gifts of the spirit. 9-pointed star, the 9 fruits of the Holy Ghost, Gal.5:22, op. cit., p.149-151, p.13, fig.11.
10* Magic, Words, & Numbers, by Stuart Holroyd, pub. Doubleday & Co. Garden City N.Y., 1975-6, Aldus Bk.s Lim. Lon., p.120-121.
11* The Horizon Bk. of the Middle Ages, by the Ed.s of Horizon Mag. Ed. in Charge Norman Kotker, author Morris Bishop, Pub. by American Heritage NY etc. 1986 p.152-3.
12* Symbols Signs & Signets, by Ernst Lehner, 1950, p.106-8, fig.594). See also for the 6-pointed star of David, or the Solomon's Seal, ibid., Lehner, p.108, fig.596, also 7-pointed "mystic star," op. cit., p.106, 108, fig.597, other stars are depicted & explained here as well, 8,9,10, & 12 pointed stars are said to mean the following: 8 = Regeneration, 9 = The holy Spirit, 10 = The 10 Disciples of Jesus, 12 = The 12 Tribes of Israel, see: p.106-8, figs. 598-601.
13* Christian Symbols Ancient & Modern, op. cit., p.44-5.
14* The Wonderful World of Magic & Witchcraft by Leonard R. N. Ashley, p.252.
15* Scout Handbook, 1979, by the Boy Scouts of America, Irving Texas. 1990 ed. p.565, hand shake, p.549, oath. Robert Baden Powell was the founder Scouting. (1907 was the first Boy Scout camp). Powell spent much of his life in the British cavalry.
16* The Scout Handbook, op. cit., p.3 etc. And: Ribbins & Medals, by Captain H. Taprell Dorling, Pub. by Doubleday, op. cit., 1974, p.277-8. And: Beyond Science, by Cottie Anthur Burland, 1972, p.120-1.
17* See the movie series: World At War, Battle Line, Air Power, etc. And the documentaries: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, (based on the book by William L. Shirer), etc.
18* Dorling, op. cit., p.98-279, Medal of Honor on p.204.
19* The World of the Bible, by Educational Heritage Inc., Yonk. NY, p.273. (The fish is also used by occultic groups as well, are ancient to modern Christians therefore occultic?) Of course not! (see ibid., p.153). Man, Myth, & Magic, Vol.4, p.986, Cavendish, & op. cit., Vol.9, p.1244. And: The Secret Teachings of All Ages, by Manly P. Hall, 1977, lxxxv, And: Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, by Erwin R. Goodenough, 1956 the Bollingen Foundation, NY, Vol.5, fig.130, etc. And: The Occult in Art, by Fred Gettings, 1978, Pub. Rizzoli Pub., p.14, fig.13. And: Ramses II, 1985-6, BYU, C. Wilfred Griggs, etc., p.25-6. The fish was also used as a symbol before the early & modern Christians? See also: An Outline of Christianity The Story of Our Civilization, Vol.1, p.342, Pub. by Bethlehem Pub. 1926. (TANF) 2: p.454, op. cit. And: Christ Lore, by Fredk. WM. Hackwood, 1902, p.6, 249. And: Treasures of Tutankhamun, by BYU, 1985, p.85. Church Symbolism by F.R. Webber, 1938, p.57, see, fig.4 & 9, p.45 pl.iv, fig.19, p.46-7. And: Astrology by Solange de Mailly Nesle, p.37, & Cavendish, op. cit., p.2474.
20* The Gods of the Egyptians, by E. A. Wallis Budge, M.A., etc. Vol.2, p.73 Pub. by Methuen & Co. Lon. Eng. 1904. And: Daily Life In Ancient Egypt, by Lionel Casson, Pub. by American Heritage Pub. Co., Inc. N.Y. 1975. p.98.
21* The Faces of Jesus, text by Frederick Buechner, Photo. by Lee Boltin, p.216, Pub. by Riverwood 1974, see fig.131. And also: The Christian World, by Geoffrey Barraclough, 1981, Thames & Hudson, Lon. p.10. Also: Behold the Christ, by Roland H. Bainton, 1974, p.203 (or is 3 headed?), see fig.233, see also p.202-4. Compare: Science & the Supernatural, by Aaron E. Klein, 1979, Pub. Doubleday, GC NY see p.105-7. See also: Man, Myth & Magic Vol.2 p.207, see also 1 Kings chapt.18.
22* Dictionary of Christian Lore & Legend by JCJ Metford 1983 p.107.
23* Christian Symbols Ancient & Modern, by Heather Child & Dorothy Colles, 1971, p.44-5. Also: Signs & Symbols in Christian Art, by George Ferguson, Pub. by Oxford Un. Press, NY, 1959, p.7, And: Behold The Christ by Roland H. Bainton, 1974, p.202-5. The rabbit has been used as a symbol of for the Trinity. But also the rabbit has been used as a symbol in the occult. (See: Witchcraft & Magic, by Pat Hedgson, 1978, by Wayland Pub. Lim. Eng. p.26.
24* [EAC & ECD] (TANF) Vol.4 p.461 bk.2 chap.lxxiv of (OAC) (COTTD), op. cit., p. 68. Monumental Christianity, Lundy, op. cit., p.68-70. Also: [AM] The Tanners use portions of a letter from a "member" of the Church who acknowledged that the Tanners quote from our own sources. (MSOR?) by Jerald & Sandra Tanner, 5th ed. 1987 preface p.1, 2nd col. on the right, letter from Arizona, dated July 28, 1965.
25* The Trinity: Nonsense or Good Sense? p.1, (title page).
26* Mormonism, Magic & Masonry 1983 ed. p.43, & The SLC Messenger, Issue #49 Dec. 1982, Mormonism & Magic p.5.
27* SLC, Messenger, #49, Dec. 1982 ibid. p.7 And: Mark Hofmann's Confession Vol. 1 & 2, op. cit., see Vol.1 p.43 lines 18-22 tells of his forgery "The Anthon Transcript".
28* Isa.29; The Pearl of Great Price, J.S. 2, or p.55-6. And: FARMS, Reprint, entitled: Sealed In a Book: Preliminary Observations On The Newly Found "Anthon Transcript" BAC-80 by Danel W. Bachman, Appendix 23, Linguistics MICMAC-A Translation Key? by Raymond C. Treat.
29* Mormonism, Magic & Masonry, 1983 ed. p.43 of this earlier edition compared the symbols, while later edition have deleted it.
30* Drum & Candle, by David St. Clair, 1971, p.142-44. Pub. Doubleday, op. cit., showing a triangle with a (+) symbol in it, used in Voo Doo rituals. Digging up the Bible, by Moshe Pearlman, 1980, p.14. In a medieval French Bible, is a depiction of Moses, with also the triangle as a symbol for God. The Book of Signs, by Rudolf Roch, 1930, p.3-5. Bainton, op. cit., p.203, fig.234. The Book of Art Vol.1, p.89, by George Rainbird ltd., Lon. 1965 by Grolier Inc., 7th & 8th century in North Britian, a cross with a triangle in it. Also: Metford, op. cit., p.247. pl.2-3. Our Christian Symbols, by Friedrich Rest, Illustrated by Harold Minton. The Christian Education Press, Phil. Penn. p.3. Church Symbolism, op. cit., p.5O-2, pl.v, fig.4. Medals of the United States Mint, p.259, #636, Kenneth M. Failor, 1969. Also: Symbols in the Church, by Carl Van Treeck & Aloysius Croft, 1936, Pub. by The Bruce Pub., Co., Milwaukee, p.14-16, pl.2, fig.4, & Man, Myth & Magic, Vol.9, p.2397. Croft, op. cit., p.128-9. Heraldry In America by Eugene Zieber, 1984, by Crown Pub. p.243, fig.558. The Wonderful World of Magic & Witchcraft, by Leonard R. Ashley, Pub. by Red Dembner Enterprises Corp. NY NY 1986 p.11 & 252 more on stars.
Magic, Witchcraft & the Occult by Geoffrey Lamb, MCMLXXVII p.151. The Supernatural Series, John Mason, Vol.3, Strange Powers, p.90, the triangles again in an occultic setting. In the same series Vol.2 entitled: Wisdom From Afar by Francis King, p.72, the triangle and Egyptian eye, etc. The Ensign, May 1975, p.92-4, talk given concerning the cross, and the atonement of Christ, entitled: The Symbol of Christ. Given in the April Conference, on Temple Square in the Tabernacle in SLC Ut by Gordan B Hinckley of the 12 Apostles.
31* Metford op. cit., p. 24-5, & Lewis op. cit., p.82 & 210.
32* Church Symbolism, by F.R. Webber, p.57-8, pl.VI, fig.7 (John 3:14-15, Isa. 53:5; Num.21:5-9). Man & His Symbols, by Carl G. Jung, 1964, Aldus Bks., Lon. p.236, a medieval coin has on one side Jesus on the Cross, on the other side is the snake being crucified. The cross as used in magic and the occult: Encyclopedia of Magic & Superstition, Cresent Bk. & Crown Oub. NY NY, see p.13. Christian Symbols Ancient & Modern, op. cit., p.44-5, & Zarnecki, op. cit., fig.64, also Roch, op. cit., p.12-3, etc. The snake around a pole. The Supernatural, op. cit., Alchemy, the Ancient Science p.45. Symbolic Images in the Art of the Renaissance, by E.H. Gombrich, see fig.134, Pub. in 1972, p.123-4. The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Petrovna Blavasky 1907, NY, Katharine Hillard, p.263. a snake around a winged cross. The Book of Thoth, by Aleister Crowley, 1944, reprinted 1969, 74, & 88, p. 273. This same sort of symbol is used by Doctors or Medical clinics. Does that mean that when we go to these doctors or other medical places that use this symbol, that we are in danger of being amongst occultists? Of course not! Additional references: Signs & Signets, by Ernst Lehner 1950. Dover Pub. NY p.84 fig.435. The Roots of Witchcraft, by Michael Harrison, 1973, by Citadel Press, Lyle Stuart, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, p.162 fig.23, p.112, & 162, fig.23. Church Symbolism, by F.R. Webber, op. cit., p.177, pl.XVII, fig.1. Also a medieval art work shows the a dragon snake around a cross at the base. Christ is on the cross. (Medieval Art, by Charles Rufus Morey, Marquand, 1942 by W.W. Norton & Co. Inc. NY, NY p.209. A Christian tract shows a snake around a globe. Would this be another source that one might use as being from their "own references"? the tract is entitled: Satan the god of this world. by Fellowship Tract League No.121, Lebanon, Oh, USA, would this mean that Jesus is satan? Of course not!
Under the critics logic, and tactics might one distort this to mean this, (John 3:14-15; Num.21:5-9). Lehner, op. cit., p.78, fig.433. Heraldry Sources, Symbols & Meaning, 1976, p.244. Also: Lundy, op. cit., p.397-8, fig.178; & fig.179. The Migration of Symbols, by Goblet D'Alviella, Un. Bk., NY, 1956, p.167, fig.83, & the whole book. The swastika of a sort, not exact of course, is used by the Navaho Indians, now wouldn't it be silly to thus charge them with being Nazis? What about the early Greeks? Cavendish, op. cit., Vol.10, p.2739. Symbols of Magic, by Clifford Lindsey Alderman, 1977, pub. by Julian Messner, etc. NY, NY, p.121, & Cavendish, op. cit., p.550. Dorling, op. cit., p.277-8, & Goodenough, op. cit., Vol.5 p.202 fig.64 fig.15. & Lewis, op. cit., p.245. D'Alviella, op. cit., p.2 of preface. Lamb, op. cit., p.154. Cavendish, op. cit., Vol.7 p.1945.)
33* Dictionary of Christian Lore & Legends, by JCJ Metford, 1983, p.88-9. An Outline of Christianity The Story of Our Civilization, op. cit., p.342. Hackwood, op. cit., p.185-6. Heraldry Sources, Symbols & Meaning p.50, 54, 147, fig.350, p. 242 fig.557, etc. Pub. McGraw-Hill Bk. 1976. Medals of the United States Mint by Kenneth M. Failor, 1st pub. 1969 & 72 p.259. Heraldry In America, by Eugene Zieber, Greenwich House Dist., by Coven Pub. NY 1984 p.242-3 fig.557 p.147 fig.350.
34* The Art of Byzantium, p.144, by David Talbot Rice, p.144, 168-9, 1100 & 1150 AD Mosaic depictions of Christ making the "horned hand." The Supernatural, by Douglas Hill & Pat Williams, Pub. by Hawthorn Bks. Pub. NY, 1965 Aldus Bks, Lim. Lon. p.200. More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, by Jacob Aranza. Pub. by Huntington House, Inc. Shreveport Lous. 1985 p.79-2. Goodenough, op. cit., vol.5 p.203. Early Christian & Byzantine Art, by John Beckwith 1st pub. in 1970 Penguin Bks. Harmondsworth Middlesex, Eng. p.279 fig.243. The Evil Eye by Frederick Elworthy Pub. by the Julian Press 1958 p.265-7 fig.113 & 115. Die Kunst Des Fruhen Mittelalters Von Max Hauttmann Pu. by Zweite Auflage 1929 by Propylaen-verlag CMBH in Berlin p.246. Beyond Science, op. cit., p.120-1. Other finger language is seen being used by both rivals. The Supernatural Series, op. cit., Vol.3, They had strange powers, by Colin Wilson Pub. Doubleday, op. cit., 1975 p.90. Signs of the Times #178 p.4, Independence Mo. Mon. June 21 1972, Truth about the Peace Symbols, by David E. Gumaer, The Ut. Indep. vol.1 #11 SLC Aug. 28 1970 p.4-9. Webber, op. cit., p.335. & Elworthy, op. cit., p.286 fig.131. & (TN&PNF) 2nd series, Vol.6 St. Jerome on Finger language p.67, 233, 347 & 507.
35* The Prince of Darkness, by Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1988 Cornell Un., Ithaca, NY., p.49. And: (TANF) Vol.5, p.175, Hippolytus, Fragments From Commentaries. And: Behold the Christ, Bainton, op. cit., p.203, fig.234.
36* Art in the Early Church, Lowrie op. cit., pl.144-b. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary p.207. Pub. 1980 by Hodder & Stoughton (Australia), & op. cit., p.1498. The World of the Bible, p.166. Josephus Complete Works, Trans. by Willaim Whiston, A.M., 1960 p.77. Gen.28:10-12, 22. 31:44-52; Joshua 4:1-3; 6-9; 20-4; 24:26-7. Ashley, op. cit., p.102-3, 107-8, & 1 Cor.10:1-4; Eph.2:20-1. The World of the Bible, op. cit., p.167. Signs & Symbols in Christian Art, by George Ferguson, Pub. Oxford Un. Press, NY, 1959, 24. & Webber, op. cit., p.57 pl.6 fig.12. & (Unpublished research paper by Allen Richardson, An Index of Biblical Polemics, p.52. Rev.2:17.
37* (TGM) by Ed Decker & David Hunt, 1984, pub. Harvest House Pub. Eugene, Oregon, op. cit.
38* On Sat. Feb. 1, 1992, at the Whitmore Library. Van Hale & others responded to some of the things that the [AM] Dick Bear had been saying in his [AM] presentations throughout different meetings held in Utah between Sun. Jan. 19, 1992 & Sunday Feb. 2, 1992. In which Mr. Baer had repeated the same presentation & attack on the Mormon Church, entitled: "Mormon Claims on Trial."
Van Hale, Bill Forrest, with the help of Steven Mayfield (Mormon Miscellaneous), & Martin Tanner, Lee Pope & Matthew Roper all gave talks responding to some of the charges & claims that Mr. Baer had been presenting.
Van Hale cited examples in the Bible in which the biblical prophets used different objects (such as cups, stones, rods, handkerchiefs, (Acts 19:12) & other things), in order to help them to tap into the divine powers of God in order to bring about some sort of miracle. He mentions such things in order to point out what might happen if someone was to take [AM] logic & their "test" one step further. His basic point & question that he wanted the [AM] critics who were there, to ask themselves was: "Can the Biblical prophets pass this same sort of "test" that the [AM] critics are "testing" Mormonism with? Critics have claimed that the different objects (the Urim & Thummim, stones), & other objects were "magical" derive from occult practices. Van Hale points out that the biblical prophets used the same sorts of things. The critics should be more fair, honest, & careful & not attack Mormonism with tests & logic that the critics' own biblical prophets would not be able to pass. (See also: The SLC Tribune Vol. 243 #96, Sat. Jan. 18, 1992, Religion A-8 & A-9, op. cit. And: The SLC Tribune, Sat. Feb. 1, 1992, Religion p.A8, op. cit., And: When Our Faith Is Challenged, Thorpe, op. cit., Vol.2 p.128-135, & 161, etc. (unpublished manuscript at this time).
39* The Truth About "The Godmakers" by Gilbert W. Scharffs, p.140. See also: The Gospel of the Great Spirit, Joshua Moses Bennett, 1990, op. cit., p.436, Exhibit 7.1, Mosiah 8:19; 28:13, Ex.28:30; Lev.8:8, Antiq. of the Jews, Bk.3., ch.8., footnote on p.77, op. cit.
40* (COTTD), R.J. Hoffmann, op. cit., p.95-8. (TANF) Vol.4 p.588, (OAC) bk.6 chap.34 p.589-91.
Recognizing Disinformation Tactics in the Media
DaRell D. Thorpe
How to recognize Disinformation Tactics in the media.
How hate groups cause prejudices, misunderstandings, & hate against their rivals through disinformation tactics used against their rivals' ideologies, beliefs, and symbols.
How prejudices, misunderstandings, hate and rivalry between different groups, cultures, religions, and people, have arisen because of how some people use disinformation tactics to paint a negative picture of their rivals' beliefs, ideologies & symbols.
Today, these tactics cause many people to suffer discriminations, because many still believe that those who use this symbol, are Satanists.
Historical Cases & Examples of those who have been harmed by disinformation tactics:
Case 1: Historically, many have suffered inequalities, & even martyrdom, for early Christian history is filled with such cases, due to these tactics.
Case 2: In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave: during the 1600's —1900's, these tactics dehumanized blacks, so as to justify enslaving & murdering them.
Case 3: In B. H. Robert’s Comprehensive History of the Church, in the 1840's, Mormons were mobbed & murdered because of these tactics.
Case 4: In Video Treasures’ The Occult History of the Third Reich, and Peter Levenda’s Unholy Alliance: Nazi Germany, during the 1930's & 40's, murdered cripples, the old, mental handicaps, & millions of Jews, because they were dehumanized through these tactics.
Case 5: Communists, during this century, have justified slaughtering millions, through these tactics.
Case 6: Now, millions of unborn humans are dehumanized by these tactics, to justify abortions.
To understand how disinformation tactics work, I'm going to vilify some good organizations.
Mock warning about the (Scouting program).
1. This first group eats smashed up, extra bloody, dead cows. (Hamburgers).
2. Perform certain hand clasping rites, & oaths. (Scout hand shakes & oaths to do good).
3. Use pentagrams. (Star on scout badges).
4. Knifes, & ropes. (During camping trips).
5. At their night meetings in the mountains, they encircle fires to chant. (Scout camping activities, singing songs around the camp fire).
6. They use eagles symbols (Eagle badge). Like Hitler's Nazis did in Germany.
Mock warning about the Police
1. This other group is even more deadly, using knifes, clubs, & guns, to kill people. (Police weaponry. In some cases, the police have to shoot back at the bad guys).
2. They use stars, take oaths, & eat smashed up, bloody dead cows too. (Police badges, logos, oaths, and hamburgers).
3. They’ll hunt you down, especially if you don’t pay them money. (Court orders, warrants, arrests, and fines).
4. They’ll put you in places were you could be beaten, killed, & raped. (If you don’t pay for court fines, you could go to jail where you could be mistreated by other inmates).
What do you think we ought to do about these groups? Who do you think I'm talking about? Answers: 1. The Scouting Program 2. The Police.
Nazis & Communists have vilified the U.S. Military with these same tactics.
Exposing disinformation tactics: Here’s how they work. I used . . . .
1. Negative descriptions of their food, tools, & weapons. (Hamburger as smashed up dead cow).
2. Half truths. You weren’t told full truths about their good deeds, & what they stood for.
3. Leading the audience. These gross descriptions & half truths caused you to think negatively about them.
4. Misinterpreting their symbols, ceremonies, & oaths. You were guided to believe that there symbols, etc., were evil because of how they were associated with bad groups’ symbols, etc.
5. Shocking generalizations: Playing on the audiences’ ignorance, a negative picture was painted in your minds through shocking generalizations. How do you think people in India would react if you didn’t explain the sacrament, but just said that: “Christians drink blood.”?
A rose vilified: It’s bloody red, with sharp spikes that stab into your fingers when you hold it.
A soft drink vilified: How many people would buy a lot of the processed food if ads only presented the chemically induced ingredients on the back labels. Under these tactics, an Anti-Soft Drink ad might sound like this: Have you ever wondered what “Sodium Benzoate,” “Gum Arabic,” “Erythorbic Acid,” & “Yellow 5" was doing to your body? Wasn’t “Yellow 5" that stuff they sprayed on the jungles in Nam? Besides, these other chemicals sound like they could zap zits, don’t they?
A dollar bill vilified:
During 18th century Europe, Adam Weishaupt’s anti-religious Illuminati Order, used the triangle with an eye, as one of their symbols.
On this dollar is that symbol, plus, in Latin, Novus Ordo Seclorum: The “New World Order.”
Stop using this international secret society’s symbol, get rid of them! I’ll even help you. Just give me all your dollars, & I’ll make sure they are properly disposed of.
Christendom also uses these symbols to represent the trinity, hence, are they part of this plot? No!
Under early anti-Christian disinformation, they were!
1: One 2nd century critic, Celsus, wrote: Christians speak of a “tree of life and of resurrection of the flesh by the tree. . . [What] if he [Christ] had happened to be thrown off a cliff, or pushed into a pit, or suffocated by strangling, . . . there would have been a cliff of life . . . or a pit of resurrection, or a rope of immortality . . .”
2: “In nineteenth-century China, opposition to aggressive missionary activity was expressed . . .[in] anti-Christian literature. . . . the fact that the Chinese character for ‘Lord’ is homophonous with that for ‘pig’. Christ is depicted as a pig. . . “ This is similar to how the anti-Mormon “Christian” Ed Decker, in the movie, The God Makers, used a play on the Chinese word, “Mormo,” in attempting to associate one of its meanings, “the gaits of hell,” with Mormons.
Symbols: Only one meaning?
Watch out for doctors, they use the snake curled around a cross symbol?
Beware of Born Again Christians’ magical fish symbols too? (The early Christian father, Clement of Alexandria, [153-193-217 A.D.], wrote that the Egyptians used the symbol of a fish, "as a fish of hate").
Stay clear of pornographic Christendom’s trinity! (Both Play Boy, and Christendom have used rabbits as their symbols?
Look out for demon-like Gargoyles out side some Christian churches! (Symbolic of evils out side in the world, as compared to the spiritual safety to be found with in).
Warning! Masons seek to take over the world. (Inasmuch as the Mason got many of their hand clasping rites? & symbols by carving them into the stone monuments for the Christian leaders, are Christians conspiratorial too? See Research notes and comments).
Symbols are Simply Simple
Ed: locks himself in his house calls his friend Bill. Accuses the boy scouts of being a cult, because of their symbols. Seeks Bill’s help in keeping them away.
Bill: If I was to call the police, you wouldn’t like the star they use too.
Ed: I’ll call the army then!
Bill, just don’t get them to do any thing above and beyond the call of duty for you.
Ed. Why?
Bill: They will be awarded the 5-pointed pentagram like metal of valor.
Ed. What if I was poisoned by them?
Bill: I wouldn’t be able to send the poisoned control people in after you because their scull and cross bones they use would make you think Nazi SS soldiers were coming for you.
Ed: What if I was dying and needed to go to the doctor.
Bill: You wouldn’t like that either because of the snake curled around a cross symbol might get you to think you were being seen by witch doctors.
Ed: What am I going to do?
Bill: First, you can start by seeking to understand how each faiths’ symbols & rituals have their own meanings in their own historical settings to interpret them in. Second, drop these preconceived, misinformed interpretations derived from disinformation in the media.
What are the 5 tactics to watch out for? Negative descriptions. Half truths. Leading the audience. Misinterpreting things. Shocking generalizations.
Why is it important that we suspect & question presentations made by those who attempt to tell us what their rivals’ beliefs, interpretations, symbols, and rituals are? Answer: Because they may have used disinformation tactics to vilify them.
See if you can pick out disinformation tactics during the mud slinging that goes on between Politicians which are now seeking your vote.
Remember the millions, murdered, because of these disinformation tactics. Let us watch out for them, so that we don’t cause others harm by passing on disinformation through gossip chains.
Historical Data and Research Materials
Understanding satanic symbols:
Satanism blasphemously maltreats Christian objects, symbols & ceremonies. As they wreck its symbols they think that “the powers of evil can be invoked by the simple process of standing Christian morality and ritual upon its head." "Typically, all aspects of the ceremony were done in reverse, [] since Satan is the reverse [] of God.” “All these religious rites and representations-- initiation, sacrifice, prayer, hymns, myth, scripture-- are frequently . . . done backwards.”
Reversal principle in Rock music:
Edward Alexander Crowley, A.D., 1875-1947, was one Occultist who set the standard for “backmasking” or reverse satanic, and anti-Christ messages said to be popularized in Rock music of the late 1960's — 1990's.
Styx: Snow Blind played backwards says: “O Satan move in our voices.” Their group’s name is spelled after a river in hell called Styx.
Queen: Another one Bites the dust, in reverse says:"Start to smoke marijuana"
AC/DC, sings about being Back in Black, are they making reference to the reversal of the white robes that Christian put on after Baptism? Or the black vestments worn in some satanic black masses? In historic Christendom white garments, or robes were worn after baptism to symbolize purity. White Sunday, in later centuries, became a traditional feast that preserved this symbolism. The reversal of this is the black robes that Satanist put on during their Black Sabbaths.
In early to later Christianity Christ, Adam and the resurrected saints are glorified in the resurrection. If this was reversed, instead of being glorious, they would be darkened.
A.D. 160, The Shepherd of Hermas, symbolically presents garments, and color symbolism to suggest the degree of sins, or the degree of righteousness of those clothed in different colors of garments. Isaiah, John & Hermas present the colors of garments as a symbolical type of the degrees of the righteousness or wickedness of a person. Garments are symbolic in the mysteries of the deification in the after life realms.
Demonification is the reversal of deification. Hence, instead of becoming more like Christ, God and the holy angels, as in deification. In demonification you become more like the devil and his fallen angels, you are demonified. . . Thus, Whit Sunday is really a corruption of White Sunday. And Black Sabbath is the reversal of this historic Christian symbolism. If this is reversed in Satanism, and other earlier secret societies, then, instead of becoming more like Christ, they believe that they will become more like the Satan.
The Two Ways: Many early Christians understood that upon being "saved" they would not be demonified, or damned in hell with the wicked. However, upon being "saved" they not only believed that they were being "saved" from the devil & hell, but they also believed that in being "saved" they would be deified. Thus the ultimate "salvation" in early Christian thought was to become a god, or goddess. To be deified.
Both historic Christianity and Satanism have hand clasping rituals:
A 12th century art work depicts Theophilus making a pact with the devil. Theophilus has “his hands between Satan's in the sign of feudal homage.” The same types of feudal homage hand grasping; and the kiss of peace, which includes a hand clasp, is seen in depictions of Christ’s descent into hell. Plus, the hand grips which were carried over into the wandering Christ traditions, in which monks would greet, with a hand clasping kiss of peace: wanders, pilgrims, and others, whom they believed were Christ in different guises. These same types of hand grips, found so often in historic Christendom, must have also been counterfeited and blended into the traditional pacts with Satan.
Fra Angelico (Giovanni Guido, A.D. 1387—1455), depicts Christ the Pilgrim in an art work found in the Monastery of San Marco, Florence, Italy.
Ritualistic hand & wrist clasp are very common in historic Christendom’s art works, symbolism, iconography, illumination manuscripts, stone carvings, & rituals. .
A symbol that is often seen around after-life realm travelers, or pilgrims, as though they were passing through it like it was the exit or entrance to another state of existence. For example, we see this in art works that show Christ, saints, or souls ascending into heaven. Or of Christ's descent into hell. () The mandorla symbol is often seen in art work of realm travel, etc.
In the back ground scenes of a late 15th century art work are two monks. The other grasps the crippled monk’s hand in the same types of ways in which God grasps Eve’s hands to raise her out of Adam’s side. In one depiction, the hand shake between God and Eve is surrounded by a circle of praying angels. Furthermore, this same type of hand shake is seen in the manner in which Adam and Christ grasp each others’ hands in depictions of Christ raising souls out of limbo, and purgatory. But also, they are the same types of clasps that people greet each other with, in art works depicting scenes in Paradise. These types of greetings seem to be derived from the early to later Christian mysteries, and liturgies. Much of which centers on the wounds Christ received on the cross. In earlier centuries, the early anti-Christians, such as Caecilius, and Fronto were disturbed by this type of symbolism being used among the early Christians. Caecilius charges that “they recognize each other by secret marks”. Fronto ascribes this to them: “When they extend the hand for greeting at the bottom of the palm they make a tickling touch and from this they ascertain whether the person who appeared is of their faith.” Fredk. WM. Hackwood notes that Christian symbolism was fostered by the horrors through which the early Christians had to pass through during times of persecutions. “The prevalence of symbolism in early Christian art is thought to have been due to fear of detection and punishment, if Christian subjects were depicted openly.” Thus, “Symbols were invented and used as secret signs by which the Christian brethren could recognise each other.” John P. Lundy wrote that “all the symbols of Christianity were ordained primarily to teach pure doctrine, and that they were necessarily used to distinguish Christianity from paganism, and as signs and watchwords to discriminate between friend and foe, true and false, hypocrites and genuine Christians.”
These greetings, in some cases, seem to have included different types of hand, and wrist grasps. At least, this is what another art work, dated A.D. 1400—1455, seems to suggests. For it shows two monks clasping each others hands, except in a different manner as the one depicted and mentioned earlier. For example, in an art work, A.D. 1389, by Taddeo di Bartolo, (1362/63—1422), Christ descends out of heaven to grasp the wrists of Mary in this version of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary. . Later artists depict Thomas' hand, or wrist being grasped by Christ, while he feels the wound in Christ's side. Thomas is said to have went to preach the gospel in India.
Historically, some of the symbols for both Christ and Satan were snakes, the horned hand, lions, & Goats.
Additional Sources:
Triangles: Jerald & Sandra Tanner, Mormonism, Magic & Masonry, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Lighthouse Ministries, 1983 ed. p.43 of this earlier edition compared the symbols, while later edition have deleted it. Drum & Candle, by David St. Clair, 1971, p.142-44. Pub. Doubleday, op. cit., showing a triangle with a (+) symbol in it, used in Voo Doo rituals. Digging up the Bible, by Moshe Pearlman, 1980, p.14. In a medieval French Bible, is a depiction of Moses, with also the triangle as a symbol for God. The Book of Signs, by Rudolf Roch, 1930, p.3-5. Bainton, Behold the Christ, p.203, fig.234. The Book of Art Vol.1, p.89, by George Rainbird ltd., Lon. 1965 by Grolier Inc., 7th & 8th century in North Britian, a cross with a triangle in it. Our Christian Symbols, by Friedrich Rest, Illustrated by Harold Minton. The Christian Education Press, Phil. Penn. p.3. Church Symbolism, op. cit., p.5O-2, pl.v, fig.4. Medals of the United States Mint, p.259, #636, Kenneth M. Failor, 1969. Also: Symbols in the Church, by Carl Van Treeck & Aloysius Croft, 1936, Pub. by The Bruce Pub., Co., Milwaukee, p.14-16, pl.2, fig.4; Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, Vol.9, p.2397. Croft, op. cit., p.128-9. Heraldry In America by Eugene Zieber, 1984, by Crown Pub. p.243, fig.558.
Stars: The Wonderful World of Magic & Witchcraft, by Leonard R. Ashley, Pub. by Red Dembner Enterprises Corp. NY NY 1986 p.11 & 252 more on stars. Magic, Witchcraft & the Occult by Geoffrey Lamb, MCMLXXVII p.151. The Supernatural Series, John Mason, Vol.3, Strange Powers, p.90, the triangles again in an occult setting. In the same series Vol.2 entitled: Wisdom From Afar by Francis King, p.72, the triangle and Egyptian eye, etc.
Other symbols: Church Symbolism, by F.R. Webber, p.57-8, pl.VI, fig.7 (John 3:14-15, Isa. 53:5; Num.21:5-9). Man & His Symbols, by Carl G. Jung, 1964, Aldus Bks., Lon. p.236, a medieval coin has on one side Jesus on the Cross, on the other side is the snake being crucified. The cross as used in magic and the occult: Encyclopedia of Magic & Superstition, Cresent Bk. & Crown Oub. NY NY, see p.13. Christian Symbols Ancient & Modern, op. cit., p.44-5, & Zarnecki, op. cit., fig.64, also Roch, op. cit., p.12-3, etc. The snake around a pole. The Supernatural, op. cit., Alchemy, the Ancient Science p.45. Symbolic Images in the Art of the Renaissance, by E.H. Gombrich, see fig.134, Pub. in 1972, p.123-4. The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Petrovna Blavasky 1907, NY, Katharine Hillard, p.263. a snake around a winged cross. The Book of Thoth, by Aleister Crowley, 1944, reprinted 1969, 74, & 88, p. 273. This same sort of symbol is used by Doctors or Medical clinics. Does that mean that when we go to these doctors or other medical places that use this symbol, that we are in danger of being amongst occultists? Of course not! Additional references: Signs & Signets, by Ernst Lehner 1950. Dover Pub. NY p.84 fig.435. The Roots of Witchcraft, by Michael Harrison, 1973, by Citadel Press, Lyle Stuart, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, p.162 fig.23, p.112, & 162, fig.23. Church Symbolism, by F.R. Webber, op. cit., p.177, pl.XVII, fig.1. Also a medieval art work shows the a dragon snake around a cross at the base. Christ is on the cross. (Medieval Art, by Charles Rufus Morey, Marquand, 1942 by W.W. Norton & Co. Inc. NY, NY p.209. A Christian tract shows a snake around a globe. Would this be another source that one might use as being from their "own references"? the tract is entitled: Satan the god of this world. by Fellowship Tract League No.121, Lebanon, Oh, USA, would this mean that Jesus is Satan? Of course not! Under the critics logic, and tactics might one distort this to mean this, (John 3:14-15; Num.21:5-9). Lehner, op. cit., p.78, fig.433. Heraldry Sources, Symbols & Meaning, 1976, p.244. John P. Lundy, Monumental Christianity, p.397-8, fig.178; & fig.179. The Migration of Symbols, by Goblet D'Alviella, Un. Bk., NY, 1956, p.167, fig.83, & the whole book. The swastika of a sort, not exact of course, is used by the Navaho Indians, now wouldn't it be silly to thus charge them with being Nazis? What about the early Greeks? Cavendish, Man, Myth, and Magic, Vol.10, p.2739. Symbols of Magic, by Clifford Lindsey Alderman, 1977, pub. by Julian Messner, etc. NY, NY, p.121, & Cavendish, op. cit., p.550. Dictionary of Christian Lore & Legends, by JCJ Metford, 1983. The Art of Byzantium, p.144, by David Talbot Rice, p.144, 168-9, 1100 & 1150 AD Mosaic depictions of Christ making the "horned hand." The Supernatural, by Douglas Hill & Pat Williams, Pub. by Hawthorn Bks. Pub. NY, 1965 Aldus Bks, Lim. Lon. p.200. More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, by Jacob Aranza. Pub. by Huntington House, Inc. Shreveport Lous. 1985 p.79-2. Early Christian & Byzantine Art, by John Beckwith 1st pub. in 1970 Penguin Bks. Harmondsworth Middlesex, Eng. p.279 fig.243. The Evil Eye by Frederick Elworthy Pub. by the Julian Press 1958 p.265-7 fig.113 & 115. Other finger language is seen being used by both rivals. The Supernatural Series, op. cit., Vol.3, They Had Strange Powers, by Colin Wilson Pub. Doubleday, op. cit., 1975 p.90. The Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol.6 St. Jerome on Finger language p.67, 233, 347 & 507. The Gods of the Egyptians, by E. A. Wallis Budge, M.A., etc. Vol.2, p.73 Pub. by Methuen & Co. Lon. Eng. 1904; Daily Life In Ancient Egypt, by Lionel Casson, Pub. by American Heritage Pub. Co., Inc. N.Y. 1975. p.98; The Faces of Jesus, text by Frederick Buechner, Photo. by Lee Boltin, p.216, Pub. by Riverwood 1974, see fig.131; The Christian World, by Geoffrey Barraclough, 1981, Thames & Hudson, Lon. p.10; Behold the Christ, by Roland H. Bainton, 1974, p.203 (or is 3 headed?), see fig.233, see also p.202-4. Compare: Science & the Supernatural, by Aaron E. Klein, 1979, Pub. Doubleday, GC NY see p.105-7; Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, Vol.2 p.207, see also 1 Kings chapter 18.
[See references to #18].1* Some of us [PMD]s have written a number of responses to [AM] critics who have gone to an extreme, & who have misrepresented, misinterpreted & distorted the points & intentions of the different things we had attempted to show them. For we have at times, attempted to show to the anti-Mormon "Christians" that their (the critics') own writings, symbols, doctrines, rituals, scriptures (the bible) etc., would not be able to pass the same tactics & test that the critics place the Mormons under. Some critics have charged us with "attacking the bible" & Christianity. When all we are doing is showing to our critics how their own tactics, ill-logic, standards, etc. would look if it was placed on themselves & the bible that we & they believe in. And that they themselves are attacking their own bible, in a round about way. We also want to point out to them that their own tactics etc. show up again in the tactics of the early & modern anti-Christians, & Atheists.
A friend of mine gave me his unpublished manuscript. As a fellow defender of the Mormon faith. He compares the parallels in the Bible with magic & the occult. Thus making the point mentioned above. To show to the anti-Mormon "Christians" (who look for parallels in Mormonism, & magic & the occult), that their own tactics and logic, etc., has already been used against the bible, by Atheists, etc. But to also show to them that the bible wouldn't be able to pass the same test that they (the anti-Mormon "Christians") place on Mormonism. Thus Allen Richardson wrote: "An Index Of Biblical Polemics", (of which is still an unpublished manuscript at this time, as far as I know.)
1* [EAC] (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.98 100-1 & 109. (PR&TEC), Benko, op. cit., p.103-139. (COTTD) Hoffmann, op. cit., p.43, 53, 55-60, 66 & 97-99. (TANF) Vol.4 p.413, 427-8, 434, 437, 452 & 591, op. cit., (OAC). (PC&EC) Garretson, op. cit., p.47-9, 73-4 etc. [AM] (MSOR?) Tanners, 1987 Ed., op. cit., p.41-49D. Mormonism Magic & Masonry, Tanners, op. cit., p.5 etc. Early Mormonism & the Magic World View by D. Michael Quinn, op. cit., p.1-5, etc.
This book by Quinn has an anti-Mormon tone & bias to it. Quinn points out that (with the use of parallels), both the early Christians & early Mormons have been looked at by their rivals as doing miracles by the use of magic. This biased claim was made by early anti-Mormons, now also being repeated by modern. The same charge was made by early anti-Christians, now being repeated by modern anti-Christian writers and Atheists. Acts 19:12. (TGM) ibid. etc.
This subject has been discussed & will be continued to be discussed throughout this book. Both the ancient & modern critics have made these same sorts of claims & charges against their rivals' leaders.
[EAC]1* I have also heard other anti-Mormons bring up this charge. I would ask them what: `What does the God of the Bible plan to do before His second coming?' Besides this sort of `1st coming' to the different parts of the earth was predicted by the prophets.2* In that they saw great changes in the elements at the time of Christ death on the cross, great storms, earth quakes, etc. & darkness covered the earth even in other nations of the earth. Then Christ appeared in other parts of the earth, healing the sick, wounded, & teaching the Gospel.3*
1* [EAC] (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.77-8, 82, 86 & 106-7. Compare: [AM] Joseph Smith & the Gold Plates (A Close Look at the Book of Mormon) by Gordon H. Fraser 1978, Pub. Industrial Litho, Eugene Oregon p.77-81, last 2 par. on p.81.
2* Christ’s first coming to the remnant of Joseph & other scatter peoples of the world. (Amos 5:15-20) His 2nd Coming: Nahum 1:5; Joel 2:28-32; (Believed by some early Christians to be fulfilled in Acts 2:17-21). See Joel chapt.3; 2 Pet.3:10-12.
3* (See note 2*). The Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 8:5-25, chapters 9-26. Christ's visit to the ancient americas. Also: The Gospel of the Great Spirit, Joshua Moses Bennett, op. cit., p.315-384. (TANF) 2, p.490-1, op. cit.
During the Mark Hofmann scam & forgeries, already mentioned, all kinds of stories, rumors, theories, and charges were made by anti-Mormons in different parts of the country and even in some parts of the world. KTKK, KBBX, KZZI, & other radio stations, became the place for different ones to call up & spew forth their hate, rumors, theories, claims, & false charges against the Church and the Mormon people in general.
Thousands of anti-Mormon tracts were passed out by anti-Mormons, containing false charges, rumors, etc., that were later shown to be false. Many false rumors and stories were also spread about Joseph Smith, and the Mormons, which have been brought back and passed on by modern anti-Mormons. Christ, his Apostles, & the early Christians' enemies spread all kinds of false rumors, and stories about them also.1*
It seems to have been a challenge for researcher on both sides of the situation, from both rival camps, the anti-Mormon & pro-Mormon writers to sift through the ever mounting information. One of the things that has happened on both sides of the situation is coming across rumors, forgeries, stories, legends, and documents, have been passed on as if fact. Anti-Mormon rumors & false stories are sometimes passed on, & such things come back to haunt the anti-Mormons when the truth in the matter is found out. Forgeries & stories, rumors, & other claims, have also come to haunt us who are of the Mormon Church as well. So we can't point our finger at just the anti-Mormons alone for telling stories, & passing around rumors, forgeries, etc., because we have been faced with this challenge as well. Some people fail to check out the source behind the story, etc., & thus pass it on as if it were true. Or others resort to dishonest tactics, in order to obtain the desired results that they want.
Early Christianity was faced with this challenge as well. As writers on both sides of the situation, attempt to gather information for the subject that they write about, they risk the chance of coming across a source that has problems, false rumors, & forgeries in it. And thus must recall and take out such things, when they find out about them later.2*
Some studies have been done on questionable rumors, stories, & remarkable so-called reports of different apocryphal materials that sometimes find there way into the church, perhaps just as in ancient times. Such as the so called 1739 "prophecy" that predicted of a restoration, prophets, temples, etc., to be brought back to earth with in a 100 years from 1739. This "great" prediction was said to have been by a Catholic monk "Lutius Gratus". Some researchers have questioned the authenticity of this so-called prediction & thus it has been classified as "LDS Apocryphal" materials & sources.3*
I have seen this questionable "prophecy" on a carbon copy, with out references. I tracked down more information on it. It seems to be another rumor, or questionable source that some Mormons feel helps support the predictions concerning the "restoration". It seems to have been passed around from time to time. There are however, early Jewish & Christian references that are accepted as being true accounts of the predictions concerning restorations, & a "Joseph the Restorer" who would come in the latter days, being guided by God to restore & refresh the ancient religion, scriptures, temple, etc. And there are also legends & traditions amongst the early Hebrew & Israelite writings. But also the early to later Christians & Ancient peoples of the Americas also have similar beliefs.4*
Recently a so-called "defender of faith" (the Mormon church), & a so called "converted anti-Mormon" showed his true self, on a number of radio programs. He claimed that he was a sort of double agent, & had written a anti-Mormon book, that was disguised as a pro-Mormon book exposing anti-Mormons. At least this is what he has claimed on some radio programs & during different phone calls.5* The strange story behind this situation might remind the reader of the similar situations in the early Church, such as in the case of Julian "the apostate."6*
He later however claimed that was not a Mormon & had been some sort of double agent. This has caused shock waves to go forth amongst both the anti-Mormons & Mormons sides. Because some on both sides don't want anything to do with him now. While others have attempted to find out his side of the story. If he was a double agent for the anti-Mormons, then they made the mistake of exposing him on their radio shows. But at the same time, when he started making his claims to being a double dealing agent. Some of the Mormon defenders disowned him, & now don't trust him. It seems that he still is attempting to get both rival sides to support him, & give him money for his scam. And both sides will now not claim him as being of them. Perhaps because they are still attempting to figure out what he is doing or what his intentions are.7*
In early Christianity similar situations had caused the same sorts of problems. Such as with the case with Peregrinus Proteus who lived during the 2nd century AD, (110-165, born in Parium in Mysia in the northwest corner of Asia Minor). Lucian of Samosata, wrote that Peregrinus was not a typical Christian, but though he had been a Christian & perhaps had even been at one time a defender of the Christian cause, he seemed to have faded out of the Church into extreme beliefs in the end.8*
During those early centuries, there were others who had taken advantage of the different situations, when it was profitable for them to be a Christian, but who also faded out of the early Church when hard times came, or when they were discovered as being "false" members. There were also others who had set themselves up as great leaders in order to draw out a following after them, such as with the case with Simon the Samaritan magician who's interests in Christianity may have been for selfish, greedy purposes & reasons, & who want wealth, power, & glory for himself as if some sort of god.9*
Peregrinus who joined the Christians, to later go out from amongst the Christians into other religious sects. Is really only one example in many. For this is said to have been a common situation in the early Church. It was said that he (Peregrinus) had homosexual experiences some time before he had joined the Christian movement. Later he was converted to Christianity at some time during his life while he was in Palestine. In a short time, he became a prominent member of the Christian community there. He rose to leadership over a congregation, wrote several books, & was regarded by many as a prophet. He was later arrested for being a Christian, & sent to jail. The different members of his congregation came to visit him, or sent gifts, food, & they read the scriptures to him, & treated like as if he were a martyr. "...People accused Peregrinus of enriching himself with the money that Christian sent him...", & the other comforts, & pagans were not alone in this, for Tertullian (a Christian), warned that these Christians were going to far in their concerns for the prisoners, having set up cookshops, etc., to serve untrustworthy & questionable martyrs. He mentions examples of comforts that the prisoners were being given, & so he questioned whether or not such a one, or ones should be given the rank of martyr. This practiced of helping the Christian prisoners continued until the time of Constantine the Great (285-337) AD, when persecutions against the Christians stopped, & when Christianity became the state religion.
Peregrinus was later released from prison, & later, some of the Christians took care of him, until something happened that turned many of them against him. He was later excommunicated. He wandered into Egypt, became a pupil of the philosospher Agathobolus, & became a Cynic. Later he went to different cities in the empire, giving lectures, such as at Athens. Later, (perhaps because he may have been seeking attention for himself), he later announced at the Olympic games, that he was going to kill himself to prove a point. This caught the attention of many people, & later at the age of 65, he jumped into a flaming pit of fire, thus ending his own life by a dramatic extreme act of suicide in front of a number of on-lookers. Such a tragic end was for what? To gain some attention for some fanatical religious & philosophical ideas & reasons? Lucian of Samosata (ca. 120-ca. 180), says because he (Peregrinus) had been "...merely a lunatic driven by hunger for publicity...." Others looked upon him with respect, and wrote about him. There was mixed emotions concerning the whole situation. Lucian, a Greek writer, in his tract: "The Passing of Peregrinus", considered him as nothing more than a charlatan & con-man, who had taken advantage of the illiterate Christians, who were known to be gullible & easy targets for charlatans, tricksters, & racketeers, who came in amongst them, gained popularity, & got rich off them, in some cases.10*
Some early Christian documents warned against those seem to want to take advantage of the charity of the Christians. If some one was to drift into town as if on a journey, & was to stay for 2 or 3 days, & did not do any work, or didn't do anything that looked like they were attempting to improve their situation. Then such persons' intentions came into questioned, & the Christians were cautioned not to over do it in helping the person or persons, even though they may have claimed to be Christian. They were taught to love all people, it was true, & help those in need, but they also were to be careful not to be to extreme, in that there were "false Christians" & even some members out there seeking to take advantage of their hospitality, if they could.11*
As it was anciently, so also in many ways, we have seen similar situation arise in modern Christianity, but also the restored Church has not been immune to this problem either. Our leaders have also warned us against different ones who want to take advantage of the charity & hospitality of members. And have warned that we should check things out before making investments, etc., & not to take the a person on their words, just because a prominent member in leadership, or a bishop, or who ever, is claiming that it is Church approved, or that other members support the investment. For there are different ones out there who are using the Church's name, & the Church or some prominent members' name, etc. in order to get rich quick off of the more gullible members who trust the product, system, or situation, because of the front thus set by such individuals. Our critics, (while they have been quick to point out this problem in some Mormon communities, they also) know that some of their own Christians, & other Christian sects, have also had to deal with different prominent "Christian" who have gone to an extreme in their evangelizing for money. And some T.V. Evangelists who have abused their power, & money for wicked practices. And so it seems that we all are faced with an age old challenge & problem, & thus have always been warned against such things, that we should be on our guard. So it seems that the ancient to modern question may have been suspiciously asked with in some givers. Was the person really in need? Or was the person attempting to take advantage of the situation as much as they could?12*
1* [PMD] Mormonism & Early Christianity, by Huge Nibley Vol.4 of Col. p.7. & The Mythmakers, Nibley. Also: [AM] (NMKMH) Brodie, op. cit., p.16-33. (MSOR?), Tanners 1987, op. cit., p.36-41, etc. The SLC Messenger Sept. 1987 ULM #64: Hofmann Talks! p.24 "Devils all over?"
2* [AM] SLC Messenger Oct.1989 #73 ULM, Tanners p.5-15: Mormon & Anti-Mormon Forgeries. Also: Ibid., #78 June 1991: DUNN IN THE NAME OF GOD! p.1-6, & 10. Mormonism's Temple of Doom by James Spencer & Willaim Schnoebelen. (Contains false charges, claims & wild stories. [PMD] The Ensign Jan. 1973, p.104-8, Pres. Harold B. Lee: To the Defenders of the Faith. The Era June 1970 p.63-5 Lee, op. cit. The Ensign, May 1982, p.62-4, op. cit., Benson. Deseret News 8-8-1987, p.4 & 13, op. cit., The Ensign, May 1982, p.25-27 `Spiritual Guides for Teachers of Righteousness' by Gene R. Cook. The Ensign, May 1985, p.33-5, Boyd K. Packer. Answers for Young Latter-day Saints by Rodney Turner, Pub. DBC UT 1977, p.25-6.
3* Critical Analysis of Certain Apocryphal Reports in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints As Related by Members of the Church, (A Thesis Presented to the Dept. of Church Hist., & Doctrine, BYU) by Don L. Penrod Aug. 1971 p.1-45. And: BYU Studies Vol.25 Summer 1983 #3 p.26-46, "Play It Again, "Sam": The Remarkable "Prophecy" of Samuel Lutz, Alias Christophilus Gratianus, Reconsidered, by Paul B. Pixton. (The so-called 1739 "prophecy" concerning the restoration, prophets, & temples with in 100 years or so from 1739, claimed to have been made by a Catholic monk "Lutius Gratus."
4* Acts 3:19-21; Eph.1:9-10; Rev.14:6-7; Isa.29, Ezk.37:15-22; Isa.2:1-4; Micah 4:1-2; Psa.85:11; Ezk.12:14-16; The Lost Books of the Bible: The Similitudes, The Shepherd of Hermas, 9:109-111, p.247-55. (TANF) Vol.4, p.528, (OAC), bk.4, chap.lxix. Mormonism & Early Christianity, Nibley, op. cit., p.355-434. The Millennial Star 120 Aug. 1958 p.228-37 reprinted by FARMS `Christian Envy of the Temple' And: Jewish Quarterly Review 50, 1959, 60, p.97-123, 229-240. Reprinted by FARMS, & DBC, op. cit., 1987 in Vol.4 of Nibley's Collected works. (TANF) Vol.8 p.32-35 The Testament of Joseph, & p.35-8 The Testament of Benjamin Concerning A Pure Mind, see p.37 verse 11. History of America Before Columbus, Roo op. cit., Vol.1 p.205, 219, 222, 424-6, 433-4, 440 & 575-6. [AM] The Lost Tribes A Myth, Allen H. Godbey 1930 p. 2, 430-1. (PMD) Since Cumorah by Huge Nibley, p. 196, & 230-4. The Messianic Idea in Israel by Klausner 1955 part 3 chap.9. The Legends of the Jews Vol.2 p.138 by Louis Ginzberg 1910 etc.
5* Darrick T. Evenson (also known by a writers' name: Troy Lawrence), wrote a book defending the Church entitled: The Gainsayers, 1989, Pub. by Horizon Pub. Bount. Ut. He also went on the radio Oct. 21, 1990, KTKK, "K-talk" 630 AM Radio, Ut. Defending the Church, & contending with different anti-Mormons who called in. (See also 7*).
6* (TCATRST), op. cit., p.164-67.
7* Some of the Tapes of Radio Shows that exposed him, & where he made his claims & charges, are as follows: 4-23-1991, Tues. Afternoon, Al Cresta, WMUZ, "Talk From the Heart", Inter. with Troy Lawrence or (Darrick T. Evenson), & Steel on Steel, John Leper. & May 4, 1991 Phen. Az. KHEP Ed Decker, Saints Alive, on D. Evenson. & SLC Messenger, Ut. LHM, #79 Aug.1991 entitled: Trojan Horses in Mormon Land by Jerald & Sandra Tanner. The following is from Ed Decker. (No words have been changed here, only the type setting, & the deletions of computer time clock messages, which tells the person how much time they have left to write their message. Such deletions will be shown here as follows: (***), other comments have been added by someone. I have not deleted such comments here). D. Thorpe. Jan. 1, 1992.
"Date: 08-12-91 (11:52) Number: 1877 of 2176 To: ALL. Refer#: NONE. From: ED DECKER Read: (N/A). Subj: DARRICK EVANSON. Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE. Conf: MORMON (95). Read Type: GENERAL.
"Many of you on this BBS have expressed interest in the facts about Darrick Evanson, LDS author of the Gainsayers. Here is the unabridged public statement he made on May 20, 1991...his last words in the matter. (Original in all caps) To Whom it may concern:
There have been reports surfacing from certain parties that I, Darrick Evanson (Troy Lawrence) am a Mormon. The rumors of me being a Mormon have been greatly exaggerated!!! In other words, Yes, I did write a book supposedly "FOR" the Mormon Church. However, all one needs to do to recognize my methods is to read the back cover of NEW AGE MESSIAH IDENTIFIED. On the back cover it says that I "played the part" of a New Age advocate after my conversion to Christianity. I even helped write several Pro-New Age articles. All this was for the same reason a Cop pretends to be a drug smuggler, or a spy pretends to work for (***) the other side.
In THE GAINSAYERS I revealed thus far secret Mormon church doctrines that rank and file Mormons never see. They read it because it SEEMS to defend Mormonism, But does it? It does condemn certain exaggerations and misinformation by the film, THE GOD MAKERS.. This was the "key" that set the book before thousands of Mormon eyes (who may have otherwise never seen this material). I feel Ed Decker is more upset at me calling him a liar than with exposing me as a "mormon" or New Age conspirator. Others, like Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Walley (sic) Tope, etc., have also criticized Decker for outright lying in the God Makers. I used such criticism as the bate (sic)....the Mormons took it, and now the secret doctrines of Mormonism is (sic) being shown to thousands of Mormons who would have never known otherwise. Huntington House never knew about THE GAINSAYERS until Constance Cumbey told them. I didn't tell them because I wanted to be a respected Christian publisher before all else....and Huntington House just barely printed the book in the first place. I didn't want to give them one more thing to think about....I wanted to be published." (***) next line lost on FAX transmission...... "have been a for a hundred years and they haven't even made a dent. That is because these people will not read books against their faiths. It is as simple as that. Now that I am no longer in the field, the Cults and Occult will continue to grow..along with the egos of Ed Decker and Constance Cumbey.
What is the real reason for the controversy? Constance Cumbey sees New Agers under every rug! She even called Pat Robertson a New Ager, and possible Anti-Christ. Ed Decker got mad at me for two reasons. One, because I criticized him. Walley Tope of Frontline ministries did that once too in front of him and Ed Decker broke his finger. Two, Ed tried to get Huntington House to publish a book by his associate, William Schnoebelen. I warned HH that Schnoebelen had been exposed by Jerald and Sandra Tanner as a fraud. HH refused to publish and Ed Decker got mad. This does not excuse my errors, if I admit I have in this area. But, as the Savior said, Judgement is a two edged sword.
Huntington House published my first book (sic ????? Should be last book..Ed) not because they agreed with my methods but because the informatin was so vital. Judge the book on its own merits. (***) One last thing. If you wanted to reach Jehovah's Wi they NEVER read anything from non-Jehavoh's witnesses, how would you get them to read something to witness to them? If you can figure that one out, then you'll know where I have come from.
If I am a Mormon, or a Mason, or a New Ager, or just a guy out for a buck or a laugh, then Huntington House cannot be blamed. I did my homework, and they did theirs to the best of their ability. A publisher does dozens of books a year and can't third degree every author he publishes. Yet, if I am a Christian, then Decker and Constance has (sic) injured a good work for selfish reasons. Keep an eye on both of them for the next few years and I think you'll see who has been giving you a line." End statement
From Ed: "I had no idea about Darrick's OTHER life until he called me one day and told me something about him was going to come up and if I opened my mouth to reveal any of what I knew about him, he had material about me that he got from the Browns that would prove that I have been having sexual relations with three of the young women in my office and he woudl broadcast that throughout the world/my family/etc. Since Idon't blackmail every well, and since I don't have three young (***) or old women in my office and since I knew that if have them doing the mail, or newsletter stuffing which at my age and state of mind, I need a lot more than I need sex, I immediately called HH officials the moment Constance Cumbey let me know DE was on a radio show in Detroit, as an ex-New Ager. By the way, HH did not have a Bill Schnoebelen book under review. He already has a great book contract with another publisher and a third major book in the mill. Other Darrick data will be forthcoming when it appears. Right now, he keeps a low profile in Tacoma, WA."
Ed" End Quote. (Again, A Public Statement from Ed Decker, [AM], Saints Alive. 8-12-1991, computer file passed on to me, (DARELL D. THORPE) from David Charlesworth of SLC., Utah, some time in 1991).
See also: Christianity Today Vol.35, #14, Nov. 25, 1991, p.50, & 52, "News: Book Bind, Researchers Say Author Led Double Life", by Bill Alnor & Eric Pement. And recently Ed Decker mentioned some of the above information to a caller into "The Bible Answer Man" (a radio talk show out of California, (C.R.I.), on Jan. 15, 1992). Decker was on as a guest speaking against Mormonism.
8* (PR&TEC) Benko, op. cit., p.30-53).
9* Acts chapt.8, notice 8:9-25; (TANF) Vol.8 p.96-117; & Since Cumorah, Nibley, op. cit., p.96-126, notice p.108-112; (TCATRST) Wilken, op. cit., p.24-5.
10* (PR&TEC), op. cit., p.30-53, notice p.30-8. & (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.96-99; (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.201-204.
11* (The Didache 12, mentioned in (PR&TEC), Benko, op. cit., 39, see also note 34 on p.52. See also: Matt.5:44, 7:15-16, Luke 6:27-40, Acts 4:31-32, chap.8, Rom.1:22-32, 16:17-18, 1 Cor. chap. 1-5. 14:23-33, 15:12, 2 Cor. 11:13-15, Gal.1:6-12, 2:4, Eph.2:19-21, 4:10-32, 2 Thess. chap.2, 1 Tim.1:6-10, 2 Tim.4:3-4, Heb.6:4-6, James 2:14-18, 1 Pet.5:1-6, 2 Pet.2:1-3, 2:18-22, 1 John chap.2-3, Jude 4, etc.)
12* (See notes 7-11* etc.). Newsweek April 6, 1987, Holy Wars, p.16-23. "Holy Terror": The Fundamentalist War on America's Freedoms in Religion, Politics, and Our Private Lives." by Jim Conway & Jim Siegelman, (Pub. Doubleday & Co., Garden City, NY, 1982, op. cit., [PMD] see: The Ensign May 1982, p.9-11, & 14-16, reporting the talks given in the Oct. 1982 Gen. Conf. see: "This is No Harm" by Marvin J. Ashton, the talk by Mark E. Petersen entitled: "We Believe in Being Honest." On p.62-4, Ezra Taft Bension's talk: Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus. See also: [EAC] (Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199). [AM] The Mormon Murders, by Steven Naifeh & Gregory White 1988 p.95. [PMD] Apostasy from the Divine Church by James L. Barker 1960 p.130. Mormonism & Early Christianity, Nibley, op. cit., p.218-21. Rom.16:18. (COTTD) Hoffmann, op. cit., p.15-18. (TANF) Vol.4 p.423-6 bk.1 chap.lxii-lxv p.429-30 bk.2 chap.1 & p.433-439 bk.2 chap.9-18 & p.597, 602, 607 bk.5 (OAC).
(PMD) The Myth Makers, Nibley, op. cit., etc. [EAC] (COTTD) Hoffmann, op. cit., p.43, 53, 59-60, 69, & (TANF) Vol.4, p.415-16; 450-1.
[EAC] (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.65-6. & (TANF) Vol.4, p.448, (OAC) bk.2, chap.xliv. Compare: [AM] (NMKMH) Brodie, op. cit., p.214-16, 219, 228, 244. & (MSOR?) 1987, Tanners, op. cit., p.428-50.
In the anti-Mormon “Christian” movie The God Makers, by Ed Decker’s Saints Alive, a cartoon section depicts an old man in a long white robe, with long white hair & a long beard, knocking on Mary's door. The wording is, that this being visited Mary to "have sex" with her. In the Movie: Temple of the Godmakers, the wording is a little different, but means the same thing, for they have it as "physical relations" with the virgin Mary. While both movies don’t show the actual sex act, they do let you know, through the narratives, what is about to happen, and the purpose of God’s visit to Mary.
In a similar mocking manner, the early anti-Christian of the 2nd century, Celsus, also wrote that Mary must have been a beautiful woman, for the Most High to want to have "intercourse" with her. Inasmuch as an early anti-Christian had mocked early Christians for this same type of issue, as modern anti-Mormon “Christians” have. It would be interesting to see how these same modern critics might respond to the same type of mocking comments, made many centuries before theirs,’ but by an early anti-Christian. If they should ever attempt to answer Celsus’ mocking comments about how Christ entered this world, wouldn’t their answers then answer their own mocking comments against Mormonism?
If the critics were to use the same types of tactics, weapons, logic, and approaches that they use on Mormons, but on themselves, and historic Christianity, especially if they were to search through Christendom’s history looking for negative things, or things they can present in a negative way. Then I suppose their own tactics, etc., could make it appear that Christ must have had sex with his own Mother, because he entered into marriage with her. Hence, from historic Christianity, we have this, which could be distorted in the same types of negative ways, as modern anti-Mormon “Christians” do with Mormons’ history, by first lifting this citation out of context with the use of the . . . ellipsis: “. . . the sacred marriage between Christ the bridegroom and the Virgin. . .” The part that was left out, and that you wouldn’t know under the critics tactics, unless you checked their sources, is how this is all symbolic, for the Virgin represents the Church.
Consequently, the marriage of Christ to the Virgin, if distorted under anti-Mormon, early anti-Christian, and Atheistic logic and tactics, could be made to sound like some strange marriage between Christ and his Mother, the Virgin Mary. However, we should keep in mind that such things are only similitudes and types, and thus are not to be taken literal. With this in mind, still, it is interesting to note how that many depictions of Christian marriages often symbolically depicted a pregnant Virgin, with a large round belly, going through the hand and wrist gripping matrimonial ceremonies, to a man who some might say, in some cases, looks like Christ, but who perhaps may be Joseph.
A common symbolism that developed, even among the earliest Christians, is how that Christ, the apostles, his first followers, and the later members, were all likened unto different building parts of the church. And how that they were to all be united as one, just as a couple are in the mystery or ordinance of marriage, to grow together “unto an holy temple in the Lord” (Ephesians 2:19—22; 3:3—9; 4:3—16; 5:22—33; 1 Corinthians 12:4—31).
Another aspect of these types, is the marriage of the Lamb, symbolic of Christ, inasmuch as he is the “sacrificial Lamb of God,” the prophesied Messiah. The parts that might trouble modern anti-Mormon “Christians” who reject, and like to vilify Mormons’ Temple endowment and ceremonies, are the evidences for the belief in the pre-existence. Plus, the hand and wrist grasping that we see in the different depictions of John’s Apocalypse, which include the war in heaven, and the marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 7:9, 13—15; 12:5; 13:8; 18:23; 21:9). Methodius mentions another aspects of the mystery of marriage when he wrote how, “the queen should be adorned, to be led as a Bride to the Lord, when she had received a garment of light . . . ” Hence, their own historical roots, especially in early to later Christian wedding ceremonies, has more shadows of the reality that Mormonism is a restoration of historic Christianity.
Moreover, these types of grips, and others, are all part of this whole symbolical science that runs throughout historic Christianity. The more one looks for parallels in historic Christianity, like the critics look for negative parallels in bad groups, and then compare them with Mormonism, the more perhaps even the critics will someday have to admit, that the greater parallel is not with these negative groups, but with historic Christianity.
Sex with God and Christ? Under atheistic, early anti-Christian, and anti-Mormon “Christian” tactics, logic, and word games. A play on words in King James Version of the Bible could make it sound like that “life eternal” is to have sex with God and Christ! This could be done by first pointing how the Old Testament, the word “knew,” in some cases, was used to say that different males had sex with their wives. Here are some examples: Genesis 4:1, “AND Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain. . .” 4:17 “And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch. . .” 25: “And Adam new his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth. . .” Then in The New Testament, John 17:3, if the word “know” was misinterpreted to mean the same thing as “knew” in the other scriptures, especially under the critics tactics, it could be interpreted to mean: “And this is life eternal, that they might know [to have sex with] thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent.” (Emphasis added).
Modern [AM]s have brought up similar charges against the restored gospel, as the [EAC]s did in ages past. Again we see that very little has changed in the methods, tactics, & claims made by critics who mock & attempt to discredit the things of God.1*
“The early Christians were very unfavorably regarded by Roman society. It is hard for us to realize that Christians, who have always prided themselves upon lofty moral standards and regarded other faiths and rites as superstitious, were themselves considered grossly immoral and superstitious by the pagan world. Yet Suetonius spoke of “Christians, a class of men of a new and vicious superstition”; and Tacitus remarked their “moral enormities” and their “hatred of the human race,” and asserted that “they were criminals who deserved the most severe punishment.” The pagan mob believed them guilty of such practices as incest and devouring children. Such horrible stories circulated about them probably because they seemed to the pagans a people with strange, peculiar, and mysterious ways, who had their own private meetings and held aloof from popular festivals and from much of the life of the ancient city.”
"Apostates" from the early Christian sects, (as also in modern times, with many who have apostatized from the Mormon Church), have also led the outsider into thinking that their former faith practiced "secret rites," when they came together for their "secret meetings." In the early part of the 2nd century A.D., in the correspondence of the governor of Bithynia-and-Pontus, Pliny the Younger, with Emperor Trajan. We see how some of the different Roman officials in Government, saw & thought about the early Christians. "Gais Plinius Caecilius Secundus (61 or 62-ca. 113), was the son of a landowner, was raised by his uncle, the author Pliny the Elder."
As a Roman citizens he had studied their ways & entered into the political & civil service, & served as governor from "September 111 until his death in 113. The letters, some of which concerned the Christians at that time, in the area he was at, etc., date during this time, 111,[2*] "One exonerated, the former Christians furnished Pliny with a description of Christian practices that so aroused his suspicions that he ordered the torture of 2 female Christian slaves to uncover the whole truth. To his great relief, he found nothing more than a "depraved & excessive superstition." But what had troubled him in the accounts by the former Christians, causing him to undertake further investigation?"
"First, the Christians came together "before daylight," & that suggested some sort of conspiracy under cover of the darkness of night. That Christians gathered at daybreak in commemoration of the resurrection did not occur to Pliny (how could it?), but he may well have remembered that in Roman history conspiracies against the government & nightly meeting often went hand in hand, for example in 63 B.C., when Cataline had tried to overthrow the government. This event was well known even in Pliny's time because of the published speeches by Cicero...& the account by Sallust....The venerated 12 Tables, the very foundation of Roman law, forbade nightly meetings,...& thus Pliny's suspicions were understandably aroused. And Pliny was not alone in his apprehension of this Christian custom. The general public associated nightly meetings with secrecy, & secrecy meant that the Christians had something to hide. Minucius Felix" (A Christian), "(floruit 200-240), probably drawing on the anti-Christian rhetoric of Marcus Cornelius Fronto (ca. 100-166), criticized the Christian in his book Octavius as, among other things an "unlawful & desperate faction...which is leagued together by nightly meetings...a people skulking & shunning the light...." Then he added the ominous sentence: "Certainly suspicion is applicable to secret & nocturnal rites!"..."3*
Pliny later found out that the pre-conceived notions, that he had had, were wrong. He thought for sure that the Christian rites included all kinds of secret, bloody, & barbaric elements. But as he looked deeper into the matter, he seems to have changed his mind. But there was other things that he had heard, that had also disturbed him when he had first heard about it. For there were "...other aspects of the Christians' meetings disturbed Pliny. They sang a hymn (carmen) to Christ as to a god, they took an oath (saramentum) not to commit major crimes, & they had a common meal--all potentially dangerous signs. A carmen was not necessarily a harmless raising of voices; it could also signify an "incantation," the casting of a magical spell. It is in this latter sense that the word is used in the 12 Tables...But of course, the term could also mean just a solemn saying in rhythmical form,...The word sacramentum could be equally ambiguous. It could simply mean the oath of allegiance of a soldier, or more sinisterly, the initiation into a mystery in which the candidate took an oath of secrecy & allegiance to the principles of the cult. And such a mystery-oath was not necessarily innocent & harmless, as the case of the Bacchanalia had shown...."4*
The rumors spread that Christians were some how part of all these barbaric, bloody, magical-conspiratorial oaths & black magic. And such stories & rumors must have come to the ears of the governmental officials, thus in their minds something had to be done.5*
"...What happened at the Eucharist? Could a pagan husband trust his Christian wife who insisted on participating?...These were real questions agitating people at the time, & Christian secrecy did not aid their cause."6* Others charged that secret sexual rites were going on in such meetings. With such charges & rumors going around, such rumors & stories must have been what had caused some of the problems in the different families which were made up of family members who had different religious believes that were rivals to each other. But even some Christians7* may have helped confirmed in the minds of "the outsider" that such things were taking place amongst certain Christians groups. And with such reports coming from even the Christians themselves, such stories, which also, when they had passed down through the gossip & rumor chains, may have been blow out of proportion. Thus it may have been generalized that all "the Christians" were guilty of such things. "...All of this hedging & mystery gave the Christian communities the appearance of closed societies, haughtily turned in upon themselves. That was all that was needed to unleash the wildest slanders." (Pellistrandi op. cit.) And certainly the early anti-Christians took advantage of such slanderous stories & passed them on to others with their own biased twist to them.
These stories resulted in the different persecutions of the early Christians, which persecutions forced them to take their religious activities literally underground in some areas. Thus, many of the early Christians would secretly meet in underground catacombs to worship God. "The catacombs were underground galleries excavated from the rock by the Romans for the burial of the dead. The early Christians used them for the same purpose, as well as for services and secret meetings."8*
* STAR NOTES * FOR # 27:
1* [AM] (TGM) & Temple of the Godmakers, op. cit. [ECD] (OAC), op. cit., (TANF) Vol.4 p.397, 399, 471, 486-88. (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.53. (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p. 10-11 & 71-3. Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-99. (M&PITEC) Frend, op. cit., p.9. Matt.6:6 13:10-11; (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.17-22. (See also #27).
2* (PR&TEC) Benko, op. cit., p.4-5.
3* (PR&TEC) ibid, p.10-11.
4* Ibid., p.12-13.
5* (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.9-12.
6* Frend, ibid. p.11-12.
7* (TCATRST) Wilken, op. cit., p.18-25 & Early Christian Civilization, Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199.
8* The March Of The Cross, by Leonard W. Cowie, 1962, (First Pub. in Great Britain by Weidenfeld & Nicolson LTD. 1962), & firts pub. in the USA by McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., N.Y., Toronto, & Lon., 1962, p.20, fig.26.
[See reference to #3-4, 7, 10, 15-18]. The modern anti-Mormon "Christians" attempt to make the Mormon Temple endowment sound like it is some sort of secret sinister rite, rather than sacred. Thus like the early anti-Christians, some modern "Christians" have used the parallel pointing tactic to compare the Mormon endowment with occult rites & the Masons. Claiming that the Mormons have some sort of sinister "occult" & "satanic" ritual derived from paganism & occultism. This claim is false, for Mormonism is a restoration of the primitive temple ritual of early Christianity.1* Can the Modern & early Christians pass the critics own tests, standards, logic tactics, & parallel pointing games? They (or the Christian anti-Mormons) are attacking their own early Christian symbols & temple rites in a round about way.
The fish symbol was used by many early Christians as a secret symbol. When early Christianity passed through days of persecutions, terrible horrors & martyrdoms. They developed secret symbols, signs, pass words, watchwords, handclasps, gestures, finger languages, etc., in order to know one Christian from another, & to avoid being caught. Other early Christians welcomed & sometimes even sought martyrdom, thus gain the "martyrs" reward" as they gave their lives for the cause of Christ.2*
Many others Christians were found out by the Government or early anti-Christians who sought to destroy them. When 2 or more people would meet, they would talk, & one person would draw a line in the dirt which was the first part of the fish symbol. If the other person was a Christian who knew of the symbol, he would know the secret sign, and would finish the fish symbol by drawing another line to make a fish. Thus they both would know that it was OK to talk about Christianity, etc. & other Christian themes more freely, etc. If the other person was not a Christian, then the line would be just a line, and wouldn't have any meaning to it. But if the person knew the symbol, they would have been able to finish the fish symbol by making another line that would complete the fish symbol. Thus through this secret sign or symbol they would be able to recognize one Christian from another. The danger in this, however, may have been the possibilities that some anti-Christians, or apostates, (from the Christians who used this symbol or knew of it, etc.), may have exposed this secret symbol to the public. If this was the case, then the secret symbol would have lost it's intended purposes. Anti-Christians would or could have then come across someone who was a Christian, & they themselves could have found out about other Christians. If, that is, some [EAC]s had infiltrated into the Christian sects by posing as a Christian. Thus perhaps, these different Christian sects that met in secret during the different times of persecutions (which such symbols came out of), may have thus been found out, & persecuted, or were thus caused to suffer martyrdom.3*
The Bible & early Christian writings and art works are full of evidences that the early to later Christians had sacred Temple endowments or "mysteries" that were for those who had shown themselves to be faithful. Baptism, anointing. garments, the new name, the creation drama, gestures, oaths or vows, prayer circles, handclasps, the embrace, the veil, the handclasp of God to pull the person into the heavenly realms, aprons, royal robes, heavenly robes & garments, and the crown of glory in deification (or becoming like Gods), the pre-existence, the war in heaven, the fall of 1/3 of the angels, how they counterfeited the mysteries of God & Christ. The Gospel preached to the Dead by Christ during his descent into the world or realms of the spirits. Baptism for the dead, & other temple works for the dead, etc. All these different things have been found in early Christianity. And the early anti-Christians, & well as modern anti-Christians have mocked, attacked & charged the same sorts of things against the early saints as the modern anti-Mormon "Christians", etc. have with the restored Church, (or the Mormons, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).4*
"It is difficult to assess a statement such as is found in Minucius Felix, Octavius 9 (of Christians): "They know themselves by hidden notae (i.e., tokens, marks, signs; C.T. Lewis & C. Short, A Latin Dictionary (Oxford: Clarendon, 1890), s.v.) & insignia (i.e., signals, tokens, badges, inginia; Lewis & Short, A Latin Dictionary, s.v.) & love (those whom) they have scarely known previously....They call themselves brother & sister without distinction." Minucius (a Christian writer, fl. ca. 200 A.D.) has these words spoken by an anti-Christian, and a very unreliable interpreter of Christianity. Cf. E.R. Dodds, Pagan & Christian in an Age of Anxiety (New York: Norton, 1965), 111, on reasons for Christian unpopularity: "They appeared, moreover, to constitute a secret society, whose members recognized each other by private signs, as gypsies do today, & were bound together by some mysterious intimacy." Cf. Origen, Contra Celsum, I, 1, in PG 11:652. Dodds draws the parallel between Minucius's notae et insignia & Dionysiac secret signs (Plautus, Miles 10-16: "Give me the signum (i.e., sign, mark, token, password; Lewis and Short, A Latin Dictionary, s.v.), if you are of these Bacchantes"; Apuleius, Apology 56)."5*
I should point out here that not all handclasp in early to later Christianity are intended to be symbols for "rites of passage." For there seems to be a blend of common greeting hand clasp with those of rituals, in some cases. Such as in some depictions of God meeting or greeting a person at the door way to the temple, etc. There are hand clasp for fellowship, greetings, & of lovers holding hands. Many of which do not seem to present any sort of symbol intended to be interpreted as some sort of ritualistic rite. The lovers clasping hands in the marriage is of course a different matter, for it is ritualistic. And yet there are other hand clasps which do not seem to be intented for any type of ritual, but is just a way to greet one another by.6* But it could be that, (just as in earlier dispensations, those who once had had the mysteries & the correct meanings to the symbols in pre-Christian times). Such thing may be hints & fragments & evidences of the later conditions & results of an apostasy. Thus if can be discovered that they had fallen into apostasy, then they may have lost the true meanings, or changed them, or mixed them with satanic counterfeits, as time went by, so that by the time the Christians era came to restore them anew again, the old symbols were still around in fragmented apostate form.
The retrogression process also seems to have had it's effects in the case with many of the symbols in later Christianity, during "the great apostasy". We should be thankful that early to later branches of Christianity preserved in part these things as best as they could. They kept alive the symbols because they had become the traditional way in which to depict different biblical events.
Perhaps some later Christians did know the traditional mysteries behind such things, while others did not. Some had also changed the meanings & developed different meanings to the same symbol. But as time went on into the later centuries, they still maintain & preserved the traditional symbols in many different areas of Christianity. There are many differences that we could consider here as well, of course, as well as parallels. Such a task would be the foundations for another book in, & of itself.
Handclasps have been depicted everywhere, & it has different meanings, & is a symbol in rituals, in passing from one realm to another, in marriage, in greetings, in being raised up from the water, from ones sick bed, etc. In each situation & case there is a historical background, meanings, tradition in the area that these symbols can be found in. To examine each case would take many volumes of books. With each reference given here, is the invitation for the reader to check out the historical background behind each case. I have also noticed that with some of the art works that I have seen over & over again in different books. The different scholars, writers, etc. have given different meanings, dates, etc., & yet have also agreed in some areas with other writers & scholars who comment about the historical background, symbols, interpretations, & dates, etc., that they place on the same art works, in their own books. So this is another challenge for the reader to deal with. Who's date is the most correct? Who's historical background? Who's interpretation? etc. The door is therefore left open here for the readers here to find out for yourselves the answers to these questions.
Door ways were also sometimes the place where "rites of passage" handclasp took place. Some early to later art works in the scattered branches of Christianity presenting the "2-ways" the left hand path down to hell, & the right hand path up to paradise, (i.e. Peter is depicted clasping the hands of those who have made the pilgrimage on the right hand path to the door of paradise.7* In this depiction of "Christ as judge..." Christ's right hand is raised up & his left hand is down. Those who are on the right hand side of Christ, are depicted as clasping the hand of Peter who stands in the doorway to paradise. Also a person is depicted, (on the right hand side of Christ), as reaching up with both hands clasped together in prayer towards the hand of God the Father. Just the hand or arm extends down towards the person in prayer.8*
The [EAC]s, like Celsus charged that the Christians had borrowed from the pagans. But the Christian maintained that they had received their "mysteries" from a divine source, & they certainly could find biblical sources as proof text, & they used such scriptures when ever possible in their defense. Isaiah 13:2 may have been used for example. "...shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles."
Justin Martyr used Jeremiah's writings as proof text, to show to the Jew, Trypho, that Christ had intrusted the Christians with "a new covenant" & new ordinances different in many ways from the older ones presented in the Law of Moses. But also similar in some ways, the older only being a figure & type & hint of things to come through the new covenants. Justin also used the hand clasping scripture mentioned in Isa.42:6-7.[9*] As mentioned earlier, many early to later Christian art works depicting Christ's descent into the pit, underworld, limbo, hades, etc. show different types of handclasp.10*
Tertullian in responding to the Jews, says that through handclasps, (rites of passage) Christ passed into different nations, & through the gaits of cities in different lands. "...For we read "Whose right hand I have holden, that the nations may hear Him: the powers of kings will I burst asunder; I will open before Him the gates, & cities shall not be closed to Him." Which very thing we see fulfilled." "For whose right hand the Father holds but Christ's His Son?--who all nations have heard..."11*
Tertullian goes on to name many different nations & other places around the world that Christ went to, plus includes in this list, nations & islands of the sea unknown to them, that were known to Christ, & of which he went to.12*
In one early depiction of (Rev.4:1, "...a door was opened in heaven..."), show St. John ascending a ladder up to the open door, an angel clasps both his wrists with both hands.13* The ascension of Christ into heaven, with the helping hands (handclasps) of angels is also depicted on some doors.14* Christ also is depicted, as having broken down the "gaits" or "doors" of hell.15*
In: The Golden Legend in medieval poetry presents a beautiful story (derived from scripture blended into legends), of Christ breaking down the gaits of the spirit prison house.16* Doors, gaits, etc., in many cases where symbolic of the entrance way to other realms, or states of existence. But also the handclasp became part of the symbolic "rites of passage" from one realm to the next. Or upon entering a holy place, or the heavenly temple, as well as the temple on earth. David is depicted as clasping the hand of a person at the entrance way to a building, while the hand of God the Father sends down rays of blessing & light.17*
David also hints to this "right hand" as being a symbol of safety, being "saved," being led to heavenly realms, & as a sort of rites of passage to those heavenly realms. The "right hand" in many cases in scripture, is not a location. But is a symbol for being on the "right hand path" towards God. Or being right with God, in a position of goodness, safety, salvation, being in a position to receive a favorable judgment.18*
But because the pagans & cultic groups also shared with the Christians similar types of symbols & hand clasping rites, etc., anti-Christians have charged that the Christians borrowed from the pagans. Even some Christians have had to admit, as the early Christian Fathers did, that there are parallels between the rival sects, & between Christian & cultic-pagan sects. In some art works of scattered branches of Christianity we see dictions of angels clasping the hands of people ascending to the heavenly realms.
In one depiction, an angel conducts "...the souls of the virtuous to Paradise, with another angel standing inside the half-open door, welcoming a soul." (with a handclasp) "13th-century mosaic on the cupola of the Baptistery of S. Giovanni, Florence. The angel within the door is adapted from the classical prototype of Hermes Psychopompos." (according to Hughes).19*
As the Christians' doctrines & beliefs entered into the Greeks' doctrines, myths & beliefs, it could be that the Christians interchanged with the Greeks their similar concepts & beliefs. Both must have influenced each other. Some Christian art works that we see in the different Greek speaking areas reflect this influence, at the same time maintaining fragments & hints of the earlier Christian mysteries & rites of passage. Some scholars feel that the Christians borrowed from the pagans, the Persians, Egyptians, Greeks & Eastern religions of Asia, & this is the things that the Atheists, & anti-Christian writers would notice & use as a weapon against the early to later Christians.
"In art, Hermes Psychopompos appears in two general forms. As a rule, he is seen taking a soul by the hand or arm before leading him down to Hades. But he is sometimes depicted standing just inside or half-way through the door of Hades, which is ajar. There is a carving of Hermes Psychopompos in this pose on a Roman monumental sarcophagus of the 3rd century AD which stands outside the south door to the Baptistery in Florence..."20*
John P. Lundy, points out that the different symbols in Christianity are similar to pagan & cultic symbols. He wrote that: "Guigniaut, after speaking of the various symbols used by the pagan religionists philosophers in their mysteries, says that their names & significations passed into the newly-born Christianity. The Primitive Church called her principal dogmas symbols, i.e., her articles of belief reduced to formulas, as well as the signs or words which served distinguish Christians from pagans. Then, again, certain sensible signs, certain visible acts, as tokens & pledges of an invisible salvation, such as the sacraments, &c., received the same name, accompanied most often by distinctive epithets....This learned editor of Creuzer goes on to say that there is a great diversity of opinion as to origin of the name of symbols as applied to the creeds & the sacraments of Christianity. But their origin, without doubt, must be traced to paganism. For just as the most enlightened of the pagans, failing to find in the public worship of their religion enough to satisfy the wants of their souls, formed themselves into secret associations where a purer doctrine was taught, whose dogmas were confided to signs & formulas unknown to the common people, so it was with the religion of the Christians, who repudiated paganism altogether, & to recognized the importance of separating themselves entirely from all that was foreign to their religion, by making the sacraments & their confessions of faith reduced to formulas, &c., the distinctive characteristics of their proficients. Again, other learned men claim that the term symbol passed from the ancient mysteries into the new liturgy of Christianity, under a higher acceptation, to express certain acts & words of a profound meaning & pithy conciseness, by which the initiated could recognize one another. For my part, I am inclined to think that all the symbols of Christianity were ordained primarily to teach pure doctrine, & that they were necessarily used to distinguish Christianity from paganism, & as signs & watchwords to discriminate between friend & foe, true & false, hypocrites & genuine Christians."
"Vossius, in his treatise on the 3 Creeds, cites Rufinus & Isidore as to the creeds being signs or tokens of distinction between true & false Christians; because in the Apostles' day there were many of the circumcised Jews who feigned themselves to be Christ's Apostles for the sake of gain & their own belly, as St. Paul says, & as is referred to in the Acts of the Apostles, naming Christ, indeed, but not teaching the tradition truly. On this account, therefore, the Apostles established such a sign or token as would enable Christians to distinguish those who taught Christ according to the Apostolic rule from others. And this sign was the creed--the faith of the Church, which Paul & Barnabas went round to establish. (Acts 15; Rom. 16:8; 2 Cor.11:13; Gal.2 etc.) That the creed was the standard of Christian truth, & an Apostolic tradition, not committed to writing, but learned by heart by the Catechumens, and a watchword to distinguish friend from foe, true from false Christians, is abundantly evident from the testimony of all antiquity, partially cited by Vossius, Durantus, & others."21*
Hackwood tells us that: "Christian symbolism was secretly fostered by the horrors of the persecutions through which the early Church of Christ had to pass. Symbols were invented & used as secret signs by which the Christian brethren could recognize each other. In addition to visible signs & symbols, it may be taken that the early Christians were driven to the use of watchwords also....Then with regard to pictorial symbolism, "The use of symbols," says Rev. Dr. Pinnock, "originated in the infancy of language to supply the deficiency of words, & were characteristic for the conveyance of ideas, such as the Egyptians adopted, & the Chinese now use, & which is known to us by the name of HIEROGLYPHICS."22*
Early anti-Christians wondered about these different stories that they had heard about. Perhaps from apostates who had one time been Christians, but who later began to fight against them. Perhaps they spread all kinds of biased stories about what went on in the meetings of the different Christian sects. This was a challenge that the earliest Christians had faced even during the times of Christ & the Apostles.23* But apostates were not the only ones who may have spread all kinds of rumors, stories, terror tales & horrors about the Christians. Those early anti-Christians & "Outsiders" also played a big part in this. "...the Christian communities" appeared to the "Outsiders" as with "...the appearance of closed societies, haughtily turned inward upon themselves. That was all that was needed to unleash the wildest slanders." "...The crowd passed around the most infamous rumors, imagining the worst misbehavior in its inability to understand what was beyond it. Here again, Minuscius Felix" (a Christian24*) "lets us see the power of fantasy propelled by hatred. And again it is Ceacilius" (anti-Christian) "who speaks: "With the most ignorant people gathered from the lowest rungs of society, & women, pliant because of their sex's credulity, they are impious conspirators, sealing their union in nocturnal meetings with feasts at set times & the most inhuman food. And it is not a sacred pact, but sacrilegious: A nation hiding itself, fleeing the light, silent in public, garrulous in the shadows...They recognize each other by secret signs & marks, loving each other before they have even met one another..."25*
H. Spencer Lewis wrote: "No doubt most Christians will be surprised at the intimation that Jesus taught secretly any divine principles, or practiced any divine art that He did not reveal to all the world....Jesus the Christ...sought, found, trained & prepared those men & women of Palestine, Egypt, & Syria who would be spiritually worthy & morally & ethically qualified to perpetuate the knowledge He brought to earth & the powers that had been conferred upon Him through His divine birth;...a secret society was formed by Jesus, & maintained in continuous functioning & throughout the last years of the life of Jesus, & did not become extinct at the time of the Crucifixion & Ascension;...That the men & women bound by secret oaths into this secret society numbered any other secret society that had to guard carefully its teachings, principles, membership list, & ideals & purposes against political or aristocratic persecution, this mysterious body of divine students had several definite, fixed,...meeting places...its principal meeting place or "Temple" was well guarded & well protected, known by a secret name, & known only to the tried & tested member-...the secret society also had passwords, signs, symbols, & tokens by which the members recognized one another, & prevented spies or political persecutors from joining them or becoming acquainted with their secret work--which is also proved by quotations from the New Testament;...the members of this secret society were called together by Jesus on regular & special occasions they had to approach their secret meeting place one by one with the greatest care & be guided by secret signs which were changed from period to period;..."
"...That this special secret society may or may not have been affiliated with the Essenes--another secret society with which Jesus was well acquainted;...His secret school--initiates, for they had an initiation ceremony & they had secret means of identifying themselves such as passwords, signs & tokens...." (When Jesus talked with the Jews & Gentiles) "...He used every means which would aid Him in symbolically & allegorically conveying truths that would help them without placing in their hands the secret truths & doctrines which..." (they) "would misuse, misapply, & probably never comprehend in the right manner." "With His hands He would make certain signs, which would appear to the passer-by as mere gestures to accompany His oratory, but which would to His initiated students as signs revealing truths...." "...Jesus & His 11 Apostles,...formed themselves into a circle & Jesus stood in the center. While they folded their arms in a mystical salutation with the right hand over the breast, & with their feet in the correct position, symbolical of their ritualism, a cloud formed in the center of the circle...."26*
Celsus & other ancient & modern anti-Christians have noticed that there are parallels between the Christians & pagans & cultic sects. This has given them an excuse to question the origins of the Christian mysteries & ordinances. Some Christians, (who seem to want to ignore the evidences that Jesus & the Apostles taught sacred & divine truths hidden in ordinances or "mysteries") claim that all this mystical stuff is all nothing but "Gnostic." But amongst the Gnostic is not the only place that you find evidence of them having had some kind of "mysteries" or hidden rites of passage. For we can see evidences of it in the Old & New Testament, & the different scattered branches of Christianity!
The late 19th century anti-Christian & occultic writer H.P. Blavatsky wrote: "Primitive Christianity had its grip, passwords, & degrees of initiations. The innumerable Gnostic gems & amulets are weighty proofs of it. It is a whole symbolical science..."27*
Other late 19th cent. anti-Christian writers, such as T.W. Doane have challenged the origins of Christianity in a similar way that the early anti-Christians did, such as Celsus. Doane noticed that "...the ancient Etruscans revered the cross as a religious emblem..." He also has a depiction of two angels clasping hands in front of a cross.28* It would answer perfectly for a Christian cemetery." wrote Doane.29*
We read in (OAC) by Origen that Celsus had charged that the Christians had borrowed from the different cults & pagan mystery religions.30* Celsus may have noticed that the Christian mysteries had hand clasping rituals in them, & seeing the hand clasping rituals in Mithra mysteries, he sought to charge that the Christians had borrowed from the Mithra cult or "Persian mysteries" For in them "...we find Mithras with the ray-crowned Sun-God upright beside him, while he grasps his hand in token, as it would seem, of alliance or friendship..." "...In one monument, where Mirthras grasps the hand of the person we have identified with the Sun-God before an altar, he at the same time draws his sword, as if to perform the exchange of blood or blood-covenant usual in the East on swearing alliance...."31*
In a questionable work claiming to be of ancient date, "The Acts of John" (Christian Apocrypha), John is said to have learned some symbolical things that centered around the wounds of Christ.32* Cyril of Jerusalem in the 4th cent. AD also presents different concepts of the "Mysteries" to the new Christians, as does other later Christian Fathers of that century. These "mysteries" in many cases center around the wounds of Christ & the descent & ascension, etc.33*
Hand clasping & other symbolic gestures are depicted in the art works & manuscripts of the different scattered branches of Christianity. In the ascension, it is symbolic of a number of things, but the handclasp is also a rite of passage. Leo the Great explains the symbolism behind some of the sacraments, how that they center around Christ's nail marks, & sufferings. And that through the imitation of these things in the mysteries, they learn great truths. "...For this is the path of health through imitation of the Resurrection begun in Christ...." Leo also says that "...the Lord's Resurrection & Ascension did not pass by un uneventful leisure, but great mysteries (n.9 "Sacramenta-mysteria.") were ratified in them, deep truths revealed...." The ascension was to become a "sacramental presence..." "and that faith might be more excellent & stronger, sight gave way to doctrine, the authority of which was to be accepted by believing hearts enlightened with rays from above." Also in the act of ascension, Leo mentions that it contains great "...revelations of mysteries both new & old..."34*
In the art works of "The Ascension" depictions the handclasp is depicted in the scattered branches of early to later Christianity. Christ ascension is depicted in a 4th cent. ivory panel. Christ is on a mountain side, clasping the hand of the Father with his right hand. Only the right hand of God the Father is seen extending down clasping Christ's hand.35*
In another depiction: Christ, with his right hand clasps the right hand of the Father. The Father's thumb rests on the "pointer finger's" knuckle, this depiction is dated "9th cent." AD,[36*]
A similar depiction, showing the same sort of handclasp, is of an angel, who clasps the first "pointer finger" knuckle, while the Hand of the Father extends to clasp Christ's wrist. Christ is in a symbol of rebirth called the "Mandorla" (shaped like the birth canal), dated 10th century AD.[37*] A manuscript written in Latin has art works of different biblical scenes. One of which shows the ascension, with Christ on a mountain clasping the right hand of God the Father.38* In another depiction, Christ is about to clasp the hand of the Father.39* Christ ascends through a symbol of rebirth, as if about to enter another realm, (which he will when he is pulled into heaven by the hand of the Father extending down towards Christ's hand raised up). The Mandorla thus is added to some depiction of the Ascension.40*
In the 4th cent AD, Gregory of Nyssa wrote that "...The time, then has come, & bears in its course the remembrance of holy mysteries, purifying man,--mysteries which purge out from soul & body even that sin which is hard to cleanse away, & which bring us back to that fairness of our first estate...& exalt man to heaven,...Baptism then, is a purification from sins, a remission of trespasses,...we may recognize the new-born man, discerning by clear tokens the new from the old....O Lord,...Thou didst curse, & didst bless; Thou didst banish us from Paradise, & didst recall us; Thou didst strip off the fig-tree leaves, an unseemly covering, & put upon us a costly garment; Thou didst open the prison, & didst release the condemned; Thou didst sprinkle us with clean water, & cleanse us from our filthiness. No longer shall Adam be confounded when called by Thee, nor hid himself, convicted by his conscience, cowering in the thicket of Paradise. Nor shall the flaming sword encircle Paradise around, & make the entrance inaccessible to those that draw near; but all is turned to joy for us that were the heirs of sin: Paradise, yea, heaven itself may be trodden by man: & the creation, in the world & above the world, that was at variance with itself, is knit together in friendship: & we men are made to join in the angels' song, offering the worship of their praise to God. For all these things then let us sing to God that hymn of joy, which lips touched by the Spirit long ago sang loudly: "Let my soul be joyful in the Lord: for He hath clothed me with a garment of salvation, & hath put upon me a robe of gladness: as on a bridegroom He hath set a mitre upon me, & as a bride hath He adorned me with fair array." (Is. lxi.10), And verily the Adorner of the bride is Christ, Who is, & was, & shall be, blessed now & for evermore. Amen."41*
In the primitive Church the development of signs & gestures is evident by the many different art works, writings & passages of scriptures in the Bible. Paul wrote to the Corinthians a portion of a letter that concerned the traditions of the veil covering for women during the ordinances & prayer, (1 Cor.11:1-15). Washings & Anointings is another subject that is depicted in art works, writings, & scriptures.42*
Cyril of Jerusalem in the 4th cent. AD, gave some lectures to the recently baptized Christians, called "The Lectures On The Mysteries." "Having been baptized into Christ, & put on Christ, ye have been made conformable to the Son of God; (Gal. 3:27.) for God having predestinated us to the adoption of sons, made us share the fashion of Christ's glorious body. (Eph. 1:5; Phil. 3:21) Being therefore made partakers of Christ, ye are properly called Christs, & of you God said, Touch not My Christs, or anointed. (Heb. 3:14; Ps.105:15) Now ye were made Christs, by receiving the emblem of the Holy Ghost; & all things were in a figure wrought in you, because ye are figures of Christ. He also bathed Himself in the river Jordan...In like manner to you also, after you come up from the pool of the sacred streams, was given the Unction, the emblem of that wherewith Christ was anointed;..." (Isa.61:1 is mentioned), "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach glad tidings to the poor." "For Christ was not anointed by men with oil or material ointment, but the Father having appointed Him to be the Saviour of the whole world, anointed Him with the Holy Ghost, as Peter says, Jesus of Nazareth, whom God anointed with the Holy Ghost. (Acts 10:38). And David the Prophet cried, saying, Thy throne, O God, is for ever & ever; a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Thy kingdom; Thou hast loved righteousness & hated iniquity; therefore God even Thy God hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows. (Ps. 45:6-7) And as Christ was in truth crucified, & buried, & raised, & you in likeness are in Baptism accounted worthy of being crucified, buried, & raised together with Him, so is it with the unction also. As He was anointed with the spiritual oil of gladness, ye were anointed with ointment, having been made partakers & fellows of Christ."
"But beware of supposing this to be plain ointment....this ointment is no more simple ointment, nor (so to say) common, after the invocation, but the gift of Christ; & by the presence of His Godhead, it causes in us the Holy Ghost. It is symbolically applied to thy forehead & thy other senses; & while they body is anointed with visible ointment, thy soul is sanctified by the Holy life-giving Spirit." "And ye were first anointed on your forehead, that ye might be delivered from the shame, which the first man, when he had transgressed, bore about with him every where; & that with open face ye might behold as in a glass the glory of the Lord. (2 Cor.3:3) Then on your ears; that ye might receive ears quick to hear the divine Mysteries, of which Esaias has said, The Lord wakened mine ears to hear; & the Lord Jesus in the Gospel, He that hath an ear to hear let him hear. (Is.50:4; Matt.11:15). Then on your nostrils; that receiving the sacred ointment ye may say, We are to God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved. (2 Cor.2:15) Then on your breast; that having put on the breastplate of righteousness, ye may stand against the wiles of the devil. For as Christ after His baptism, & the descent the Holy Ghost, went forth & vanquished the adversary, so likewise, having, after Holy Baptism & the Mystical Chrism, put on the whole armour of the Holy Ghost, do ye stand against the power of the enemy, & vanquish it, saying, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Phil. 4:13). "When ye are counted worthy of this Holy Chrism, ye are called Christians, verifying also the name by your new birth. For before you were vouchsafed this grace, ye had properly no right to this title, but were advancing on your way towards being Christians."43*
Cyril reminds them of anointing in the Old Testament, (1 Kings 1:39) And other scriptures are mentioned; Rom. 11:16; Isa. 2:2 "Sept." version, 25:7. "Having been anointed, therefore, with this holy ointment, keep it unspotted & unblemished in you, pressing forward by good works, & becoming well-pleasing to the Captain of your salvation, Christ Jesus, to whom be glory for ever & ever. Amen." Cyril also mentions the garment & says that these different mysteries center around the wounds of Christ, that through these mystery that can understand the sufferings & atonement of Christ, because they in like manner, but "without suffering" pass through the types & likeness of Christ's suffering as if "Christs." As Christ body was wrapt in pure linen, so also did the Christians put on a new garment.
Cyril of Jerusalem also hints to the symbolical handclasp as being types of Christ's wounds in his hands. "O strange & inconceivable thing! we did not really die, we were not really buried, we were not really crucified & raised again; but our imitation was but a figure, while our salvation is in reality. Christ was actually crucified, & actually buried, & truly rose again; & all these things have been vouchsafed to us, that we, by imitation communicating in His sufferings, might gain salvation in reality. O surpassing loving-kindness! Christ received the nails in His undefiled hands & feet, & endured anguish; while to me without suffering or toil, by the fellowship of His pain He vouchsafes salvation."44*
Prayer gestures, signs, & symbols in "finger language" is also evident in the early to later scattered branches of Christianity, as seen in the writings & art works, etc.45* Oaths with up-lifted hands are mentioned in scripture, as well as prayer gestures. Rev.10:5-6: "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea & upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever & ever, who created heaven, & the things that therein are, & the earth,..." Dan.12:7: "And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand & his left hand unto heaven, & sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times..." etc.
One of the earliest Christian writers, Clement (the "...Gentile & a Roman..." [A.D. 30-100], & who may have known St. Paul at Philippi about 57 A.D.). In a letter to the Corinthians, Clement seems to hint to the early Christian prayer gestures. "...Full of holy designs, ye did, with true earnestness of mind & a godly confidence, stretch forth your hands to God Almighty, beseeching Him to be merciful unto you, if ye had been guilty of any involuntary transgression...." Later on in the same letter, Clement also wrote: "...Let us then draw near to Him with holiness of spirit, lifting up pure & undefiled hands unto Him, loving our gracious & merciful Father, who has made us partakers in the blessings of His elect...."46*
In the Book of Enoch, angels of God performed different oaths in a creation drama. Also, the fallen angels are said to have perverted the oaths & knowledge that they took with them when they were thrust out & fell from heaven. In perverting these oaths, & the knowledges that they had, they also set up counterfeit religions, mysteries or ordinances, & perverted the things of God. They taught different ones of the human family, different deadly arts, rites, destructive habits, & taught the ways of war, etc. The early Christian Fathers used their knowledge of the "pre-existence" the war in heaven, the fallen angels, etc. to explain to their critics & their followers that the reason why there was so many parallels between the pagans & cultic sects & the Christians, was because the fallen angels who became demons, had set up counterfeits, etc in order to attempt to discredit the divine things of God & Christ.47* These concepts concerning angels making oath gestures, (or different gestures & signs), during the creation, may have also been preserved in later Christian art works.48*
In Ps.141:1-2, David also prayed in the traditional way, with up lifted hands to God: "Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; & the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice." (Animal sacrifices during the Mosaic laws). (Origen used this scripture in his defense against Celsus.)49*
In Ps.134:2 "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, & bless the Lord." In Ps. 28:2 "Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle." In Ps.63:4. "Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name." Also: Ps. 87:6-12 has many parallels in the early to later Christians art works. For during the act of Christ's descent into hades, limbo, hell, etc. the different scattered branches of early to later Christianity depicted the saints of old lifting up their hands in prayer & praise to Christ who has come to take them by the hand & lift them out of the grave, pit, the underworld, limbo, hades, etc. "...Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee..." (Ps.87:9).50* In Psa.143:6-7; "I stretch forth my hands unto thee..." & 15:8-10.
Paul wrote to Timothy: "I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath & doubting." (1 Tim.2:8). In the Old Testament, 1 Kings 8:22-3: "And Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, & spread forth his hands toward heaven: And he said, Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant & mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart:..." Another example of prays gestures with uplifted hands is seen in: Isa.1:15 but under apostate conditions: "And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood."
Justin Martyr [A.D. 110-165], also explained in his (DWT) that: "You know," said I, "that what the prophets said & did they veiled by parables & types, as you admitted to us; so that it was not easy for all to understand the most [of what they said], since they concealed the truth by these means, that those who are eager to find out & learn it might do so with much labour." They answered, "We admitted this." "Listen, therefore," say I, "to what follows; for Moses first exhibited this seeming curse of Christ's by the signs which he made." Of what [signs] do you speak?" said he. "When the people," replied I, "waged war with Amalek, & the son of Nave (Nun) by name Jesus (Joshua), led the fight, Moses himself prayed to God, stretching out both hands, & Hur with Aaron supported them during the whole day, so that they might not hang down when he got wearied. For if he gave up any part of this sign, which was an imitation of the cross, the people were beaten, as is recorded in the writings of Moses; but if he remained in this form, Amalek was proportionally defeated, & he who prevailed prevailed by the cross. For it was not because Moses so prayed that the people were stronger, but because, while one who bore the name Jesus (Joshua) was in the forefront of the battle, he himself made the sign of the cross...."51*
Later Justin Martyr wrote: "...And again, by what Moses & Joshua did, the same thing was symbolically announced & told beforehand. For the one of them, stretching out his hands, remained till evening on the hill, his hands being supported; & this reveals a type of no other thing than of the cross: & the other, whose name was altered to Jesus (Joshua), led the fight, & Israel conquered. Now this took place in the case of both those holy men & prophets of God, that you may perceive how one of them could not bear up both the mysteries: I mean, the type of the cross & the type of the name....And shall we not rather refer the standard to the resemblance of the crucified Jesus, since also Moses by his outstretched hands, together with him who was named Jesus (Joshua), achieved a victory for your people?...And this was done & said by the blessed prophet with much intelligence & mystery; & there is nothing said or done by any one of the prophets, without exception, which one can justly reprehend, if he possess the knowledge which is in them...."52*
Amongst the much later Christian sect, the "Dominican Monks" about the 13th century AD, one in 9 ways to pray was to stand with both arms & hands raised up & out to the side, making the sign of the cross.53* Justin Martyr also wrote that Aaron held Moses hands up in this prayer gesture & sign. "...Aaron upheld his" (Moses's) "hands, remained in this form until evening. For indeed the Lord remained upon the tree almost until evening, & they buried Him at eventide; then on the third day He rose again. This was declared by David thus: `With my voice I cried to the Lord, & He heard me out of His holy hill. I laid me down, & slept; I awaked, for the Lord sustained me.' (Ps.3:4-5). "And Isaiah likewise mentions concerning Him the manner in which He would die, thus: `I have spread out My hands unto a people disobedient, & gainsaying, that walk in a way which is not good.' (Isa.liii.9)..." Justin mentions other Biblical passages, such as Ps.21 which he says "...refers to the suffering & to the cross in a parable of mystery..."54*
Origen response to some of the charges that Celsus made against the early Christian ordinances, or "mysteries," in these words: "...when those who have been turned towards virtue have made progress, & have shown that they have been purified by the word, & have led as far as they can a better life, then & not before do we invite them to participation in our mysteries. "For we speak wisdom among them that are perfect." (1 Cor.2:6). "And as we teach, moreover, that "wisdom will not enter into the soul of a based man, nor dwell in a body that is involved in sin," (Wis. Solom.1.4) "we say, Whoever has clean hands, & therefore lifts up holy hands to God, by reason of being occupied with elevated & heavenly things, can say, `The lifting of my hands is as the evening sacrifice," (Here Origen used the words of David to make his point, (Ps.cxli. 2.) "let him come to us; & whoever has a wise tongue through meditating on the law of the Lord day & night, & by "reason of habit has his senses exercised to discern between good & evil," let him have no reluctance in coming to the strong & rational sustenance which is adapted to those who are athletes in piety & every virtue. And since the grace of God is with all those who love with a pure affection the teacher of the doctrines of immortality, whoever is pure not only from all defilement, but from what are regarded as lesser transgressions, let him be boldly initiated in the mysteries of Jesus, which properly are made known only to the holy & the pure. The initiated of Celsus accordingly says, "Let him whose soul is conscious of no evil come." But he who acts as initiator, according to the precepts of Jesus, will say to those who have been purified in heart, "He whose soul has, for a long time, been conscious of no evil, & especially since he yielded himself to the healing of the word, let such an one hear the doctrines which were spoken in private by Jesus to His genuine disciples." Therefore in the comparison which he institutes between the procedure of the initiators into the Grecian mysteries, & the teachers of the doctrine of Jesus, he does not know the difference between inviting the wicked to be healed, & initiating those already purified into the sacred mysteries!"
"Not to participation in mysteries, then, & to fellowship in the wisdom hidden in a mystery, which God ordained before the world to the glory of His saints," (1 Cor.2:7) "do we invite the wicked man, & the thief, & the housebreaker, & the poisoner, & the committer of sacrilege, & the plunderer of the dead, & all those others who Celsus may enumerate in his exaggerating style, but such as these we invite to be healed." (TANF) 4: p.488). (Celsus claimed that the Christians invite sinners, etc., [he goes through this list of different kinds of criminals], of which he had claimed that the Christians had invited to come into their mysteries.55*
Origen responded that this was not so, but that they called no such persons, but those who had repented, & turned towards virtue & had made progress towards cleaning up their lives, or who were living a "better life". These were ones that they called to take part in the "mysteries" or ordinances. (ibid. p.488). Origen also used a number of scriptures as proof text, such as Rom.16:25-6 etc., while giving further response to Celsus's charges.56*
1* (The Pilgrimage & Struggles of the Human Family In & Through the Different Realms of Existences by DaRell D. Thorpe 1991, unpublished). And: Mormonism & Early Christianity by Nibley, op. cit. [AM] tract: Sacred Ceremony Secret Ritual or Sinister Trap? by HIS Ministries, P.C. Ut. And: SLC Messenger #75-76 July 1990 Nov.1990 Tanners, op. cit., (MSOR?), op. cit., p.484-92. (TGM) & Temple of the Godmakers, op. cit., Spencer & Schnobelen's, op. cit. And: Mormonism Magic & Masonry, Tanners 1983, op. cit. Questions for Your Temple Tour, Decker, op. cit. (NMKMH) Brodie ibid. p.275-83.
2* (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit.
3* Christ Lore, Hackwood, op. cit., p.5 etc. Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-99. The Secret Doctrine of Jesus by H. Spencer Lewis 1937, op. cit., p.23-31, 84, 91, & 146. Apostasy From the Divine Church, Barker, op. cit., p.123-6. (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.124-5, etc. Bettenson, op. cit., p.3-4. Loisy, op. cit.,. 191-3 etc. (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.10-11, p.71-3, & 87-88. Cavendish, op. cit., Vol.4 p.985, Vol.7 p.1866-9. The Secret Gospel (The Discovery & Interpretation of the Secret Gospel According to Mark) by Mortan Smith 1973 Pub. Harper & Row NY. p.72-123. (PR&TEC), Benko op. cit., p.1-162. Fathers of the Church by F.A. Wright 1928 Pub. George Routledge & Sons Lon. p.26-51. (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.95-6. The Secret Sayings of Jesus by Robert M. Grant, David Noel Freedman, etc. Doubleday & Co. GC NY 1960 p.17-187. When Our Faith Is Challenged, Vol.2 1988 by DaRell D. Thorpe, still unpublished.
4* I wrote 4 books on the subject that are still unpublished at this time, entitled: Jesus Christ's "Everlasting Gospel" & Ancient "Patternism", by DaRell D. Thorpe, 1990. (Being: A study in Early Christian History on into Later Ages of the Great Apostasy. Also the Retrogression of the early Christian Doctrines. Also a study of Early Christian: Baptism for the living & Dead, Christ's Descent into the realms of the spirits to preach the gospel, baptismal fonts, The horn for anointing oil, Washing & anointings, garments & the white robes, the New Name, The pre-existence, Oaths or vows, handclasps, prayer gestures, circles, the veil, the embrace, deification or becoming gods, 3 in the godhead, marriage, In both early christian writings & Art works, Also Modern critics & the early anti-Christians, etc.) Also: Early Christianity In the Ancient Americas & Old & New World Parallels, by DaRell D. Thorpe, 1990, unpublished still in 1991.
Another more extensive work on the subject is a manuscript of mine, that is (as of yet at this time is still), unpublished, entitled: The Ancient & Modern Anti-Christs Against the Early Saints & the "Latter-day Saints" by DaRell D. Thorpe, 1990. Most Recently a radio show & a book in the making: entitled: The Pilgrimages & Struggles of the Human Family In & Through the Different Realms of Existences, by DaRell D. Thorpe, 1991. Radio show by the same title: June 2, 1991, KTKK, OR K-"TALK" Radio 630 AM, radio, in Utah. Martin Tanner & DaRell D. Thorpe on "Religion on the Line". And other shows that might be considered: May 18, 1991, with Joe Sanders on KTKK, & June 28, 1991, with Jim Kirkwood on KTKK. (To consider the taped programs & other books, write to: DaRell D. Thorpe, Religious, Historical, & Polemical Studies, (RH&PS) PO Box 573601, Murray Utah, zip. code # 84157-3601).
5* By Study & Also by Faith Vol.1 p.202-221 CP.11: Aspects of an Early Christian Initiation Ritual, William J. Hamblin BYU Provo Ut. & CP.24: The Handclasp & Embrace as Tokens of Recognition, by Todd M. Compton, LA Calif p.611-42. Pub. DBC & FARMS 1990 SLC & PROVO UT. In footnote 48 on p.635 of Compton's research paper. See also: [PMD] Mormonism & Early Christianity, Nibley, ibid. The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, an Egyptian Endowment, by Huge Nibley, 1975, The Early Christian Church in the Light of Some Newly Discovered Papyri from Egypt, by Nibley 1985, (Tri-Stake Fireside, March 3, 1964).
6* Gal.2:9, see also: By Study & Also By Faith Vol.1 p.620, Compton, op. cit.
7* Romanesque Art In France by Joseph Gantner & Marcel Pobe, op. cit., pl.135 & p.64.
8* The Horizon History of Christianity by Roland H. Bainton, op. cit., p.214-5.
9* (TANF) Vol.1 p.200 chap.11 & p.207 chap.26 (DWT).
10* The Icon, Weitzmann, op. cit., etc. p.170, 225, 282-3, 342-3 etc. And: Art in the Early Church, Lowrie, op. cit., pl.100. & Gothic Painting I p.48, op. cit.
11* (TANF) Vol.3 p.157-8, Tertullian: An Answer to the Jews, & Ps.73:23-4.
12* See: #8, op. cit., (TANF) Vol.3 p.157-8.
13* The Secret Book of Revelation, by Gilles Quispel Professor, 1979, p.48.
14* Age Of Spirituality, Ed. by Kurt Weitzmann 1979, # 438: left. Also: Greek & Roman Art by Ernst Kjellberg & Gosta Saflund, p.208 fig. 192.
15* Signs & Symbols in Christian Art, by George Ferguson, op. cit., p. 42. And: Greek & Syrian Miniatures in Jerusalem by William Henry Paine Hatch 1931 pl.lxviii p.124-5. & Russell, 1981, op. cit., p.118-22, citing Tertullian, Res. 44. "Tertullian introduced the vivid image of Christ breaking down the bolts & smashing down the doors of hell." ("quae portas adamantinas mortis et aeneas seras inferorum infregit.")
16* The 40 days by Geoffrey R. King 1949 p.15-20.
17* The Middle Ages, by Robert Fossier 1989 p.470. And: Anglo/Saxon Art, by David M. Wilson 1984 p.182-3.
18* Ps.16:8-10; 17:4-7; 20:6; 24:3-10; 25:4-5; 68:18 & Eph.4:7-10; "Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, & afterward receive me to glory." (Ps.73:23-4), & Ps.89:13; 118:16-21; & Psalm 23).
19* Heaven & Hell in Western Art, by Robert Huges, 1968, p.190-1.
20* As mentioned above, in star note 19* ibid. p.190.
21* Monumental Christianity, by John P Lundy, op. cit., p.26-7.
22* Christ Lore, Hackwood, op. cit., p.5.
23* Acts 20:29-30; Rom.16:18; 1 Cor.1:10-13; 14:23-33; 2 Cor. 11:13-15; Gal.2:4; Eph.4:11-32; 2 Thess chap.2; 1 Pet.3:15-16; 2 Pet.2:1-3, 18-22; 1 Jn.2:18-19; Jude 4; etc.
24* Stephen Benko tells us that "Sometime around the year 200 a Christian lawyer by the name of Minucius Felix wrote a dialogue in remembrance of his deceased friend Octavius....The dialogue consists of an exchange of speeches between a pagan (Q. Caecilius Natalis) & a Christian (Octavius Januarius) with Minucius Felix serving as a kind of moderator. They discuss the major Roman grievances against the Christian, & many of the arguments used by pagans are probably based on a now lost, anti-Christian oration of Marcus Cornelius Fronto (ca. 100-166), a famous orator & the teacher of the future emperors Marcus Aurelius & Lucius Verus. Although few of his writings survive, we know, through the references of other authors, of Fronto's intense hatred of the Christians...." "Minucius Felix cast his dialogue in the form of a personal reminiscence...." (PR&TEC) Benko, op. cit., p.54, also see n.1 & 2, on p.74, & (M&PITEC) Frend, op. cit., p.187-8).
25* Early Christian Civilization, Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199.
26* The Secret Doctrines of Jesus, by H. Spencer Lewis, F.R.C., Ph.D., Rosicrucian Lib. Vol.4 1937 & 1965 by Supreme Grand Lodge od A.M.O.R.C., San Jose Calif. p.23, 25-9, 84 & 146).
27* Isis Unveiled Vol.2: Theology, H.P. Blavatsky 1877 p.204.
28* Fig. No. 27, taken from the work of Gorrio (Tab XXXV.), Bible Myths, op. cit.
29* Bible Myths ibid. p.344.
30* (TANF) Vol.4 p.583-4 bk.6 chap. 22-24 (OAC), op. cit.
31* (F&ROC), Legge, op. cit., Vol.2 p.244. And: By Study & Also by Faith Vol.1 p.619-20. Compton, op. cit.
32* The Other Bible, op. cit., p.419-420, Revelation of the Mystery of the Cross.
33* Library of Fathers, Vol.2 p.264-5, Cyril of Jer. 4th cent. A.D., op. cit.
34* Leo the Great, (TN&PNF) Vol.12, see p.163, 165, 167-9, 176, 179, 182-3, 188, & 190.
35* Early Christian Art, Volbach, op. cit., #93.
36* Classical Inspiration In Medieval Art by Walter Oakeshott 1959 pl.80.
37* Monuments of Romanesque Art by Hanns Swarzenski, op. cit., pl.15 #35, dated 10th cent. AD, see also #34. In pl.66 fig.151.
38* The Carolingian by J. Hubert- J. Porcher- W.F. Volbach, 1970 & Art of The Medieval World by George Zarnecki 1975 p.135 fig.132 pub. H.N.A. NY).
39* The Lost Books of the Bible, etc., op. cit., in between p.240 & 241. Also: Art Treasures of Eastern Europe by Anthony Rhodes 1970 p.284 & 360 fig. 294.
40* The Medieval Treasury, Ed. by Paul Willamson, 1986 p.116-7 dated 2nd quarter of the 12th cent. AD, another depiction dated about "971-984" is seen in: Ivory Carvings in Early Medieval England, Beckwith, op. cit., p.33 fig.33. Other depictions to consider are found in: The Art of the Illuminated Manuscript, op. cit., p.200-1 fig.135. And: Meisterwerke Kirchlicher Kunst S. O Sterreich, Nnsbruck-Wien-Munchen. Aufnahmen, Text und Bildgestaltung von Alois Schmiedbauer, p.252. Also: Eine Bayerische Malerschule Des XI. Und XII. Jahrhunderts, Von, E.F. Bange, 1923, Mit 186 Abbildungen Auf 67 Tafeln. See: Taf. 60: 164, "Munchen: Staatsbibl., Clm. 2939"). And: From The Early To the Heavenly Jerusalem by Bianca Kuhnel 1987 fig. 87).
41* (TN&PNF) Vol.5 p.518-24, Gregory of Nyssa, 4th cent. AD.
42* 2 Cor.1:21; Heb. 10:16-22; 1 John 2:20, 27; & (TANF) Vol.1 p.214-7, 224, 226, 229, 242 etc., (DWT) & (TN&PNF) Vol.X p.321-3, op. cit., & Art & Mankind, Ed. by Rene Huyghe 1958 p.359, fig.918, etc. So also is garments. The Malcove Collection, Ed. by Sheila D. Campbell, Un. of Toronto Press 1985 p.403 & 496, And: (TN&PNF) Vol.6 St. Jerome, p.67, 233, 347, 507; & Church Symbolism, Webber, op. cit., p.335. And: A World History of Art by Gina Pischel 1978, p.268-9. Early Christian & Byzantine Art, by John Beckwith, Pub. Penguin Bk. 1970 p.183 fig.151; p.205 fig. 171 & p.270 fig.234. The Illustrated Bibles From Tours, by Herbert L. Kessler, op. cit., fig.164. Anglo-Saxon Art, Wilson, op. cit., p.198 fig.257. etc.
43* Library of Fathers Vol.II p.260-9, Cyril of Jerusalem Archbishop in the 4th cent. AD. On the Mysteries, Pub. Oxford, John Henry Parker; Lon MDCCCXXXIX, op. cit.
44* Library of Fathers, Vol.II p.264-5, op. cit.
45* The Malcove Collection, Ed. by Sheila D. Campbell, Un. of Toronto Press 1985 p.403 & 496, And: (TN&PNF) Vol.6 St. Jerome, p.67, 233, 347, 507; & Church Symbolism, Webber, op. cit., p.335. And: A World History of Art by Gina Pischel 1978, p.268-9. Early Christian & Byzantine Art, by John Beckwith, Pub. Penguin Bk. 1970 p.183 fig.151; p.205 fig. 171 & p.270 fig.234. The Illustrated Bibles From Tours, by Herbert L. Kessler, op. cit., fig.164. Anglo-Saxon Art, Wilson, op. cit., p.198 fig.257. etc.
46* (TANF) Vol.1, p.1, 6, & 12, The 1st Epist. of Clement to the Corinthians, see chap.2, & 29.
47* The Book of Enoch the Prophet, trans., by Richard Laurence, 1892, p.22, 84-9. Stolen Lightning, O'Keefe, op. cit., p.44-5, 55, 121-4; See also: Enoch The Prophet, Nibley, op. cit., p.8-11. The Birth of the Christian Religion & The Origins of the New Testament, Loisy, op. cit., p.206-7 citing Justin. Monumental Christianity, Lundy, op. cit., p.66 citing Tertullian). The Prince of Darkness, by Jeffrey Burton Russell, 1988 Cornell Un., p.22-3, 30-36, 43-55, 65, 68-73, 78-84, 101-4, 112-129, 162, 188, 197, etc.
48* The Horizon Book of Great Cathedrals, p.284-5.
49* (TANF) Vol.4 p.488 bk.3 chap.lx (OAC).
50* Christian Art, by C.R. Morey p.86; Romanesque Frescoes by Edgar Waterman Anthony 1951, #40. & Icon, Weitzmann, op. cit., pl.47 p.23; The Winchester Psalter, by Francis Wormald, 1973 fig.27. etc.
51* (TANF) Vol.1 p.244 chap.XC (DWT), op. cit.
52* Ibid., (TANF) Vol.1 p.254-5 chap.cxi-cxii (DWT), & Ex.17:8-14.
53* The Horizon Book of the Middle Ages, by the Eds of Horizon Mag., Ed. in charge, Norman Kotker, Author, Morris Bishop, Pub. by American Heritage Pub. NY etc. 1968, p.152-3.
54* (TANF) Vol.1 p.247, op. cit.
55* (TANF) Vol.4 p.487 bk.3 chap.lix (OAC), op. cit.
56* (TANF) Vol.4 p.487-89 bk.3 chap.lix-lxii. (OAC), Ibid. See also: Christian Iconography by Andre Gradar 1968 fig.59-60, p.32-4 also fig.57. The Origins of Christian Art by Michael Gough 1973 p.34-5 fig.29. And: Art of the Middle Ages, by Michael Batterberry p.12-13, fig.I-5, p.15-16, fig.I-11. & The Renaissance by Donald L. Hill, etc. p.202. Ancient Text & Mormonism, by Eugene Seaich, 1983. Baptism for the Dead, by Roger Adam, 1977, LDS Church Archives. in SLC, Ut., (call slip # Res.; m234. 62, R216). The Lost Books of the Bible & The Forgotten Books of Eden 1926-7 p.86-8 etc. Art in the Early Church, Lowrie, op. cit., pl.100. & Gothic Painting I p.48, op. cit. Russell, op. cit. Christ's Image, op. cit., p.129. Monuments of Romanesque Art by Hanns Swarsenski, op. cit., 1954 & 67 pl.113 fig.258 & pl.66 fig.151. Lundy, op. cit., p.382-3. Library of Fathers Vol.2 p.267-9 etc. Cyril of Jer. & (TN&PNF) Vol.X p.321-3 Ambrose. Vol.12 p.152-3. Vol.13 p.3 & p.163-9 176, 179, 182-3, 188 & 190. Vol.5 p.518-24. The New Cath. Encyc. Vol.1 p.567-8. Early Christian Art, text by W.F. Volbach pl.93 & Classical Inspiration in Medieval Art by Walter Oakshott 1959 pl.80 etc. The Salerno Ivories by Robert P. Bergman 1980 p.103 & 106 fig.179 & 185. The Art of the Illuminated Manuscript by David M. Robb 1973 p.200-1 fig.135. Medieval French Miniatures. by Jean Porcher 38 etc. Zec. chap.3. Ezk.36:24-27; Ezra 9:8; Heb.6:16-20; 10:16-22; 11:13-16; 1 John 2:20-27, 3:1-2; Rev.2:17, 3:5, 12-14, 21; 6:10-11; (TANF) Vol.4 p.488 (OAC). Rev.22:14. Phil.3:20-21; 2 Cor.3:17-18.
Hand and Wrist Clasping in Historic Christendom’s Art Works and Writings
In December 13th in Sweden, St. Lucia’s day there is not only the tradition of bringing in light, or lighting the way for the wandering Christ-child with lit candles. But there is also another tradition that could be a reminder of earlier Christian hand clasping welcomes associated with welcoming the wandering Christ. And which could also remind us of the earlier traditions and art works of the hand and wrist grasps depicted in the harrowing of hell, when Christ, the Light of the World, illumined the underworld. Thus, in Sweden: “the family join hands and weaves in and out of every room in the house singing the Christmas welcome.” In Russia, another hand clasping tradition seems to have been passed down from earlier times. According to this legend, an old woman named Baboushka welcomed travelers passing by her cottage. These travelers were the three kings from the east. Eventually, she leaves her cottage to seek the Christ-child too. In some stories, she brings gifts into the homes she visits, while looking for the wandering Christ—child. Other stories state how she made it all the way to Bethlehem to find out that only the animals remained. However, that night, she heard a voice calling to her, saying: “I am the Christ Child. Take my hand and come with me.” The Christ—child then took her by the hand to guide her to heaven.
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"123 St. Dorothy was given roses by the Christ-child. In one depiction, she has a basket in her hand which is filled with roses, that “a naked male child— Jesus— has brought her as assurance that the heavenly Paradise awaits her.” Other sources say that the Christ-child came to her “in the guise of a small boy.” Moreover, paintings of Dorothea often show her with roses in her hands, or in a basket. In others, she is “offering a basket of fruit and flowers to the Virgin or the Infant Christ.” Here the clasp is on the wrist.
When he appears, he displays his wounds as the one who “was wounded for our transgressions.” And he who was “bruised for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5). In some cases, the same types of gestures that Christ makes while displaying his wounds, are also seen in early Christian mysteries, masses, and later liturgical gestures.
1280, in a Last Judgment composition, Christ, enthroned, raises both hands up, while down below, on his right hand side is an angelic guide clasping the wrist of the first in many souls to be guided over into paradise.
A Latin work, A.D. 1380, seems to have an element of a certain aspect of the early Christian mysteries in it. For a man with a glove on, extends his hand towards Christ, the Man of Sorrows. On this glove are what seems to be a mark in the wrist area, and another mark, or symbol in the middle of his hand. Furthermore, in a depiction of St. Theresa, pleading for souls in the fires of purgatory. Christ appears, with hand clasping angelic guides, who are lifting souls out of the fire. Christ appears to be in the guise of the man of sorrows here too.
Fra Angelico (Giovanni Guido, A.D. 1387—1455), depicts Christ the Pilgrim in an art work found in the Monastery of San Marco, Florence, Italy.
In this fresco, painted about A.D. 1440. The Two Dominican monks receive and welcome a pilgrim who is none other than Christ, in the guise of a pilgrim. The original fresco was in the lunette over the guest-room door to remind the monks of their duties of entertaining strangers, and of responding to all the other calls of mercy. As they welcome this pilgrim to the hospitality of their convent, they don’t realize who he really is. Here we see the earlier aspect of that which shows up in later traditional Christmas guises. For as we have already noted, according to the later legends, if one was to see the wandering Christ, they wouldn’t be able to tell who he is, because of the different guises he travels the world in. Thus, in this earlier case, the monks come forth eagerly to let this unknown in, for Christ's sake. Christ, in this guise, carries a walking staff, and as the nearer monk “reaches out his hand of welcome, the two arms make with the staff the secret sign of the cross.” This sign is “the password by which all the poor and the travel-stained may enter "In His Name."”
Christ’s face is utterly other-worldly. The cruciform nimbus, or the light that shines forth from his countenance, gives it a sort of unearthly setting. It’s the face of one whose citizenship is in heaven; and of “a pilgrim and a stranger who can tarry but a night."
The hand clasp between the monks & Christ the pilgrim, must have also reminded the Christian monks of the same types of ones depicted in The Ascension into heaven.
Furthermore, it was to remind them of the future Last Judgement too. In art works of this, souls are being greeted in the same types of ways as they pass through the gaits, or doors of paradise. Thus, if the monks continued in their quests for moral perfection, and continued to receive pilgrims in this way, and as if they were the wandering Christ himself. And if they didn’t forbid them from entering their monasteries, and other holy sanctuaries. Which were considered models after the heavenly prototype, the heavenly Jerusalem, or Church in heaven. Then, in like manner, upon the monks' deaths and ascensions into heaven, Christ wouldn’t turn them away either. Instead, he would be there to welcome them in the same types of ways as he was greeted by them when he was wandering about the earth in the guise of a pilgrim, leper, or beggar. He would take them by their hands and welcome them into heaven by guiding, lifting, or pulling them up into the heavenly city. And so, this work may have served as a reminder of this sort of thing. For just as “the sign of the cross” or this hand clasp is used to enter the earthly prototype of heaven, or the monastery. So also in an earlier Christian work, The Gospel of Nicodemus, does Adam use a gestural sign of the cross, and a hand clasp, to enter into paradise.
To understand more about some of the other guises Christ wanders the world in. We need to consider more about the symbolical meanings behind the rituals, and early Christian mysteries. Plus how they influenced later traditional ways and illustrations in which the Wounded Wander is to be greeted. All throughout historic Christendom, doors, gaits, hills or mountain tops. Plus, tunnels through the clouds, ladders, and open pits symbolize entrance ways into other realms in the after-life. But also, different types of ways in which the hand is held. These things are also part of the ritualistic journey of the soul in not only their art works, but their rites of passage too. Furthermore, we also see this sort of thing in the way in which different ones are greeted before entering a holy place. But also in the Temple on earth, which is a type of greeting one is to expect while ascending into the heavenly Temple. For example, David’s hand is held as he is being greeted by a person at the entrance way to a building, while the hand of God the Father sends down rays of blessing and light. A “door was opened in heaven” in an early depiction of Revelations 4:1. As St. John ascends a ladder to this door, an angel is lifting him up by his wrists to assist his entrance into heaven. In another work, two angels assist Christ during his ascension into heaven, one, by grasping his hand. This work is on a door at Santa Sabina, Rome, A.D. 432.
To understand more about the symbols that the early Christians looked for in the World Wide Wounded Wanderer, we need to consider in more detail, the trade marks of the wanderer. One the most important of which is wounded hand symbols, and the hand, and wrist clasping that go along with them. Already we have considered some of them already, with regards to Angelico’s, A.D. 1387—1455, depiction of Christ the Pilgrim, and the one of St. Dorothy and the wandering Christ-child. Now we will explore these symbols in more detail, in order to see how the symbols in the early Christian mysteries, were blended in with the later legends about Christ’s world wide trek. In these numerous different guises that Christ The World Wide Wounded Wanderer travels about in, and appears to people in. We also see right along with them, elements to the early Christian mysteries, even though in later centuries, they have undergone changes and distortions. At any rate, this is one of the most helpful themes to follow in our quest to finding other traditional guises which Christ might appear in, as he makes his world wide treks. Thus, if Christ taught the early Christian mysteries during these treks, it seems logical to think that we should be able to see traces of these mysteries in what ever area of the world to which traditions say that he visited. And that is certainly the case. This is why we need to consider these aspects and elements repeatedly, when ever they are visible. For in so doing this, in the case with early to later Christianity, these elements will become more visible when we start to consider traces of the mysteries, (which thus shows evidences of Christ’s trek), throughout the Americas, China, India, and other places around the world.
Therefore, in a Christian work dated early 11th through the 1st quarter of the 12th century, the artist presents not only the concept of how Christ is the great Pantocrator. Or the divine ruler over this world, the other after-life realms, and the universe. But also, how he is to be seen as a traveling Pantocrator. A pilgrim King, who travels in, and about his entire kingdom. Thus, in this case, as in others, the artist blends two concepts together. The one of how Christ is a traveling Pantocrator, with the one of how he is wandering about, at times, in the guise of a beggar in order to test his servants. Another clue that suggest that he is a traveler is a symbol that is like a tunnel or door way to other realms of existence. Thus, Christ is depicted on his throne in the mandorla symbol (). A symbol that is often seen around after-life realm travelers, or pilgrims, as though they were passing through it like it was the exit or entrance to another state of existence.
For example, we see this in art works that show Christ, saints, or souls ascending into heaven. Or of Christ's descent into hell. And sense Christ is in this symbol while enthroned as the Pantocrator of the universe, this suggest that he is a pilgrim Pantocrator. Or a heavenly ruler who makes pilgrimages throughout his earthly, but also his other-realm kingdoms throughout the universe. Furthermore, this same work also has a portion that shows St. Martin giving a coat to the wandering Christ who comes to him as a beggar. Therefore, along side works that show Christ in the guise of a beggar asking St. Martin for help, are also those of Christ as Pantocrator enthroned in the mandorla.
In the back ground scenes of this late 15th century art work are two monks. They appear to be greeting each other in this way. While one supports himself with a crutch or pilgrim’s walking stick. The other grasps the crippled monk’s hand in the same types of ways in which God grasps Eve’s hands to raise her out of Adam’s side. In one depiction, the hand shake between God and Eve is surrounded by a circle of praying angels.
Furthermore, this same type of hand shake is seen in the manner in which Adam and Christ grasp each others’ hands in depictions of Christ raising souls out of limbo, and purgatory. But also, they are the same types of clasps that people greet each other with, in art works depicting scenes in Paradise. These types of greetings seem to be derived from the early to later Christian mysteries, and liturgies. Much of which centers on the wounds Christ received on the cross. In earlier centuries, the early anti-Christians, such as Caecilius, and Fronto were disturbed by this type of symbolism being used among the early Christians. Caecilius charges that “they recognize each other by secret marks”. Fronto ascribes this to them: “When they extend the hand for greeting at the bottom of the palm they make a tickling touch and from this they ascertain whether the person who appeared is of their faith.” Fredk. WM. Hackwood notes that Christian symbolism was fostered by the horrors through which the early Christians had to pass through during times of persecutions. Thus, “Symbols were invented and used as secret signs by which the Christian brethren could recognise each other.” John P. Lundy wrote that “all the symbols of Christianity were ordained primarily to teach pure doctrine, and that they were necessarily used to distinguish Christianity from paganism, and as signs and watchwords to discriminate between friend and foe, true and false, hypocrites and genuine Christians.”
In later centuries, these some types of symbols were passed on in the later traditions and manners by which strangers were to be greeted as is they were the wandering Christ. For the wandering Christ was going to be known by certain signs, and symbolic hand clasps. For example, when someone came to the monastery, the monks were to go out and greet them as if they were the wandering Christ himself. These greetings, in some cases, seem to have included different types of hand, and wrist grasps. At least, this is what another art work, dated A.D. 1400—1455, seems to suggests. For it shows two monks clasping each others hands, except in a different manner as the one depicted and mentioned earlier.
In these types of greetings, they were to show to all the respect due to them, especially to their own fellow Christians in the faith, and to pilgrims. If a visitor was announced, the abbot and brothers were to go meet them. In so doing this, they were in fulfillment of their loving Christian duty. They were to give each other the kiss of peace only after praying together. The kiss of peace was: “A ceremonial gesture, as a kiss or a handshake, used as a sign of unity and brotherhood among those celebrating and attending the Eucharist.” Other art works, like those above, show us that this is what they did, they would greet pilgrims, & the “postulants” and fellow monks with different types of hand clasp, and as if the ones that they were greeting was The World Wide Wounded Wanderer.
Another, 15th century, France, shows St. Benedict greeting his sister Scholastica by grasping, with is left hand, her right wrist. At the same time, they are reaching out towards each other as if they are about to shake hands. In the greeting itself, great humility was to be shown towards all guests. When the guest comes and goes, they were to bend their head or prostrate themselves on the ground before them, and so honor Christ in them, since in them they had received Him. They were to also show especial and particular care in the welcome given to the poor and to pilgrims, for in them they believed that they had received Christ in the truest sense. So far in our journey back through the centuries, we have seen in these legends and traditions, about Christ’s world wide trek, how his true identity is hidden to those who fail to recognize him. Furthermore, how Christ travels about in the guise of a stranger, pilgrim, beggar, and a normal looking man whose identity is thus hidden too. However, in some cases, the wounds in his hands and feet are clues to his identity for those who know what to look for. Especially those who know about the prophecies concerning the manner of Christ’s suffering, and crucifixion. Or who have received types, imitations, and similitudes of Christ’s sufferings when they passed through the Christian mysteries, and liturgies. Thus, they would know what types of wounds to look for in the strangers they suspected was Christ in the guise of a man of sorrows, even the wounded wanderer.
During the 1460s a depiction of a mass being performed for the dead shows the priest at the altar, while another portion shows what many believed was taking place in purgatory, for while the priest did the rite, angels were busy releasing souls from purgatory. Under this scene, another soul awaits to be rescued next. Other examples of this kind are seen in art works that date back to this century, and earlier.
A 14th century work shows a soul being rescued out of the mouth of hell. In the top part, angels hold the hands of the souls they are guiding to meet God.
A 15th century work shows souls being lifting up by angels in this same type of way. Thus, these souls are liberated from the infernal regions. For other examples of this kinds see the endnotes.
Another work is based on the traditions of how Christ and the redeemed patriarchs appeared to Christ's mother Mary, after their ascension up out of limbo. This work was in a publication at Burgos in 1520, and was enacted in a very similar way as in the account of Villena. Other sources, and art works suggest that it was during his visits to Mary, as in other post-resurrection appearances to others, that Christ explained the symbolical meanings, and types behind the mysteries. Furthermore, he did this by expounding on the prophecies. Many early to later Christians understood these mysteries to included prayers, & other sacramental gestures, baptism, anointings, garments, robes, coronations, & different types of hand symbols, and grasps. All these were types and symbols of that which was to happen in the after-life realms.
A number of works were made, until about the 17th century , illustrating how after Christ lifted souls out of limbo, he brought them to meet his Mother. These works, and the traditions behind them, were based on Matthew 27:52-53.
These traditions represent some of the first post-resurrection visitations which the risen Lord made. And thus mark the beginning of his post-resurrection trek throughout the world. Traditions say that while Mary had retired to her chamber to wait for her son's resurrection. She prayed earnestly saying: "Thou didst promise, O my most dear son, that thou wouldst rise again on the third day. Before yesterday was the day of darkness and bitterness; and, behold, this is the third day. Return then to me, thy mother. O my son, tarry not, but come!"
Soon after this, Christ enters the chamber, bearing the standard of the cross. He is followed by the patriarchs and prophets whom Christ had lifted up and released from Hades. They all thank her, because their deliverance had come through her, because of her son. Knowing her son is still among this group of resurrected souls, she calls out to him to come forth to her, because she wanted to hear him speak. Christ raises his hands in benediction, saying: "I salute thee, O my mother!" And they embrace each other. She then asks: "Is it thou indeed, my most dear son?" Jesus then presents his wounds, and bade her be comforted since He had triumphed over death and hell. Having knelt down, she thanks him that she had been his mother. After they talk some more, Christ then leaves her to go and show himself to Mary Magdalene.Also part of these traditions are numerous art works that show the risen Lord presenting his wounds to Mary so that she recognizes him. In an earlier events, Mary examines up close the wounds in her son’s dead body as they take him down from the cross. Thus, in a number of art works depicting the descent from the cross, Mary feels the nail mark wounds with her hands. In one work, she gives her dead Son’s wounded right hand what some might have likened unto the hand clasping rite in the Eucharist, the kiss of peace.
One depictions, A.D. 1178, shows her pressing her finger into the wound area of Christ’s hand. One writer, upon commenting on this work, says that the: “lifting of Christ’s right hand from the Cross becomes an act of ritual grace accomplished with the aid of an angel”
Another work shows the moment before Mary's right hand pointer finger is about to touch the nail mark wound in the middle of Christ's right hand, while, like in other works, her thumb is about to feel where the nail went through on the other side. In another, she holds Christ's right hand with her right, as she bends forward as though to take a closer look at the wound. One dating back to the late 13th or early 14th century shows two of Christ’s followers giving Christ the kiss of peace on his wounded hands. This kiss of peace, is a hand clasp, and kiss on the wound area. This also seems to be the area that is kissed by those who clasp the hand of Bishops. On the Bishop’s hands are gloves with symbols in the middle of the palm area, as if to represent Christ’s wounds. Thus, it seems as though they are kissing and clasping Christ’s wounds. A few days later when Christ appears with the host of redeemed saints of old, she embraces him. And then proceeds to examine up close, and in this same way, Christ’s wounds again. However, this time, the feeling of the wounds is not with the dead body of her Son, as before. Rather, it is with the living and resurrected body of her son. Thus, she became one of the first witnesses to the resurrection.
According to traditions, and art works, an angel appears to Mary to tell her that in three days, she would rejoin her son in paradise. The angel says that “the Apostles, wherever they were preaching in the various parts of the earth, should be miraculously reunited to her for a final leave-taking.” Soon the dispersed Apostles were caught up from the different areas of the world they were at, and instantaneously brought to Jerusalem to be at her side during her last moments in mortality. At the moment she died, Jesus Himself appeared in glory to receive her soul. After three days she was resurrected, ascended into heaven, to passed through a heavenly coronation ceremony, in which she was crowned, enthroned, glorified, and deified as the Queen of Heaven.
Historic Christendom’s numerous treasures of manuscripts, and art works, also point out and testify that it was during these post-resurrection visitations, that Christ showed her, and his apostles, the mysteries of the Kingdom. For Mary uses these same types and imitations of Christ’s suffering to enter into heaven.
Numerous early to later Christian art works take us step by step through this whole ritualistic drama too. Depictions of these post-resurrection visits show Christ teaching Mary and his followers the mystery of the Kingdom. He does this by the ways in which he makes different arms gestures, as he displays his wounds. These arm gestures are the same types of ones that religious leaders make during their sacramental gestures, and later, in masses for the dead, etc.
Furthermore, many of the depictions of Mary’s death, assumption, ascension, coronation, crowning, enthroning, glorification, and deification in heaven, suggests this. That she was instructed in the mysteries before her death. Thus, like in other ancient mystery religions, this “ritual preparedness,” helped her be ritualistically ready to face death, even before she passed away. After death, Christ guides her through the mysteries again in the after-life. For example, in an art work, A.D. 1389, by Taddeo di Bartolo, (1362/63—1422), Christ descends out of heaven to grasp the wrists of Mary in this version of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Monumental evidences, and writings thus testify, that Christ ritualistically enacted for them a preview of what would take place again in the after-life. This was one of the main reasons for Christ’s post-resurrection visitations during the forty days. Dr. Huge W. Nibley points out that in the Old World forty-day literature, references are made to how “the Savior is to appear to people in all parts of the world.”
During other post-resurrection appearances, such as to some of the apostles. Christ had them feel the nail mark wounds in his hands, with their own hand, and his other wounds too. He also helps them to understand the meanings behind the prophecies about his sufferings, the atonement, and the ritualistic types, and symbols in both the old and new covenants. After he departs from them, they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem and "were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God" (Luke 24:13-53; Acts 1:3).
If the many of these early to later Christian hand, and wrists grasp were symbolical types of the wounds Christ received when nailed to the cross. Then, it may be that some early to later Christians believed that Christ had more than one nail driven through each of his hands. At least, this is what the early to later Christian art works seem to suggest. For while traveling in and throughout different realms, different types of hand and wrist grasps are depicted. For example, in a work depicting the harrowing of hell, the print of the nail in the middle of Christ’s hand lines up with Adam’s wrist, as Christ grasps his wrist to raise him up. In another work, this same area of Adam’s wrist is grasped by Christ, in which his thumb rests on middle of the wrist between the carpals and radius.
Furthermore, St. Augustine wrote that “the savior went to the cross as a bridegroom to his bride”. If, then, in early Christian types and similitudes, the numerous different hand and wrist grasps seen in historic Christendom’s marriage ceremonies, art works, and in wedding rings are types and symbols of Christ’s wounds from the nails. Then, many early to later Christians must have believed that nails were driven into the middle of Christ’s hands, and then others into the middle of his wrists too. This is because in early to later Christian works of weddings, and wedding rings, there are clasps on the hands, and on the wrist, plus other kinds. Young couples would also cut a small cut on their wrists and join them to let their blood mingle, while making their vows to God together. With other art works showing nails driven through Christ’s wrists, it may be that these types of vows have symbolical connections, and types to remind them of the wounds Christ’s received during his crucifixion. In some cases, their is also a double grasp involved in the ceremony of matrimony. For the Priest, or Friar would grasp the wrists of the bride and groom to join their hands in marriage.
Ossuary findings of skeletal remains show that the crucified’s wrists were nailed to the cross, instead of the palm. However, as suggest by the art works, there must have been a nail driven through the middle of the palm too. For as we have already noted, this is another area, which early to later Christian art works show, is held, as Christ raises up the dead out of hell, limbo, purgatory, or the grave, etc. The same could be said about the different types of hand and wrists grasping in the ascension into heaven. For in some cases, the wrist is grasped, in others, it is the right hand. In other cases, it is a double clasp, for God’s hand extends to clasp the wrist, while at the same time, an angel holds that same right hand of Christ. A depiction of Christ as the man of Sorrows, A.D. 1360, also shows a man extending his hand towards Christ. The man’s right hand looks as if there are nail wound marks in his wrist, and in the middle of his hand. On a roof boss, Christ’s left arm is raised up, while his left wrist is being clasped. His right hand rests on his heart. There are nail marks in the middle of his hands too.
“And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.” (Ezra 9:8).
During the 4th century A.D., in The Catechetical Lectures of S. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem, Cyril testified of the types of Christ’s suffering in their mysteries. In these mysteries, they took part in a similitude, a type of Christ’s suffering, but without having to endure the same pain which Christ did. He said that “we did not really die, we were not really buried, we were not really crucified and raised again; but our imitation was but in a figure, while our salvation is in reality.” He goes on to testify how Christ was actually crucified, buried, and rose from the dead. And how that these things were vouchsafed to them by an imitation communicating in His sufferings. He then exclaims: “Christ received the nails in His undefiled hands and feet, and endured anguish; while to me without suffering or toil, by the fellowship of His pain He vouchsafes salvation.”
In a Christian Apocryphal work, The Acts of John. John says that Christ showed him, in secret, a symbol and type of his torment, piercing, blood, wounding, fastening, and death. “I held this one thing fast in my mind, that the Lord had performed everything as a symbol and a dispensation for the conversion and salvation of man[kind].”
Thomas became a witness to the resurrection when he touched Christ's wounds too (John 20:24-31). Later artists depict Thomas' hand, or wrist being grasped by Christ, while he feels the wound in Christ's side. After he witnessed in this manner the resurrected Lord, at some point in time, Thomas is said to have went to preach the gospel in India. Some Christians groups there still retain, even to this day, a hand holding ceremony that just might be derived from earlier ritualistic greetings, such as those considered earlier. Willaim of St. Thierry, during the 12th century A.D., wrote how the mysteries of redemption flow from Christ’s wounds like a door to understanding the secrets of the sacraments. “Open to us your body’s side, that those who long to see the secrets of your Son may enter in, and may receive the sacraments that flow therefrom, even the price of their redemption.” In another place, he seems to hint to the how Christ assists them in feeling his wounds, by grasping their hands. “Lord, whither do you draw those whom you thus embrace and enfold, save to your heart?” And it is to these wounds that Christ draws the soul in order that one might thrust their fingers, or hands into his side like Thomas did. In other post-resurrection appearances to his disciples, one of which was while some of them were fishing at the sea of Tiberias. Jesus appears on the shore and tells them to cast their nets in a certain area. When they do, their nets are full of fish when they pull them up. At this moment they knew that it was the risen Lord. Peter jumps in the water and starts to swim towards Christ (John 21:1-14). In the art works, Christ raises Peter from the water by taking a hold of his hand. These types of art works served to remind later Christians of the same types and symbols which they dramatized in their sacraments.
Irenaeus, [A.D. 120—202], says that after Christ had descended to the place of the dead in the lower parts of the earth to preach the gospel there, He then afterwards rose up "in the flesh, so that He even showed the print of the nails to His disciples, He thus ascended to the Father."
Leo the Great (born 390-400, died A.D. 461), mentions Christ’s visitation to his Apostles: “He entered when the doors were closed upon the disciples, and gave them the Holy Spirit by breathing on them, and after giving them the light of understanding opened the secrets of the Holy Scriptures, and again Himself showed them the wound in the side, the prints of the nails, and all the marks of His most recent Passion. . .” Leo also suggests that their mysteries were imitations or types of Christ's suffering, resurrection and ascension. For "the Lord's Resurrection and Ascension did not pass by in uneventful leisure, by great mysteries (Sacramenta--mysteria) were ratified in them, [and] deep truths [were] revealed."
Another connection between all this, is another symbol found in the middle of later Christian gloves, called the monial. This is similar to the symbols found in the Mayan glyphs, called Manik, and which is a hand that looks like it has a wound in the middle of it. In some art works, stone monuments, etc., later Christians, with gloves on, grasp each others’ hands in the same types of ways already mentioned. Furthermore, grave carvings and monuments also show these symbols in gloves, and on rings. Numerous tomb stones also depict clasped hands. In some cases, what angels do at curtains suggest connections to earlier symbols of the descent into hell, and resurrection, or lifting out of souls out of the place of the dead. All of which go back to the earlier symbols that reminded the Christians about the wounds of Christ’s atonement.
Note here how this Noble is greeting at the poor at the entrance to his home. And sense some of them are cripples, another blind, etc., the Noble is in the act of receiving Christ the wounded wander in this symbolical way. Another example of the hand clasp greeting between monks and those who come to their door is seen in a work that is part of a series depicting Monastic life. This work, 11th —12th century A.D., shows the monks receiving postulants at their monastery door. The first monk is clasping, with his left hand, the hands of the postulant’s hands which are raised up a little.
During the 12th century, these earlier traditions about Christ, as The World Wide Wounded Wanderer, may have caused many Christians to become wanderers too. For “nuns or monks, canons or wandering preachers, defined themselves as imitators of Christ and the apostles.” One such wounded wanderer was St. Francis of Assisi, born A.D. 1181— 1226. He patterned his life after how Christ went about in the guise of a beggar, or pilgrim. For, according to traditions, "St. Francis wandered up and down the world smiling for the great love that was in his heart." Many noble and poor knew him, and his smile. "To them the smile of "the Lord's own beggar" meant help and sympathy." Like the wandering Christ-child legends, St. Francis begged for food from door to door. He would also sleep in what ever place he was able to fine lodging. "He wanted to be poor because Christ was poor, and he was trying to live like his Master." "Christ was depicted as he who was "the Highest made the lowliest, the King of all kings a poor infant."
Also, St. Francis is often shown having received nail mark wounds in his hands and feet, or the stigmata, as well as other saints too. In Giotto’s Death of St. Francis, A.D. 1320, the kiss of peace hand clasp is seen. It is similar to depictions of how Mary grasps and gives Christ’s dead hand the kiss of peace on his wounds. For while one of the stigmata wounds in Francis’ dead hands are with in view, the other isn’t because it is being kissed by a monk. Furthermore, like depictions of Mary, while the monk is kissing the wound area on top Francis’ hand, with the palm down, & in the middle of the hand. He is also grasping Francis’ hand underneath with one hand, and his wrist with the other. Thus, when this same type of kiss of peace is done on glove symbols, and in greeting wandering pilgrims, it seems as though it is a type of the kiss and grasps given on the wounds in the hands of the wandering Christ.
The art work above might also remind us of the one we considered earlier by Fra Angelico, and the manner in which two monks greeted Christ as a pilgrim. It is also evident from other works by Angelico that he understood the traditions and meanings behind these types of greetings, because he also depicts them in his own version of Christ’s descent into limbo.
In a work by Giovanni da Milano of the Christ-child and the Madonna. The Christ-child takes hold of a person’s hand in the same sort of way as already mentioned. There are other grasps done between Christian Kings and their Nobles. These too were derived from the early to later Christian mysteries, and were eventually preserved among later Masons, militant Christian Orders, and Christian Knight Orders. Another work that depicts a hand clasp between a King and the Christ-Child, as the King of Kings, is one dated 1455/60— 1532. It shows the adoration of the Magi. The small Christ-child is clasping the hands of the first foreign king to pay him homage.
In the thirteenth-century church of St. Tommaso in Formis, Rome is a mosaic called THE MEDIEVAL CHRIST. Christ grasps the wrists of two men who represent the captives of the different races of the world. Their feet are in irons, one man is white, the other is darker skinned. In grasping their wrists, Christ “draws into one and the same salvation the captives of every race."
In The Book of Mormon, the ancient American prophet Nephi, between 559—545 B.C., wrote that: Christ “doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation. Behold, doth he cry unto any, saying: Depart from me? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth. . . . and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.” (2 Nephi 26:24, 25, & 33).
Note here again how the concept of gathering together the people from the ends of the earth, and from all races is symbolized by hand clasping, or drawing them together. To be drawn unto Christ is to come back into his presence. At least, this is what the early to later Christian art works of the harrowing of hell, and the ascension into heaven seem to suggest. But also, the art works that show Christ’s world wide trek, as we might have already noted. Thus, it seems that different types of hand and wrist grasps are the trade mark of the World Wide Wounded Wanderer.
Nephi also seems to be predicting, with good old Jewish—Egyptian types, the hand clasping rituals of the sealing of the human family together into one fold under Christ, the good shepherd. Furthermore, because sheep are symbolic of people, in that the “lamb, as St. Hilary says, though single, signifies humanity in general.” It may be that another symbol of hand and wrist grasping gatherings, in early Christian art works, is when Christ gathers the lost sheep from the ends of the earth, and from the underworld. In many cases, he holds the ankles, or legs of the lamb on his shoulders. Perhaps each leg of the lamb may represent the four corners of the earth from which humanity is being gathered from. If so, then it is as though Christ is drawing humanity together, by hand and wrists grasping, from the four quarters of the earth. But also from the underworld too, because these types of Christ are also seen on early Christian tombs, sarcophagi works, in sepulchral art, & on early Christian graves, as a symbol of Christ’s descent into the underworld, and the resurrection too. What adds further evidence to this theory and possible interpretation that the grasping of the lamb’s legs, or ankles, is a types of the said gathering is this. The fact that numerous art works show Christ grasping the wrists, and the hands in such works as The Medieval Christ, and in the different ways he lifts souls up out of hell. And then, like The Good Shepherd, leads them over into paradise.
In the mystery of marriage, we see further types and symbols of the drawing together of humanity. In these hand clasping ceremonies, there are a types of Christ’s gathering together of both the living and the dead. An ancient Christian document, The Gospel of Philip says this about this type: “Christ came to repair the separation which was from the beginning and to again unite the two, to give life to those who died as a result of the separation and unite them.” One of the times of gathering, as noted by the prophets of old, was to be during the descent into the spirit world, and after the resurrection. We see this in the Nephi’s words: “he [Christ] layeth down his own life [after which, as a spirit, he gathers the souls unto himself in the spirit world. He then ascends, and draws them up in the resurrection to begin his post-resurrection drawing, or gathering, during his world wide trek. So] that he may draw all men [both male and female, black and white, from all races, and from the ends of the earth] unto him.” (2 Nephi 26:24, 25, & 33).
Earlier, Nephi, between 588—70 B.C., prophesied: “And after our seed is scattered the Lord God will proceed to do a marvelous work among the Gentiles. . . . unto the making known of the covenants of the Father of heaven unto Abraham. . . [Also] . . .know that all the kindreds of the earth cannot be blessed unless he shall make bare his arm in the eyes of the nations. Wherefore, the Lord God will proceed to make bare his arm in the eyes of all the nations, in bringing about his covenants and his gospel unto those who are of the house of Israel. Wherefore, he will bring them again out of captivity, and they shall be gathered together to the lands of their inheritance; and they shall be brought out of obscurity and out of darkness; and they shall know that the Lord is their Savior and their Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel.” (1 Nephi 22:8—12).
These types of hand grasping greetings are not only part of the concepts, and doctrines of bringing the nations together into one fold, under one Shepherd. But they are also part of this whole symbolical science, that runs throughout historic Christianity, and ancient America too. Some of which deals with the stigmata, the marks which helped them to identify the World Wide Wounded Wanderer. Much of which, as we might have already noted, also has its roots in the earlier Christian mysteries, or their rites of passage. "Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory."
In the 17th century work and allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress, the wounds in Christ’s hands are marks of identification. “I perceived the holes in his hands and in his side; then I concluded that he was Our Lord. So I went up the Hill.”
Hand symbols were not only used by the ancient Jews as symbols, and types for God, and the Messiah. They were also used by early to later Christians too. In our quest to understand the symbols and types behind the World Wide Wounded Wanderer, we need to understand another prophetic type, and the illustrations of them in art works, writings and the scriptures. These prophetic types of Christ’s world wide trek, not only suggests that he would go into all the nations of the world. But also, in so doing this, he would reveal the holy mysteries to all the nations. Thus, helping them to understand what their prophets had prophesied in their own lands concerning his birth. And also, his life, redemptive acts of mercy, works, death, descent into the underworld, resurrection, & post —resurrection world wide trek. This it what we are to understand when we read about the arm of mercy being extended to all. And of how the Lord will make bare his holy arm in the sight of all nations. Thus, some of these symbols are:
1. The hand of God.
2. The guiding hand of God.
3. The saving right hand of God.
4. A hand that rescues.
5. Blesses, or extends power.
6. Lifts souls up into heaven.
7. Makes symbolical finger symbols.
In additions to these, is the hand that gives the law, or the word to the prophet Moses.
Cyprian, A.D. 200—258, lists many of these types, some of which were types of Christ going to other realms, and other parts of the world. All these are also seen in early to later Christian art works throughout the centuries. For example, the hand of God extends down out of heaven as Christ ascends into heaven. The hand of God extends down to receive Elijah as he ascends on a chariot. On a coin is a depiction of Constantine being received into heaven by the hand of God in a similar manner as Elijah is. The right hand of God extends down, and is about to lift Christ into heaven, in work dated A.D. 971—984. In one portion of a 11th —12th century ivory carving, the hand of God extends down from heaven. In another portion of this same work, the right hand of the Father is holding the right hand of Christ, to raise him up into heaven.
These types of things were based on the scriptures too, for example: Psalm 77:15: "Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph." In another: "That led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm,... that they should not stumble?" (Isaiah 63:11-13, see also verses 7-9, & 15-16). Thus, the Lord, or his prophets act as guides by taking hold of the hands of the people they guide. Another example is found in Isaiah 42:6— 7: “I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” In another passage: “I [the Lord] will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. . . . For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” And in another verse: “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 41:10, 13; 49:16). “And the arm of the Lord shall be revealed”(The Doctrine and Covenants, 1:14). “I will redeem you with a stretched out arm” (Exodus 6:6).
In The Book of Mormon: “by the power of mine arm” (Enos 13). The ancient America prophet Jacob, after expounding on Zenos’ parable, give his own prophecy concerning the house of Israel. He wrote: “how merciful is our God unto us, for he remembereth the house of Israel, both roots and branches; and he stretches forth his hands unto them all the day long; and they are a stiffnecked and a gainsaying people; but as many as will not harden their hearts shall be saved in the kingdom of God.” Note how the hand of God is stretched forth unto them.
Jacob continues: “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I beseech of you in words of soberness that ye would repent, and come with full purpose of heart, and cleave unto God as he cleaveth unto you. And while his arm of mercy is extended towards you in the light of the day, harden not your hearts." Note again the saving hand of God reaching out to cleave those who reach out to “cleave unto God as he cleaveth unto you.” This is the same type of thing we see in art works of historic Christianity. And maybe this was one of the lasting fragmented concepts derived from the earlier Christian mysteries that survived in later Christendom. And one of the main points behind the later traditional hand clasping rites before Christian kings. That is of cleaving unto the King as he cleaves unto you. Don’t fall away, don’t rise up in rebellion, but stay true to your oath to fight for the king.
And yet, another aspect survived too, that of showing the hand of God extended to those who seek his help. For example, another art work shows two Kings and a poor man appealing to Christ by reaching out their hands towards Christ who is also reaching down out of heaven towards them. In another, a hand with a mark in the middle of the palm, extends down out of heaven towards a man who is reaching up towards the hand. The mark in the hand suggests a nail mark wound, thus, it may be the hand of Christ. While in other works it is the Father who extends a helping hand to take hold of. Thus, "the Hand of God reaching out of heaven to rescue the souls of the just and translate them to Paradise."
Furthermore, the ancient American prophet, Abinadi, citing Isaiah: “The Lord hath made bare his holy arm” and “The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” In another place he speaks of the unrepentant wicked who refuse to reach out to God who is reaching out to them. For they “having never called upon the Lord while the arms of mercy were extended towards them; for the arms of mercy were extended towards them, and they would not; [cleave unto God while his arm of mercy was extended to them (Jacob 6:5),] they being warned of their iniquities and yet would not depart from them” (Mosiah 12:17—25; 14:31; 15:30—31, 16:1—12, see verse 12; Isaiah 52:8—10).
The Prophet Alma: “for the arms of mercy are extended towards them” (Alma 5:33). Later, the risen Lord, Jesus Christ, cites Isaiah to the ancient Americans he appeared to: “The Father hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of the Father” (3 Nephi 16:20; 20:35). He also said: “Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me.” (3 Nephi 9:14). This arm of mercy was extended in order to be clasped, as Jacob wrote: “cleave unto God as he cleaveth unto you. And while his arm of mercy is extended towards you“ (Jacob 6:5). During his post-resurrection visits to the people in the ancient Americas, this is what the risen Christ had the people do! He had them feel his wounded hands with their own hands (3 Nephi 14— 15).
We have already considered a number of sources about how Christ passed through the doors of hades, limbo, etc. And of how that Christ hand is held, and how he holds, in different ways, the hands of those he rescues out of the underworld, and those he lifts up into heaven. Furthermore, we have already considered how these types of symbols passed over into the traditions about the wandering Christ, and the manner in which travelers, pilgrims, the poor, etc., were to be greeted at the door as if they were the World Wide Wounded Wanderer, himself. In light of all these, we might be able to better understand what Tertullian [A.D. 145— 220] had in mind when he wrote about how the Father held the hand of Christ when he passed through the gaits and doors of the nations of the world. “For whose right hand does God the Father hold but Christ’s His Son?--whom all nations have heard, that is, whom all nations have believed.”
In early to later Christian art works, King David is often seen among those who are raised up, by their hands, when Christ descended to deliver them out of hell. David wrote: “For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. . . .But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long-suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. O turn unto me, and have mercy upon me; give thy strength unto thy servant, and save the son of thine handmaid. Shew me a token for good; that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed: because thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me.” (Psalms 86:13, 15—17). One of the ways in which Christ “holpen” or helps David is by holding his right hand as he lifts him up out of hell.
“The supreme moment is when Patriarch and Emperor exchange the Kiss of Peace and share the chalice. This is what the dome [the 6th century dome of Hagia Sophia, in Constantinople] was built for.” In the ceremonial act of making The Kiss of Peace, a hand clasp is done between the Patriarch and the Emperor during rituals that center on Christ’s wounds.
In another work, Christ is grasping the wrist of Adam in a mid—14th century work in the chapel of St. Lawrence. In the numerous depictions of Christ post-resurrection activities, artists have made him appear as though he is on the march throughout the world, and throughout the different realms in the after life. Christ is often depicted as the great standard bearer, the victorious King of Kings who makes war on the evil forces scattered throughout the world, and in the underworld. This is one reason why he is often depicted holding a cross-banner which he uses as a weapon too. The idea of the beasts of hell, the fallen devil, & his fallen host, being crushed, thrust through, defeated, & trodden under foot. All these are part of the whole drama that make up different aspects of Christ’s march throughout realms, and worlds. Its ritualistic types in baptism, also had many types of this march too. For as it was dramatized, and enacted during early to later Christian mysteries, and baptismal initiations, and later liturgies. Those who received the mark, or stigmata, the wounds of Christ during the baptismal ceremony were types of Christ on the march as the wounded warrior. Those who passed through the ritualistic aspect were also likened unto anointed Christs, ready to go forth and defeat the demonic forces, and march forth to free captive spirits out of the underworld, just as Christ did during the descent into hell. And as they ascended up out of the font, they were like Christ, again, still on the march. As Christ rests his foot upon his fallen enemies, this symbolized how he was the Father’s champion, the victorious undefeated Son. Thus, not only could no door, or gait stop him from marching through. But also, there was also no demonic force in the universe which could defeat and stop him too. This is why we often see the demons with expressions of dismay, for they can’t stop the harrowing of hell, from taking place. They can’t defeat the Son of God. All who attempt to challenge him become his foot stool, as they fall before him. Christian Knights must have been inspired to see works of art showing Christ breaking into Satan’s castle—fort in order to free the captive souls from his dungeons. In most of these art works of this kind there is certainly to be seen different types of hand and wrist grasping, as souls are lifted up out of Satan’s dungeons, hell, limbo, hades, purgatory, the pit, etc. Hence, in historic Christendom’s art works of realm travelers, there are often seen different types of hand and wrist grasping when souls enter or exit different after life realms.
Eventually, as time went by, these later generations retrogressed so far away from the true mysteries, that they began to develop barbaric and brutal mysteries. During them, they would sacrifice to their idol gods, their prisoners and captives of war. However, even though many of them rejected Christ and his teachings, many others retained fragments and memories of Christ’s visit. For as we have already considered, they did this by incorporating symbols about his wounds, into their writings, calender dates, ritualistic festivals, and monumental works. Furthermore, they still retained symbols of him on in their perverted forms of idol worship also.
The ancient American prophet Mormon, writing about A.D. 385, testifies that Christ “hath gained the victory over the grave; and also in him is the sting of death swallowed up” (Mormon 7:5—7). He also said that Christ raises up the dead in the resurrection to stand before him to be judge of their works (Mormon 7:5— 7). He laments over them, because he had been an eye witness to the causes of their fall. For, he says, they had turned away from the right way, thus Satan and their enemies had gain victories over them. In that “they did tread the people of the Nephites under their feet.” (Mormon 5:5—6). Had they reached out to grasp the protective hand of Christ, they would have been protected from the destruction which follows those who depart from the right hand path to go down the left hand path to be “led about by Satan.” Mormon said that “they might have been clasped in the arms of Jesus” had they been willing to repent (Mormon 5:11). Further on he laments and asks them why they “have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you! Behold, if ye had not done this, ye would not have fallen.” (Mormon 6:17— 18). Thus, instead of having fallen under the feet of their enemies, they would have gained the victory, and would have trampled Satan under their feet as they continued to “cleave unto God as he cleaveth” unto them, and “while his arm of mercy is extended towards” them (Jacob 6:5). In other words, just like in the early to later Christian art works that show the doctrine of the two ways, and which show souls struggling and trampling Satan under their feet as they ascend up the right hand path towards Christ. They would have made it all the way to the top where Christ stood with open arms to receive them, and grasp their hands as he welcomed them into paradise.
Christian artists also developed symbolical depictions that preserved the concepts that all the various tribes, families and nations of mankind could benefit from Christ's atonement and gospel. The Mission of the Apostles, is seen in the tympanum of the center portal of the narthex, Ste-Madeleine, Ve’zelay, not far from Autun in Burgundy, A. D. 1120-32. An enlarged portion this stone work shows two figures clasping hands, representing the “Pig-Snouted Ethiopians.” The other different types of figures depicted, represents the many different races to which the apostles went to in order to preach the gospel. The theme behind this work had a special meaning, for it was the age of the crusades. It reminded every Christian of their duty “to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.” Thus, these figures, were seen as representatives of “the heathen world, a veritable encyclopedia of medieval anthropology which includes all sorts of legendary races.”
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"86 Tertullian [A.D. 145-220]: Early to later Christian art work also depict the idea & belief that Christ could break through any barrier, (as Tertullian had suggested), for as the doctrine spread to different areas, & started to fade off into later traditions, art works, & legends. Many early Christians must have believed that there was no place, though it be blocked off, or was (symbolically in some cases), locked gates, doors, or path ways, etc., that could stop the Lord Jesus Christ from entering & passing through. For, Christ is depicted as if a Knight, with the cross as if it were a spear, doing battle with hell & the devil & his demons, or the hellish monsters of the under world. In later art works & legends, the devil & Hell are depicted as horned-demon-persons who are thrust through with Christ's spear. The doors, (John 10:7-8) or gates of hell, limbo, hades, etc., come crashing down on the devil, or hell, etc., who has been bound in chains, or irons, both hand & foot, (Matthew 12:24-30; Luke 11:14-22). Christ tramples under foot his enemy, & frees the captive spirits, who (in some depictions) with up lifted hands give thanks unto the King of Glory, who in clasping their hands, lifts them out of the pit, or through the doorway, or up out of the jaws of hell, etc.
Tertullian seems to also hint to hand clasping "rites of passage" for as Christ pilgrimages through the doors & gaits into the different nations to also open the doors of their minds & thereby enlighten their minds with the truth of His gospel. Christ also became their King, & to extended His Kingdom into all the nations of the earth, everywhere. Even into the nations which were unknown to Tertullian & the Jews, etc., but of which were known unto God the Father & His Son Jesus Christ. For God the Father had held the hand of Christ. "For whose right hand does God the Father hold but Christ's His Son?--whom all nations have heard, that is, whom all nations have believed".
"The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.... So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider." (Isaiah 52:10, & 15).
Top left is from: Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg 1300-1550, (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1986, and Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg Prestel-Verlag, Munich, exhibition held April 8— June 22, 1986, and at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, July 24— September 28, 1986), pp. 372—75. Redrawn by DaRell D. Thorpe, CR 1997. Close up portion of St. Dorothy clasping the hand of the wandering Christ—child in a rose garden. See also: H. W. Janson, & Joseph Kerman, A History Of Art & Music, (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers), p. 95, fig. 118, St. Dorothy, A.D. 1420, wood cut. Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich.
Top right middle is from: Reader’s Digest ABC’s Of The Bible, (Pleasantville, New York; Montreal: The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., 1991), p.18, from a 15th century A.D. Dutch Illustration of God grasping Eve’s hand in the garden. Portion from the redrawing by Allen Richardson of Utah, used with permission. See also pp. 15, 17th century Armenian Bible showing creation scenes. See lower portion showing God grasping Eve’s wrist to raise her up out of Adam’s side.
Top far right is from: Robert Huges, Heaven and Hell in Western Art, (New York, New York: Stein & Day, 1968), p.76, Romanesque fresco, A.D., 1125, from the Church of the Holy Cross, Maderuelo, Spain. Prado, Madrid. Redrawn by Allen Richardson of Utah, 1992, used with permission. Portion showing Christ grasping Adam’s wrist.
For it will be these seeds that Christ will free from the bands of death when he descends into the underworld. But also, those who have died before Christ came, having died in their ignorance, because salvation was not declared unto them while they were alive on the earth. These shall also be restored to a knowledge of Christ, the gospel will be preached to them in the spirit world, and if they live it, they too are his seed who shall be raised up in the resurrection unto eternal life. Plus little children who have died, they also are his seed and are heirs to eternal life. However, the unrepentant, and rebellious wicked who knowingly reject God and keep not his commandments are not his seed for they will not be raised up in the first resurrection when Christ is raised up. Abinadi also goes on to prophesy of Christ’s post-resurrection world wide trek to see his seed. And of how salvation, or the gospel will be preach to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. Furthermore, they shall also come to know the mysteries, for the Lord will make bare his holy arm in the eyes of all nations. And his arm of mercy shall be extended as he stretches forth his hand unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people (The Book Of Mormon, Mosiah 14—16).
Even certain aspects of the early Christian mysteries, with their hand and wrist grasping instructional meetings with God and Christ in the garden, seems to have been passed down too. And although these aspects are in fragmented forms, it still is interesting to note how these hand clasping symbols are again connected with the later traditions and art works of Christ’s world wide trek. Which is understandable, when we consider the fact that the early Christian mysteries is one of the things Christ showed the different nations when he visited them.
In later traditions, some aspects of the earlier mysteries are seen the ways in which young couples hold hands in gardens, and in the hand clasping wedding ceremonies that take place in gardens too. It is also in these gardens, like in the early Christian mysteries, where one might expect to be visited by Christ. Another example is of the one we considered earlier, that of St. Dorothy clasping the hand of the wandering Christ-child, while in a rose garden.
In The Book of Mormon, the prophet Lehi, around 600— 592 B.C., dreamed about a tree of life. Later, his son Nephi had the same vision and interprets the symbolical meanings behind different aspects of this dream—vision. He wrote that the iron rod, represents the word of God, which if clung to, helps the people find their way through a mist of darkness to the tree of life. Those who didn’t hold to the iron rod, lost their way in this darkness. Or they drowned in the filthy river, which represented the depths of hell. The tree represents the love of God, as did also the living waters by the tree. It may be that the iron rod could have also been a type of Christ. In early Christian thought, Christ is the hand clasping guide through the depths of hell, and the mist of darkness during the ascension out of hell. Nephi tells us of the different symbols in the dream and then proceeds to liken them unto the things which Christ would do in different parts of the world. And perhaps, even in the spirit prison too. For as the people cling to the iron rod, or, Word of God, they are safely guided through hell in order to be nourished by the tree of life. Clinging to the Word, also suggests that Christ is the hand clasping guide, as in so many early Christian art works.
The Chigaraga Indians, also have certain symbols which were sacred to them too. But also, among the Hopi Indians, there are stories about how the Great Spirit would send messengers to them to restore parts of their records which had been lost. They would know, says their traditions, these messengers by the way in which these messengers would hold their hands when they would greet each other.
Albert Churchward noted what seemed to him be masonic type of rituals in the ancient Americas. Among other examples presented here is one which is seen on the Humboldt Fragment from Mexican Antiquities. It shows a white skin person and a darker skin person clasping hands is the same types of ways seen in historic Christendom. The person with white skin seems to be the darker skin persons' captive prisoner. What ever type of interpretation we are to put on this, is left open for speculation, and until further research can be done. However, it is interesting to note that it is like unto those done by Christians in India, before Christian kings, monks before Popes, Germanic war lords, and during the days of Feudalism. On another ancient American work from Tres Zapotes, a kneeling person grasps, with his left hand, the right hand of a standing person. The interpretation behind this monument needs further research, however, it may be that this represents the clasp before a noble or king too.
In The Book of Mormon, we read of a Nephite custom which was adopted by the Lamanites. It concerns the manner in which Kings were reverenced and greeted. “But behold, as the king came out to meet him Amalickiah caused that his servants should go forth to meet the king. And they went and bowed themselves before the king, as if to reverence him because of his greatness. And it came to pass that the king put forth his hand to raise them, as was the custom with the Lamanites, as a token of peace, which custom they had taken from the Nephites.” (Alma 47:22— 24, italics added).
Like in historic Christendom, could the Nephites and Lamanites, based on their Jewish heritage, have preserved in this custom, the way in which Kings were to be greeted and reverenced? A custom that may have been based on the way in which they were to greet the Messiah when he came. If so, was it pasted down through the centuries to the later Indian tribes? The testimony of history seems to suggest that this was the case, for example: “Among the North American Indians and in several parts of the world where, as among the Indians, the hand-grasp in simple salutation has not been found, the junction of the hands between two persons of different tribes is the ceremonial for union and peace, and the sign for the same concept is exhibited by the two hands of one person similarly grasped as an invitation to, or signification of, union and peace. The ideogram of clasped hands to indicate peace and friendship is found in pictographs from many localities.”
This report goes on to show a number of example among the different Indian tribes where the hand clasp is a token of peace. For example, in 1840— 41, the Dakotas made peace with the Cheyenne Indians in which this token of peace was used. The clasp was also used when the Dakotas made peace with the Pawnees in 1858— 59. In 1791— 92: “A Mandan and a Dakota met in the middle of the Missouri River, each swimming halfway across. They shook hands there and made peace.” Furthermore, the Omahas came and made this same type of token of peace with the Dakotas in order to free their prisoners who were being held by the Dakotas in 1804—05. Other example of this later token of peace among different Indian tribes are depicted in this report too.
Golden R. Buchanan, upon relating some Indian traditions, wrote how they speak of a book or record which came from their forefathers, but of which had been lost. But, as the Hopis say, "We were not left without hope; we were told that some day young white men, with blue eyes, would come knocking at Hopi doors and would bring back to us our records and our true story. They would come from the east, and we would know them by their outstretched hand.. . . .They, too, are expecting the return of the "Great White Spirit." Buchanan also wrote that in certain Indian dances, prayers are said to the Great Spirit in which significant "handclasps are sometimes given."
#SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95 Frank Waters wrote of the Hopi Indian's traditions and art works, and about a certain symbol #SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95 which symbolized to their hand clasp. It is called the nakwach, which represents the clasped hands "of brotherhood." It is also said to be formed "when the priests clasp hands in the same manner during the public dance of Wuwuchim today." In their public dance: "All hold hands to form the nakwach, [the] symbol of brotherhood." Furthermore, he notes how the coming of the Hopis' lost white brother Pahana, and the return of the bearded white god Kukulcan in Mayan traditions. Plus, the Toltecan and Aztecan Quetzalcoatl, “is a myth of deep significance to all the Americas. It is an unconscious projection of an entire race's dream of brotherhood with the races of all continents."
T #SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"70 L. Taylor Hansen points out that one of the symbols among the Prophet-Healer-Fair-God traditions in the Americas are markings in his robes, and hands. Thus, in some cases, he is said to have a cross, or T shaped mark in the palm area. It may be that some of the T-shaped door ways among ancient American ruins are so shaped in order to remind them about their traditions about how the the wounded wanderer would someday return, while on his trek throughout worlds and realms. In some cases, the wounded wanderer of the Americas, is a God who has power over the elements, such as the wind. In the Mayan glyphs, a T shaped symbols inside rounded squares represents the symbol for “wind.”
Furthermore, the Hopis, like the early to later Christians, also have rites of passage hand clasps while ascending on ladders that symbolically represent passage ways to other worlds, or other realms. Christian art works show that it is often at the top of these ladders, and in the entrance ways into higher worlds, or after-life realms, that one might expect to feel the wounds in the hands of the world wide wounded wanderer. “The divine hand, chief motif of a fresco in Teotihuacan” shows an extended hand symbol. A very common motif in early to later Christian art works too, as noted earlier.
From Guatemala is a tradition about how the Pale one went to Ek-Balaam. He had cross symbols in the palms of his hands in the forms of wounds torn into his flesh. He taught them many things, but mainly to love one another.
In another tradition from Mexico, The God of Wind And Water, the healer is said to have marks in his hands which some have said stood for the four-directions. The healer, in the name of the Father, calmed the fury of the wind, and the water. He acknowledge the fact that his power was nothing in and of itself for the power was in the Great Spirit who rules both wind and water.
Joe Sampson believes the Manik “to be a hand with a hole in the wrist from the blood letting sacrifice.” Joseph Campbell, upon interpreting the Stone disk from Moundville, Alabama, A.D. 1200—1600, says this. If we were to consider this in Oriental terms, the eye in the middle of the palm of the hand would be “the compassionate Eye of Mercy, pierced by the sight of the sorrows of this world.” Campbell, also wrote that the eyes in the “extended palms of the merciful Bodhisattva. . .may be likened to the wounds of Christ.” If this hand symbol with the eye in the palm area was interpreted under Christian symbolism, the eye might represent the all—knowing and ever—present God. While the hand might symbolize His almighty power and will. However, perhaps those who created this particular disk have their own interpretation which would be the correct one, for each symbol ought to be interpreted in its own setting, time and place, and by those who created it. Another source suggests that the eye is affiliated symbol with a meaning similar to that of the historic Chosctaw, that of how the “solar deity watched them with a blazing eye”.
While the hand is “presumably the medium through which gifts are conferred on humankind.” Some of the hieroglyphics at Quirqua, Guatemala also have a hand symbol that some have suggested represents a nail hole. Thus, with in a larger circle on this hand, is a smaller one, and with in this smaller one is still another smaller circle. Joseph Schenck, “interprets the hand design with circle as a nail hole.” If his interpretation is correct, it seems that the smallest circle may be symbolic of a nail in the center of the palm area. L. Taylor Hansen notes that the symbol of the pierced hand is called “The Hand Kabul” or Kaboul, and it is found all throughout the Americas. Another possible nail mark wound is seen in the middle of the left hand palm in a stone work dated A.D. 7th— 8th century, and which depicts the Mayan Maize God. On the stone works in Huanuco, Perú, is a depictions of a “god?” with crossed arms, and what looked like nail mark wounds in the middle on the hands.
Part of an engraving on shell gorget, made from a section of giant conch shell, shows a female figure with possible wounds. This ancient American work is like unto those found in Asian Indian, Oriental, & early Christian art works. For it shows dot marks, or hole marks in the middle of her hands, and one on her foot. The other designs on this work are particularly characteristic of the Huástec people. Tampico: Tamaulipas. Mexico, 1000—1250. On a Mayan Stele at Copán, a male figure, which is part of date numerals, has a circular symbol #SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 on his right wrist.
It is also interesting to note how these same types of hand symbols are seen on numerous other monuments and art works too. On the bark paper manuscript, the Madrid Codex, for example, are a number of hand symbols with dark dots in the middle of the palm area. Among the Mayan glyphs, another hand symbol has markings in the middle of the hand, and is described as being part of the sign for “west,” which is read in “Yucatec Maya as chikin, and consists of a sign like a grasping hand (phonetic chi) followed by the logographic sign for “sun,” kin.” In the Dresden Codex, these types of hand symbols are part of a series of symbols that depict the different Mayan deity introducing different types of new years. In this codex, there is a double hand clasp, like in Christian art, in which both a hand, and a wrist are clasped at the same time, & in connection with the symbolism behind how their “gods” would bring in new years.
According to The Book of Mormon, Christ’s post-resurrection visits throughout the Americas began some time during the 7th day of the first month of a new year. The brightness of his resurrected body shined above that of the sun at noon day, as he descended down out of heaven. He invited the people to come forth and feel the wounds he received while on the cross. Upon feeling the nail mark wounds, the people there must have grasped Christ’s hands with their hands. For the “multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they did do, going forth one by one until they had all gone forth, and did see with their eyes and did feel with their hands, and did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom it was written by the prophets, that should come.” (3 Nephi 11:15, italics added). Thus, it isn’t any wonder that later art works and symbols show similar types of things, that of grasping hands, in connection with how their “gods” would bring in new years. In the Old World, numerous early to later Christian artists depict the same types of grasps as different saints became eye witnesses to the risen Lord’s post-resurrection visitations in that part of the world.
However, as the memory of Christ’s visit was told, retold, and passed down to later generations, it may be that these wounded hand symbols, and grasping hand symbol, followed by the logographic sign for sun, plus others, have retained only apostate, and faded hints to this earlier event. Which symbols in art works and glyphs are not only in connection with new years, and other measures of time. But also, they are seen in other glyphs that representing ritualistic wounding, such as in the case with the “bloodletting rites.” In this glyph, the wounded hand is opened to let drops of blood fall down from the palm.
In The Dresden Codex, the manik or wounded hand symbol, is either being thrust through, in the palm area, with a short stick in the hands of a person. Or is being drilled through with a stick or fire drill. Or perhaps, it may even represent the act of grasping hold of a rod. In another cases, the “god of sudden death and sacrifice” looks as if he is about to thrust a stick, or rod into the middle of the palm area of the manik hand symbol. Thus, while there is a possible circular wound in the wrist area, another wound is about to be made in the palm area. If this is how we might interpret these things, could it be that they are faded apostate, and barbaric pagan reminders of how Satan helped cause the death and wounding of Christ?
In The Book of Mormon, Christ, The World Wide Wounded Wanderer, descends out of the sky in the ancient Americas, some time after his resurrection. This happened on the 7th day of the first month of a new year (3 Nephi 8:5, 23; 11:8— 17). Thus, some time after Christ ascension out of the underworld, he appears in different parts of the world to introduce the mysteries of the Kingdom. In the ancient Americas, it was on the 7th day that Christ began to show the people the mysteries by having them feel the nail mark wounds in his hands with their own hands (3 Nephi 11:8—17). From the testimony of history we learn that in the Mayan calender system, the wounded hand symbol, Manik, lines up with day 7. This is on the 260 day count wheel. Thus, according to this, and other traditions, on the 7th day into a New Year, the Fair God appeared in the Americas after ascending out of the underworld. He showed them his wounds and taught them hand clasping rituals. Therefore, not only does the Manik glyph indicate the day he rose from the underworld, but also suggests the way in which the Fair God showed them the wounds in his hands by grasping their hands. The wounded hand glyph, manik, is also seen in the Dresden Codex, in connection with different “deities” clasping hands, and wrists, to bring in new years. In a very similar manner, and on the other side of the world, the same types of hand symbols were revealed by Christ to his followers when he appeared to them. Numerous art works, monuments, writings throughout the history of Christendom, testify of the manner in which Christ showed his wounds, and then centered his mysteries around his wounds. Giving them symbolical types of his death, descent into the underworld, ascension up out in the resurrection, and his ascension into heaven, etc. It comes as no surprise then to see these hands symbols being passed among the different scattered sects, and later branches of historic Christendom. Just like in the case with later native American traditions and art works, that show hand clasps. The ones seen above, are the hand grasps depicted in ascensions out of the underworld, plus, a hand symbol in a glove. This symbol was kissed as a noble, or Lord, or church leader would bow to greet another higher Church leader. Their hand was grasped and kissed while performing the kiss of peace. The other grasp is between two monks, one of which is being greeted by the other as though he were Christ in the guise of a crippled monk. (See: Tedlock, Popol Vuh, p. 146, wounded hand symbol and double clasp bringing in a new year (in The Dresden Codex). See also: Gothic Painting, I, p. 48; Lowrie, Art In The Early Church, pl. 100; Romfahrt, Die Bilderchronik von Kaiser Heinrich VII. und Kurfürst Baluin von Luxemburg 1308—1313, pp. 53; Ruda, Fra Filippo Lippi, Life and Work with a Complete Catalogue, p. 268, pl. 152, & pl. 163, Batselier, Saint Benedict: Father of Western Civilization, pp. 48--49, fig. 26, pp. 74--75, fig. 46, note the symbol in the glove,. See also: Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg, 1300—1550, p. 123, fig. 8a, p. 151, fig. 28; Nibley, in Ensign, July 1983, Vol. 13, #7, pp. 14—19, his article: Christ Among The Ruins; Nibley, Teachings of the Book of Mormon, Semester 3, Transcripts of 29 Lectures, Brigham Young University, 1989—1990, pp. 328—30; Coe, Breaking The Maya Code, pp. 149, Appendix B; Coe, The Maya, pp. 43, fig. 17, p. 155, fig. 131; Morley, Brainerd, & Sharer, The Ancient Maya, pp. 476—77, fig. 14.6; pp. 545—55; Henderson, The World of The Ancient Maya, pp. 74—77; Hennessy, Fra Angelico, pp. 184— 85, & pl. 74; MÂLE, L’ Art Religieux, Du XIIe Siècle, pp. 104— 105, 131; Monteverdi, The Book of Art, vol. 2, Italian Art To 1850, see Filippino Lippi, The Madonna Appearing to St. Bernard, A.D. 1486, Florence, Badia, background scene of monks greeting each other with a hand clasp. See also: Pomar, Peruvian Colonial Art, p. 84, glove symbol; Kirsch, Five Illuminated Manuscripts Of Giangaleazzo Visconti, fig. 55, note the hand symbols on the person’s right hand, there is one in the middle of the hand, and another in the wrist area. The man is greeting Christ who is the wounded wanderer in the Man of Sorrow traditions, and art works. (See also: Harbison, A Garland Series, Outstanding Dissertations In The Fine Arts, The Last Judgment in Sixteenth Century Northern Europe, p. 316, fig. 8, a religious leader with the symbol in the glove, is clasping the hand a person. See also: Mittelalter, Himmel Hölle Fegefeuer, pp. 23, 81, 83, 109; Randall Jr. Masterpieces of Ivory, p. 187, fig. 46. [Portions of the art works above were done by DaRell D. Thorpe, Allen Richardson, and D.W. Beck. Used with permission. Arranged by D. Thorpe, CR 1997, all rights reserved. For a look at the originals, see the sources mentioned above].
Furthermore, possible fragments of what could be the early Christian mysteries that Christ taught their forefathers, are seen scattered, and preserved, to a certain extend, all throughout native Americas’ symbolism, and rituals. In some of the these days symbols, for example, some aspects, and elements seem to center on how divine beings meet in heaven to clasp hands. “In referring to the days in general, one passage in the Chilam Balam of Chumayel. . . notes, “Then they [the days] went. . . to the center of heaven and joined hands.” Another case in point is how the later American descendants preserved another aspect of the mysteries with regards to the hand clasp which brings together couples in marriage. For like in the case with early to later Christianity, and the hand clasps that are seen in the art works of weddings, and wedding rings. “The Mexicaines were married by the handes of their priestes in this sort: The bridegroome and the bride stood together before the priest, who tooke them by the hands” just like in early to later Christendom.
Mormons believe and testify that The Book of Mormon contains an original account of these events. Of this event we read how the people: “saw a Man descending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him... And it came to pass that he stretched forth his hand and spake unto the people, saying: “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.... Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world.
And it came to pass that the multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they did do, going forth one by one until they had all gone forth, and did see with their eyes and did feel with their hands, and did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom it was written by the prophets, that should come.”
It is also interesting to note these traditions, and others in connection with the wounded hand symbols, mentioned earlier, in connection with the calender dating system of the Mayas. The wounded hand is part of the glyphs in connection with the gods of the underworld. Just like in ancient to later Christian art works of Christ’s descent in and up out of the underworld.
In the Mayan calender 365 day wheel system, there is a day which is called “0 Pop.” However, even though some have suggested that the Maya New Year’s Day is written 1 Pop, the previous day [0 Pop] was often referred to as being the first day of the first month, for each of “these months contained 20 days, numbered from 0 through 19.” And, as Henderson notes: “The first day of the first month is 0 Pop, better transcribed as “the seating of Pop”; the second day is 1 Pop, the third 2 Pop, and so on through the twentieth day, 19 Pop.” If the Maya’s New Year began in the spring time, it could be that our April is equal to their first month. While both the long and short count wheels turn, a number of day symbols mesh into line with each other on both wheels. It is also interesting to note how the wounded hand symbol, “Manik 7," lines up with 5 Pop, (equal to our April 6?). April 6, is also the day which some scholars have suggested has great significance in other similar ancient American calender systems too. Dr. Warren said that Dennis Clauson of Riverton Utah, discovered, with the use of computers, that the birth day for the Great White God of ancient America was 1 Reed day, and 6 Mac, or April 6, 1 B.C., in the Long Count of the Mayan calender system. A Daniel H. Ludlow suggests that “if the Nephites were using the same calendar system as the Hebrews, the first month would be in the spring of the year sometime between about the middle of March and the middle of April.”
The Book of Mormon reads: “And it came to pass in the thirty and fourth year, in the first month, on the fourth day of the month, there arose a great storm, such an one as never had been known in all the land.” (3 Nephi 8:5). On this fourth day into the first month of a new year, there was also great destruction, earthquakes, whirlwind, and other natural disasters. Among the ancient Americas, these dates eventually played an important role in later calender systems, rituals, and traditions. For example, in the Maya calender day symbols, a T shaped symbol that represents IK or“wind,” is also one of the four days, which “constantly turn up to begin the new year, or any month. The Maya called these 4 days the Year Bearers because one of the 4 days, Ik, Manik, [the wounded hand symbol,] Eb, or Caban, always started the new year.” On some of the architectural decorations, structure 11, at Copan, is a stone work in which “the Storm God, holds a torch or scepter featuring the day IK (“wind”)” with the T shaped symbol. Earlier, we considered the possibility how the T shaped symbol on Christian orbs, and King’s scepters, just might represent, in some cases, a nail mark in the middle of the palm area. In later traditions among the Aztecs, Quezalcoatl is also the god of wind.
Dr. Nibley goes on to point out what happened in The Book of Mormon, and how that when Christ showed his wounds to the people in ancient America, he was showing them the mysteries of the Kingdom too. The same type of thing had taken place when he visited his followers in the Old World. Thus, if Christ showed “them the signs and tokens,” of the mysteries, which in the case with Christendom, have been passed down and depicted in numerous art works throughout the centuries. If that was also the case in ancient America, this might explain why the 7 Manik day symbol looks like a wounded grasping hand. And why later, we can find hand clasping rituals in the art works, and traditions of later Indian tribes, such as those among the Mayans, Aztecs, and the Hopi Indians.
The 16th century Aztecs, for example, in the grand plaza of Tenochtitlán (Mexico City area), Montezuma and his dignitaries performed the “Lordly Dance.” In this dance they clasped each others’ wrists and formed a circle. This rite, though it may remind us of early Christian prayer circles, and the multiple hand and wrist grasping in circular dances of Asian India’s deities. Still, it is in an apostate form, a mystery or ordinance which has undergone corruption. For by the time it had passed through numerous centuries during the apostasy which took place in the Americas. An apostasy that seems to have begun about the later part of the 2nd or early 3rd century A.D., and which continued through the centuries. It picked up other barbaric aspects, as it was blended in with satanic counterfeits, and secret societies’ rites. This is why other barbaric elements were blended in with it too. This ritual was also connected with the traditional idea that if they performed these rites, the seasonal cycles in their calender system would continue. Thus, they danced in order to “maintain the cycle of the seasons. . . .The moment was of danger and dread; for the cycling might not be resumed, in which cases the universe would fall apart.” Thus, even down to this time, they still remembered, and feared that the great destruction which had come upon their world, would be repeated when new years, and other calculated cycles began again.
In the case with the Mexican calender dates, they have a 52 year cycle system too. The first symbol was a knot, the second was “the fire drill and stick for kindling the Sacred Fire.” When we go to later traditions and festivals that seem to have preserved some aspects of the memory of this earlier event. We see in their art works, fire drills being depicted, buildings being destroyed, and warriors with the manik hand grasping symbols on their shields. Plus, arrows piercing a foot, and other symbols of wounds, death, calamities, and destruction. We read of how symbols representing the old year were buried like a dead man. And how that all “fires throughout the empire were extinguished”. Perhaps this is a faded reminder of the darkness. And in bringing in another new year, and another 52 year cycle round, “the new fire would be kindled in the breast of a slain captive, and the smoldering embers carried out into the world.” Perhaps this might be a barbaric, and apostate, but faded reminder of the concept of how the Wounded Wanderer would go forth into the world.
Hand clasping in Asia: An early 7th century A.D. stone work of M#SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95mallapuram, in the #SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95di Var#SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95ha Cave, shows the donor, King Mahendravarman, and his wives. On his left wrist area, and in the middle of his hand are possible hole mark symbols. Furthermore, this same hand is grasping— like in some of the early Christian marriage rites; the left hand of one of his wives. Similar to early Christianity marriage hand clasps; is also the Asian Indian stone work of the marriage of #SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95iva and P#SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95rvat#SYMBOL \f "Symbol"95. Here the hand grip is made with the couples’ right hands.
On the hands of a 11th century stone work of Vishnu is a hole mark in the middle of the palm area of one of the lower right hands. Furthermore, like in later Mayan art works in the Dresden Codex, where we see numerous wounded hands grasping, and hand and wrist grasps on walking staffs, or scepters(?). So also in Asian oriental stone works do we see hole marks in the hands, & feet. But also, what could even be wrist grasping symbols on a walking staff, or scepter(?) which Vishnu grasps, on the wrist area, with one of his right hands. At the top of this scepter(?), is what looks to be a grasping hand with a hole mark in the middle, and another close to the knuckle of the pointer finger. And if these hole marks were not caused by natural means, they seem to suggest other areas on the hand, in addition to the wrist, which were touched or grasped too. Thus, like in the said Mayan work, this may represent a wrist grasps, but also other places in the middle of the hands which both the ancient Americans and those in Asia grasped during their different rituals.
During the 13th century, a stone work was made depicting a what might be a celestial dance, or holy dancers. This work, in the Ramappa temple, Palampet, Kakatiya, also possibly shows some of these figures pointing to these wound symbols. Perhaps, as part of their ritualistic symbolism, it may even represent how they feel these wounds, if that is they are to be interpreted as being in the act of performing the rite of touching, with their thumbs, the area of the middle of the hand in which these symbols are sometimes seen. Other art works show male & female deities clasping hands during the rite of marriage. In some cases, the thumb rests on the same area of the middle of the palm that these different symbols are located. For in this particular case, the male’s right hand thumb rests in the middle of the female’s right hand palm.
While another art work of a garden scene, also shows the male grasping, with his right hand, the right wrist of a female. While the female, with her left hand, is either pointing to, or touching the middle area of the male’s grasping hand. If not, then, like the double hand and wrist grips in early to later Christian art works, she is resting her left hand thumb on the middle of the male’s grasping hand, and is thus griping in this way, that hand which is grasping her right wrist. Are the flowers in this scene, like the ones seen in the middle of hands in other art works. Are they also to be seen as reminders of the wound symbols in the hands?
If in these cases, the female is touching this area of the male’s grasping hand, like in the case with the celestial dancer mentioned earlier, and who touches these same areas in the middle of the hand, and palm. Then it may be that this could also be the rite of touching which is said to evoke the presence of God, at the area touched. “This applies both to the body of man and to that of the image.”
During his daily rites, the orthodox Hindu is said to touch his body all over from head to foot. Thus, if he touches “the hands and fingers, evoking and assigning to all these points of contact the living presence of God.” And if these symbols, like in early to later Christianity, are touched on the wrists, palms, and feet of “the body” and the images of their deities, where these symbols are located. If so, could these be faded reminders of how Christ has the people feel the wounds in his body? And how do they feel his wounds? With their own hands, for they feel his wounded hands, wrists, side and feet, when he appears to them?
[EAC] (PC&EC) Garretson, op, cit., p.71-3 etc. Compare: [AM] Sacred Ceremony Secret Ritual or Sinister Trap? op. cit. HIS MIN.
Some critics have misrepresented, distorted, & mocked the LDS missionaries by depicting 2 "LDS" Missionaries, confronting a "born-again Christian". One has been depicted here as talking to his companion, & pointing his finger at him, & thinking to himself that he will get "revenge" on Janice, and will have the temple workers put a "curse" on her.
The "born again" Christian, "Janice" who confronted the missionaries on different issues is depicted as "saving" her "Aunt Fran" from the Mormons. In the end the Aunt also is depicted as being "saved" or "born-again."1* The fact is, there is no such "curses" made in LDS temples. Prayers are made as the one leading the prayer is inspired in what to say. No curses are made against others. In fact the Mormons have been asked to pray for their enemies, & critics, not curse them!
And many of us do this in our own private personal prayers to God. Would the bible be able to pass the same test that the anti-Mormon "Christians" put on Mormons?2*
1* [AM] Tract: The Visitors by J.T.C. 1984 by Jack T. Chick Chino Calif. p.17 fame 34.
2* The World of the Bible, p.255, by Ed. Herit. Inc., Yonkers, N.Y., 2 Kings 2:24.) [EAC] (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.98-1O1, 109. (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.47-49 etc. (PR&TEC) Benko, op. cit., p.103-139. (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.43-4, 53-4, 57, 59, 77, 89-90, 97-9. etc. (TANF) Vol.4 p.413, 415, 421-22, 427, 452, 467, 590-1, etc, (OAC).
Both ancient & modern critics have passed on rumors & stories against their rivals suggesting that their rivals, in general, are guilty of the evils of Satanism. In some cases, some modern critics have attempted to not generalize that all Mormons are guilty of such things, but just a certain number.
Others ignore any standards of fairness, & make such claims in general terms. In many ways the modern charges seem to reflect similarities with those of the ancient anti-Christians.
In [AM] The Movie & book: (TGM) makes the charge that Mormons have their roots in satanism. This distorted, twisted, extreme, biased position is based on tactics, distortions, lies, misrepresentations, misinterpretations, & standards, etc., that the critics themselves wouldn't be able to pass, if the same sorts of distortions, tactics etc., was placed on them. (See references to #18, etc.) Because the Occult & Satanist perform sexual rites, magical spells, & human sacrifices. It seems to be the distorted intentions of the anti-Mormon "Christians" etc., to lead the "outsiders" & members of the Mormon faith into believing that such sinister practices are also performed by Mormons in general, because they (the critics) have charged the Mormons as being "satanic."
[ECD] (TANF) Vol.4 p.406-7 bk.1 chap.24-5 (OAC), op. cit. [EAC] (PR&TEC) Benko, op. cit., p.54-78. (COTTD) Hoffmann, op. cit., p.53. [AM] Mormonism Unvailed, 1834, E.D. Howe p.21 & Mormonism Magic & Masonry by Jerald & Sandra Tanner 1983 UT. LHM. p.57. (TGM) Decker & Hunt p.72 line 28 p.73 lines 4, 12-13 p.76 lines 23-27 p.263 lines 19-25 & p.72.
[PMD] The Truth About the Godmakers, by Scharffs, op. cit., p.110-111. Unpublished letter dated Nov. 28 1987 by Mark B. Pinson, anti-Mormon claims concerning what the name "Mormon" means in Chinese. When Our Faith Is Challenged, by DaRell D. Thorpe, 1988, p.137-151, op. cit., still unpublished. In chapt. 10 of this manuscript of mine. I put the critics under their own `word & name game' to show how their own names & words wouldn't be able to pass their own test that they put Mormons under. Thus I have called this chap. "The Anti-Mormon Word Game."
[EAC] (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.98. & [ECD] (TANF) Vol.4 p.590-1 bk.6 chap.39 (OAC). Josephus p.77 & notes. Compare: [AM] (MSOR?) 1987 Tanners, op. cit., p.39-44. (TGM) op. cit., p.95-7. (PMD) The Truth About the Godmakers, op. cit., p.140. The Myth Makers, op. cit., Nibley. Biblical use of stones: The World of the Bible, op. cit., p.166-7. Signs & Symbols in Christian Art, op. cit., p.24. Church Symbolism, op. cit., p.57 pl.6 fig.12. Ex. 28:13-30; 39:8, 21; 1 These.5:8; Rev.2:17. Jos.4:1-3; 6-9, 20-4. 1 Cor.10:1-4; Gen.31:44-52; 28:10-12, 22; Jos.24:26-7. Art in the Early Church, op. cit., pl.144. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, op. cit., p.207, & 1498. (TANF) 2: p.452-4, Clement of Alex. on Jewish symbols.
In historic Christianity, the different balls and orbs used by Christian kings, could be misinterpreted by anti-Christians and atheists as also being “magical” and of the occult. It may be that orb symbolism was passed down from the Jewish traditions derived from traditions about stones that the Old Testament time prophets and Jewish priests used, which stones were passed down through the generations. These stones, called the urim and thummim, which in Hebrew means, lights and perfections, were carried in a pouch formed when the breastplate was folded, and when worn, they were carried in the breastplate over the heart.
The early Christians argued that what the Jews once had, was passed on to them. In other words, the spiritual gifts that the Jews once had was passed on to them from Christ to his apostles, to the Elders. St. Basil, born 329 or 330, and died 379, had prayed that they would not lose the power of prophesying "the way the Jews did." Methodius, like that of Basil, pities the Jews who were left with the scriptures alone to guide them. They do the best that they can, but have no revelation. He hoped that the Christians would not fall into the same conditions as that of the Jews, that they would always be able to have revelation. As time went by, these symbols of priestly power, revelation and divine guidance may have been passed down among the Jewish Priests, who took on civil powers as well as religious powers. For example, “the office of high priest had become also de facto the office of civil ruler. Hyrcanus, the son of Simon Maccabeus, occupied this dual office for thirty years (135—105) and his campaigns of conquest increased the Jewish domain. . . . [He] was succeeded by his son, Aristobulus (104—103), whose father had intended him to be high priest but not civil ruler, the latter role having been reserved for his mother. But Aristobulus placed his mother and his brothers in prison and made himself not only high priest but king. “ Others followed, some, of which abused their civil and religious positions, such as the “wicked priest” Alexander Janneus (103—76), possibly mentioned in the Habakkuk Commentary. Others followed, such as Hyrcanus II & Aristoblus (67—63), eventually, after others, then Herod, during the time of Christ. This was the time when, as the Christians would argue, apostate priest and kings ruled, and when the spiritual gifts had faded out. So what happened to the stones which, as Josephus said shined with great light and revealed things? (The Works of Josephus, p. 77 & notes). Could it be that these symbols were passed down among the symbols and relics of the later Christian Kings, as by way of orbs, balls, and royal stones?
A number of earlier Christian writers believed & defended the doctrine that Christ reigns over the whole world, as compared to earthly kings, and rulers, who could only reign over certain areas only. In later centuries, this concept was symbolically depicted in the royal symbols which were to become a part of the later symbols used by Christian kings. A good case in point is an art piece that depicts Charles V, by Pieter Balten, 1580, and which shows the orb representing royalty. Furthermore, the “earth or heavenly globe with a cross atop it is also common in the religious art of the period.”
Like the 6th century B.C. prophet Lehi’s brass ball, which revealed the word of God, and guided them through the wilderness, across the sea from the Old World to the New. Later Christian kings’ orbs, in some cases, had maps on them, or the “world” depicted on them to represent in the medieval mind, a type of the cross. Thus, it was “seen as a huge cathedral built on the medieval cruciform plan . . . [Furthermore], the orb in the King’s hand suggested not only his divine investiture . . . but also the king’s knowledge of his kingdom.” Which knowledge was through “the royal progress,” an institution in which the king traveled around his realm.” In the case with the wandering Christ, he is often depicted as he travels in and out of the afterlife realms, and his earthly kingdoms. During this royal progress, he marches forth while holding in his hand a cross—banner, or orb.
Furthermore, the symbolical architectural types for these orbs are also seen in many Christian churches which have domes in the same types of shapes as orbs, with cross symbols on top. In some cases, these orbs are seen outside, and on top of the orb shaped domes of many Christian churches, such as those seen on the Churches of the Balkans. Under these domes, and under the art works that show Christ holding an orb, as the Pantocrator, or ruler of the world and universe, the ceremonial Christian mysteries take place.
In another work, two monks embrace, standing on an orb with the #SYMBOL \f "Symbol"94 in this position.
Concerning an orb with the T shaped symbol, and a point or dot over the T, Koch wrote: “This is a simplified representation of the Orb of the World. The old conception of the Earth was that it is divided thus. The center of the World was Jerusalem, the place where salvation came to mankind. The upper half of the Orb is Asia. The vertical line represents the Mediterranean Sea, on the right and left of which lie Africa and Europe respectively. In Early Christian art the Lord was shown carrying this Orb in his hand; in later times this was altered to a ball with a Cross upon it.”
Another art work from the 12th century shows angels with orbs that have cross symbols on them. Christ, the Pantocrator’s book is open in this case. The angels are under the Mother of God in “the hierarchies of the world, [for] archangels clad like emperors and wielding the imperial labarum and globe are paying homage to their suzerain.” Gordon C. Thomasson notes that the orb is a symbol of “earthly rule and heavenly power, and its use in royal and religious iconography is an implicit claim to worldly dominion, symbolizing its possessor’s power over this earth.”
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 orbs in Christian art works symbolize Christ’s power and authority to rule and reign over the whole earth. In some cases, the Christ-child is not only the enthroned King, but also, he is the wandering King, with the universe as his play ground. He is often seen, in art works, holding an orb, or large ball that represents the earth, as if the earth was also his play thing, or play ground to wander around on. At any rate, Christ also sits enthroned on a globe, but also with the mandorla symbol () suggesting, again, that he is a realm wanderer too. A wanderer who goes seeking souls to save, and rescue, for another type is found in an ancient funerary theme of hunters, to which is “an allusion of Christ, hunter of souls.”
A number early Christian art works show “Christ striding forward over the body of Satan” reaching out with a hand to Adam and Eve to ascend with them out of hell. After ascending out of hell, Christ’s world wide striding began, for a Christian legend says that Christ, walked with unequal giant strides over the earth in many directions. This later legend, related by Peter D. Roo in 1900, may have been inspired by, or inspired different Christian artists to depict Christ as if he were striding over the earth. Alonso Cano, A.D. 1601—1667, depicts the Christ—child standing on a giant globe. In another work on painted wood, the Christ-child, bearing the cross on his left shoulder, and with his left foot forwards, has stepped onto a globe that represents the world.
In another work, A.D. 1455—60, Christ looks as though he is striding on a globe under his feet. At the bottom on Christ’s right hand, an angel is clasping the hands of those who have been judged worthy to be on Christ’s right hand, and who can enter into heaven. Another artist, A.D. 1550, shows Christ enthroned over a globe. One dated A.D. 1500, showed Christ enthroned, within a mandorla () symbol, and with an orb at his feet. Another, A.D. 1525, shows the globe at his feet, but no mandorla. In another, A.D. 1511, it seems he is really striding throughout the world. In a different one, A.D. 1588, he sits on an arch with a globe at his feet. A similar one to this one is from A.D. 1526. These globes, or disks at his feet, or under one foot; all these are not only symbols that suggest that he is a wandering ruler who travels all over the world. But also, that he has conquered the world, and has made it his foot stool, and that he is both Ruler, and Judge over all humanity too.
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 1336, Christ and the Virgin Mary sit side by side on a throne with crowns on their heads. Christ holds in his left hand a map of the world inscribed on an orb, while in his right, he raises a scepter. It also shows friars in "a kind of Dominican communion of saints gathered before an image of Christ and the Virgin that could hardly be more expressive of their universal reign."
Like in the case with the Nephites’ relics of their religious leaders, and Prophet Kings, in which the brass ball, and the records, and other important artifacts of their forefathers where passed down to succeeding generations. Among the Christian kings of historic Christendom, a ball or an orb was also passed down from earlier generations about the Romans. For example, in the coronation and consecration ceremony of the Kings of the Romans, ceremonial garments were worn, and the an orb, dating back to the 12th century, was passed down to later kings, such as Leopold II Emperor Elect of the Romans, September 30th 1790.
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 In a Latin manuscript, A.D. 1052, Christ is enthroned, holding a large ball in his hand. Another composition shows the “God-Father holding [his] sleeping Christ-Child and orb.” As noted earlier, in some sagas & legacies, the Virgin Mary is the Christ-child’s traveling companion throughout the world. Hence, in religious art pieces, depicting the Virgin, we see a “Globe, which [when] placed under her feet, implies her sovereignty.”
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 On the high altarpiece used for the Dominicans of San Marco celebrations. The Virgin Mary and the Christ child sit enthroned. Christ holds a royal orb bearing the map of the world with the inscription: Europa & Asia, symbolizing his universal reign. Thus, Christ is "shown as the King of Kings not only by the throne, but also by the royal orb held in his left hand, bearing the map of the world."
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 In another, c. 870, it shows Christ as Majesty, holding a ball, or perhaps, as in other art works, an orb which is symbolic of how Christ reigns over the whole world.
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 In an early ninth century work, Charlemagne(?) holds an orb or ball in his right hand, while riding on a striding horse. Hence, this seems to suggest that this Christian king is going forth into the different areas of his kingdom to visit, or to go forth on conquests to extend his kingdom. Perhaps orbs or balls were also like unto the guidance system in a brass ball from a divine origin, that the ancient Prophet Lehi was given to help guide him, and those who went with him, through the land, and, eventually, over the ocean, from the Old World, to the New World. This ball was also pass down through the generations to their later prophet kings, and leaders. Perhaps this may be one of the Jewish traditions and symbols that were passed down to later Christian kings.
#SYMBOL \f "Wingdings"109 Others show the Christ-child holding an orb with a map of the world on it. So it may be that the globe, in this case at the church of San Vitale, is symbolic of how Christ reigns over the whole world, or perhaps the universe.
Celsus claims that a favorite saying of the Christian teachers is "Do not ask questions, just believe!" & that believe will save you. He claimed they said that the wisdom of this world is "evil" & to be simple is good. That reason should be a guide to accepting any belief rather than the Christian way of having faith without reasons for that faith.1*
In a similar manner a modern anti-Mormon "Christian" writer claims that the Mormons want people to pray about the Book of Mormon. (The Prophets who wrote the book do ask the reader to pray about the Book. (Moroni 10:2-5) Some critics would have us not bother the Lord with such a simple thing. One wrote, though we ought to pray much, we don't need to pray about somethings, including the Book of Mormon. He claimed evidence of archaeology, history, geography, & prophetic utterances should be weighed as a person studies books claiming to be additional scriptures to the bible. Rather than just "feelings" only. For if by "feelings" only, instead of checking out the evidences, people can be deceived into accepting or believing almost anything.2*
Many Mormons have spent many years researching & gathering evidences for the restored gospel & the Book of Mormon. FARMS & other research organizations have found much evidences that sustain faith, & give reason for that faith in the restoration, & B.O.M. etc. (D&C 88:118). When such critics are presented with this evidence, most critics reject it, ignore, reinterpret, or attempt to discredit the evidences. Most of them also reject the spiritual path & test to finding out the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. (B.O.M. 2 Ne.32:8-9). And so the critics are left to their biased test for truth that many of them would not place on the bible that they claim to believe in.
1* [EAC] (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.73. (COTTD), op. cit., p.54.
2* Mormon Claims Answered, by Marvin W. Cowan, 1989, p.61-2.
[EAC].1* Some [AM]s, such as The Tanners, have claimed that there are some contradictions, between the Doctrine & Covenants & The Book of Mormon.2* Though they may have a small nit picking argument when it comes to the B.O.M. saying "whoredoms" & the D&C reading "Justified"3* They attempt to lead their readers into thinking that the B.O.M. does not give any time frame for the doctrine of polygamy to be practiced as the Lord commands. They mention a portion (that Mormons have pointed out to the critics when they make these charges) & which the Tanners attempt to discredit: "Some Mormons have claimed that the words "raise up seed unto me (found in Jacob 2:30) refer to the practice of polygamy, but this is proven false in 1 Nephi 7:1..."4*
When we take a closer look at the scripture, we see that the Tanners have misinterpreted, & passed by an important part. While other critics have left this part out altogether. Jacob 2:30 shows that if the time frame of the Lord is that the people should practice polygamy, He will "command" his people to do so. But until then, they are to not practice it. "For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things." (Unto what "things"? having just one wife, (verse 27). In this case then, when we consider the two passage in context, the supposed "contradiction" is not there. Both the D&C & B.O.M. then allow the practice.
Other [AM] Christians writers wrote in one of their News Letters that: "Father & Son Contradict" "...Joseph F. Smith, the nephew of the founder of the church, & his son Joseph Fielding Smith--the 6th & 10th presidents...These 2 men--father & son--contradicted each other on the subject of plural marriage...."5*
I wonder what these critics would have us do with this information? Are we required to be shocked at the fact that some leaders have not always thought exactly the same way, or have had disagreements, or even can be made to appear to contradict each other, or even have at times? What type of judgment or verdict are we suppose to pass on such situations? What ever the critics hope it will be, wouldn't the same verdict, or judgment also have to be placed on the Bible that the critics also claim to believe in? We read of an "everlasting priesthood" in the Old Testament, (see: Ex.40:15). Then we read that this "everlasting priesthood" was changed, Heb.7:12. We read of disagreements that Peter & Paul had over circumcision, (Gal.2:11-19; 5:11-15).
Had our critics lived in, or a little after Peter & Paul's time, & we also. What might they have written or said concerning these 2 leaders? Would they have rejected them also? If they are now willing to let the Bible writers have contradictory, conflicting, points of views, & yet can still believe in the Bible as being from God, why can't we have the same sort of standard with regard to our modern leaders? Do our critics make these charges & then use a double standard when it comes to the Bible? Do the critics think that our leaders are false because they may contradict each other, while the Bible leaders are true because they think they don't? If our critics should happen to answer atheistic, early to modern anti-Christian charges concerning contradictions, wouldn't their answers have to also be answers to their own charges against Mormons?
Like the early anti-Christians, many modern atheists have rejected the Bible because of similar reasons that the [AM] "Christians" reject things in Mormonism. So the [AM] "Christians" would not be able to pass their own test, & tactics, & test for truth, when others challenge them with the same tactics, etc., that they attack others with. The Atheist, M.M. O'Hair, July 27 1970, said for example, that one of the reasons why Atheists reject God was because that the gospels contradict each other.6*
Can the bible pass the same test that the critics put on the Book of Mormon, etc? Bill Forrest & Van Hale put the anti-Mormon Christians under their own test, standards, & tactics, on Mormon Miscellaneous (their defense of the faith radio that was on KBBX in Ut). They showed different Bible scriptures that seem to be contradictory of each other. The main point they wanted to show to the critics, & listeners, was how the critics own standards, & test for scriptures would also not work for the bible they claim to believe in. They used a number of scriptures & examples, to make this point. This sort of thing however is often misinterpreted by the critics to be an attack on the Bible, when it is not. For they had not brought these different scriptures in order to suggest that the Bible is false, like the critics had with scriptures in the book of Mormon, etc., but to show how that the critics would not be able to pass their own test. Nor did they bring up the same scripture that Celsus brought up, for the same reason that Celsus had used. Or the scriptures that gives different amounts of angels at the tomb of Christ. Was there 1 or 2 angels there?7*
Bill, Van, & Allen Richardson, & others have attempted to show the critics (who attack the different versions of Joseph Smith's 1st vision), that their own attack are really an attack on their own Bible, for they used the critics own test, logic & standards, etc. As I present the following examples under this same test & standards that the critics use, it also should not be misinterpreted or misrepresented as being an attack upon the bible, but is for the said point stated above. Please keep this in mind, while you consider the following questions, as presented by Allen Richardson.8*
1. Was man or beast created first? Gen. 1:25-28 vrs. Gen. 2:18-20.
2. Were the moving creatures & fowl created out of the earth or out of the water? Gen.1:20 vrs. 2:19-21.
3. Were Adam & Eve created separately or together? Gen.l:26-8 vrs. 2:18, 20-3
4. Was Arphaxad the father or grandfather of Sala? Gen.11:12 vrs. Luke 3:35-36.
5. From who did Abraham buy the land for the sepulchre? Gen.23:17-19 vrs. Acts 7:16.
6-8. How old was Terah & Abraham? In Gen.11:26-32 was 70 when he begat Abraham and it adds that he, Terah died in Haran at the age of 205-135 years later. In Gen.12:4 Abraham was 70 when left Haram. Yet Acts 7:4 tells us his father was dead when he left Haran.
9. And where was the land located? Same Scripture.
10. The Location of the land & the settlers correspond between Gen.33:18-19 & Acts 7:16 but in Gen. 33 the buyer is Jacob. Not Abraham.
11. At what age is life fixed? Gen.6:3 vrs. Ps. 90:10.
12. How did Bethel get its name? Gen. 28:10-22 vrs. Gen. 35:10-15.
13. Was Abraham familiar with the name Jehovah? Ex.6:3 vrs. Gen 22:14.
14. Who was Laban's father? Gen. 28:5 vrs. Gen. 29:5
15. Who sold Joseph to Potiphar? Gen. 37:36 vrs. 39:1.
16-17. How many went down into Egypt? Gen.46:26 vrs. Deut.10:22 & Acts 7:14
18. How many years were the Israelites in Egypt? Gen.15:13, Acts 7:6 vrs. Ex.12:40, Gal.3:17.
19. Can man see the face of God? Ex.33:11 vrs. 33:20-23.
20. Were the staves of the Ark to remain in place? Ex.25:15 vrs. Num. 4:5-6.
21. Could Israel see of not? Gen. 48:10 vrs. 48:8, 11.
22. Which is the correct translation, staff (matteh) or bed (mittah)? Gen. 47:31 vrs. Heb. 11:21.
23. Did all the water turn to blood? Ex 7:19 vrs. 7:22, 24.
24. Who taught Moses to delegate? Ex. Ex. 18:13-23 vrs. Deut. 1:9-18.
25. Did all the Egyptian cattle die? Ex.9:6 vrs. 9:20.
26. Were all horses killed? Ex. 9:3 vrs. Ex. 14:9.
27. Was Moses mighty in words? Ex. 4:10 vrs. Acts 7:22.
28. Was Moses meek? Num.12:3 vrs 31.
29. When & where did Aaron die? Num.20:23-28 & Num.33:38.
30. And: Deut. 10:6.
31. Where did Eleazer replace Aaron? Num.20:23-29; 33:37-8; Deut.10:6-7.
32. Had Midran been destroyed or not? Num.31:7-17 vrs. Jud. 6:1.
33. Was Eleazer, son of Aaron allowed to enter the promised land? Num.14:30 vrs. Josh. 14:1.
34. How many Benjamites were killed? Judges 20:35 vrs. Jud. 20:46.
35. How many died in the plague? Num. 25:9 vrs. 1 Cor.10:8.
36. Had the Amalekites been destroyed or not? 1 Sam. 15:6-8 vrs. 30:1:2.
37. Did God give the land of Canaan to Israel as an Inheritance? Ex.12:37 vrs. Acts 7:5.
38. Did God want the people to offer sacrifices? Lev.27:28; Judg.11:34; l Sam. 25:33 vrs. Isa.66:3.
39. Does God punish children for the sins of their parents? Ex.20:5 vrs. Ez.18:20.
40. Did God want Balaam to go? Num.22:20 vrs. Num.22:21.
41. Who was Samuel's firstborn? 1 Sam.8:2 vrs. 1 Chron.6:28.
42. Who were Saul's sons? 1 Sam.14:49 vrs. 1 Sam. 14:49 vrs. 1 Sam.31:2
43. And: 1 Chron. 8:33.
44. Did Saul inquire of the Lord? 1 Sam.28:6 vrs. 1 Chorn. 10:13-14.
45. Was David a youth or an adult when he first met Saul? 1 Sam.16:18 vrs. 1 Sam. 17:33.
46. How Many Sons did Jessee have? 1 Chron. 2:13-15 vrs. 1 Sam. 16:10-11.
47. What was David's first public
appearance? 1 Sam.16:18 vrs. 1 Sam.17
48. Was Goliath's death, David's first military exploit? 1 Sam.16:18 vrs. 1 Sam. 17:33.
49. Did Michael have children? 2 Sam.6:23 vrs. 2 Sam.21:8.
50. Was it Merab or Michal whom Saul gave to Adriel? 1 Sam.18:19 vrs. 2 Sam.21:8.
1* (PC&EC) Garretson, op. cit., p.6: "HIEROCLES, proconsul at Bithynia, A.D. 284, wrote a book addressed to the Christians in which he affirmed that their "sacred writings contained contradictions..." see also p. 92-3. (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.39. (TANF) Vol.4 p.566-8, (OAC) bk.5 chap.lii & lvi. p.619-20 bk.7 chap.20-25.
2* D&C 139, 1 & 39, & The Book of Mormon, p.111, verses 23-4. (MSOR?) 1987 ED. op. cit., p.206 1st col. 1st par.
3* (MSOR?) ibid. p.205 1st col.
4* Ibid. Tanners, p.206.
5* "Exposing Mormonism" The Evangel Vol.38 Oct.1991, #7. p.2, heading: Father and Son Contradict, by "RM" or Robert MacKay, Associate Ed., Pub. by Utah Missions, Marlow, Okla.
6* The American Atheist Sept. 1977, p.23-5, July 27, 1970, Fanciful Facts About Jesus, by M.M. O'Hair, from the A.A. Radio Series, No.107.
7* (TANF) Vol.4 p.566-7 (OAC) Bk.5 chap.lii-liii.
8* Research done by Allen Richardson, in his unpublished work: An Index Of Biblical Polemics, p.18-26.
This is another complaint that [AM] Christians have had against the Mormons, which again seems to be similar to the ancient critics' complaints.1* The [EAC] Celsus charged that certain Christian believers "...have corrupted the Gospel from its original integrity, to a three fold, & fourfold, & many-fold degree, & have remodelled it, so that they might to able to answer objections. Now I know of no other who have altered the Gospel, save the followers of Maricon, & those of Valentinus, & I think, also those if Lucian. But such an allegation is no charge against the Christian system, but against those who dared so to trifle with the Gospels. And as it is no ground of accusation against philosophy, that there exist Sophists, or Epicureans, or Peripatetics, or any others, whoever they may be, who hold false opinions; so neither is it against genuine Christianity that there are some who corrupt the Gospel histories, & who introduce heresies opposed to the meaning of the doctrine of Jesus."2*
Origen's response may be the answer to the modern anti-Mormon Christians claims. The Tanners for example point to a change or deletion in the later "History of the Church" Vol.6, p.424. In which a portion is taken out without any indication that something had been deleted, such as the ellipsis (...). What was left out was a portion that says in an earlier publication: The Millennial Star Vol.23 p.720: "Drank a glass of beer at Moessers". They have an photo copy of the 2 pages from the said sources to compare & show the change. So perhaps we must have to say that their nit picking complaint is justified with the documents thus shown.3*
Perhaps then our response to the Tanners may be similar, or in the same type of words as Origen's response to Celsus. "...Such an allegation is no charge against the... [Mormon] system, but against those who dared so to trifle with the..." text or (What is found in the Millennial Star Vol.23 p.720, as compared to the later History of the Church 1950 Ed. Vol.6 p.424.)
But even in the Tanners' own books, they fall into their own pit and charge. For we could show how they have left things out, but at least they give us a clue that they did, with many ellipsises the (...). For on p.175 of (MSOR?) 1987 Ed. 1st col. is a portion that is presented in a way to make it appear that Brigham Young "defends" his "Adam-God Doctrine". When you go to the photo copy of the source that they quote from, (MSOR? 1987 ed. p.176.) & read the text in full. We can see how they are attempting to lead the reader according to their biased interpretations in order to make it look like Brigham Young "defends" his Adam-God "Doctrine." For they underline up to a certain point, & the part that is left out would give the reader (who notices it), other possible ways in which a person could or might interpret what B.Y. was saying.4*
Both the sources that the Tanners quote from have the same visible portions that would give the reader another possible way of interpreting what B.Y. had said.5*
June 8 1873 is the date given for when B.Y. is said to have given the talk, it later being reported on the 2 dates mentioned above. The following is the portion of the so called "defense." The parts that do not appear on p.175 1st. col. (but of which can be seen in the photo copy on p.176 of MSOR?) is thus put back in it's proper place here & is in CAPITAL LETTERS. The Tanners use capital letters to make their points all throughout their book. I'm going present the points I want to make with capital letters here also. But so you don't get the two points confused, I have chosen not to put their capital letters in CAPS., just regular letters instead.
"In spite of the opposition, Brigham Young continued to teach the Adam-God doctrine. In 1873, just a few years before his death, Brigham Young declared: ""How much unbelief exists in the minds of the Latter-day Saints in regard to one particular doctrine which I revealed to them, and which God revealed to me-namely that Adam is our Father and God-I DO NOT KNOW, I DO NOT INQUIRE, I CARE NOTHING ABOUT IT. Our Father Adam helped to make this earth, it was created expressly for him, AND AFTER IT WAS MADE HE AND HIS COMPANIONS CAME HERE. He brought one of his wifes with him...""6*
""...We say that Father Adam came here and helped to make the earth. Who is he? He is Michael, A GREAT PRINCE, AND IT WAS SAID TO HIM BY ELOHEIM, "GO YE AND MAKE AN EARTH." (The Tanners go on with this source to another portion that is underlined, in their book & of which they feel helps to make their point.) We can see from the parts here in Capital letters (which was the parts that were left out on p.175, but which can be noticed if the reader takes a close look at p.176), that the reader is being brought to the interpretation that the Tanners want the reader to see. Such an interpretation would be according to the biased view points of the Tanners.
Brigham Young did not put Adam above all gods, but calls him a great Prince under higher Gods such as the one he mentions, "Eloheim", who said to Adam-Michael to go and make an earth. Other examples could be presented here as well. But also it might be fair to say that Origen's response to Celsus, (of which I have also used), might also be used by a Christian who response to similar charges that Atheists bring up. Or even answer that the Christian world could give to us Mormons, & why not? Do we not also point to "changes"7* in the Christians' doctrines, rites, etc., in order to show that there was an apostasy? We do don't we? So we can't expect to escape our own standard here sense we also have used it, to make our points. So it would only be fair for us also to try and not put the charge on "against the" modern "Christians", but against "those who dared so to trifle with the Gospels", or what texts that some have distorted, altered, & changed, etc. The Christians might also use Origen's words in response to the Atheists who point to different changes, etc.
The early anti-Christian Celsus also left things out or failed to see any evidences that would support the Christian position. Thus Celsus's biased position & his way of selecting the "evidences" for his case against Christianity was noticed by Origen also.8* Both the ancient & modern critics & their rivals have done what they say their rivals have done. It seems we each have our biased ways of presenting things.9* Origen charges Celsus of "...not giving the words as they actually occur in the writings of Paul,..."10* There seems to have also been other bits of history that could have been told, but which were not. But what were these things? Why were they left out?11*
It seems that in modern polemical writings the same sorts tactics (picking & choosing of sources & evidences) has been detected on both sides of the situation. Our critics shouldn't try & point the finger at us for the very things that they themselves are guilty of. But so also we must accept the fact that there have been some amongst us also who have given the critics cause to point the finger, in that some amongst us are also guilty of playing the "pick & choose game," & ignoring things that would weaken their own case, while looking for things that support it. Or taking things out of context etc.12*
Both the early anti-Christians & Christian anti-Mormons have pointed to changes in doctrines, rites, & practices suggesting that this is "evidences" that the system is false. But we Mormons have to also admit that this is something that we have said about modern Christianity. For don't we point to changes in rites & doctrines etc, to suggest that their was an apostasy, thus the need for a restoration? Now we have also different apostate break off groups pointing to the different changes in practices & rites, etc. To suggest that we have fallen away, like we have claimed the later Christianity has. Certainly this whole situation is a polemical mess!13*
The question should be asked, was some changes for the good of the Church or did it harm the Church? Does further growth & development come about as a result of the changes? In many ways some people have thought that change is something that God would or could not bring about. But the scripture suggest that changes in doctrines, rites, & further developments & further light & in knowledge towards understanding higher knowledges & the mysteries of God, is part of growing & learning higher & better things. That God can bring this about through his later prophets, thus new things over the older ways are given & should be expected over the course of time.14* There are also times when God "refreshes" or restore the things that have been lost or have become faulty. Or even bring us to higher laws that may seem to us to be a change from the older ones.15*
Origen wrote: "...It is, then, always in order to repair what has become faulty that God desires to amend His work afresh. For although, in the creation of the world, all things had been arranged by Him in the most beautiful & stable manner, He nevertheless needed to excercise some healing power upon those who were labouring under the disease of wickedness, & upon a whole world, which was polluted as it were thereby. But nothing has been neglected by God, or will be neglected by Him; for He does at each particular juncture what it becomes Him to do in a perverted & changed world. And as a husbandman performs different acts of husbandry upon the soil & its productions, according to the varying seasons of the year, so God administers entire ages of time, as if they were, so to speak, so many individual years, performing during each one of them what is requisite with a reasonable regard to the care of the world; & this, as it is truly understood by God alone, so also is it accomplished by Him."16*
The Rev. Dr. Charles Francis Potter notes, with the on going discoveries of ancient Jewish and Christian documents, and libraries, that the Essence Scrolls will show many Christians that their “Bible chapters to be inaccurate, garbled, and both expurgated and interpolated, theologically. . . . There is hardly a book in the Old Testament that will not need corrections and improved readings in the light of the Qumran manuscripts, nor a New Testament book that will not suffer considerable reinterpretation of key verses on which doctrine depend. Few believing Christians yet realize (for few scholars are yet admitting) how many important doctrines are due to be changed radically, and how many others should eventually be eliminated when the Scrolls are properly recognized and evaluated in relation to the New Testament.” One of these doctrines which he says will have to go is “the doctrine of the Trinity, which was never in the Bible anyway.” He goes on to point out how that many of the early collections of scriptures included books and writings, believed, cited, and used by the earliest Christians as scripture and inspired, but of which were later taken out when the different councils decided on what books should be included and which should not in their canon, such as the writings of Enoch, for example.
Potter also notes that the Essene commentary of Habakkuk, found in the first-opened Dea Sea cave along with a much older copy of Isaiah, shows by internal evidence that it was written as late as about 65 B.C. and perhaps a little later, we are justified in presuming that the third chapter must have been added at some time after that date. An editor simply attached it to the “Book of the Prophecies of Habakkuk,” evidently lifting these nineteen verses from a collection of psalms where one was entitled: “A Prayer of Habakkuk.” Further on Potter notes that: “But it is not only the little Book of Habakkuk that has been altered from the form in which the author left it. The “historical” Books of First and Second Samuel will need radical changes in several large sections where the older versions in the manuscripts of the Essene library (found in Qumran Cave 4, plus additional parts purchased afterwards from the Arabs) make much better sense than the ones on which the King James and all the revised versions were based.”
“Most of the super-orthodox will refuse to believe that anything can be improved in “Mother’s Bible,” and many good Christians will quote the verses in the last chapter of “Revelation” as the Johannine apocalypse at the end of the New Testament is popularly called, verses 18b and 19 in chapter 22:” [Which warns about adding and taking away things from the words of the book of this prophecy]. “This warning or threat was fairly common in Jewish books in one form or another. In the next to the last (perhaps originally the last) chapter (104th) of the Book of Enoch, the patriarch advises: “. . . do not change or abridge anything of my words, but write them all down truthfully.” Potter goes on to mention Deuteronomy 4:2, which warns about adding and taking away too. “But Jesus apparently disregarded this injunction, for, according to the first three Gospels, when approached by the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus recited only five of the Ten Commandments as important, and Mark (10:19) has him adding a new one: “Do not defraud.”
“By “this book” at the end of the Johannine apocalypse, it is commonly supposed the entire Bible is meant— most Christians not yet being aware that the rest of the Bible was long in circulation before the very doubtful Apocalypse of John was finally added. There was an Apocalypse of Peter which was preferred in Rome and the Apocalypse of Enoch, a favorite in the East. But Apocalypse were going out of style, and only one could be permitted, if any. Peter’s and Enoch’s were dropped. Finally, reluctantly, and at the end of the Bible, John’s was let in.”
Now it is worth noting that while modern Christians object to the changes in Mormonism’s books of scripture, and often cite from Revelations, which they wouldn’t have been able to, if the earlier church council of the 4th century, which had rejected to book of Revelations from their “canon,” had been able to enforced its decree on all of Christendom. At the same time, modern anti-Mormon “Christians” test on Mormonism’s scriptures, if placed on the Bible, would make theirs,’ and our own Bible versions, fail their own tests, because of how the writings of Enoch, which also contains the same type of warnings about adding to and taking things away from it, have been taken out of the earlier collections of books, or bibles, because they contained doctrines which were not acceptable to later Christians.
Potter notes how that: “The Jews would not let Enoch and similar apocalyptical books be included in their canon because they were too Christian and had been quoted too frequently by Christians in support of the new doctrine. And the Christians, in turn, rejected Enoch later as too Jewish.” Even Jude was almost not included in the later canons because of how it cites, as scripture, from a passage in Enoch. “Jude (or whoever was the author of the one-chapter epistle in the New Testament) quotes. . . The Assumption of Moses, without naming it, when referring to the dispute of Michael the archangel with Satan over the body of Moses. The author of Jude also quotes The Book of Enoch by name as revealing the word of God—that is, as inspired Scripture.”
“That bold stroke nearly got Jude’s letter itself thrown out of the canonical Bible as “guilty by association,” contaminated by its mere approving mention of a book not officially recognized!” Hence, notes Potter, “Enoch. . . was excluded from both the Christian and Jewish canons. Although a favorite of both Jesus and Paul, copies were apparently destroyed wherever found, and it became know as “The Lost Book of Enoch.” During the eighteenth century copies were found in Ethiopia, and later eight Enochs in the caves of the Essenes at Qumran, during the early 1950's, so why were they left out of the collections or canons of scriptures? Potter explains why: “When the official canons and doctrines of Jew and Christian were established, in a period when each side hated the other bitterly, as the contemporary literatures of both show historically, then neither side wanted any evidence left around which would reveal that the Essene Book of Enoch was the missing link between Judaism and Christianity! It showed both sides up in the pitiless light of parallelism.”
“Once the fact is recognized, startling deductions may and indeed must be drawn. For one thing, Enoch must go back in the Bible!” “There are differences in the wording found in Greek and Hebrew scrolls. The Septuagint’s “a virgin shall conceive” was “a young woman” in the later Masoretic version. Exactly how and at what point such differences emerged is uncertain.”
1* (MSOR?) 1987 Tanners, op. cit., p.5-31D 126-166, 170, 197, 393-7. 474-83. SLC Messenger #76 Nov. 1990 p.2-6. No.75 July 1990. Compare: [EAC] (COTTD), Hofmann, op. cit., p. 37, 55-7, 62, 64, 77-8, 80, 91-4. Also: [ECD] (TANF) Vol.4 p.502 bk.4 chap.14 & p.504.
2* (TANF) Vol.4 p.443 bk.2 Chap.27, ibid. See also: (COTTD), op. cit., p.37, 39, 62, 64.
3* (MSOR?) 1987, op. cit., p.7.
4* (MSOR?) ibid. p.175 1st col. quote from: "Deseret News June 14 1873" & p.176.
5* Deseret Weekly News, June 18 1873. & the Deseret Evening News, June 14 1873.
6* (The Tanners leave a big portion out here on p.175 & start up with their quote again).
7* [PMD] The Divine Church (Down through Changes, Apostasy therefrom, & Restoration), 1952 by James L. Barker, p.130-150, see also part 3, 1954, p.93-103. Also: Apostasy to Restoration, by T. Edgar Lyon, 1960, p.225-234. Apostasy From The Divine Church, Barker, 1960, p.544-557, 658-670.
8* (TANF) Vol.4 p.401 bk.1 chap.13, p.410-11 chap.24, & p.424-5 chap.lxiii & p.441-2 bk.2 chap.24.
9* (TANF) 4: ibid., p.436 bk.2 chap.13.
10* Ibid., 4: p.401 bk.1 chap.13 (OAC).
11* Ibid., 4: p.436 bk.2 chap.13.
12* [AM] A Christian Defense Against Mormon Attacks, by Linda Le Hansen, 1987, (Pub. In His Time Ministry, Phoenix, Az.) p.365-367, point #1.
13* [AM] Hansen, op. cit., p.248-9. [PMD] The Divine Church (Down through Change, Apostasy therefrom, & Restoration), The Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums Study Book for the year of 1952, by James L. Barker, p.130-150, "The changing Church". Also: See The Divine Church, Barker, op. cit., 1953-4. In 1954, p.93-103. And: Apostasy From The Divine Church, by James L. Barker, 1960, (Kate Montgomery Barker) Pub. by Deseret News Press, p.531-557, chap.s 49-50. "Changes in Worship", & "Conception of Salvation Changed". And: Apostasy to Restoration, by T. Edgar Lyon op. cit., 1960, p.225-234.
14* [LDS] The Articles of Faith, 6-9.
15* Heb.7:12; 13:8; Ex.40:15; Matt. chap.5. Acts 3:19-21; 1 Cor.13:8-13 etc.
16* (TANF) vol.4 p.528 bk.4 chap.lxix (OAC), op. cit.
(COTTD), op. cit., p.37, 39, 62 & 64) & (MSOR?) op. cit., p.5-31D etc.
(See references to #35-7).
In response to early anti-Christian charges, the early Christian Father & defender Tertullian presents the situations as to how money us used by the Christians. "...We are governed by approved elders, who obtain their office not by purchase, but by the testimony of their fellows: for nothing that is God's is obtainable by money. Even if we have a kind of treasury, this is not filled up by fees paid as the purchase money of religion. Each of us contributes a small sum once a month or when he pleases, & only if he is both willing & able. Not one is forced; contributions are voluntary, & are regarded as pious investments. The money is not disbursed uselessly on banquets or drinking bouts or eating-houses, but on the feeding & burying of the poor, on boys & girls without means or parents, on old servants & shipwrecked persons, & on any who are in the mines & penal settlements & prisons, provided it be for the sake of God's religion, they thus becoming pensioners of their own confession of faith."1*
An early anti-Christian inquisition report by Pliny (about 111-113 AD) says that some renegades or apostates from Christianity said that the oaths that they had taken when they had been Christians was to do no crime, etc. But also the oath "...pledged them not to commit theft..." etc. or "...betrayal of trust or appropriation of trust-money...."2*
The early anti-Christians claimed that the early Christians were greedy for money. Celsus for example called Christ the leader of a "robber band."3* The New Testament writers attempted to make sure that the different "elders" would not teach, preach, & watch over the people ("flock") for "filthy lucre" or money, but would do it willingly. Thus if they followed the gospel & did this they would receive "a crown of glory that fadeth not away." And they would "...under the mighty hand of God," (if they humbled themselves, God) would exalt them in due time. (1 Pet.5:1-11).
Our response to modern critics might be in the same words as the early Christians. And yet it seems that Celsus's charges have a certain parallel sound to it in the charges of the modern anti-Mormons against the restored Church.4*
No one is forced to give money to the Church. It's the choice of the different members to decide for themselves. The Church also take care of the poor, feeds many people, builds temples & meeting houses. There are many good things that the Church does to help people in need. In this world, it takes money to keep things going. Mormons are not alone in meeting the demands of life, such as paying bills, etc. For almost all religious & non-religious organizations also have this challenge as well.
1* Fathers of the Church, Trans. by F.A. Wright (Prof. of Classics in the Un. of Lon.) Pub. George Routledge & Sons, Lon. 1928 p.41 Tertullian.
2* The Birth of the Christian Religion & the Origins of The New Testament by Alfred Firmin Loisy (1857 to 1940), p.191 & 193.
3* [EAC] (COTTD), op. cit., p.65-6.
4* [AM] (NMKMH), Brodie, op. cit., p.194-207 & (MSOR?) Tanners, op. cit., p.516-544B.
(M&PITEC), Frend, p.19 n.84 on p.427 & Maccabees 4. Luke 17:33 could have been distorted by early anti-Christians. Garretson tells us that an early anti-Christian Lucian (Greek scholar born at Samosata on the Euphrates about 140 AD), wrote in a letter to Cronius, in which Lucian describes the death of Proteus. One of the Christian priests & scribes in Palestine who was arrested & thrown into prison. He wrote that the Christian tried "every means" to get him out, "but without success."
"...In some of the Asiatic cities, too, the Christian communities put themselves to the expense of sending deputations, with offers of sympathy, assistance, & legal advice. The activity of these people in dealing with any matter that effects their community, is something extraordinary; they spare no trouble, no expense. Proteus, all this time, was making quite an income on the strength of his bondage; money came pouring in. You see, these misguided creatures start with the general conviction that they are immortal for all time, which explains the contempt of death & voluntary self-devotion which are so common among them; & then it was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, & deny the gods of Greece, & worship the crucified Sage, & live after his laws. All this they take quite on trust, with the result that they despise all worldly goods alike, regarding them merely as common property. Now an adroit, unscrupulous fellows, who has seen the world, has only to get among these simple souls, & his fortune is made; he plays with them.""
"THE EMPEROR AURELIUS, A. D. 121-180, in his ethical work, the "Meditations," refers to the Christians but once & that disparagingly, mentioning their "obstinacy" & fondness for martyrdom or "tragic show." He says: "What a soul that is which is ready, if at any moment it must be separated from the body, & ready either to be extinguished, or dispersed, or continue to exist; but so that this readiness comes from a man's own judgment, not from mere obstinacy, as with the Christians, but considerately & with dignity & in a way to persuade another, without tragic show."1*
The different passages in the Christians' scriptures may have also been distorted in order to make it sound like the Christians practiced self-sacrifices, & martyrdom for the cause of this "man" (Jesus Christ) who was crucified.2*
Did the early Christians seek persecution? Perhaps the early anti-Christian may have distorted the scriptures to make it sound that way. Such as: Matt.5:11-12; 29-30 (self mutilation?). Were the Christians not to even care for themselves, or worry about what cloths they should put on or what they should eat? But were to seek the Kingdom of God, for God would give them these things? (Matt.6:19-21; 30-34).3*
The Christians were taught to perform the different church duties without being paid. (1 Pet.5:1-6; 1 Tim.3:3, 8.) The early Church was face with the problems of those who sought to get rich off the Christians, (Rom.16:17-18). And certainly the modern restored church has not escaped this problem as well, but has been faced with scam artists attempting to make a lot of money off the Church & the saints.4* As critics have been quick to point out. The restored Church leaders have warned that things like this would happen & members are aware of the problem, just as the early saints seem to have been.5*
Anti-Mormons have also distorted the historical situation behind a period of time which has been called by some "The Mormon Reformation". This took place in the 1850s to some years later. The different church leaders at this time gave some rather bold & strong sermons against all kinds of sins. And like Christ they used harsh & strong terms to make their points as to the seriousness of different sins. During this time there was a renewal & recommitment generated in the hearts & minds of the saints to clean up their yards, the way they were living, their actions, etc. & to repent. Many were rebaptized to renew this commitment. Thus in short, was the setting from which these many different strong sermons came out of.6* Anti-Mormons have used these different sermons to suggest that people were getting killed. Or were forced to die for the cause of the gospel, or for some minor or serious sin etc. in order to be saved. ("Blood Atonement")7*
These sermons have been misinterpreted by critics as the early anti-Christians might have distorted some of the sayings in the scriptures that the early Christians accepted as being only symbolic & or just hard & harsh saying which were never intended to be taken literal or practiced in reality. For example did Christ teach that the Christian should pluck out their eyes & cut off their hands? Or was it strong language pointing out the seriousness of sins, & was not to be taken literal? Matt.5:27-30. Early anti-Christian claimed that harsh things like this were practiced.
Like the modern distortions & anti-Mormon charges, in which the critics made the temple endowment oaths to sound as if they were to be taken as being literal, rather than symbolic.8* The early anti-Christians may have also misrepresented the symbolical temple oaths & mysteries to make it sound like the Christians practiced barbaric rites on each other.
A "...Greek romance written by a certain Lollianus, recently discovered on a 2nd-century papyrus from Cologne, may shed some light on the accusations that Christians engaged in promiscuous intercourse or ritual murder. The papyrus describes an elaborate rite of initiation which included the ritual murder of a young boy, the removal of the victim's heart, an oath, eating of the heart & drinking of the blood, & sexual intercourse...." The Christians made to "...swear an oath by the blood of the heart, not to leave in the lurch nor to betray..., even if they would be arrested or if they would be tortured or if their eyes would be dug out."9*
The Apostle Paul seemed to have been so upset over the contentions & polemical discussions (if not even shouting matches) over circumcision that he had some rather harsh things to say about those who insisted that circumcision should be continued. Gal.5:11-16. But if this was read by an early anti-Christian, might they have distorted it and made it should like Paul should be taken literal here, when he said that: "I would they were even cut off which trouble you." (verse 12). Was Paul teaching self mutilation of the private parts of the body? Of course not! Should he be taken literal when he said: "But if ye bite & devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another." (verse 15). Was Paul teaching the Christians how to feast on each others' flesh? Of course not! Did the Old Testament Prophet Ezekiel teach that cows' dung & mans' dung should be mixed together in their barley cake & eaten? Or was it symbolic? (Ezek.4:12-15). Would the anti-Mormon Christians be able to pass their own test & misrepresentation tactics, etc. if their own ill-logic & tactics were placed on themselves, their sayings, & the scriptures (the Bible) that they claim to believe in? No they would not, as we have seen here with these examples.
* STAR NOTE * #40:
1* (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.66-9.
2* Ibid., p.67-8.
3* Mark 10:29-30; Luke 12:22-34, 48-53; 14:11; John 15:18-21; 16:33; Acts 7:51-60; 12:1-2; Rom.8:15-18; Eph.3:13; 2 Tim.4:5-8; Heb.2:10; 5:8-9; 1 Cor.13; James 2:14-26; 1 Pet.2:21; Rev.2:7-10; 3:5, 10-13; 21; 6:9-11 & 7:14-17.
4* [AM] SLC Messenger Sept.1987 #64 Hofmann Talks, op. cit., Tanners, & Oct. 1979 #73 p.5-15, op. cit., & #79 Aug. 1991.
5* Notes 1-9* & [PMD] The Ensign, May 1979 p.79-81 by Boyd K. Packer entitled: Judge Not According to Appearance. & When Our Faith Is Challenged Vol.2 p.6-7 by DaRell D. Thorpe (still unpublished at this time).
6* [AM] (MSOR?), Tanners, op. cit., p.398-404B.
7* Can the Bible pass the [AM] Christian test, if they were it's critics? 1 Cor. chap. 5; Matt.5:29-30; Gen.9:6, 22:18, Lev.14:14-29, Num.35:30, Deut. 17:6, Isa.53, etc.
8* [AM] (TGM) op. cit., & (MSOR?) op. cit., p.474-480.
9* [EAC] (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.18 & n.8: "Text, translation, & discussion of the Cologne papyrus in Albert Henrichs, "Pagan Ritual & the Alleged Crime of the Early Christians: A Reconsideration." In Kyrikon. Festschrift Johnannes Quasten (Munster, 1970), 18-35 (citation on p.30.)."
The early anti-Christian Celsus, boasted that he had derived his information from the early Christian writings & books, "...than which no better refutation of Christianity existed..."1*
Celsus wrote: "...This is not my own guessing: I base what I say on your own writings, which are self-refuting...."2* And: "...To prove my point I quote from their own book..."3*
Origen also noticed that Celsus quotes from Jews who said: "All these statements are taken from your own books, in addition to which we need no other witness; for ye fall upon your own swords...."4* Celsus "...goes on to say: "That I may give a true representation of their faith, I will use their own words, as given in what is called A Heavenly Dialogue..."5*
I have often heard different Christian anti-Mormons present in a biased & sometimes very distorted way, what have claimed is what the "Mormons really believe." Because, (the critics claim) that they have only quoted from "their own books," or "Mormon" sources & books, etc. Some critics quote here & there from unofficial sources, personal journals, & other writings that contain private interpretations of the different doctrines, etc. The critics then, in some cases, distort the source & blow it out of proportion.6*
"...With the Tanners the church today finds itself faced by its own techniques of argument & its own words turned back against it to create doubts & uneasiness among some members. The campaign is effective, too, & of this there is no doubt." The Tanners even use a letter from a Mormon to point out to us that they are quoting our own sources. "...Your approach is novel; you've used our own history & doctrine, & your quotations are accurate."7*
The name of the "Mormon" who wrote this letter is not mentioned in their book. I would take issue with the last part of this letter which says that the Tanners' "quotations are accurate." For in checking many of the different sources that the Tanners have used. I have found that the Tanners have been very selective & very biased in their presentations, but most of the sources seem to be fairly accurate. While others have been taken out of context. (Some examples of this have been given in #35, & I also can quote from the Tanners own books also!) So Our critics shouldn't be to upset if we quote a lot from unofficial books & sources that are not in the Bible, but are from the early to later Christian writings etc. Any more than we shouldn't get upset if they quote fairly & honestly from our own books & Church history, or the unofficial books like "The Journal of Discourses" etc.
The Tanners, however in some cases, have led those who read their books towards their own biased conclusions that they themselves hold & hope that their readers will also reach. Under the heading: "The Greatest Egotist,"8* the Tanners attempt to make the charge & point, (through resorting to the selective pick & choose method) by quoting a portion taken out of context from the "History of the Church," in which Joseph Smith is said to have wrote that "...God is my `right hand man.'"9* This portion has been distorted by many different anti-Mormons to make it sound like Joseph Smith thought that he was greater, & of a higher rank than God.10*
Was David the writer of Psalms also guilty of this very thing also? Is He in higher rank than God? (Psa.16:8-11) notice verse 8. "I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." How would the anti-Mormon tactic make David sound? If the same approach was used on the Bible that the Christian anti-Mormons claim to believe in? The "right hand" also could mean in certain cases, that a person is on the "right hand path" going towards the Kingdom of God. The "left hand" in some cases is symbolic of going down the "left hand path" to hell & or "the underworld." In early to later Christian art works of Christ's descent into hell, limbo, hades, etc. Many souls are depicted as being set free out of the jaws, gait-way, or doors of hell, hades, limbo, etc.
In some depictions David is depicted as being amongst the souls who are being set free by Christ. Christ reaches down to raise them up with the "dextrarum junctio" or by the right hand, in some depictions. While in others both hands are used. In some depictions the left hand hold the right, while Christ's right hand holds a spear-cross having gain victory over the demons of hell, or the devil by thrusting them through with the spear-cross with the right hand, (Ps.20:6; 21:8-13). Other depictions show different types of symbolical prayer gestures (Ps.88:6-12), with the captives coming forth out of the jaws of hell, etc. with up-lifted hands in praise & prayer, but to also reach up towards Christ who is depicted as reaching down to them to clasp their up-raised hands.11* David predicted: "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell: neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." Ps.16:10-11.
In Psalms 17:5-7 the right hand is symbolic again of the saving powers of God. "Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not. I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear unto me, & hear my speech. Shew thy marvellous loving kindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them."12* Also: "Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, & afterward receive me to glory." (Psa.73:23-4).13*
David has also been depicted in some Christian art works, clasping the right hand of the Lord before he enters the Temple. The Hand of God the Father extends down giving finger language gestures to bless the scene below.14* In many depictions of the "2 paths" or "2 ways." Or the "right hand path" & the "left hand path." Souls are depicted in "The Last Judgment" art works, etc. as clasping St. Peter's right hand before they enter through the door or gaits of paradise.
Christ is depicted as Judge with his right hand raised up (in some cases) & the left hand down. Those who are on the right hand side are the received into paradise & journey towards the city of light. While those who are on the left hand side are thrust down the jaws of hell. Thus those who have taken the "right hand" path & clasp the right hand of God as they pray with uplifted hands can in a sense say that God is their "right hand Man."15*
The Tanners have left out an important part from the "History of the Church" Vol.6 p.78. For Joseph Smith, like the ancients, was not speaking of himself in an egotistic way as the Tanners have attempted to lead their readers into thinking & as (TGM) & other Christian anti-Mormons have suggested. For Joseph (as David & like other early to later Christian traditions of "The Last Judgment" & the "right hand path" to the "right hand of God"), was saying in a sense that he was on the right hand path towards God. Thus in the judgment, as in times of old, Joseph could (in a symbolical way) say that "...God is my "right hand man."
The part that the Tanners & others anti-Mormons have left out shows us more of the symbolical setting in which Joseph's wrote. For Joseph closes his letter: "And to close, let me say in the name of Jesus Christ to you, & to presidents, emperors, kings, queens, governors, rulers, nobles, & men in authority everywhere, Do the works of righteousness, execute justice & judgment in the earth, that God may bless you & her inhabitants..." etc. With a few more remarks he closes by saying "With due consideration & respect, I have the honor to be your most obedient servant, Joseph Smith...." ending with a P.S. after this.
In the 1978 Paper Back Ed. of Vol.6 of History of the Church p.78 is a footnote that further explains the situation. For when Joseph Smith wrote that God was his "right hand man" He wrote to those " authority everywhere..." who might have known of the traditions behind the symbolical term he had just used. Some of which sit in judgment. The footnote "*" appears after "right hand man". At the bottom of the page it reads: "* Not in the blasphemous sense attributed to him by some anti-Mormon writers; namely, that God was subordinate to him--his right hand man (See Riley's "Founder of Mormonism" ch. x); but in the sense of the passage near the close of his address to "The Green Mountain Boys" (this chapter)-- "And Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is my Great Counselor"--reverently said."16*
The Tanners make no mention of these things in their book (MSOR?) p.255 lower portion of the 1st col. Joseph Smith's letter was taken out of context! Another Christian anti-Mormon abused the source in a similar way. Wally Tope [AM] gives only the "*" after "Israel" but he ignores the contents of the footnote, because the contents does not appear in his [AM] tract. It seems that his only interest was not in being fair in presenting different sources, but to only look for things in Mormon publications that he could make a big deal out of.17*
It is also clear that the Tanners are well aware of this concept concerning the "right hand." And here, I can also make my point from their "own books."18* For the Tanners have observed that some Mormons in the past may have misinterpreted some scriptures in a literal way, (that perhaps shouldn't be), in attempting to support LDS beliefs that God has human parts, such as hands, feet, a face, etc. But then the Tanners turn around & do the very same thing with John 4:24 & Jer.23:24, by interpreting these passages in a literal way.19* So while I might give them credit for part of their claim, in regard to some of the scriptures that were either misunderstood, or misinterpreted by some Mormons. At the same time their own claims are going to become evidences against their own charges, misinterpretations, & sources taken out of context!
Did they ignored, or forgotten what they had written earlier? Why wouldn't the same interpretation be given in Joseph Smith's case, as they expected that we should in the case with the people in the Bible?
The Tanners wrote: "...Occasionally, however, Mormons will refer to Acts 7:55 as evidence that God has a body: "But he,...saw the glory of God, & Jesus standing on the right hand of God,..." In scripture the "right hand" of God is considered to be a position of favor or power. At the judgment described in Matthew 25:33-41 the righteous are found at the "right hand," whereas the wicked are at the "left hand." In Isaiah 41:10 we read: "...I am thy God:...I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." On one occasion Jesus himself said: " shall see the Son of man sitting of the RIGHT HAND OF POWER, & coming in clouds of heaven." (Mark 14:62) Now, certainly no one would argue that this verse proves that "power" is a man or literally has a right hand."20*
As far as I am concerned here, the answer to their charges against Joseph Smith being an Egotist, is found in their own book, for the answer was given earlier, on p.169 of (MSOR?) 2nd col. We can also quote "their own books". Let the critics answer their own charges, in this case.
When I talked with Wally Tope at the Utah State Fair in Salt Lake City, Sept. 14 & 15th 1991. He wanted to have me show him "from the Bible only" the different points that I was "attempting to prove". This of course was a clear doubled standard on his part. It was permissible for him (Tope) to go to the different Mormon Publications, History of the Church, etc. But for a Mormon to be able to go to historical sources, etc. this seemed to be a big NO! NO! However, I ignored his standard & went to the Bible & the historical writings! I must have started to get on his nerves, because he excused himself & went of to do something, away from the booth somewhere, (perhaps he may have had a valid excuse as to leaving). Others that I talked with at the booth, such as Kurt Van Gordan & others were more open minded. We in fact were able to discuss the different sources & polemical situations, giving each other the chance to consider each others points & disagreements, & even found some things that we could agree on.
The next quote that follows after this is also taken out of context. The Tanners again lead their readers towards their own biased conclusions by making it sound like Joseph Smith ("The Greatest Egotist" as the Tanners heading goes) made himself a literal "God" for the people to bow down to. This seems to be the conclusion that they intend, or hope that their readers will interpret from the following taken from "History of the Church" Vol.6 p.319-20. For the Tanners quote only the following portion. "God made Aaron to be the mouth piece for the Children of Israel, and He will make ME BE GOD TO YOU in His stead, and the Elders to be mouth for me; and if you don't like it, YOU MUST LUMP IT."21*
The key words that gives the Tanners' distortion away is again found in "their own book". It is "God made Aaron to be the mouth piece for the Children of Israel..." This shows that Joseph Smith was presenting himself to the people as a type or similitude of an Old Testament type of situation. That as the Lord made Moses to be "a god to Pharaoh" so also in the case did Joseph Smith use this similitude to say that God would make him to be "a god" to the people. But if the critics want to keep insisting that Joseph Smith made himself to be our literal God, then Moses would have to be guilty of the same charge. (Ex.7:1-2).
In the 1978 Ed. of History of the Church Vol.6 p.319-20, also make reference to Ex.4:14-16 & 7:1. The Tanners have taken this part out of context, & they do not give the year for the edition that they are quoting from so there is no way for me to tell at this time if they know or knew of the footnote in the 1978 Ed. Perhaps they have quoted from an earlier edition that didn't have the footnote that explains the symbolical similitude. But they must have known about the Biblical passage, for it was hinted to in the text when Joseph Smith mentions "Aaron."
1* Monumental Christianity, Lundy 1882, etc., op. cit., p.68-70.
2* (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.68.
3* Ibid., p.116.
4* (TANF) Vol.4 p.461 bk.2 chap.lxxiv.
5* Ibid., 4: p.644 Bk.8 chap.15.
6* [PMD] Scrapbook of Mormon Polemics Vol.1, #1, p.1, by Bill Forrest & Van Hale 1985. The Tanners quote from: The Mormon Establishment, By Wallace Turner, Boston, 1966, p.153-162 on p.2, 1st col. of their (MSOR?).
7* Letter from Arizona, date July 28, 1965) on p.1 of preface 2nd col. (MSOR?) 1987.
8* (MSOR?), op. cit., p.254 bottom of 2nd col.
9* On p.255 of (MSOR?) near the bottom of col.1, the Tanners quote from History of the Church Vol.6 p.78.
10* The [AM] movie (TGM) is a good example of this distortion, for it depicts Joseph Smith in the middle with God on the right hand side of Joseph Smith & Jesus on the other side. As if Joseph Smith was in top rank, like in the arrangements traditionally done in court rooms, & government, with top Officials in the middle. Thus people who see the movie & don't know the truth behind the situation are led to believe that Mormons believe that Joseph Smith is higher in rank than God himself, when this is not true, for he (Joseph Smith) is one in a line of Prophets of God.
11* See references to #7-9. Isa.42:6-7; 49:8-9; 13:2; 24:22-23; Ezra 9:8; Eph.4:7-10; 1 Pet.3:15-22; 4:5-6; Acts 2:25-38. Art in the Early Church, Lowrie, op. cit., pl.100. The Winchester Psalter by Francis Wormald 1973 fig.27. Masterpieces of Ivory (From the Walters Art Gallery) by Richard H. Randall Jr. p.134-5 fig.214; p.187 fig.46. Icons by Weitzmann, op. cit., p.177 & 228. Medieval Art by D. Talbot Rice p.50 pl.14.
12* See also: Psalms 18:48-50; 20:6-9; Psa.23-4; 25:4-14; 27:3-11; 28:2; 68:18.
13* Psa.109:26-7; 110:1-5. 118:16-20.
14* Anglo/Saxon Art (From the 7th cent. to the Norman conquest) by David M. Wilson 1984, Pub. Overlook Press, Woodstock NY. p.182. "229 Page from the Utrecht Psalter, illustrating Psalm 27..." See also p. 183.
15* The Horizon History of Christianity by Roland H. Bainton, 1964, op. cit., p.214-5. Romanesque Art In France by Joseph Gantner & Marcel Pobe 1956 Thames & Hudson Pub. pl.135 explanation p.64 "...Christ as judge..." & Psa.89:13-16. Heaven: A History by Collen McDannell & Bernhard Lang 1988. Art of the Early Renaissance by Michael Batterberry 1968 p.78-81 & 184, fig.79. "The Last Judgment".
16* History of the Church 1978 Ed. Vol.6 p.78. Letter of Joseph Smith to James Arlington Bennett, Nauvoo, Illinois, Nov. 13, 1843. Pub. DBC. SLC UT.
17* [AM] The "Prophets" Have Spoken by Wally Tope, not dated, p. 1 or title page, #1.
18* (MSOR?), op. cit., p.169, 2nd col.
19* (Of course it is my opinion that they are also symbolic, instead of being literal as they have suggested, see: (MSOR?) ibid. p.170 1st col.).
20* (MSOR?), Tanners, ibid. p.169 2nd col.
21* (MSOR?), ibid., p.255 bottom of lst col. to top of 2nd col.
Amongst different early anti-Christian gossip chains there must have been the rumor going around that Christ's real Father was a "...soldier named Panthera..."1* "The tales later circulated, by Celsus & others, about Mary & a Roman soldier are by critical consent "clumsy fabrications."2* Another early anti-Christian Rabbi Simeon ben Azzai is said to have found in Jerusalem, (after the 70 AD Roman siege, with the city in ruins) a Jewish anti-Christian document that charged that Jesus of Nazareth was "a bastard son of a married woman." The document was presented as "evidences" against the Christians everywhere Azzai's pupils circulated this false charge.3*
Dr. Charles F. Potter tells us this, about these rumors, and the gossip that must have spread around about the manner of Christ’s conception: “The calumny that followed the establishment of the claim of the Virgin Birth was full proof of the wisdom of withholding it from the public as long as possible. At once the hasty marriage of Joseph and Mary—he an old man, Mary a girl—assumed suspicious overtones. It was simply in their human nature for the couple’s neighbors and observers, especially the women, to invent a lover and a clandestine romance. Joseph was highly respected, but they must have added sagely: “There’s no fool like an old fool.”
“Such rumors multiplied and spread until they reached the ears of the authorities, who—for polemical purposes and because of their hatred of Christians—found the alleged illegitimacy of Jesus a most effective weapon to use against the new religion and its adherents. In the early rabbinical literature, the Mishna, refers to Jesus as a mamzer (“bastard”).”
“Pseudepigraphic writers took up the theme. One, in his Gospel of Nicodemus, asserted that Jesus “was born of fornication” between his parents before their marriage. The Talmud identified Mary as Miriam, an adulterous hairdresser. One talmudic writer has Mary admit the illegitimacy of her son to the famous Rabbi Akiba.”
“One the other hand, the anonymous Gospel of James, believed to have been written in the second century A.D., defends to the last the divinity of Jesus Christ against all Jewish vilifiers and against those apologetic Christians who sought to excuse his lowly heritage. . . . The wordy battle continued into the Middle Ages, the crowning infamy being the Toledoth Jeshu, in which the worst versions of the life of Jesus were gathered together in venomous company, to widen the breach between Jew and Christian. Of course, the Christian retaliated with defamation and persecution.”
The [EAC] Porphyry (in the 2nd half of the 3rd cent. AD), questioned the Book of Daniel. He caused such a fuss, that many later [ECD] after his time wrote many commentaries in defense of the Book of Daniel. The Christians had believed that the Book of Daniel had been written in about the 6th cent. B.C.E. Porphyry attempted to show that it was written in the 2nd cent. B.C.E., this was Porphyry's 12 book. He claimed that the predictions in Daniel could not be predictions, instead they reflected the history of the time. Such things disturbed the early Christians of course. Some of the Christians who responded to Porphyry charges were the following: A 5th century Christian apologists, Theodoret of Cyrus, Eusebius the Church Historian of the Nicene Creed era, he wrote 3 books in defense of Daniel, & in response to Porphyry's charges against the book of Daniel. Methodius, Apollinarius also wrote responses. Jerome wrote an entire commentary on the Book of Daniel in defense of the traditional ways in which the Christians had interpreted it. (Comm. in Danielem), other [ECD] may have also written in response to this [EAC]'s attack.4* Modern atheists also seemed to have brought back similar charges, claiming that scholars "...a century ago knew the Book of Daniel is a forgery."5*
Modern anti-Mormons have also made use of old documents, some of which have been found out later to be forgeries. Mark Hofmann forged many documents while pretending to be a Mormon (but later confessing to be anti-Mormon, anti-Christian Atheistic in his thinking). The forged documents were interpreted by other anti-Mormons in a negative way, while Mormons & in some cases some anti-Mormons questioned the authenticity of some of the documents. While some Mormons interpreted positive symbolic terms based on historical data. The negative interpretations of the different forged documents were circulated by the critics until Hofmann's scam & forgeries were later found out. Other old documents have been found by other anti-Mormons & have been circulated as "evidences" against Joseph Smith & the Church. One such document is the so-called Bainbridge "glass looker" trial document said to have been found by the late Wesley P. Walters. But is this one also a forgery?6* The document was reported to have been found in Norwich New York, dating back to 1826.
Other old & false rumors & documents have been re-circulated by some anti-Mormons, such as the "Spalding Theory." This was an earlier anti-Mormon theory as to the origins of the Book of Mormon circulated by E.D. Howe in his book Mormonism Unvailed 1834. Today many Mormon & non-Mormon & even some anti-Mormons do not accept this theory, that Joseph Smith some how knew of the Reverend Solomon Spalding Manuscript, for which Joseph was charged with having borrowed the basic story from in order to write the Book of Mormon. The theory was brought back to life by some anti-Mormons who's deceptions were exposed by Robert & Rosemary Brown.7*
1* Monumental Christianity, Lundy, op. cit., p.68-70.
2* Caesar & Christ by Will Durant 1944 p.559 & 698 n.32 Guignebert, Jesus, 127; Klausner, 23.
3* Christianity in Talmud & Midrash by R. Travers Herford, 1903 p.44.
4* (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.127, 129, 137-143), see also: Porphyry & the Origin of the Book of Daniel, by P.M. Casey, (Journal of Theolgical Studies, n.s. 27 (1976).
5* The American Atheist, Oct. 1977 p.10.
6* (MSOR?) Tanners, op. cit., p.32-33.
7* [PMD] "They lie in Wait to Deceive" See Vols. 1-3. (See also: [PMD] The Spalding Theory Then & Now by Lester E. Bush, Jr. (Mormon Miscellaneous reprint series #1 by Bill Forrest & Van Hale). Also: [AM] Did Solomon Spalding Write the Book of Mormon, by Jerald & Sandra Tanner. See also references in #17 concerning Mark Hofmann's forgeries.
1* Origen wrote in his (OAC): "...Now it seems to me appropriate to the character of a Jew to have quoted the prophecy of Isaiah, which says that Immanuel was to be born of a virgin. This, however, Celsus, who professes to know everything, has not done, either from ignorance or from an unwillingness (if he had read it & voluntarily passed it by in silence) to furnish an argument which might defeat his purpose...." Celsus often used the anti-Christian attacks of the Jews, in his own attack. Origen writes: "...why did he intentionally omit what is related to Pilate's wife who beheld a vision, & who was so moved by it as to send a message to her husband...."?2*
Origen also wrote that Celsus claimed (as "evidences" against the early Christians), that some of the apostles betray & denied Christ. Origen then points out that Celsus had left out the parts that shows that they came back & remained true to the end of their lives, some even became martyrs for the cause of Christ. "...And here he believes the sin which was committed by the disciples while they were yet beginners & imperfect, & which is recorded in the Gospels, to have been actually committed, in order that he may have matter of accusation against the Gospel; but their upright conduct after their transgression, when they behaved with courage before the Jews, & suffered countless cruelties at their hands, & at last suffered death for the doctrine of Jesus, he passes by in silence...."3* Celsus wrote that the story of Peter's 3-fold denial "...ought to have been passed over in silence by men who wished to teach the readers of the Gospels to despise death for the sake of confessing Christianity...."4* If the Christian had done so, I'm sure that Celsus would have included this in the same charge that the Christians had left out negative things from their history.5*
In some ways, both sides of the ancient & modern rival sides have been guilty of selecting the kinds of "evidences" that best support their "cases" against or for the position that they hold. While at the same time ignoring the "evidences" that would support their rivals' positions. I have read in early anti-Christians writings this charge against the Christians, but also the Christian have made this claim against their rivals. In modern times I have noticed that the Christian anti-Mormons have made this charge against Mormons, while they have been guilty of the very same thing. But at the same time have we charged that the critics ignore book of Mormon evidences, while we might ignore some of the good "evidences" that are in some of the contentions made by the Christian anti-Mormons. The Atheists ignore evidences & select what best helps their case as well.
In reading the Tanners book: Mormonism-Shadow or Reality? I have noticed that the Tanners quote a lot from Dr. Huge Nibley. But they only select portions that they can use to fit into their "case" against Mormonism. While at the same time passing over mountains of documented "evidences" that Nibley has collected over the years.6*
The Tanners & other Christian anti-Mormons would like for us to answer the different charges that they bring up against us.7* The Tanners use a source that says: "Any Mormon of Elemental identification who wants to `answer' the Tanners will have his hands full for a long time to come because the Tanners have the microfilm sources from the early Mormon Church who no one before has had in such abundance....I seriously doubt Dr. Nibley will take this new revised book on, because he is quoted often enough in it to be identifiable as one of the major contributors to Mormonism's obfuscation of issues; & he has actually contributed (unknowingly perhaps) to the growing painful dilemmas now facing the Elemental Mormonism I have previously identified....if Dr. Nibley or anyone else decides to `answer' the Tanner's book point for point I certainly promise to study that book carefully & review it in public....."8*
It seems that the Tanners & other critics have used certain portions of Nibley's & other defenders of the faiths' writings in hopes of discrediting the defense. In some ways it is as if they are saying to the reader, (with out saying it out right) that here is the defense made by Mormons, look how weak it is! Now you don't need to look at the evidences that they present, because there "is no evidences". Or this reference is one against the Church rather than for it. Therefore you don't need to look any deeper into the other things that this defender has to say. Thus it seems that much "evidences" could or might be passed over. I'm sure that our critics would say that this is what we Mormons are also doing & perhaps some of us might be guilty of this very thing also.
Anti-mormon Christians parallel the early anti-Christians again when it comes to how they ignore, pass over, or attempt to discredit the "evidences" that shows the different Prophecies that have come true. There are many books that present documented evidences that different predictions have come been fulfilled or fulfilled in part. (Fulfilled in part, because there are some cases in which the prophecies are on going predictions. Portions of which have been fulfilled, & other portions in the process of being fulfilled. While other portions of the predictions wait to be fulfilled, such as Christ's Return or the 2nd coming etc.)
With all the research that the critics they should have come across the following books that give evidences for the fulfillment of many prediction made.9* Plus other books by Crowther concerning Prophecies & their fulfillment. Some critics have in some cases distorted the "evidences" for their fulfillment. The Civil War prediction i.e. is misinterpreted & distorted to make it sound as if it is a prediction about the Civil War alone, but this prediction as given by Joseph Smith Dec. 25 1832, is a prophecy concerning the "wars" that would come. It is one of those on going prophecies that has been fulfilled in part.10* The Civil War & other wars have been fought, as thousands of historical books, pictures, documents, movies & personal testimonies etc. prove. But it seems that the critics refuse to acknowledge the many evidences. Other predictions are treated with the same sort of approach.
The early anti-Christian also ignored evidences in a similar way as today's anti-Mormon Christians have. Celsus ignored the prophetic evidences concerning the coming of Christ, as did the Jews.11* The Jew Tyrpho accused Justin Martyr of selecting only those portions from Isaiah that best fit into the Christian defense: "...Why do you select & quote whatever you wish from the prophetic writings, but do not refer to those which expressly command the Sabbath to be observed?..."12*
Justin explained why.13* Earlier Justin had presented evidences that Isaiah had predicted of Christ, so why had the Jews been ignoring this? (ibid. p.200-8). Why did they ignore the predictions concerning the Messiah (Jesus Christ) preaching the gospel to those in the spirit world? Or had even taken it out of some of their copies of the Old Testament? (Ibid., p.234-5).
1* [ECD] (TANF) Vol.4 p.411 (OAC) BK.1 CHAP.34.
2* Ibid. 4: p.445, bk.2 chap.34, & p.420 chap.liv.
3* Ibid. 4: p.448, bk.2 chap.xlv.
4* Ibid. 4: p.438, bk.2 chap.14.
5* Ibid. 4: p.443, bk.2 chap.27.
6* For one example in many that could be given: Dr. Huge Nibley's book: Mormonism & Early Christianity. (Vol.4 in "The Collected Works of Huge Nibley", 1987, Pub. by F.A.R.M.S., & D.B.C. Provo & SLC., Ut.). This book has all kinds of evidences & parallels between early Christianity & Mormonism. Why have the Tanners, many other critics continued to ignore or refused to acknowledge this evidence?
7* In the Preface of (MSOR?) 1987 ed., p.3, op. cit.
8* The Uniqueness of Mormonism: An Evaluation, by Jennings G. Olson, Oct. 7, 1972, p.22-23, cited in (MSOR?) p.3 of preface, ibid.
9* [PMD] See: Prophecies of Joseph Smith by Nephi Lowell Morris. Inspired Prophetic Warnings, by D. Crowther.
10* [PMD] Morris, op. cit., p.1-51. Compare [AM] (MSOR?), Tanners, op. cit., p.190-2 & 195H.
11* Op. cit., (TANF) Vol.4 p.410-11 (OAC) bk.1 chap.34 & p.420 chap.liv.
12* He then quotes Isa.xlii. 6-7.
13* Op. cit., (TANF) Vol.1 p.207-8 chap.26-7 (DWT).
Some of the evidences that helps support the restored gospel might need to be reclaimed again & brought back over to the other side of the scale. Sometimes the critics want to set the standards for us in were we can find evidences for the restored gospel. And some Mormon writers have fallen for this. Critics want us to show them post 1830 (Book of Mormon was 1st pub. in 1830) references & documentation, because the Critics think that any references before 1830 could have been known to Joseph Smith & He could have used it as part of the text for the Book. Because of this standard & tactic some Mormon writers spend a lot of time & effort looking for post 1830 references. Some critics then use what I have called "Environmental Pattern Theories" in attempting to explain their theories as to how the Book of Mormon & other restored things originated from in order to make the new. So what some critics do is they go back into the historical environment of pre 1830 times concerning Joseph Smith. And if it was known some where that Gold plates, lost tribes of Israel, & other parallels were circulated in the area where Joseph Smith lived, then this is "evidences" in the minds of the critics that Joseph Smith must have some how known about it, & thus included it in his book.
Then we have different ones who want to take away from Mormons any post 1830 references under the theories & charges that their is some sort of plot amongst Mormons to fabricate evidences & put them in areas in which they could be later found & thus declared as "evidences". It's the "no win situation" that I mentioned earlier. I think it is time that we consider all the evidences & point out that our critics have in some way brought to our attention many evidences for The Book of Mormon in pre 1830 references! Thus we might reclaim this evidence to the side of the scale that it ought to be!
As far as I am concern then, different ones who bring up parallels to the Book of Mormon in pre 1830 references, may have to reconsider their finds as being possible evidences for the book, rather than against it. Different critics have been asking for evidences for Elephants being in the americas. Why couldn't Dan Vogel's Indian Origins & the Book of Mormon p.46-47, be considered as "evidences" for that? And that the Book of Mormon is correct in saying that there were Elephants in the early americas? Vogel clearly is presenting his own Environmental Pattern Theories in attempting to explain the origins for the Book of Mormon. For in the conclusion of his book, Dan Vogel wrote: "...The better one understands the pre-1830 environment of Joseph Smith, the better he or she will understand the Book of Mormon. This, I conclude, is the challenge facing future Book of Mormon scholarship."1*
This approach & way of coming up with some sort of explanation for "new religions" is very old. The early anti-Christian Celsus also had used "environmental pattern theories" when attempting to explain the origins for the scriptures that the Christians accepted,2* as I have mentioned earlier. The early Christians also noticed that there was patterns & parallels to Christianity, when compared with other rival sects, pagans, mystery cults, & other rivals, that had their roots in pre-Christian times.3*
I have seen different critics use certain passages in the scriptures as "evidences" against the restored gospel, i.e. 2 Tim.3:15-16 has been used to suggest that "all scripture is given" & we need no more. This scripture does not suggest an end to additional scriptures, but answers the question as to how we have received the scriptures, or how it is given. What is it profitable for etc.? For all scripture is given by inspiration of God! Does God inspire mankind today in the Christian churches? Are the spiritual gifts amongst the critics who claim to be true Christians? If so then there would be room for additional scriptures.4*
Tanners selected portions of the Orson Pratt's defense of the "Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon."5* But they have left out the following evidences that he presents from the Bible, logic, strong reason, etc., that presents a good case for the "Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon." This seems to be one way in which they can further build their own case, & even a way in which sources that contain evidences for the other side, can be twisted into "evidences against," or passed over. Or that the source that they use is really an argument for their own case instead of being in support of their rivals.
Since the days of Orson Pratt additional evidences have come out in support of the Book of Mormon, & such things seem to also be ignored by many critics who are to close minded to consider it, or who attempt to twist it around to their own advantages, or discredit it. Some critics want to set up standards for us in which we can be allowed to present the evidences that we find. I would hope that my fellow Mormon researchers would ignore their standards & present the evidences despite these standards. The following is some standards & rules that I have noticed, has been placed on me, & others, from anti-Mormons. These rules & standards are the anti-Mormons' approach to Mormons who might attempt to present evidences for our faith, i.e. Book of Mormon evidences, etc.
1. Mormons must show "evidences" from non-Mormon sources.6*
2. They can't use research & evidences found by Mormons.7*
3. They can't use pre-1830 sources because the critics claim that Joseph Smith must have some how known about it, & used it in his book of Mormon. (Publishing year for 1st edition of The Book of Mormon, was 1830).8*
4. They can't use post-1830 sources because some critics think that there is some sort of plot amongst Mormons to place fabricated evidences in the ground, or hid it in places, in hopes that it can be later found, & thus be considered as being "evidences" for the Book of Mormon or restored gospel.9*
5. If they quote from non-Mormon Christians they can't be "liberal."10*
6. Some Christians who have not read enough in their own histories & early Christian sources generalize that the sources from early Christian writings that Mormons quote from must be "from heretics" or "Gnostics."11*
7. Mormon must be able to present the Book of Mormon evidences in the original "reformed Egyptian" (Can the anti-Mormon Christians pass their own test? Can they show us the original hand writings of the original letters & books written in the original hand writing of the Apostles & Gospel writers? No they can't, for no one has found any original letters, only copies thus far).12*
8. Some critics expect Mormons to be able to show most things from the Bible, & in some cases refuse to look at or accept any historical evidences. While at the same time they expect Mormons to consider the different sources that they bring up in Mormon Publications, or other sources outside the Bible that they feel help builds their case & presents proof text to their points. Again another doubled standard.13*
9. Many critics refuse the spiritual path & evidences, when Mormons ask them to pray & ask God if the Book of Mormon, & restored gospel is true. Because the critics claim that "A good rule to remember is: Never pray about something when God has already spoken out on the subject. Don't force a test on God (cf. Matthew 4:7). For example, if a beautiful angel told you to go rob a bank and give the money to the poor, you wouldn't have to pray to know His will. He already said, "Thou shalt not steal."..."14*
10. After all of the above standards & rules are given & met by some Mormons. And the Mormons start to presents the evidences that can be allowed under these standards & tests. The evidences are still rejected by critics because the critics, (as they have said) "have not seen any" or because there's "no evidences have ever been found" or they "have not come across any evidences of this kind themselves." A number of critics that I have talked with, & in the different [AM] literature I have read, & in hearing the different callers on different radio shows. These different [AM]s have claimed that the Book of Mormon "can't be true" because "we haven't found" different things (they then go through a list of different things, i.e. coins, cities, weapons, names, etc.)15*
I have asked different ones, `You are saying that the Book of Mormon is not true because they have not found different things? If we were to be able to show to you that such things have been found, or if we were to some day find such things, would or could we be able to say that the Book of Mormon is true?' Some critics would refuse to answer & would change the subject. Some would refuse to accept the challenge when it was turn back around on them. They seem comfortable with the doubled standard of being able to claim that the book was false "for lack of evidences" & refused the thought or possibilities of it being able to be declared true, if the evidences should come forth. Some of them would also refuse to accept the evidences when I would start to present it to them. While others have been more open minded.16*
1* Indian Origins & the Book of Mormon by Dan Vogel 1986 Pub. Signature Books, p.73.
2* Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199.
3* (F&ROC) Legge, op. cit. The early Christian response may be similar to how we in the Mormon Church might respond when our faith is challenged. (As mentioned earlier, see #8-10.
4* 2 Pet.1:19-21; 2 Tim.3:15-17; 1 Cor.1:26-27, 2:4-16, chap. 12; Eph.4:10-16), & [PMD] Orson Pratts Works, by Orson Pratt 1848 to 1851 1st Pub. in Liverpool Eng. reprinted 1965 by Parker Pratt Robison, SLC UT. p.107-198. See also: Note #7 & [AM] Mission Monthly, Utah Gospel Mission, Jude 3 Missions, Newsletter Vol.12, #9 Sept. 1991 p.1, entitled: The Christian & Mormon Debates of 1991. In this newsletter Jude 3, 1 Pet.3:15, & 2 Tim. 3:16, etc. are twisted into "evidences" against the Mormons, etc. When the passages, (upon a closer examination), proves to have been taken out of context by the critics, & is in fact, really in support of the claims made by Mormons in their attempts to present evidences concerning the restored gospel & other claims).
5* In [AM] (MSOR?) p.50, they quote portions from p.1-2 of Pratt, op. cit.
6* In talking with many different Christian anti-Mormons over the years. And also hearing different discussion take place. I have noticed that many critics refuse to accept any evidences when it is quoted out of a book written by a Mormon. They say that they want to see it "from non-Mormon sources!" Some critics don't seem to mind quoting from books written by Mormons when there is a portion that they can use to their own advantage. This is a good example of a doubled standard. I would also have to admit that I have also noticed some of my fellow Mormons have also used this same approach with the critics. They refuse to accept anything written by the critics & sometimes have pre-judged things before they have even read it. Like some critics have with sources & books by Mormons. (See also 7*).
7* If a Mormon went & found some evidences somewhere, then some critics refuse to accept it, because "he's a Mormon & we can't trust it, for he may be biased in his interpretation of the "evidences" that he claims to have found." (see 6*).
8* From different discussions with Christian anti-Mormons. (See also: Vogel, op. cit., p.73. And: [PMD] Shakespeare & the Book of Mormon, by Robert F. Smith p.1-3. Pub. by F.A.R.M.S. Provo Ut. RFSmith 1980 & 83 Preliminary report SMI80a. And: The Ensign Dec. 1983 p.13-15 & 19, entitled: B.H. Roberts After 50 Years (Still Witnessing for the Book of Mormon) by Truman G. Madsen. Also: Book of Mormon Difficulties (Claimed by critics to have been written by B. H. Roberts, but not officially published, dated Dec. 29, 1921).
9* Discovery of Ancient America by David Allen Deal 1984, Pub. Kherem La Yah Press/Irine, Calif. p.1-5 etc. Some sort of writing believed to be a type or similar to "Paleo-Hebrew (Ancient) Aramaic", has been found. (On the right bank of the Rio Puercos, some 30 miles southwest of Albuquerque, Valencia County, New Mexico, called "Hidden Mountain" or "Mystery Mountain". Called by the Indians "Cerro los Moqujino" ("Cliff if the Strange Writings"). An "...inscription found in the arroyo passageway leading to the summit of Hidden Mountain, often called "Inscription Rock" or "Mystery Rock").
"Various unsupported opinions about the meaning of "Inscription Rock" have been advanced over the years. Some attributed it to the Mormons, who out of some fraudulent attempt to prove that the American Indians were descendants of Israelites, placed the writings so as to be found as proof of their religious theory. Another pronounced the inscription to be a "greek-Cypriot" fantasy by totally disregarding known alphabets, juggling letters, by adding strokes & many consonants, thereby placing it so far from any scholarly pursuit that one can only label it "unfortunate." Most of these opinions are based upon mere conjectures, formulated out of a lack of adequate information, data much more readily available today to everyone."
10* I have often heard some Christian anti-Mormons, (some who have not bothered to take the time & consider the sources) reject the sources from their own fellow Christians. (Some Mormons have use different Christian sources to make certain points with). Some critics then charge or claim that the Mormon is quoting from a "liberal Christian scholars". This approach seems to be a quick response & attempt to discredit the source with a name-calling term. "liberal Christians scholars"? This must have some sort of effect on the minds of some Christians who hear this, for some respond as if they don't need to worry, or even have to bother with the source because it's from one of those "liberals". Thus in a way the evidences that would have been in support of the other sides' positions is twisted into being "evidences against", or is ignored & discredited in the minds of many Christians. I have heard the late [AM] Walter Martin use this tactic in a debate with [PMD] Van Hale, but also I have witnessed this tactic with other Christian anti-Mormons I have talked with, or heard on the radio, etc. (SEE: The Walter Martin\Van Hale Debate, Park City Ut. July 25, 1987. Comments about the debate: July 27, 1987, KZZI 1510 AM Radio, West Jordan, Ut. Daily Religious Forum. Which had been hosted by Van Hale. For tapes of the debate write to Mormon Miscellaneous (Tape T-201. 4 tapes) 8912 S. 700 E. Sandy Ut. 84070).
11* This observation is based on a number of discussions that I have had with different Christian anti-Mormons over the years. (See also: [PMD] The Early Christian Church in the Light of Some Newly Discovered Papyri from Egypt, by Huge W. Nibley. March 3, 1964. Tri-Stake Fireside, pub. by FARMS, Provo Ut.)
12* This is from a discussion that I had with a Christian anti-Mormon at the Utah State Fair Sept. 12th or 13th (?) 1991. He attempted to set a standard, but I wouldn't let him do it. He wanted me to present the book of Mormon in it's original "reformed Egyptian." I turned his standard & test around on him & asked him if the Bible could pass this same test that he was placing on the Book of Mormon? I asked him to show me an original letter written by one of the Biblical writers. He could not of course, just as I wouldn't not have been able to show him the original book of Mormon. I did however upset him by attempting to present him with evidences of reformed Egyptian. Or a type of egyptian writing that was not like the typical Hieroglyphic writing. But he was to closed minded to accept any evidences, & he even admitted his mind was closed.
See & compare the different copies of the "Anthon Transcript" on p.32 of Edward Stevenson's Reminiscences of Joseph Smith. Also The Improvement Era, Jan. 1942. p.58-9. B.H. Roberts 1903, New Witnesses for God p.72. And: 1915 R. C. Webb's The Case Against Mormonism, p.22. See also: The Gospel of the Great Spirit, by Joshua M. Bennett, 1990, p.487-506. Here much evidences is given to show that the samples of reformed egyptian on the Anthon Transcript do match up with other examples of "demotic" Egyptian samples, of writing. See also: Tutankhamen by Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt 1963 NY Graphic Soc. p.111 fig.55. "Letter No. 27 from the cuneiform correspondence found at Tell el Amarana show the hieratic inscription from the year 12 (?) (Staatliche Museen, Berlin)", see also p.260 fig.165. Other examples of this kind, shows us that there was different kinds of Egyptian writings for different situations & purposes. (See also: Discovering the World of the Bible by LaMar C. Berrett 1973 Pub. by Young House Provo Ut. On p.28 we see samples of different kinds Egyptian writings during different times. The Picture type or "Hieroglyphic" writings was the "sacred inscriptions of the pharaohs, consisting of small, carefully drawn figures or pictures." "HIERATIC: the cursive form of hieroglyphs, usually found on papyrus & dating from 1300 B.C." Another sample: "DEMOTIC: the popular writing of the Egyptains during the years 400-100 B.C.; a simplification of the hieratic". Another sample: "COPTIC: a form of Egyptian writing which uses a Greek alphabet; spoken only by the Copts in the churches & monasteries". "Aapted from Kurt Schroder, Guide to Egypt (Cairo, 1965)...") Like other languages, the Egyptian language & alphabet has blended in with other languages, & it has changed over the years. That a ancient record should claim to be written in some sort of "reformed Egyptian" is historically sound & also logical.
The ancients also wrote on metallic plates & placed their records in stone boxes in some cases. They also presented symbolical pictures & art works on metallic plates, silver, gold, bronze, copper, etc., etc. See: Ex.28:36; 39:30. The Birth of Writing by Robert Claiborne 1974 Time-Life Books, p.132-3. 2 Golden tablets dated 500 B.C. Phoenician writing. See also p.73, golden plate dated 6th cent. B.C. matched by a silver plate etc. inscribed in old Persian, Elamite & Babylonian, placed by King Darius of Persia in the audience hall at Persepolis. And: The Story of Archaeology, In Search of Lost Worlds, by Henri-Paul Eyedoux 1971 The World Pub. NY & Cleveland, p.141. "...the copper rolls discovered in Cave 3 of Khirbet Qumran..." Also: Ancient Writing On Metal Plates by Paul R. Cheesman 1985. Horizon Books. And: The Story of Archaeological Decipherment (From Egyptian hieroglyphs to Linear B). by Maurice Pope, 1975 Pub. Thames & Hudson p.125 fig.78, a Cypriot script dated early 5th cent. B.C. See also: The Relationship of "Mormonism" & Freemasonry, by Anthony W. Ivins, 1934 Deseret News Press SLC Ut. p.68-72. The Gold of the Gods by Erich von Daniken 1973 see p. before p.59, see fig.11. Gold plate with 56 signs or symbols claimed to be a script in "...the South American cultures..."
See also: A Challenge to the Critics by Diane E. Wirth 1986 ibid. p.40 fig.3.1 etc. Stone boxes: The Mysterious Maya by George E. Stuart & Gene S. Stuart 1977 p.28. And: Aztecs of Mexico by G.C. Vaillant 1944 etc., this ed. 1966, pl.53. Also: Cheesman, op. cit., p.80 etc. See also: By Study & Also By Faith Vol.2, p.273-334, or chap. 10, entitled: Ancient Burials of Metal Documents in Stone Boxes, by H. Curtis Wright, BYU Un. Provo Ut. Also: The Prince of Darkness, by Russell, op. cit., p.21, depicting a silver plaque, dated back to the 8th cent. BC. And: The Writings of the Rabbis & Other Important Discoveries, by Joshua Moses Bennett, 1990, Pub. Morning Star Pub., p.8-9, doct. #17- Writings on Gold Plates, "The Babylonian Talmud.- Seder Nashim Vol. IV." Git. V:60a, "...a tablet of gold..." See also: American Antiquities, by Alexander W. Bradford, 1841, NY. Dayton & Saxton, p.26-8, 52-3, 75-77, 132-4, 154, 158-9, 197 & 399. Otherworld Journeys, Carol Zaleski, 1987, op. cit., p.18. etc.
13* [AM] Wally Tope during attempted to use this tactic & standard on me during a discussion that I had with him at the Utah State Fair Sept.14th & 15th 1991. He also attempted used this tactic & doubled standard during a radio program. KTKK "K-talk radio" 630 AM Radio, Sept. 15th 1991. "Religion on the Line" Hosted by Martin Tanner. That night from 8:00 to 10:00 PM, [PMD] VAN HALE & [AM] WALLY TOPE discussed different polemical issues. Tope's double standard was exposed by Martin Tanner who pointed out to Tope & to the listeners, what Tope was doing. This seems to be a common tactic & doubled standard that the critics want to use when ever they get in a difficult spot. Their rival will start to point out something to them in some historical book, writings, etc. And they will attempt to get the person to not bother with showing it to them because they "...want to see it from the Bible only..." "The Bible is what we judge things by, not what some early Christian said..." etc. Then the critic will ignore their own standard that they have placed on the Mormon or who ever, (thus having disarmed them, so they think), and then will proceed to quote from the Journal of Discourses, & or Mormon publications. Or other non-biblical sources to make their anti-mormon case & points.
14* Ex. 20:15)". [AM] Why Should I Pray About The Book of Mormon When...? by Wally Tope (1991 ? tract not dated) p.2 (A). Also based on a number of discussions with different Christian anti-Mormons.
15* [AM] Honest Questions for Honest L.D.S. by Wally Tope, op. cit., p.3 Question #11. & Why Should I Pray About The Book of Mormon When...? by Tope, op. cit., p.4 D.
16* See: [#9], & 15*.
An [EAC] named Rabbi Joseph Kimchi wrote a book against the Christians entitled: "Book of Covenant". His son, Rabbi David Kimchi, also followed his example & wrote an anti-Christian book entitled: "Answer to the Christians" in which he claimed that the scriptural prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah were not fulfilled in Jesus Christ, not even one had been fulfilled by Christ, according to the "evidences" presented by Kimchi. This is some of the reasons why the different Jewish sects still looked for the coming Messiah. For in the "man" called Jesus Christ, they did not see him as the promised Messiah predicted by the Prophets.1*
The early Christian Father Justin Martyr pointed out to the Jew, Trypho that Jesus had fulfilled the prophetic promises concerning the coming of the Messiah.2*
Origen also responded to Celsus by giving evidences concerning how Christ fulfilled the different prophetic promises.3* Celsus used the anti-Christian arguments of the Jews against the Christians to make his own polemical book. Origen not only to Celsus responded to both:
"And I remember on one occasion, at a disputation held with certain Jews who were reputed learned men, having employed the following argument in the presence of many judges: "Tell me, sirs," I said, "since there are two individuals who have visited the human race, regarding whom are related marvellous works surpassing human power -- Moses, viz., your own legislator, who wrote about himself, and Jesus our teacher, who has left no writings regarding Himself, but to whom testimony is borne by the disciples in the Gospels-- what are the grounds for deciding that Moses is to be believed as speaking the truth, although the Egyptians slander him as a sorcerer, and as appearing to have wrought his mighty works by jugglery, while Jesus is not to be believed because you are His accusers? And yet there are nations which bear testimony in favour of both: the Jews to Moses; and the Christians, who do not deny the prophetic mission of Moses, but proving from that very source the truth of the statement regarding Jesus, accept as true the miraculous circumstances related of Him by His disciples. Now, if ye ask us for the reasons of our faith in Jesus, give yours first for believing in Moses, who lived before Him, and then we shall give you ours for accepting the latter. But if you draw back, and shirk a demonstration then we, following your own example, decline for the present to offer any demonstration likewise. Nevertheless, admit that ye have no proof to offer for Moses, and then listen to our defense of Jesus derived from the law and the prophets. And now observe what is almost incredible! It is shown from the declarations concerning Jesus, contained in the law and the prophets, that both Moses and the prophets were truly prophets of God.""4*
Perhaps we "Latter-day Saints" (Mormons) might respond in a similar way to Modern critics, the Christian anti-Mormons. "...What are the grounds for deciding that Moses" (and Paul & Christ etc), "is to be believed as speaking the truth, although the Egyptians slander him" (Moses) "as a sorcerer, and as appearing to have wrought his mighty works by jugglery,..." (As with also Jesus who's enemies accused Him of being possessed of a devil, (Matt.11:18) & casting out devils by Beelzebub the prince of the devils,5* And who was accused of being "a magician" or sorcerer.6* While Joseph Smith " not to be believed because you" (Christian anti-Mormons, etc.) are his accusers? "And yet there are nations which bear testimony in favour of both: the Jew to Moses; and the Christians, who do not deny the prophetic mission of Moses,..." (But also the modern Mormons & Christians who accept now the prophetic promises of the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ). But there are also other nations that not only bear testimony of Moses, Jesus Christ the Messiah, but of the latter-day Prophet Joseph Smith). Thus also as the ancients "...proving from the very source the truth of the statement regarding Jesus, accept as true the miraculous circumstances related of Him by His disciples...." (But also concerning Christ's other servants who were predicted would come in the latter days to help in the restoration).
"...Now, if ye ask us" (Mormons) "for the reasons of our faith in Jesus..." (as to Jesus being the Messiah of the whole world, having also gone to all the different parts of the world to preach the gospel, & to different realms of the spirits. But also of our faith in the modern restoration & the Prophet Joseph Smith, etc.) Give "...yours" (you Christian anti-Mormons) "first for believing in Moses" (and Paul & the other Apostles & Jesus Christ the Son of God, of which we also believe), "and then we shall give you ours for accepting the latter..." (day prophets also predicted, such as "Joseph the Restorer" etc.) "But if you draw back, and shirk a demonstration, then we, following your example, decline for the present to offer any demonstration likewise. Nevertheless, admit that ye have no proof to offer for Moses" (Peter, Paul, & Christ, etc.) "and then listen to our defense of Jesus" (Peter, Paul & John, & Joseph Smith, etc.) "derived from the law and the prophets." (But also from historical writings, art works, legends, documents, monuments, prophetic traditions & writings, Near Death Experiences, archeology, early Christian writings & art works, ancient Americas' writings & art works, legends, rites, & prophetic traditions, etc. & other evidences from around the world from many nations. And the spiritual evidences through prayer & the Holy Spirit). "And now observe what is almost incredible! It is shown from the declarations concerning Jesus, contained in the law and the prophets, that both Moses and the prophets were truly prophets of God." (But also from the declarations, & other evidences that Jesus is the Christ the Promised Messiah for the whole world, etc. & Joseph Smith is a true Prophet of God & a servant of Jesus Christ!).
Jewish writings & legends tell us of predictions concerning the "latter times". Jacob, as did later Joseph (who was sold into Egypt, Gen.37) gathered their families & descendants together towards the end of their lives' for the traditional family councils & blessings, (Gen.49).
In the Testament of Benjamin we read: "And there shall arise in the latter days one beloved of the Lord, of the tribe of Judah and Levi, a doer of His good pleasure in his mouth, with new knowledge enlightening the Gentiles. Until the consummation of the age shall he be in the synagogues of the Gentiles, and among their rulers, as a strain of music in the mouth of all. And he shall be inscribed in the holy books, both his work and his word, and he shall be a chosen one of God for ever. And through them he shall go to and fro as Jacob my father, saying: He shall fill up that which lacketh of thy tribe...."7*
In another version of this Testament,8* we read: "And one shall rise up from my seed in the latter times, beloved of the Lord, hearing upon the earth His voice, enlightening with new knowledge all the Gentiles, bursting in upon Israel for salvation with light of knowledge, and tearing it away from it like a wolf, and giving it to the synagogue of the Gentiles. And until the consummation of the ages shall be in the synagogues of the Gentiles, and among their rulers, as a strain of music in the mouth of all;...and he shall be inscribed in the holy books, both his work and his word, & he shall be a chosen one of God for ever; and because of him my father Jacob instructed me, saying, He shall fill up that which lacketh of thy tribe."
Other sources & ancient documents speak of the traditions that was passed down amongst the different Jewish sects & branches of families concerning this "restorer" who would come in the "latter-times" or latter days.9*
The modern Christian anti-Mormons have set standards & conditions in which they will allow for prophetic predictions in Mormon Publications to come to pass, but of which standards they would not dare place the Bible under. In some cases the critics also fail to acknowledge that some predictions are "conditional" or "iffy." In that the prophetic outcome has different ways in which it could be fulfilled based on different things. Such as "if" the people will repent then this event will happen, & the other will not happen. Or "if" the people will not repent, then this will happen & the other will not. Jonah chap.1-4 is a good example of this. Some critics claim that if a prophecy does not come to pass (when they say it should have, in the exact way that they say it should have), & even if there is one unfulfilled prophecy, it would "proof" that the one giving the prediction is not of God or is a "false Prophet". The critics use Deut. 18:20-22 in a literal way as part of their standard.10*
Would the critics own bible that they claim to believe in be able to pass this strict & very biased double standard. If Joseph Smith did not help bring about the beginnings of the refreshing & restoration of many ancient truths, as the predicted modern day "Joseph the Restorer." And if Jesus Christ did not appear in the latter days in the dispensation of the fullness of times,11* in order so that this prophet "Joseph the restorer" could hear "...upon the earth His voice, enlightening with new knowledge all the Gentiles, bursting in upon Israel for salvation with the light of knowledge..."12*
If that predicted angel did not come with the "everlasting gospel" (Rev.14:6-7). If the predicted books did not come forth, as well as the ordinances, & if other ancient doctrines were not restored. Then how can today's modern Christian anti-Mormons hope that their own Bible can pass their own strict standards & test? For would that not mean that there are different prophecies that have not come to pass? How shall they expect for more scriptures (that is predicted would be restored) if they have closed the canon? How can Acts 3:19-21 be fulfilled? Do we have all that God has ever spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets since the world began? If so, were is the book or prophetic writings of Enoch in the Bible? (Jude 3 & 14). Were are some of the other books mentioned?13*
Mormons only claim that we have a start on the fulfillment of this prediction, that what we have now are only just "sneak previews" of the coming attractions, (Isa.28:9-11) according to the biblical process. For God is testing the world to see how the different nations will react to what little He has caused to be given through His Son Jesus Christ. For there are other writings to come forth in what ever time frame the Gods have chosen.14* Writings from all over the world! In the east, west, north, & south etc. The early Christian also believed that the knowledge of Christ was preach in different parts of the world, etc.15*
With this new restored evidences of & for Christ, we "Latter-day Saints" can now can say as Origen the early Christian did. Hear oh ye modern Christians (and critics) alike! "...Listen to our defence of Jesus derived from the law and the prophets." And also from the voices of those "crying from the dust" in other lands.16* And from the voices of your own early Christian roots & writings, & scriptures, etc. "And now observe what is almost incredible! It is shown from the declarations concerning Jesus, contained in the law and the prophets, that both Moses & the prophets were truly prophets of God."17* But also that Joseph Smith was & is a true Prophet! Because many of their predictions have come to pass, & are still coming to pass! Thus also showing to the world more of Christ's dealings with different nations of the world! And how the knowledge of Christ was spread throughout the world! So that others could be "saved wherever they were"!18*
Some of the critics test for a prophet is very narrow minded. And the bible would not be able to pass the same test. What would happen to the Book of Jonah if it was considered under the Christian anti-Mormon test? Poor Jonah wouldn't his book have to be kick out, & he considered a "false prophet" because he gave predictions that didn't come to pass? (Jonah 1-4) What would or might be done with the writings of Jeremiah? (Jn.3:1-10 & Jer.18:5-18). We must realize that the Prophets are only given "peeks" as the endless & vast horizons of knowledge that the Gods have. But that the Gods will some day give to those who are worthy & who have proven themselves, (or to those who would not abuse the higher knowledge for evil purposes, but will use the higher knowledge for good), the endless horizons of the heavens, and the knowledge contain therein.19* Thus we should keep in mind that prophecies are not a perfect understanding of all things to come, but are only "in part", as Paul says (1 Cor.13).
The anti-Mormon "Christian" test for a prophet seems not to consider the nature & basic elements of prophecies, as mentioned above. [AM] Ed Decker's test for a true prophet is not even reasonable & is a " of suicidal literalism. By interpreting Deut. 18:20-22 in a very literal and all inclusive way, Decker concludes: "A true prophet of God cannot utter a single false prophecy, not one! At no time can he give out a "Thus saith the Lord" and have it not come to pass...If even one single one of these prophecies failed to come to pass, the scriptures call Joseph Smith a false prophet." (To Moroni With Love by Ed Decker, p.30). Carver wrote in response to this: "Likewise, this would also be true if Moses, Jeremiah, Isaiah, John, or any other person claiming to be a prophet makes a statement or prophecy that does not come to pass. By this ridged, unyielding, & illogical criterion I will demonstrate from the Bible that Moses, Jeremiah, Jesus, & Paul all fail in their attempts to measure up to Decker's great expectations."
"First we will consider Moses, the great law given who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament. Moses in Gen. 17:1-14 states that God gave Abraham an everlasting covenant & that the token of that covenant was circumcision; which was also to be everlasting. Verse 14 indicates that any "man child whose flesh of his forskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant." This is perfectly clear, but Paul rejects the everlasting quality of this covenant and indicates in Romans chap.4 & Gal. chap.5, that circumcision availeth nothing. The covenant was not to be everlasting as predicted by Moses in his writings about Abraham. Moses said it was an everlasting covenant, Paul said it was not. Who was right? Moses also predicted that the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood was to be an everlasting priesthood. (Num. 25:10-14 & Ex.40:12-15). Yet Paul says that the priesthood was changed. (Heb. 7:12) If the Levitical Priesthood was to be everlasting, why was the priesthood changed? Where is the Levitical Priesthood today? In Judaism or Christianity? If one is locked into Decker's literalism & private interpretation, then Paul & Moses must be denounced as a false prophet."
"According to Decker's "rule of thumb", Jeremiah also fails as a prophet. Jeremiah was so upset that his predictions weren't coming to pass that he called God a liar. (Jer. 15:18). If one is an extreme literalist, Jeremiah also prediction that King Zedekiah would die in peace and that odours would be burned for him. (Jer.34:4-5). Instead, Zedekiah had his eyes put out, his children slaughtered, & he died in a Babylonian prison. On another occasion Jeremiah prophesied that King Jehoiakim "shall have none to sit upon the throne of David," (Jer.36:30), & yet the very next king was Jeconiah, the son of Jehoikim. See I Chron. 3:16 & Jer. 37:1. There are others, but according to Decker, one mistake you are out, so Jeremiah is out." "Jesus prophesied that the only sign he would give to the Pharisees concerning his resurrection would be the sign of Jonah, "for as Jonah was 3 days & 3 nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be 3 days & 3 nights in the heart of the earth." (Matt.12:39-40). If Christians can make this prophecy work, then Good Friday has to be changed to Good Thursday, however, since the Jewish day begins at sundown, make that Good Wednesday Evening. It seems that Decker's literalism could leave us with very few prophets to worry about. I don't mind valid criticism of Joseph Smith, but I do dislike double standards. If Smith was human, and I believe he was, he was in good company. Lest someone misunderstand, I accept Moses & Jeremiah as prophets, and Jesus as the Christ; however, I do not accept the idea that prophets cannot make mistakes. Even Paul admitted to uncertainty at times when after giving counsel to prospective missionaries on the subject of marriage he said, "I think also that I have the spirit of God." (1 Cor. 7:40). And yet, I believe that most prophecies, if properly understood, are supportive of the above prophets we have considered."
"Next, Decker takes Joseph Smith to task on 4 prophecies which he claims are false: In the lst two, as if he had never read Biblical prophecy, Decker insists upon an immediate fulfillment. Unless Joseph Smith's prophecies are immediately fulfilled, they are considered false. Yet there is Biblical precedent to show that some prophecies require more time than was expected to receive fulfillment. Isaiah's prophecy about a virgin conceiving & giving birth to a son whose name would be Immanuel was not completely fulfilled until approximately 700 years had passed away. (Isa.7:14). It was given to be a sign to King Ahaz, but its fulfillment would not take place until the birth of Christ. Isaiah would not last long with Decker. A time lag is noticeable in Jeremiah, who prophesied that the sins of King Manasseh would result in the destruction of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was not destroyed for a number of years after the death of King Manasseh & his people. (Jer.15:4.) Decker's interpretation of Joseph Smith's prophecy on war is forced & allows for little time interval. If we forced Biblical prophecy in a similar manner to Decker's handling of Section 87, it would prove to be false also. Take for example, Jacob's prophecy about the sceptre of Judah. He said that "the septre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come: and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." (Gen.49:10). Interpreting this prophecy in Decker's manner, Shiloh, which is Christ, came approximately 4 B.C. Zedekiah was the last King of Judah holding the septre. He died about 575 B.C. Thus, the lawgiver departed from Judah about 600 years before the coming of Shiloh. Conclusion--Jacob is a false prophet. Wrong! The interpretation is incorrect as is the interpretation Decker places on the prophecy on war. Now let us look at this prophecy on war with the same kind of justice we give the Bible."20*
The Tanners & other "Christian" anti-Mormons have used the same sort of logic, & standards on some of the prophecies of Joseph Smith as Decker did. The Tanners point out different claims that Joseph Smith is reported to have made. They declare that he is a false prophet because some of the things that he claimed was from God, did not turn out as was predicted. They point to remarks made by David Whitmer,21* & other sources that admit that Joseph Smith made a mistake with regard to selling the copy-right to the Book of Mormon, to help in it's publication 1829-30. Hiram Page & Oliver Cowdery failed to sale the copy-right to the book & thus our critics claim that Joseph Smith must be a false prophet for this. Joseph explained that "Some revelations are of God: some revelations are of man: and some revelations are of the devil." (Whitmer, Ibid. p.30-31). Certainly Peter's false notions may have been enough for ones like Decker & the Tanners to declare him a false Prophet (had Decker & the Tanners perhaps lived in the time of Celsus). For at first we are told that God had revealed unto him (Peter) that Jesus was the Christ, but he refused to believe that Christ should suffer for the sins of the world, & he may have even tried to talk Jesus out of it, but Jesus rebuked him for "savourest"(ing) "not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." (See: Matt.16:15-23).
The late 19th cent. anti-Christian & occultic writer Blavatsky wrote in her book: Isis Unveiled 1877 (Vol.2 p.127) Concerning a "prophecy" that has been declared to be a "forgery." It's was concerning Peter who the Catholics claim was their first "Pope." Christ is reported to have said unto Peter: "...Verily, I say unto thee, Peter, thou shalt deny me throughout the coming ages, & never stop until thou shalt be old, and shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another gird thee and carry the whither thou wouldest not." Blavatsky fails to give us any further information concerning this so-called prediction.
The critics take a very "iffy" prophecy out of context in order to charge that it is "evidence" against Smith. The "prophecy" is concerning the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.22* They abuse a source in the most unfair way. The Tanners quote from History of the Church, Vol.2 p.182. I shall quote here in part a portion that they have put in CAP. LETTERS. & have underlined. "...THE COMING OF THE LORD, which was nigh- EVEN FIFTY-SIX YEARS SHOULD WIND UP THE SCENE." With all the research that the Tanners have done, it is strange that they should fail to acknowledge Doctrine & Covenants Section 130:14-17. Decker also fails to mention the full historical situation from which this so-called prediction came from. The D&C explains the situation, showing us how "iffy" this prediction is. I shall quote a portion here as follows:
"I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following: Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art 85 years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore let this suffice, & trouble me no more on this matter. I was left thus, without being able to decide whether this coming referred to the beginning of the millennium or to some previous appearing, or whether I should die & thus see his face. I believe the coming of the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time."23*
As we can see from this, we have a very "iffy" type of prediction here that has a number of different conditions & possible outcomes to it. In talking with different critics, I have noticed that they only quoted parts of this section as follows: "I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following: Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art 85 years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man;..." I then would point out to them that they needed to read the rest of the scripture to get the proper interpretation. Carver also noticed this with Decker's abuse of the source, he wrote: "...Once again it is the same tune, only the lyrics are a verse or two short. It is true that Joseph Smith did lean toward 1890..." But Decker "...did not consider this to be infallible. As a matter of fact he (Joseph) "was quite confused about the date, as he relates, but Decker forgets...." Carver tells us that Joseph commented on this revelation as follows: "I was left to draw my own conclusions concerning this; & I took the liberty to conclude that if I did live to that time, He would make His appearance. But I do not say whether He will make His appearance or I shall go where He is. D.H.C. 5:336." "Decker calls this an "exact prophecy." Who is he trying to fool? Joseph Smith never considered it to be such; why should Mr. Decker?24*
Historic Christianity, the New Testament writers wouldn’t be able to pass Decker’s and the Tanners’ test if they were their own critics. Consequently, in the early Christian church many of the early saints saw the different events of their times as being the fulfillment of "the signs of the times" & pre-judged incorrectly the time of Christ's 2nd coming, for they thought that it was the "last days" & that Christ would soon come. (M&PITEC) Frend, op. cit.) Even John thought that they were living in the "last time" because of the predictions concerning the coming the "anti-Christ." There must have been some who were going around performing a counterfeit "anointing" like unto the anointing performed by the Christians, because John warns against them & charges them with being of that anti-Christ which had been predicted. "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that anti-christ shall come, even now are there many anti-christs; whereby we know that it is the last time."25*
John was not correct when he pre-judged the situations of his time to be the "signs of the times" or that it was "the last time" before the second coming. Because, even after hundreds of years Christ has not come yet. That is still in the future, & now in our day in time, here in the 1990's we have been saying along with our modern Christian friends, that these are the "last days." That Christ is soon to appear, but who knows when?! Many have attempted to place exact dates on that time, but no one is said to know the exact time. But was John therefore a false prophet because he thought that Christ was soon to come? Of course not! Each generation of Christians have read the different events of their times as being the "signs of the times". During the 2nd World War, i.e. Hitler was thought to be the Anti-Christ, & it has been that way with other historic figures who brought about great wars etc. Some Christians in early times thought that Christ would come in the year 200 & were disappointed when he did not come. (M&PITEC) Frend, op. cit.) Now many religious people wonder if Christ will come in the year 2000, but who really knows, only the Father is said to know the exact hour.
Garretson tells us that: "The Apocalypse of St. John is of the same character as the books of the Sibyls." (Note mine: Sibyls was a series of books used by the Early Fathers as proof text, in some cases. But this source was no longer used when a prediction that was made in it didn't come true. Thus later Fathers after 190 AD no longer used it as a source to help them in defense of Christianity as it had earlier.26* Garretson continues: "The impression & belief was quite general with the Christians of the 2nd century that the prophecy of St. John, of the approaching end of the world, & the second coming of Jesus, was to be fulfilled at the end of that century. It was because this prophecy was not fulfilled that the Greek bishops of the churches of Asia, the representatives of the 7 Churches, to which the Apocalypse is addressed, met in council at Laodicea in A.D. 360, & discredited this gospel & voted it out of the canon. The Latin, or Roman Church, however, continued the book in the canon & neither undertakes to explain, nor deny, the failure of the prophecy."27*
The Rev. Dr. Charles Francis Potter notes that Christ had “repeatedly promised to his disciples the “end of the world” idea with the “second coming” of the Son of Man on the clouds of heaven; but by the third and fourth centuries, this “Kingdom Come” had not come and “his generation” of his immediate disciples had long since passed away. So, any reminder of that unfulfilled promise of Jesus, however casuistically it might be reinterpreted or explained away, was embarrassing to have around.”
Furthermore, Potter notes how that: “St. John the Divine’s “Revelation” also had difficulty getting in, [to certain early Christian canons of scripture,] because it was apocalyptic; that is, it predicted the future in a peculiar style of writing where strange symbolic animals and angels, good and bad, fought each other. By the end of the fourth century, apocalypses were going out of style anyway, since Jesus hadn’t “come quickly,” so in the contest for official approval, Revelation just barely overcame its handicap of being so much like [the writings of] Enoch [which were not included in the canon].”
The Tanners point out that in 1890 some members of the Church were disappointed when the so called "prediction" did not come to pass.28* Other sources are mentioned by them as well. For some reason they passed by the part in the D&C which shows how uncertain the prediction was.
The Prophet Harold B. Lee,29* explained how some revelations are "iffy". "...I sat in a class in Sunday School in my own ward one day, & the teacher was the son of a patriarch. He said he used to take down the blessings of his father, and he noticed that his father gave what he called "iffy" blessings. He would give a blessing, but it was predicated on "if you will not do this" or "if you will cease doing that." And he said, "I watched these men to whom my father gave the `iffy' blessings, and I saw that many of them did not heed the warning that my father as a patriarch had given, and the blessing were never received because they did not comply." You know, that started me thinking. I went back into the Doctrine & Covenants & began to read the "iffy" revelations that have been given to various brethren in the Church. If you want to have an exercise in something that will startle you, read some of the warnings that were given through the Prophet Joseph Smith to Thomas B. Marsh, Martin Harris, some of the Whitmer brothers, William E, McLellin---warnings which, had they heeded, some would not have fallen by the wayside. But because they did not heed, & they didn't clear up their lives, they fell by the wayside, & some had to be dropped from membership in the Church."30*
We should keep in mind also that blessings are not official predictions, but are based on different conditions. And as pointed out by Lee, such things are somewhat "iffy." The Tanners quote from some blessings in their book, almost as if such blessings are suppose to be some kind of an official prophecy, when they are not, but are personal. The Tanners also point to a portion from John Whitmer's History,31* in which Joseph Smith is reported to have ordained Lyman Wight a High Priest. The spirit is said to have fell upon Lyman, "...and he prophesied concerning the coming of Christ. He said that there were some in the congregation that SHOULD LIVE UNTIL THE SAVIOR SHOULD DESCEND FROM HEAVEN with a shout, with the holy angels with Him." Other similar types of quotes are pointed to in the Tanners book. [AM] (MSOR?), op. cit., p.188. Their point being, to show that these things did not come true, for after all these years now here in 1991, all of the people who were at alive at the time of this so-called prediction are now dead, and the 2nd coming has not happened. Do the Tanners have a good point? What do they hope that we should do with this information? What judgment should be passed on Lyman or others who gave such things? What ever conclusion & judgment that the critics or the Tanners hope that people might reach. Wouldn't that same judgment also have to be placed on the bible that the Tanners claim to believe in? Can Paul pass this same test?
The Tanners also point out some changes that have been made in the wording of some "blessings" comparing the History of the Church, Vol.2, p.188-9 & 191 with The Millennial Star, Vol.15, p.206. (MSOR?), op. cit., p.188). Here they may have a valid point. So why don't we be honest with ourselves and give it to them. But lets also see if their logic, tactics, & scriptures that they claim to believe in can pass their own tests.
Paul in writing to the Thessalonians: "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as them that have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, & with the trump of God: & the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive & remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thess.4:13-17) If we were to use the same sort of tactics & logic that anti-Mormon "Christians" have with the different sayings in Mormon Publications, what would happen to Paul's claims here? We might ask: `did any one in Paul's day remain? Are any alive?
Paul may have thought that Christ would return soon, but He didn't know the exact date. He may have even thought that some of the saints who were alive at that time, would even "remain" or would still be alive ("...we which are alive & remain unto the coming of the Lord...") & would see the day of rapture, & would be caught up to meet God. Or his words may be symbolic of a future generation of believers. (Which many Christian believe today that they are that "future generation"! or at least, if it is not the present one of saved Christians who will ascend to heaven during what they call "the rapture", then it is a future one.) If we were to take Paul's words to mean that he was speaking of the saints of his time, would that mean that he is a false apostle because no one that we know of has remained, or alive? Under the critics standards this might be the case. Or can we allow for Paul to believe that Christ 2nd coming was soon at hand, or sometime in his generation, even if he might have been wrong? James also seemed to believe that the 2nd coming of Christ "draweth nigh." or was near. (James 5:8) But now it has been almost 2000 years! Under the critics tactics & approach of taking things out of context, perhaps Luke 21:22, 27-8 & 32 could be made to sound as if the "generation" for which the signs of the times were to be fulfilled in, was the generation at the time of Luke, because he wrote that Christ said "...this generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled." We can see from these examples that the Bible that the critics claim to believe in would not be able to pass their own test, & tactics.
Joseph Smith’s Prophecy on Wars, given December 25, 1832 (See: Doctrine and Covenants 87).
When it comes to the different prophecies that have clearly come to pass. The critics seem to either want to ignore or side step the issues & evidences. Or they attempt to discredit it, i.e. by saying that the basic themes of the prediction was common knowledge because of some situation that was to later develop into what many people knew would happen. Thus our critics ask things like: "How could it really be a prophecy if people already knew about the situation as common knowledge." Or the revelation was derived from, "...the views of his time...." "Far from being evidences of Smith's divine calling, the most famous prophecies which he made are evidences that he can copy views of his time."32* "...The fact that Joseph Smith predicted a civil war is not too remarkable. Many people believed there would be a civil war before it actually took place...." (MSOR?) op. cit., p.190-1. The Tanners however do acknowledge at the bottom of p.190, 2nd col., that the rebellion of South Carolina "...did not end in war, but the Civil War did start some years over trouble in South Carolina." So the war did start!
In some cases the critics fail to acknowledge any evidences concerning the fulfillment of different prophecies. Some critics attempt to discredit the "Civil War" prophecies by saying that the "war" didn't spread over many nations, thus, the critics charge, "it must be a false prophecy"! What the critics fail to acknowledge or see, is, that the wording in the prophecy shows that it is an on going prediction about "the wars" PLURAL, meaning that it is a prophecy about more than just one war! While the Tanners may acknowledge that "...the Civil War did start..." (MSOR?) p.190. They turn around & say: "It is interesting to note that verse 3 of Joseph Smith's revelation concerning the Civil War did NOT come to pass. In verse 3 we read: "...the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations IN ORDER TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST OTHER NATIONS; and then WAR SHALL BE POURED OUT UPON ALL NATIONS." War was certainly NOT poured out on ALL nations at that time as Joseph Smith predicted." (MSOR?) ibid. p.191 bottom of lst col. to the top of the 2nd. The Tanners must have seen the wording of the prediction, because they have it in their book: "Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass,..." (ibid. p.190). Notice again the wording is "wars", plural!, not just one war, but perhaps many! Why did the critics fail to acknowledge this portion of the prediction?
The same wording repeatedly appears in the different original hand written accounts given by different ones who wrote down the report of the prediction which has been dated Dec.25, 1832. Every account that I have looked at does contain some differences between the others. (Which is something that we should expect, for they had no tape recorders in those days & other inventions that help record the exact words that people say. Just as we have differences in the wording as given in the different Gospel accounts of Christ sayings & sermons in the New Testament). But everyone that I looked at indicated that the prophecy was concerning the "wars" (plural!) that were to shortly come to pass! D&C 87. These original hand written documents can be seen on Micro Film in the LDS Archives Library.33*
Nephi Lowell Morris presents much evidence in defense of the Prophet Joseph Smith's prophecies. In the Millennial Star, vol.13, July 15, 1851 an advertisement for the Pearl of Great Price mentions the publication of a revelation given Dec. 1832 "...which has never before appeared in print."34* Morris points out that "...This Revelation...made known the coming of a series of wars, of which the War of the Rebellion was to be the beginning. In naming South Carolina as the beginning place of the first of the series of wars it becomes remarkably specific...." (Morris ibid. p.16-17). In his book Morris show evidences for the wording in the different predictions. The prediction on "wars" is thus shown to be a valid & true prediction.35* The Civil War did start in the area Joseph Smith had claimed it would. And other wars have spread out to other nations, such as the 1st & 2nd World Wars, etc. Joseph Smith's predictions have come true & are in the process of coming true.
Another prophecy that came true is concerning many of the saints moving out to an area in the midst of the "Rocky Mountains" & what would happen along the way, what would happen after they had built a settlement there. Morris shows different publications of the prophecy.36* On p.72-3 of Morris's book we see a photo copy of an original hand written document of "Anson Call's Journal..." that was "...commenced in 1839..." This diary records the prophecy of Joseph Smith's great prediction concerning the move west, etc. And He provide evidences that shows that the prediction is a valid & true prophecy. (Morris ibid. p.52-105).
The Tanners question the prophecy, suggesting that because the prediction is written in smaller writing in between the dates Friday 5 & Saturday 6, as it appears in "Joseph Smith's Manuscript History." Book D-1, p.1362. That someone must have, (as they charge) "crammed" it onto the original paper. (A photo copy of this page is said to have been given to the Tanners by Wesley P. Walters of Marissa, Illinois, located at the Visitor Center in Nauvoo, Illinois. (MSOR?) ibid. p.133-135). This they say: "...would seem to indicate that it was added sometime after the page had originally been written."
The Tanners charge that in the "Joseph Smith's Manuscript History" bk. D-1, p.1362, "...INTERPOLATIONS..." have been made. The same sorts of problems & charges are made in early to later Christianity, perhaps another parallel to consider in & of itself. For Josephus writings & historical books were said to have been tampered with. Garretson tells us that: "We have now to consider the references to Jesus,--the incidents of His life & His resurrection--which purports to have been written by Josephus. This reference has been held, by many scholars & critics, to be an interpolation. Edward Gibbon states in his history of the "Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire," that the paragraph in question is an interpolation & that it was not in the works of Josephus until after the council of Nicaea. Here is the disputed paragraph, in full: "Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call Him a man, for He was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as received the truth with pleasure. He drew over to Him both many of the Jews & many Gentiles. He was Christ; & when Pilate at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned Him to the cross, those that loved Him at the first did not forsake Him, for He appeared to them again on the third day, as the Divine prophets had foretold these & 10,000 other wonderful things concerning Him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from Him, are not extinct at this day."..." "That this reference to Jesus was not in the works of Josephus in the time of Origen, A.D. 185-254, may be safely inferred from the fact that Origen was familiar with the works of Josephus & all the Jewish histories down to his time...." Years later "...In Eusebius (Eccles. Hist. Book 1, Chap.II), is an account of the martyrdom of James taken from Josephus; we also find there the paragraph touching Jesus which we have been considering. This is the first notice we have of the much disputed paragraph....Eusebius wrote this about A.D. 330, five years after the council of Nicaea, & the inference is that this paragraph was interpolated in the work of Josephus shortly after the council referred to, for the purpose of supporting the doctrines affirmed by that council. A certain person, a presbyter of the Christian Church at Rome, named Caius, was charged with having made this interpolation, as we shall presently see. This theory has support in the fact that the Greek text of several of the gospels was changed at about this time and evidently for the same purpose. Even the apostle's creed was changed about this time, or a little later. The creed as we have it now, & as it has been written & used since the latter part of the 5th century, contains doctrine which is not found in the creed as originally written & used prior to the 5th century...." St. Ambrose, A.D. 360 also quotes from this portion in Josephus as proof text in response to the Jews. Later Johan Malela, Chronology, A.D. 850 misquotes & "falsified" Josephus, Garretson tells us. Then from Photius, A.D. 860, a bishop of the Eastern Church at Constantinople acknowledged the addition as it was made " one Gaius, a presbyter..." (p.57), On p. 55 of Garretson's book, the spelling of this man's name is "Caius" while on p.57 it is spelled "Gaius" (Which one is the right? Is this just a simple mistake in Garretson's book?) Garretson shows that later writers quote, misquote & even misuse this questionable portion in later copies of Josephus. He mentions "...Sudias, A.D. 980..." & "...Theophylact, in Joan, A.D. 1080..." Garretson also points out that Clement of Alexandria A.D. 193-211 never cites the questionable paragraph from Josephus even though had often refers to the works of Josephus. So also with Tertullian, A.D. 150-220.[37*]
Origen's responded to Celsus (who claimed the gospels, history etc. had been altered), may be also a response that we might want to give to the Tanners & other modern [AM] critics, for Origen said that "...such an allegation is no charge against the Christian system, but against those who dared so to trifle with the Gospels...." or any other historical source, etc. So also in the case with the charges made by the Tanners (that "...INTERPOLATIONS..." have been made in Mormon history), we might say, as Origen did. Please don't charge the Mormon Church as a whole for this claim, but if it be a justifiable charge, or if your claims be proven to be true, "...such an allegation is no charge against..." (the Mormon) "system, but against those who dared so to trifle with..."38*
While making this charge & claim, the Tanners then passed by evidences that would show that their charges are biased. They knew about Morris's book because in their 1987 ed. of (MSOR?) p.135, op. cit., they used his book as a reference, thus twisting again sources that contain evidences for their rival's case, into "evidences" against their rival. For they pass by the evidences that Morris gives, in silence. They quote him as follows:
"It is interesting to note that the Mormon writer Nephi Morris wrote a book on the "Prophecies of Joseph Smith" in 1920. The Church leaders allowed him to published a photograph of the prophecy as printed in the Deseret News for Nov. 7, 1855, but he apparently had no access to the original manuscript. He stated: "It was published in its regular order as the History of the Church appeared in that paper. We have NOT had access to the original record as kept by the Prophet, contain this remarkable prophecy."39* This is were they stop quoting, but Morris goes on to say:
"We have, however, irrefutable evidence which fixes the date of the prophecy some years before the Saints even started west. As evidence of the highest value we refer to the diary of Anson Call, who was present at the time the prophecy was made. We submit an extract from the diary, which was placed in the hands of the writer by the courtesy of Mr. Israel Call, of Bountiful, Utah, a son of the pioneer of Davis County. This diary of Anson Call was commenced at Nauvoo, in 1839, and appears to have been composed in intervals, and not written up daily as is the practice of a few diarists. Consequently, intervening events should be verified as to accuracy of dates. In this way we may account for an error in the date of the record of the incident under consideration. Anson Call has the event under date of 1843. On August 6th, 1843, Joseph Smith was in Nauvoo, &, though indisposed, attended meetings, as it was Sunday. The record of the event, as made by Mr. Call, conforms so faithfully in every detail, excepting the date, that there exists no doubt as to the identity of the one event in both records. The entry of Mr. Call is as follows:"
""On the 14th of July [1843], in company with about 50 or 100 of the brethren, we crossed the river to Montrose to be present at the installment of a lodge of the Masonic order, viz: `The Rising Sun.' Whilst together Joseph, who was with us, told us of many things that should transpire in the mountains. After drinking a draught of ice-water, he said brethren this water tastes much like the crystal streams that are running in the Rocky Mountains which some of you will participate of. There are some of those standing here that will perform a great work in that land--pointing to Shadrack Roundy and a number of others whom I have forgotten. There is Anson, he shall go and assist in building cities from one end of the country to the other, and shall perform as great work as has ever been done by man so that the nations of the earth shall be astonished, and many of them will be gathered in that land and assisting in building cities and temples and Israel shall be made to rejoice, but before you see this day you will pass through the scenes that are but little understood by you. This people shall be made to mourn. Multitudes will die, many will apostatize.""40*
Why did the Tanners refuse to acknowledge the rest of the book by Morris? Why did they pass by the evidences that he gives? They do the same sort of things with an "anonymous" historian's response to their book (MSOR?). Again the Tanners pass by some evidences that are given by this historian,41* concerning the "Rocky Mountain Prophecy" issue. The Tanners mention the situation in their updated portion of the 1987 ed. of (MSOR?) p.142B-C, ibid, but fail to acknowledge the evidences that are presented. This is one of the contentions that this historian had against their book (MSOR?). He wrote:
"The failure to cite well-known evidence that challenges their conclusions occurs repeatedly in the Tanners's analysis of the 7-volume History of the Church. For example it is implied (pages 134-35) that the prophecy about the Mormons moving to the Rocky Mountains (HC 5:85) was a falsification added to the history after the Mormons were actually in the Great Basin. However, in 1964 (eight years before this edition of (Shadow-Reality)" (Note mine: There 1972 ed.) "Stanley B. Kimball published a bibliography of sources for the Nauvoo history of Mormonism (of which the Tanners should have been aware)"42* "where he noted that the Oliver H. Olney Papers written in 1842-40 at Yale University, "recorded the early plans of Joseph Smith to move west...."43* "If the Tanners did not trust that description, they or their widely scattered friends could have the versified, anti-Mormon manuscript by Olney, dated July 2, 1842:"
"As a company is now a forming / In to the wilderness to go / As far west as the Rocky mountains,...if this was not the secret whispering/ Amongst certain ones of the Church of L.D.S. / And could be easily proven if man could speak."44*
"The Tanners are aware that the History of the Church was compiled from a variety of sources (many of which were only loaned to Church historians, to be returned once they had extracted pertinent information), and that the exact source for the account of Joseph Smith's prophecy of August 6, 1842 is not clear. Olney recorded the rumors about the move west in July, and someone else recorded the prophecy in August...."45*
Morris goes on to present evidences for the other prophecies of Joseph Smith, i.e., the prophecy regarding Stephen A. Douglas, made on May 18 1843, recorded by William Clayton who was present on the occasion. 4 years before the fulfillment of the prediction, The Deseret News published the prophecy in 1856, under the date "Wednesday, September 21, 1856." Morris gives us a photo copy of the new paper, but it is difficult to read, on p.113, but the enlarged portion on p.115 show us the prophecy. In short: Douglas would attempt to gain the rank of Pres. of the U.S., but if he was to ever turn his hand against the Joseph or the LDS people he would "...feel the weight of the hand of Almighty God upon" him, he would live to see & know the true of this, & would remember the conversation that he had with Joseph Smith. Douglas did attempt to win the election years later, & he did have a chance to come to the defense of the LDS people, but he turned against them in a speech delivered at Springfield, Illinois, June 12, 1857. (Missouri Republican). He accused the LDS people of having to take "horrible oaths" etc. calling the LDS people a "...pestiferous, disgusting cancer which is gnawing into the very vitals of the body politic...." And he suggested that it be "cut out."46*
Another prophecy that is worth noting is one that has been repeated by different LDS Leaders. We may have seen this warning come true, (in part, thinking that there might still yet be others to come), when Mark Hofmann was exposed. (See: Ezra Taft Benson quoting Harold B. Lee). Benson repeated a warning given by Lee concerning those who professed to be members of the Church, but who would be plotting & trying to lead the people not to follow the leadership that the Lord has set up to preside in the Church. Mark Hofmann & perhaps even the so-called defender of the faith Darrick T. Evenson may be some of these "inroads" pre-warned about in prophecy.47*
In early Christianity, Origen also defended prophecies made by Christ, concerning those who would betray him & deny Him.48* Plus other predictions (ibid. p.446 etc). In early Christianity the different defenders of the faith used a number of different sources in their defense against the Jews, Greeks, pagans, & early anti-Christians. Portions of the "Sibylline" book series were used, i.e. by the Fathers of the Church from Justin Martyr down to Lactantius, "...and the Sibylline oracles were used in support of Christianity until A.D. 195, at which time, it had been prophesied, Rome should be ruined. Inasmuch as the predicted ruin did not come, the theologians thereafter ceased to employ the Sibyls in support of Christian doctrine."49*
The [EAC] Porphyry, (2nd half of the 3rd century AD), wrote a book (his 12th) against the book of Daniel. He claimed that the predictions in it were not predictions but reflections of the history of the time. He claimed that it had been written in the 2nd century B.C.E., where as the Christians had dated it back to 6th century B.C.E.[50*]
1* Israelis, Jews, & Jesus, by Pinchas Lapide 1979, p.88-90. Pub. by Doubleday, Garden City, NY.
2* [ECD] (TANF) Vol.1 p.199-201, 207, 212-242 (DWT).
3* [ECD] (TANF) Vol.4 p.410-11, bk.1 chap.33-5 & p.418-20 bk.1
4* Ibid., 4: p.415, bk.1 chap.xlv. (OAC).
5* Matt.12:24-26 & (TANF) Vol.4 p.406-7, (OAC) bk.1 chap.25, op. cit.
6* Ibid., 4: p.412-3, bk.1 chap.38 & p.426-7 chap. lxvii-lxviii, & p.437 bk.2 chap.14 etc.
7* The Lost Books of the Bible & The Forgotten Books of Eden, op. cit. The 1st Book of Adam & Eve, p.269, The Testament of the 12 Patriarchs, The Testament of Benjamin (The 12th Son of Jacob & Rachel), chap.2 ver. 26-29.
8* (TANF) 8: p.35-38, The Testament of Benjamin, p.37:11.
9* See: #7-10, 22, 35, 42-3. Also: Acts 3:19-21; & (TANF) Vol.4 p.528 bk.4 chap.lxix, (OAC); Rev.14:6-7; Isa.29; 54:16-17; Ezk.37; Amos 3:7; 5:15-20; Isa.2:1-4 Micah 4:1-2; Dan.7:13-18, etc.
10* [AM] tract: To Moroni With Love, by Ed Decker, p.34-5 etc. [PMD] Answering An Ex-Mormon Critic, by James A Carver, pub. by Mormon Miscellaneous, response series #5, March 1983 p.7-13 etc. And: The Ensign, Jan. 1973, H.B. Lee, p.107-8.
11* The Lost Books of the Bible, Hermas, Sim.9:109-111, op. cit., p.247-55.
12* (TANF) Vol.8 p.37 verse 11, op. cit.
13* Isa.29 & Ezk.12:14-16; 37:15-22; Ex.24:4 & 7; Num.21:14; Josh.10:13; 2 Sam.1:18; 1 Sam.10:25; 1 Kings 11:41; 1 Chron.29:29; 2 Chron.9:29; 12:15 & 13: 22; 20:34; 26:22?! Missing letters of some of the Apostles: 1 Cor.5:9; Eph.3:3; Col.4:16?!
14* See: The Book of Mormon, 2 Ne.29:3-14.
15* (TANF) Vol.2, p.490-1, Clement of Alex. ibid. & America Before Columbus, Vol.1 p.205, 208-9, 222, 424-6, 433-4, 440, 575-6, etc. Ps.18:5; Rom.10:18; John 10:16; Isa.55:3-13; 56:7-8, etc. See also the references in #7-10).
16* Isa.29 & Book of Mormon, 2 Ne.33.
17* (TANF) Vol.4 p.415, op. cit., (OAC).
18* (TANF) Vol.2 p.490-1, op. cit.
19* 1 Cor.13; Amos 3:7; Prov.30:1-6; Rom.8:15-18; 1 Cor.1:26-27; chap.2; Isa. 64:4; Eph.4:11-14. etc.
20* Answering An Ex-Mormon Critic, by James A Carver, Mormon Miscellaneous response series #5, March 1983, p.7-10).
21* An Address To All Believers In Christ, Richmond Missouri, 1887, p.30-1, & B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church, Vol.1, pp.164-165.
22* [AM] Op. cit., (MSOR?) p.187-8, & op. cit., To Moroni With Love, Decker p.34-5.
23* (D&C 130:14-17).
24* Op. cit., Decker's T.M.W.L., p.34-5; & Answering An Ex-Mormon Critic, by Carver, op. cit., p.12-13.
25* 1 John 2:18 & also verses 20-29 & 3:1-3, only verse 18 has been given here.
26* Op. cit., Garretson's (PC&EC), p.103.
27* Ibid., (PC&EC), Garretson, p.103-4, see also p.12.
28* Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Autumn 1966 p.76 & The Journal of Oliver Boardman Huntington, Vol.2 p.128-9, cited in [AM] (MSOR?), op. cit., p.187.
29* Lee's General Conference talk was published in the Jan. 1973 Ensign, p.107-8.
30* The Ensign Jan, 1973, Harold B. Lee p.107-8.
31* John Whitmer's History, Chapter 5; also found in History of the Church, Vol.1, p.176.
32* [AM] Mormon Claims Examined, by Larry S. Jonas, p.52, as cited in (MSOR?) 1987 Ed. p.190, op. cit.
33* Research done by Darell D. Thorpe at the LDS Church Library, Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2, 1991. Call slip # MS F 490 Roll 1, Kirtland Revelation Book, ca. 1831-1834. LDS CHURCH LIBRARY Salt Lake City, Utah. In the original hand written accounts, several accounts confirm the published texts that Joseph Smith’s December 25, 1832 prophecy was “concerning the wars” that were to come to pass. Book of Commandments, Laws & Covenants: Orson Hyde, Book B (cont. Ms V). In the Microfilm original, there is a hand written note that says that the said manuscript or book section for Doctrine & Covenant 87 and others, was written in the handwriting of Newel K. Whitney, but someone has crossed this out and put the name “Phelps,” which I suppose is W. W. Phelps. It seems that some comparison of both hand writings is needed here in order to determine who’s handwriting this is in, for it seems that it is in question. Another historical note: “This record was received in the Historical Office from Mrs. Abram Hollingshed, Lyman, Wyoming, and came from a collection of James Henry Rollins. . . . The handwriting has not been identified.” In the original hand writing, however, it reads: A Prophecy given December 25, 1832: “Verily thus saith the Lord concerning the wars. . . .” In another original handwritten manuscript (Folder entitled: Doctrine & Covenants Section 87 (Ms d 4583 fd 42), on the same roll of microfilm. This single page document reads on the reverse side: “Dec. 25 1832 Revelation concerning the Wars.” In pencil, someone has written the following: “original from W. Woodruff’s journal red inked from rough Mss pencilling from Pearl of Great Price”. The other side, with the main writing on it, reads: “A Revelation and Prophecy by the Prophet, Seer and Revelator, Joseph Smith.” This portion looks as if it is a note written at the top of the page in pencil. It appears to be in the same handwriting as the following document, which is in ink. The portion in ink reads as follows: “(Prophecy or Commandment) given December 25th 1832.” “Verily thus saith the Lord, concerning the Wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, . . .” Another original, dated Kirtland July 3, 1835, reads in the original hand writing: “Verily thus saith the Lord, concerning the wars. . .” At any rate, it was interesting to see several different hand written accounts of this prophecy to include “wars” meaning plural. Hence, it is a prophecy about not only the Civil War, but other wars too.
34* In: Prophecies of Joseph Smith, by Nephi Lowell Morris, Morris shows us a copy of the title page of the Pearl of Great Price, as published in Liverpool Eng. 1851, (with the preface dating it July 11th 1851) by Franklin D. Richards, & on p.35 the prophecy. (Prophecies of Joseph Smith, Morris, op. cit., p.7-9). In Orson Pratt's monthly periodical "The Seer" Vol.II, No.4 April, 1854, in Wash. DC, the prediction was reprinted. (Morris, ibid. p.10-11).
35* Morris, ibid., p.1-51. A photo copy of an original hand written account of the prediction is seen on p.41, & is from Vol. 1 "A" Manuscript History of the Church p.244-5.
36* The History of the Church, Aug.6, 1842, see also The Deseret News, Nov. 7, 1855, cited by Morris, ibid., p.52-57.
37* (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.50-8.
38* Joseph Smith's Manuscript History" Book D-1 p.1362.
39* Prophecies of Joseph Smith and Their Fulfillment, p.63.
40* Morris, op. cit., p.64-5.
41* The Tanners quote from Jerald & Sandra Tanner's Distorted View of Mormonism: A Response to Mormonism--Shadow or Reality? p. 15. And in their response to this tract in: Answering Dr. Clandestine: A Response to the Anonymous LDS Historian, p.29-30.
42* To be fair here, it may be that the Tanners were not aware of it prior to their 1972 ed. and later ones, but they have to be aware of these sources now, because this historian gives them, and they have failed to acknowledge them.
43* Response to (MSOR?), op. cit., n.7. "Stanley B. Kimball, Sources of Mormon History in Illinois, 1839-48: An Annotated Catalog of the microfilm Collection at Southern Illinois Un. (Carbondale-Edwardsville, Ill., 1964) 24, in the expanded edition pub. in 1966, this entry was on p.25.
44* Response ibid. n.8. "Oliver H. Olney Papers, Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, New Haven, Conn."
45* Jerald & Sandra Tanner's Distorted View of Mormonism: A Response to (MSOR?) by a Latter-day Saint Historian, reprinted by Mormon Miscellaneous, tract series by Bill Forrest & Van Hale. p.7-8 notes on p.27.
46* Senator Douglas' advice to Joseph Smith through Orson Hyde, p.59. On Sept.2, 1857 the Deseret News reprinted & answered the speech, Albert Carrington was the editor. Morris, op. cit., gives us more photo copies to consider on p.118-9. Other dates given for additional publications of this situation are found in: The Millennial Star No.9, Vol.XXI. Sat. Feb.26, 1859. And after the fulfillment: The Deseret New (A letter from Orson Hyde to Douglas) Ephraim, Utah Territory, Nov. 27, 1860. (Morris, op. cit., p.122-3). Morris give additional evidences for prophecies & their fulfillment, as does also Duaine Crowther in his books, op. cit.
47* The Ensign May, 1982 p.62-4. Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus, by Ezra Taft Benson, then of the 12 Apostles, report of the April 1982 General Conference. Compare: Hofmann's Confession, Office of SLC Attorney David E. Yocom, Mark Hofmann Interviews conducted at Ut. State Prison between Feb. 11 & May 27, 1987, Vol.1-3, op. cit.
48* (TANF) Vol.4 p.435-442.
49* (PC&EC) Garretson, op. cit., p.103-4 see also p.12.
50* (TCATRST) Wilken, op. cit., p.127, 129, 137-143.
Origen wrote that "...Celsus, & they who think with him, allege, "they were deceived," & accepted a doctrine which, as these individuals assert, is destructive of the life of men;..."1* Celsus "...appears to me, indeed, to have acted like those Jews who, when Christianity began to be first preached, scattered abroad false reports of the Gospel, such as that "Christians offered up an infant in sacrifice, and partook of its flesh;" & again, "that the professors of Christianity, wishing to do the `work of darkness,' used to extinguish the lights (in their meetings), and each one to have sexual intercourse with any woman whom he chanced to meet." These calumnies have long exercised, although unreasonably, an influence over the minds of very many, leading those who are aliens to the Gospel to believe that Christians are men of such a character; & even the present day they mislead some, & prevent them from entering even into the simple intercourse of conversation with those who are Christians."2*
In the year 64 AD, July 19th, fire is said to have broke out in Rome & continued for about 9 days. The hunt for the guilty began, & rumors were being spread around that the Christians had been the ones who started the fire. A wave of persecution against the Christians for "...on the occasion of the fire there took place at Rome a hunt for Christians which lead to a great number of them being done to death...."3*
Early Christian also were accused of breaking up the family.4* The early anti-Christian attitudes are also reflected in the following source: "...When, circa 150 the Greco-Rome world begun to awake to the threat which it constituted, toleration came to an end. Already in the reign of Antoninus Pius there was a tendency to blame local calamities on the atheism of the Christians. Under his successor, the storm broke."5*
In these latter times different religions have also been accused of "being at the root of all evil." The Nazis blamed the Jews for the evils in the world. Were ever their is a main group or large number of people of the same faith or race, etc. That group seems to be blamed by some people to be the cause of the problems of the area that they live in. Utah is known for it being "Mormon country" & so we have to endure different ones calling up on the local radio talk show stations to spread rumors or spew forth the latest up date on the crimes in this state. And they attempt to blame it on the Mormons. When I was a talk show host on KZZI 1510 AM Radio (West Jordan), during the years 1987-8, I heard hundreds of callers spewing forth their hatred as if in a contest with each other to see who could bring up the stinkiest, meanest, raunchiest, & horror stories concerning the so-called evils that the Mormons were doing. If some Mormon was to go crazy some where, (as on rare occasions some do, after all where not all perfect you know). Then we were sure to hear about it, or were given the latest up-dates by bitter "Mormon haters" who had to call in to take a "stab" or "swing" at the Church.
I also devoted a few radio shows to this, and presented some thoughts given by the Apostle Boyd K. Packer who gave a talk in General Conference entitled: "Judge Not According to Appearance" during the April 1979 Conference on Temp. Sq. in SLC Ut.6* He points out that when different members do wrong things, they act against the teachings of the Church. And that there are some who seem to want to blame the Church for the different problems that people have.7* But perhaps in some way we have brought on some of these charges, because some of us (including myself) do make mistakes, sin, and are in as much need of repentance & the Christ atonement as we think our non-member friends are. So as in some ways we have some of this coming to us. We Mormons might be guilty also of pre-judging others & may cause some bad feelings & bitterness in others not of our faith because of our thoughtlessness, over zealousness, & "goody goody" self righteous attitudes sometimes. What I am sick of seeing is how the critics (atheists, & "Christian" anti-Mormons & others) will jump at any of these reports & blow them out of proportion, & print them up in tracts, newsletters,8* & call in on radio shows, print them on computer data centers, in order to get out the "latest up-dates" of the horrors & crimes of "the Mormons" in Utah & around the world.
These "horror story" contest that many different religionists & non-religionists ex-change back & forth does not solve the problems. Why do many rival groups (including ourselves & the ex-change that we have with our rivals), go through this contest to see who can drag out the raunchiest, & smelliest rumors, gossip, & terror tales of horror about each others' past? Or recent events in the lives of "the crazy ones" amongst each others' sect? Is it so that each one of us can say. "You see the other religion has this, & this, problem in it, so it must be false"? I noticed that this is what different ones are doing. Critics bring up different ones who have made mistakes, & then they generalize that it is typical of the whole group. Then this list of "horror stories" & "terror tales" is added to the list of "evidences" against the religion in order to show that it is false. Why do many of us want to focus in on the problem, & dwell on the problem, without offering any solution to the problem. Couldn't many of our problems be solved before they got started, if each one of us would follow the basic teachings of Christ & learn to have love towards each other? We all know that we all make mistakes, so why do we always need to beat each other over the head with a long list (as if a chain) of things from each others' past or recent events? How does this ever solve anything?
Time & time again I have heard, read, or come across anti-Mormon attacking the Mormons with these "horror lists" of "terror tales" and all it seems to do is only cause bitterness & puts up a massive wall of hate. What do they hope to prove? I asked one well known critic who was bringing up different situations if He believed that the Bible would no longer be true, if & when different ones who at one time believed in it, no longer believed in it. He said that the Bible wouldn't become untrue because of that. I said so also with the Book of Mormon. Do we measure the truthfulness of things by bringing up a list of who believes in it? Or who no longer believes? Or who is said to have believed, but does not live according to that believe? Many of us do that, & I think that outsiders to other religions use this standard. Many hang their "testimonies" on other people, & when those people do things wrong, or make mistakes or walk away from their former faith. The people that have "hanged" their testimonies on that person(s) such people also lose faith. It may not be to safe a place to hang ones testimony or faith in, but many people do. They depend on others & some are growing in the faith, their testimonies are weak, & they have put their faith in others faith. But sometimes that someone, who appears to have been stronger can "walk of with away with the other persons' testimony. When the weaker in the faith see that the person makes a mistake, or sins. Therefore the best place to hang ones testimony or faith on is in the one who has shown us all the way & the path to follow, & that one is Jesus Christ the Son of God. He will lead us back to that "family in heaven" (Eph. 3:9-19), & back to the Father, towards perfection. Prophets would be my next best place, then the Apostles. Don't misunderstand me here, I"m not saying that we should ignore the other leaders here, (Eph.4:10-14). All I am saying is that I have a #1 choice for who I want to follow. For all of us it is of course Christ. He is our #1 example, & the way & the path to follow! So when ever different ones start to bring up these lists, I have to ask them if their own faith, or the bible can pass the same test & standards?
And yet I know that we Mormons are sometimes guilty of this also when it comes to the mistakes that other non-members make. It seems that we ought to realize that we are all human, make mistakes, do stupid things now & then. And I would hope that the different Churches are attempting to do something about it. But we must keep in mind that Churches are not for perfect people, & we don't start going to our different Churches (what ever faith you might be) because you are perfect, or we don't start reading our scriptures because we are perfect. But because we are not perfect. For what are all these things for? Are they not to help us become more Christ like? Don't we learn things like Love, kindness, & other things of good value? Things for which we can choose to follow or not? So the churches are not for perfect people, but are for the perfecting of the saints, & so also are our leaders, even though they are not perfect either. (See: Eph.4:10-14). Christ is our ultimate guide & example to follow, and it is up to us all who claim to have become aware of his teachings to follow them & put them to work in our lives. And if we should slip & fall along the way, we have the chance to repent (as all of us need to do from time to time, myself included), and get back on the "right hand path" towards Christ.
1* (TANF) Vol.4 p.407 bk.1 chap.26
2* Ibid. 4: p.585 bk.6 chap.27 (OAC).
3* The Birth of the Christian Religion, by Alfred Firmin Loisy, p.187, see also p.185-6 & (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.123.
4* Caesar & Christ (The Story of Civilization: Part III, p.647. see also ft.nt. 8 on p.647, & 701 for chap. 30, Friedlander, III, 186.
5* (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.174.
6* The talk was published in the May 1979 Ensign on p.79-81.
7* I also wrote about this situation in my book: When Our Faith Is Challenged Vol.2 p.6-7 (unpublished). DARELL THORPE, 1988.
8* [AM] hate mail & newsletter: The Evangel ("Exposing Mormonism") by John L. Smith, Vol.38 April 1991 #3; & Vol.38 Sept. 1991 #6 p.3, "Utah Prison Population."
The [EAC] Celsus "...criticizes the books of the Bible. Using an elementary comparative method, he traces Biblical tales to pagan legends, to Platonic theses, or beliefs derived from the Oriental cults of Mithra & Osiris. In this way he tries to prove that, far from containing a new message coming straight from God, these Scriptures only borrow here & there from surrounding human civilizations. He also underscores the inaccuracy of the Jewish claim to be the oldest nation in the world."1*
Celsus i.e. claims that the story of the great tower (in Gen.11), is borrowed from an "older story." For He "...imagines, however, that Moses, who wrote the account of the tower, and the confusion of tongues, has perverted the story of the sons of Aloeus.2* Origen tells us that Celsus also "...makes a jest also of the serpent, as counteracting the injunctions given by God to the man, taking the narrative to be an old wife's fable,..."3*
Celsus also charged that the Christian & Jews "...speak, in the next place, of a deluge, & of a monstrous ark, having within it all things, & of a dove & a crow as messengers, falsifying & recklessly altering the story of Deucalion; not expecting, I suppose, that these things would come to light, but imagining that they were inventing stories merely for young children." Origen response that all these charges are not true.4*
Celsus charged that the Christians borrowed from Plato's Phaedon discourse on the land lying in a pure heaven.5* Origen wrote that Celsus charged that Christ borrowed a saying from Plato. Celsus: "They have also...a precept to this effect, that we ought not to avenge ourselves on one who injures us, or, as he expresses it, `Whosoever shall strike thee on the one cheek, turn to him the other also.' This is an ancient saying, which had been admirably expressed long before, & which they have only reported in a coarser way. For Plato introduces Socrates conversing with Crito as follows: `Must we never do injustice to any?' `Certainly not.' `And since we must never do injustice, must we not return injustice for an injustice that has been done to us, as most people think?' `It seems to me that we should not.'..." Later Celsus continued: "...let this suffice as one example of the way in which this & other truths have been borrowed & corrupted. Any one who wishes can easily by searching find more of them." Origen then give his response to discredit this claim.6* Origen also wrote that Celsus "...treats as mere fables the wonders which are recorded & handed down to us a having happened among the Jews, or as having been performed by Jesus & his disciples. For why may not our accounts be true, & those of Celsus fables & fictions?..."7*
I have heard different Christian anti-Mormons attempt to explain different events in Mormonism's history & publications, in a similar way that the early anti-Christians did against the early Christians. Today's critics will look for similar things or parallels with mythical stories, or tales in outside sources and attempt to charge that Mormonism is only some kind of restoration of "fairy tales."8* I would have to question this man's claims & wonder really how much research he has done, & if he has ignored the evidences that is out there, & has been very biased in his search. I also heard one anti-Mormon call into KZZI 1510 AM Radio with the same sort of charge, and he used the same sorts of words as in the (GM) movie, calling the Book of Mormon a "fairy tale." When I offered him sources & evidences, he kept interrupting me, until I asked him to give me a chance, or stop "interrupting me" that I had some references that he could check out for himself. I mentioned i.e., "A Challenge to the Critics by Diane E. Wirth, & a number of other books, but he ignored & rejected what I said, & went back to spewing forth his unfounded charges & claims.9*
"In order to produce a book equal to the Book of Mormon, one would need to comply with each of the following standards. We challenge any man to meet these conditions!
1. Write a history of ancient Tibet or similarly a little known distant country covering the period from 2200 B.C. to 400 A.D.
2. Include the histories of two distinct and separate nations along with histories of other nations and cultures.
3. Describe their religious, economic and political institutions.
4. Weave into these histories the religion of Jesus Christ and the pattern of Christian living.
5. Be 23 years of age without formal schooling.
6. Start now and produce this record of 531 pages of about 500 words per page in 60 days.
7. Change your style of writing many different times.
8. You must not make any absurd, impossible or contradictory statements.
9. You must add 180 proper nouns to the English language - Shakespeare added 30.
10. When finished you must make no meaningful changes - the first edition must stand forever.
11. You must find someone to finance your book with the knowledge that neither he nor you will ever receive any monetary remuneration for it at all. You must sell it at cost or less.
12. You must ultimately publish it to every nation, kindred, tongue and people declaring it to be the word of God revealed through you.
13. You must invite the ablest scholars and experts to examine the text with care, and must strive diligently to see that your book gets into the hands of all those most eager to prove it a forgery, and are most competent to expose any fallacy in it.
14. You must be able to recruit many salesman to take this history of this ancient country to the four corners of the world...each at his own expense for two or more years. These salesman must return to build their lives around the product you gave them.
15. You must include within your book the promise that if a person will read it and ask God sincerely if it be true, God will verify the truth of it through the power of the Holy Ghost.
16. Tens of hundreds of thousands of people must bear record to the world in the next 158 years that they know the record is true because they put the book's promise to the test and found that the truth of it was manifested unto them by the power of the Holy Ghost.
17. Thousands of great men, scholars, and intellectual giants must subscribe discipleship to this record and its movement even to the point of laying down their lives.
18. Your record must fulfill Biblical prophecies. It must come forth in the exact manner delineated in the Bible i.e. by whom it should be written, to whom it should be given, and what its purposes and accomplishments should be. It must not contradict the Bible in the least particular way.
19. A description of the cultures in each of these civilizations can not have been known prior to your publications of the record.
20. Many of the facts, ideas and statements given as true in your record must be entirely inconsistent, even diametrically opposed to prevailing beliefs of the world.
21. Thorough investigation, scientific evidence, and archeological discoveries for the next 158 years must gradually verify these inconsistent claims and often prove them to the minutest detail.
22. After 158 years of extensive analysis, no claim or fact in the book can be disproven but instead should all be vindicated. All critical theories and ideas concerning your book's origin must rise and then leaving your own claims as the only logical and possible ones.
23. You will need to bring down an angle from heaven and to have four honest, credible witnesses testify to the world that this angle appeared to them and told them your record was true.
24. You must call out of heaven the voice of the Redeemer to declare to the four men that the record is true and that it is their responsibility to bear that testimony, then see that they do.
25. Eight others must testify to the world that in the brightness of noon day, they saw and handled the ancient records and felt the engravings thereon.
26. The first four and the last eight witnesses must bear their testimonies, not for profit or for gain,but under great personal sacrifice and under sever persecution, even to their deathbeds they must never deny that the book is true.
27. For 20 years watch your dearest friends and followers persecuted, deprived of their property, driven across the land, beaten, wounded, tortured, imprisoned, even killed, because they believed you when you told them your record of this ancient country was divine.
28. Finally, after suffering persecution and revilement for 20 years, you must then willingly give your own life in a tragic manner for your testimony that the history of this ancient country you have brought forth, is of God.
29. Your book must be so convincing that 158 years after its publication more than 40,000 individuals, mostly young men and young women, will be spending a year and a half to two years of their lives at their own expense or the expense of their families, bearing testimony to the world that the record is true.
We see one answer: THE BOOK OF MORMON IS OF GOD if not, you are challenged to state its origin and explain its claims. WHERE DID IT COME FROM? It isn't enough merely to discard it as false.10*
Many critics have sought to meet this challenge by using an age old method, such as the one used by Celsus, & other early anti-Christians. The tactic & method that they (ancient & modern) critics have used is to look for environmental patterns, & parallels. They then claim, with what I have called "Environmental Patternistic Theories" that the religious beliefs, practices, documents, etc. was derived from already existing elements in the environment in which the religious leader lived in. Modern [AM] Christians should realize now, that their own tactic & method is an ancient one. And therefore they & their own beliefs would not be able to pass their own tests.
1* Early Christian Civilization by Stan-Michel Pellistrandi 1978, see pages 180-199.
2* Note: Otus & Ephialtes. Cf. Smith's Dict. of Myth. & Biog., s.v.) and referred it to the tower..." (TANF) Vol.4 p.505 bk.4 chap.21 (OAC).
3* Ibid., (TANF) 4: p.515 bk.4 chap.39. 4* Ibid., 4: p.516-7 bk.4 chap.xli-xlii.
5* Ibid., 4: p.621-2 bk.7 chap.28 (OAC).
6* Ibid., 4: p.643 bk.7 chap.lviii & lix-lxi. (PC&EC), op. cit., p.77.
7* Op. cit., 4: p.656 bk.8 chap.xlv.
8* In the [AM] Movie (TGM) an anti-Mormon (which the narrator claims is: "Dr. Charles Crane, author, college professor, expert on Mormon archaeology.") Claim a number of things, among which he says that based on his "research" that he is "led to believe" that the Book of Mormon "is a fairy tale, much like Alice in Wonderland." (See: The Gainsayers, by (the so-called "defender"? of the faith.) Darrick T. Evenson/Troy L., 1989 p.133, part of a "Synopsis of "The Godmakers").
9* Robert F. Smith wrote a response to the anti-Mormon charges that Joseph Smith had borrowed from pre-book of Mormon sources (or pre-1830 sources), & from Shakespeare. His response was published by Foundation For Ancient Research & Mormon Studies, or FARMS, under the title: Shakespeare and The Book of Mormon, (see p.1-3 etc. Provo Ut. RFSmith 1980 & 1983 Preliminary Report SMI80a).
In: DID JOSEPH QUOTE SHAKESPEARE IN 2 NEPHI 1:14? by Danel W. Bachman (May 28 1991). He response to the environmental pattern theory: "Critics of Mormonism often allege that 2 Ne. 1:14 is an anachronism in the Book of Mormon because it is an "apparent" quotation from Shakespeare's "Hamlet" Act 3, Scene 1, lines 79-80. The theory that Joseph Smith wrote about problems of his own generation in the Book of Mormon, and in an eclectic manner drew ideas from many sources is a popular one first put forth by Alexander Campbell in 1831. It has been echoed by anti-Mormons since that time, but as scholarship and study of the Book of Mormon have grown in the same period the "eclectic theory" becomes more difficult to accept all the time simply because critics of the Book of Mormon have offered so many potential sources for its ideas and expression. It taxes the credibility of the student to believe that Joseph Smith, given his very limited education, either knew about or had access to and studied all the materials from which he is supposed to have drawn the Book of Mormon...." He has us consider "2 Ne. 1:14" & Hamlet "From whose bourn no traveller returns"
"The similarity of the language is undeniable; our critics attribute it to plagiarism. Alexander Campbell was probably the first one to suggest this in the Millennial Harbinger in February of 1831. His criticism has been echoed by anti-Mormons for 160 years, such as by John Hyde, William A. Linn, and M. T. Lamb to name a few. I believe the first Mormon response to this question was given by B.H. Roberts in his 1909 New Witness For God, vol. 3. A more extensive discussion was provided in Sidney B. Sperry's, Problems Of The Book Of Mormon, in 1964. In considering whether Joseph plagiarized Shakespeare the following items should be considered: 1. The burden of proof that Joseph Smith plagiarized Shakespeare remains with the critic. Since there are only six words of supposed similarity, and they are not an exact quote, and since there are other possible explanations for the similarity including both independent authorship and an equally striking similarity to two passages in Job, the first thing that a critic must demonstrate is that Joseph Smith was familiar with Hamlet. There is no indication that I know of that Shakespeare, and specifically Act 3, Scene 1 of "Hamlet" was part of Joseph Smith's limited elementary schooling. He was 22-24 years old in 1827-29 when the Book of Mormon was translated. Although it is possible, perhaps even likely, that he knew of "Hamlet" by this time, in order for the critic's charge of plagiarism in this instance to be more than speculation or opinion he must demonstrate with hard factual evidence Joseph's knowledge of "Hamlet."
"2. Those who allege that 2 Ne. 1:14 quotes "Hamlet" have the additional burden of offering some reasonable explanation as to why this is the only place in the Book of Mormon that there is a close similarity to not only "Hamlet" but to any of Shakespeare's other writings. We have little if any indication in his voluminous writings throughout the rest of his life that he quoted or alluded to Shakespeare's writings either regularly or extensively. In other words, at present the best that critics can come up with is a similarity to only six words in Shakespeare, and since that similarity is not a word for word quote, the charge of plagiarism is extremely flimsy. The absence of additional similarities, and the absence of proof that Joseph Smith was familiar with "Hamlet" leaves open the door for other equally rational explanations if one insists on finding sources from which 2 Ne. 1:14 was derived (a hypothesis to which I do not totally ascribe.)"
"An equally good, if not more likely explanation, is that the thought and language of 2 Ne. 1:14 is every bit as similar to two passages in Job as it is to "Hamlet." Since we do have evidence of Joseph's possession and use of a Bible in the years 1827-1829, the honest student of the subject must concede that there is an equal if not greater chance that the "source" for the language of 2 Ne. 1:14 was Job...Job 10:20-22..." 2 Ne 1:14...Hamlet...The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns..." He also tells us to see Job 16:22.
"Some may argue that Job and 2 Ne. 1:14 are not as similar as 2 Ne 1:14 and the "Hamlet" passage because the word "traveler" is not in Job. However, it should be noted that Shakespearean scholars have long noted the similarity between the passage in "Hamlet" under discussion and the Job passages despite the absence of the word "traveler" in the latter. A number of them accept the hypothesis that Job, in one of the various translations which Shakespeare was known to use, was the "source" for Shakespeare's expression. In other words reasonable students see similarities in all three passages. If A (2 Ne. 1:14) is similar to B ("Hamlet") and B is similar to C (Job 10:20-22 and 16:22), then it is not unreasonable to argue that A (2 Ne. 1:14) is similar to C (Job)."
"3. Literary and textual critics are fond of finding the "sources" or "influences" behind the writings of authors. While this type of study has its place and its value two fallacies often manifest themselves in their studies. First, the implication that all thought is dependent and derivative rather than independent, therefore "sources" of "influence" can be found for all thought Second, when similarities are discovered the assumption is that the latest document chronologically is somehow dependent on or derived from the earlier document. This appears to be the thinking of critics of the Book of Mormon when they claim Joseph Smith plagiarized Shakespeare."
"This kind of thinking does not take into account a phenomenon that all of us have experienced at one time or another, perhaps even many times, in our lives. And that is that we have developed an idea which we thought to be unique to us only to find the same thought expressed by others. In other words, people can and do come up with ideas independently which are similar to those of others and are often expressed in similar language. Most readers have to a greater or lesser degree had the same experience as Ralph A. Britsch describes:"
"In the course of a lifetime of reading the literatures of the Western world, whether in the originals or in translations, I have come across dozens of instances in which authors who were far apart in time and circumstances have used essentially the same figurative language, without any real possibility of derivation from each other or from a mutual source." (Cited in Sidney B. Sperry, The Problems Of The Book Of Mormon, pp. 129-130.) Britsch went on to say: "It takes no unique creative imagination to think of the hereafter as a strange or far-away land and of us humans as travelers (or journeyers or wayfarers or whatever else) to that land. I would guess that an exhaustive search would uncover hundreds of similar figures in the sacred or secular literatures of the world, none of which owe any real debt to any others, except as part of our human heritage of thought and imagination." (Ibid., p. 130.)"
"4. If one should grant for the sake of argument that 2 Ne. 1:14 was a paraphrase of Shakespeare, what does that have to do with the truth or falsity of the Book of Mormon? Most LDS students of the Book of Mormon and the history of its translation agree that Joseph Smith was left to express the translation in the best language and vocabulary available to him. If he used the KJV of the Bible and William Shakespeare for elements of his expression, he certainly picked two of the best pieces of literature to ever be written in the English language. That may be to his credit rather than his detriment. It may say something about how important he felt the translation of the Book of Mormon was--that he should express the translation in: 1) the best language he could, and 2) to put it into the language of Scripture with which his generation was acquainted."
"Only those who hold to the mechanical theory of translation of the Book of Mormon, which is that sentences appeared in the Urim and Thummim all Joseph did was read them off to Oliver Cowdery, have difficulty with the similarities in the Book of Mormon to the KJV and Shakespeare. But that may be a problem arising from a false assumption about how the Book of Mormon was translated to begin with."
"5. "Plagiarize" is defined as taking ideas and writings and passing off as one's own." Joseph Smith always said he translated the Book of Mormon through the "gift and power of God." Nowhere does he claim that the translation of the Book of Mormon or its ideas are his. He attributes them to God. Since it cannot be proved that 2 Ne. 1:14 was derived from Shakespeare, the charge of plagiarism belongs in the realm of opinion not fact." Bibliography: Roberts, B. H. New Witness For God, (Salt Lake City: The Deseret News, 1951) 3:443-445. Sperry, Sidney B. Problems Of The Book Of Mormon, (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964), pp. 123-130." (Again from: Did Joseph Quote Shakespeare in 2 Nephi 1:14? by Danel W. Bachman, May 28, 1991). Reformatted here by me. See also: Shakespeare & The Book of Mormon, by Robert F. Smith, p.1-3, etc. 1983 pub. by F.A.R.M.S., op. cit.)
10* Revised from other compilations authors unknown--by John Fugal, 1987.
Celsus charged that the early "...Christians nonetheless "worship a man who was arrested & died," & such worship cannot be accounted better than that of pagans." Celsus also mocked the early Christians in these words: "...The Christians put forth this Jesus not only as the son of God but as the very Logos--not the pure & holy Logos known to the philosophers,...mind you, but a new kind of Logos: a man who managed to get himself arrested & executed in the most humiliating of circumstances."1*
Celsus also wrote: "...this Jesus convinced nobody--not even his own disciples--of his divinity, & was punished shamefully for his blasphemies? Were he a god he should not have died, if only in order to convince others for good & all that he was no liar, but he did--not only that, but died a death that can hardly be accounted an example to men. Nor was he free from blame, as you imagine. Not only was he poor, he was also a coward & a liar as well...." (ibid. p.65). "...If the central doctrine of Christianity bears testing, why should we not wonder whether every condemned man is an angel even greater than your divine Jesus? I mean, why not be completely shameless & confess that every robber, every convicted murderer, is neither robber nor murderer but a god? And why? Because he had told his robber band beforehand that he would come to no good end & wind up a dead man. Your case is made the harder because not even his disciples believed in him at the time of his humiliation: those who had heard him preach & were taught by him, when they saw he was heading for trouble, did not stick with him. They were neither willing to die for his sake nor to become martyrs for his cause--they even denied they had known him! Yet on the example of those original traitors, you stake your faith & profess your willingness to die."2*
I have heard some modern Christian anti-Mormons also use this sort of ill-logic with Joseph Smith. Some critics seem to want to think that if they can proof the "fact" that Joseph Smith was arrested a number of times, he must have been guilty of all those terrible things they were saying about him. Thus "guilty until proven innocent"? What ever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Perhaps the critics would want to give that standard to Paul & others in the New Testament, such as John & Jesus who were arrested, rather than the first.
This brings another example of how some critics select their sources in a biased way, & give us only one-sided negative depiction of history. For on p.49B of the Tanners' (MSOR?) they quote as follows from "History of the Church, Vol. 1, pp. 91-3," "Next day I was brought before the magistrate's court at Colseville, Broome county, and put upon trial...." (This is where they stop with their quote, using the ellipsis or (...). What follows is interesting to consider, for it seem to give the other side of the story of which we sometimes do not ever hear or read of in anti-Mormon publications or meetings, except in a biased way, if they ever do present it. The following is the part that the Tanners have decided not to include for some reason: (p.91) "...Several other attempts were made to prove something against me, and even circumstances which were alleged to have taken place in Broome county, were brought forward, but these my lawyers would not admit of as testimony against me; in consequence of which my persecutors managed to detain the court until they had succeeded in obtaining a warrent from Broome county, which warrent they served upon me at the very moment that I was acquitted by this court...."3*
Joseph goes on to tell about other abuses he had to go through, "verbal abuse" from the Constable & being sent to another county for another other mock hearings. Why do we hardly ever read about this in anti-Mormon books? Why do some anti-Mormons, like the Tanners, leave this part out, that Joseph Smith was "acquitted."?!
This situation reminds me of the early anti-Christian attacks on the Apostles, which Celsus said betrayed Christ. But Celsus took different historical things which would have presented the other side of the story.4* Under early anti-Christian, Atheistic, and the anti-Mormon “Christians” own logic, tactics and reasoning, the early Christian leader and Apostle Paul would have automatically been “guilty” because he was arrested, and the fact that he was imprisoned would have made him a “con man.”
Another historical part that the Tanners have chosen to not present is what Joseph Smith is reported to have said concerning these hearings & trials: "My former faithful friends & lawyers were again at my side; my former persecutors were arrayed against me. Many witnesses were again called forward & examined, some of whom swore to the most palpable falsehoods, & like the false witnesses which had appeared against me the day previous, they contradicted themselves so plainly that the court would not admit their testimony. Others were called, who showed by their zeal that they were willing enough to prove something against me, but all they could do was to tell something which somebody else had told them. In this frivolous & vexatious manner did they proceed for a considerable time,..." Newel Knight tells of the time "the devil" was cast out of him in the name of Jesus, etc. Another part that is left out by the Tanners is the out come of these events.
The Tanners quote as follows from History of the Church Vol.1 p.93, in their (MSOR?) p.49-B, 2nd Col.,: "Mr. Seymour...brought up the story of my having been a money-digger; & in this manner proceeded, hoping evidently to influence the court & the people against me." The Tanners also ignore & don't give us what appears on p.94 of the History of the Church. Is says that the lawyers were able to "silence their opponents, & convince the court that I was innocent."
In the footnote on p.94-5, we read of an interesting speech made by Joseph's non-member Lawyer, Mr. Reid, in Nauvoo, on May 17th 1844 he mentioned the trial (on p.95): "...I was called to defend the prisoner. The prosecutors employed the best counsel they could get, & ransacked the town of Bainbridge & county of Chenge for witnesses that would swear hard enough to convict the prisoner; but they entirely failed. Yes, sir, let me say to you that not one blemish nor spot was found against his character, he came from that trial, not withstanding the mighty efforts that were made to convict him of crime by his vigilant persecutors, with his character unstained by even the appearance of guilt. The trial closed about 12 0'clock at night. After a few moments' deliberations, the court pronounced the words "not guilty," & the prisoner was discharged...."
Mr. Ried goes on to tell of a man who went to "Colesville" & obtained another warrent or "writ" & took him (Joseph Smith) to Broome county for another trial. He says " half and hour after he was discharged by the court, he was arrested again, & on the way to Colesville for another trial. I was again called upon by his friends to defend him." He explained how that he was tired, having done much legal work for the last 2 days & nearly the whole of the nights. "But I saw the persecution was great against him..." (Joseph Smith). Ried also said that "...while Mr. Knight was pleading with me to go, a peculiar impression or thought struck my mind, that I must go & defend him, for he was the Lord's anointed. I did not know what it meant, but thought I must go & clear the Lord's anointed. I said I would go,..." (p.96). "...They employed the ablest lawyer in that county, & introduced 20 or 30 witnesses before dark, but proved nothing....Nothing was proven against him whatsoever....The court arraigned the prisoner & said: "Mr. Smith, we have had your case under consideration, examined & find nothing to condemn you, & therefore you are discharged." He goes on to mention how Joseph's situation & the different people reminded him of a similar situation that happened to the Paul in the New Testament. Paul was brought before the "venerable judge for some alleged crime, & nothing was found in him worthy of death or bonds...." He later says that "some higher power" or the Lord had helped them in that situation, & they were able to escape without harm, & showed that Joseph Smith was innocent.5*
On p.95-6 of History of the Church: "The majority of the assembled multitude had now begun to find that nothing could be sustained against me. Even the constable who arrested me, & treated me so badly, now came & apologized to me, & asked my forgiveness for his behavior towards me; & so far was he changed, that he informed me that the mob were determined, if the court acquitted me, that they would have me, & railride me, & tar & feather me; & further, that he was willing to favor me & lead me out in safety by a private way. The court found the charges against me not sustained; I was accordingly acquitted, to the great satisfaction of my friends & vexation of my enemies, who were still determined upon molesting me. But through the instrumentality of my new friend the constable, I was enabled to escape them..."
We turn again to (MSOR?) 1987 ed (their 5th ed.) p.49B 2nd col. & we do not see these historical facts! Where is the other side of the story? Why have the Tanners, as with other anti-Mormon Christians left these facts out? Why don't they go on to tell people, or admit that Joseph Smith was found "not guilty", was "acquitted" both times, from both trials, or was "discharged"? Why do we not hear or hardly ever read about this in anti-Mormon tracts, books, meetings, etc.? What would happen if the critics own standards & ways of presenting history were used on the Bible that they claim to believe in, as we do? (As we see in early anti-Christian writings, & modern, as well as Atheistic writings) Perhaps the critics standards & tactic, would give us the following: Did Christ talk with devils? (Matt.4:1-11). Was he a perfectionist? (Matt. 5:48). Teach self mutilation? (Matt. 5:29-30). Teach people to do things in secret? (Matt.6:16-18). Talk with ghosts or dead heroes? (Matt.17:3-5). Did Christ call people bad names? (Matt. 23:23-7, 33 etc.) Lose his temper? (Mark 11:15-19). Give himself up to become a human-god sacrifice? (Mark 10:33-4). There are certain tactics that the critics have used to present things in a negative way. Without giving the full historical situations & surrounding events different critics have shown forth their biased selective approach to history that is unfair & even dishonest.
The early anti-Christian writer Celsus also used the early anti-Christian writings of the Jews, who said of Christ: "How should we deem him to be a God, who not only in other respects, as was currently reported, performed none of his promises, but who also, after we had convicted him, & condemned him as deserving of punishment, was found attempting to conceal himself, & endeavouring to escape in a most disgraceful manner, & who was betrayed by those whom he called disciples?..."6*
The Tanners compare the death of Christ with that of Joseph Smith. They make a big deal out of a situation that happened in the case with Joseph Smith. They say that Christ didn't put up a fight. They use as their proof text Isa. 53:7, Acts 8:32 & 1 Pet.2:23. While Jesus did not defend himself, the Apostle Peter tried to defend him, (this the Tanners acknowledge), but the Tanners, though they give a source for that situation, do not tell in this portion of their book what happened, except for a small hint. They write: "When Peter tried to defend Jesus with the sword, Jesus told him: "Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword in the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?" (John 18:11)..." (MSOR?), op. cit., p.259 1st col. The Tanners have decided to not say to much about the verse before 11, for in verse 10 of John 18 we read: "Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, & smote the high priest's servant, & cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus." The fact that Matthew gave a different version of Peter's defense, when compared to John's account of the story, would be enough evidence (under the anti-Mormon Christians' own tactics & tests), for us to "question" both accounts, how did it really happen? (The reader might remember that this tactic was used by anti-Mormon Christians with the different accounts that can be found in Mormon publications, concerning different events, visions, etc. Can the critics pass their own test & standards?)
Perhaps the early anti-Christians may have made use of, (if they had known of these statements), the following selected quotes arranged in a negative way. The point here being that if someone was to be selective in their presentation, a negative picture would result in the minds of those who were ignorant of the whole story or situation. I have seen that this tactic was used in early anti-Christian writings. I've seen it in Atheistic writings, but also in modern anti-Mormon writings. I would also ask the [AM] critics if their own Bible can pass their own standards & tests? Thus, in presenting these statements, it is not for the purpose of attempting to discredit the Bible which I myself also believe in. But it is to show to the [AM] "Christians" & those who have fallen for their tactics, that the critics' own tactics would cause some difficulties for themselves when placed on the scriptures which they & we accept & believe in.
1. Did Christ come as a peace maker? Or as a war-lord? "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." (Matt. 10:34.)
2. Did Christ cause his apostles to be ready with swords when they went to the mount of Olives? "Then said he" [Christ] "unto them,... he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, & buy one.... And they" [Christ's apostles] "said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough." [After they had obtained some swords they went out to the mount of Olives.] (Luke 22:36, & 38, see also 39-51.)
3. Did Christ's apostles, James & John have such a violent nature that they, after having been inspired by an evil spirit, they wanted to send fire down upon people? "And when his disciples James & John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, & consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, & rebuked them, & said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of." (Luke 9:54, see also 2 Kings 1:10-12).
4. Did any of the apostles use their swords that they had obtained? Matthew wrote that: "And, behold one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, & drew his sword, & struck a servant of the high priest's, & smote off his ear." (Matt. 26:51). Luke even gives different details to the story that Matthew & John do not give, thus giving us another different version of the event.
Luke wrote: "And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, & cut off his right ear. And then Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, & healed him." (Luke 22:50-1). Did Peter miss his mark? Was he attempting to split this man's head open with the sword & missed, but "smote of his ear" instead? Had Peter, (the future leader of the early Christians, who went on to become a great leader after Christ's death), attempted to kill this man who had come to help get them & Jesus? Did they have every right to defend themselves & Christ?
Why have the Tanners left these scriptural situations out? The Tanners say that "...The reason that Christ fulfilled it" (Isa. 53:7 & Acts 8:32) "is that he did not try to fight back when he was led to death. He died without putting up a fight...." (MSOR?), op. cit., p.259, 1st col. We have seen from the scriptures above that though Jesus did not attempt to defend himself, Peter did put up a fight. If under the critics own standards & logic, which they say is that Joseph Smith can't be a Martyr because he attempted to defend himself,7* as did also those who were with him. How could Jesus be? Their logic, & tactics if followed would make it sound like Christ & his little "band of robbers"8* had attempted to kill a man while attempting to "escape" in the most "disgraceful manner."9* when they had come to arrest them. And that "...his disciples tell...2 very different stories..."10* And that because Jesus "...was also a coward & a liar as well...."11* He had one of his "robbers" battle it out with the sword against those who had come to arrest them "...with lanterns & torches & weapons...." (see: John 18:2-3). Perhaps, (in a similar manner as the early anti-Christians), the anti-Mormon Christians would have made Christ & his Apostles, & story of Christ's death, sound in the this way (as I have shown here, with their own tactics & logic, etc), if their own logic, tactics & selective methods were to be placed on the Biblical situation, or if they had been Christ & his Apostles's critics.
The [EAC] Celsus charged that the Jews believed in a destructive God who poured down "all manner of evil" upon the earth at different times, in order to "purify the earth of disobedience." He mentions, the great flood, the tower, Sodom & Gomorrah, then says of the Christians, who also believed in the Old Testament situations, that: "...The Christians have added to the ancient myths of destruction the idea that the Son of God has already come down to earth--because of the sins of the Jews--and that because the Jews punished Jesus & gave him gall & vinegar to drink, they brought down on their heads the full fury of God's wrath."12* It seem that if we were to judge Christ title to being called a "martyr," (knowing also that he was more than just that, but the one who brought about the atonement in his death & sufferings), but if we can also say that he also was consider the greatest of "martyrs" by us & Christians alike, early & later. Then how would or might the critics have judged Him had they used logic & tactics like Celsus & the anti-Christian Jews did, or similar standards? If Christ or his Father or the angels were to bring down take part in fulfilling the predicted "wrath" to come. Or if in fact someone was to have died in the storms, or other events in the world, when the elements & nature went crazy, while Christ was on the cross.13* Perhaps in other parts of the earth people were killed. If this did happen would Christ then lose any sort of title or position of being a "martyr" or the great Savior? Perhaps under the critics (the anti-Mormon Christians') logic, standards, & tactics, etc., Christ would, as the early anti-Christian seem to want us to believe that He would. I don't think that he his title & position of being the Savior is threatened. Any more that I believe that Joseph Smith's position of being a "martyr" & Prophet are in danger, because of the situations surrounding his death.
The anti-Mormon Christians have, (in a similar manner as the early anti-Christians did with Christ), attempted to make it sound like Joseph Smith died while in a "gun fight". Most of us have seen western movies, and think of a "gun fight" as being men out in the street facing each other in a big show down. Or of a number of people with guns shooting up the place or town while killing off one another. Joseph Smith's situation was not anything like this, for in his case it was self defense & in defense of his brother, & some of his followers, who also helped.
The Tanners wrote that: "...Most Mormons believe that Joseph Smith died without putting up a struggle, but the actual truth is that he died in a gun fight. In the History of the Church the following is recorded concerning Joseph Smith's death: "Immediately there was a little rustling at the outer door of the jail, & a cry of surrender, & also a discharge of 3 or 4 firearms followed instantly...."14* (Here the Tanners have left out an interesting part which is as follows: "The doctor glanced an eye by the curtain of the window, & saw about a 100 armed men around the door." Why was this left out?) The next part that is not included by the Tanners, tells us that the guards at the jail had attempted to warn the mob, & had fired shots over their heads, but that some of the mob went pass them up the stairs to the door where Joseph & the others were being held. At the door the different ones in the mob "...burst open the door, & began the work of death, while others fired through the windows."15*
Did the guards have the right to attempt to stop the mob? Even if they had fired over their heads or at them and killed some of them in order to defend their prisoners? Or if the mob who was attacking the jail, (in order to murder the Prophet & those who were with him) had killed some of the guards, would they have done it in self defense? Would the mob (which was 100 or more men), have therefore have to be considered as having only defended them selves against some guards, rather than the guards defending themselves? Or would the guards be the ones who would have to be considered as having defended themselves & their prisoners against the mob? How would our critics answer these questions? What about in the case with Joseph Smith & those who were with him? Was the mob defending themselves against Joseph Smith? Or was Joseph Smith defending himself & the others against the mob?
The Tanners don't seem to want to consider this, but seem to want to make it sound like some sort of wild western movie shoot out "gun fight". For the Tanners start back up with their quote from History of the Church Vol.6 p.617, as follows: JOSEPH sprang to his coat for his SIX-SHOOTER, Hyrum for his single barrel,..."16* The Tanners leave out the part that shows that the mob fired first, they shot through the door. It is clear that they intended to kill those who were in that room, they want the Prophet dead & perhaps those who were with him. The quote left out is as follows: "Taylor for Markham's cane. All sprang against the door, the balls whistled up the stairway, & in an instant one came through the door. Joseph Smith, John Taylor & Dr. Richards sprang to the left of the door, & tried to knock aside the guns of the ruffians. Hyrum was retreating back in front of the door & snapped his pistol, when a ball struck him in the left side of his nose, & he fell back on the floor saying "I am a dead man!" As he fell on the floor another ball from the outside entered his left side, & passed through his body..." etc. Was not this mob attempting to murder them? Or were those in the room attempting to murder the mob? The narrative goes on to say that a "...shower of balls was pouring through all parts of the room,..." etc. The Tanners have decided not to include this, but start up with their quote when it gets to the part were Joseph Smith fired his gun at the mob. "When Hyrum fell, Joseph exclaimed; `Oh dear, brother Hyrum!' & opening the door a few inches HE DISCHARGED HIS SIX SHOOTER IN THE STAIRWAY..." (The Tanners acknowledge that 2 or 3 barrels missed fired.) Quoting later from another source the Tanners point out that 2 or 3 members of the mob were "wounded" 2 later are said to have "DIED." The Tanners quote from: History of the Church Vol.7 p.100, 102 & 103). Then they say: "From the information given above it can be seen that the death of Joseph Smith can in no way be compared to the death of Jesus. Jesus did go like a "lamb to the slaughter," but Joseph Smith died like a raging lion."17*
Would the Tanners had felt the same way about Peter & Christ, if Peter had been equipped with 19th century inventions, such as with a gun rather than a sword? Would Peter perhaps, if he had been thus equipped, blown the man's head off & killed him? Or at least shot of the man's ear off, if he missed & hit the man's ear instead? What would the Tanners have said about Peter & Christ if this had been the case, & if they had been their critics instead of Celsus & the Jews?
Other critics are willing to admit that though Joseph Smith killed 2 people & wounded another, that it was in self defense. They use as their source, History of the Church Vol.7 p.102-3. But they want to strip from him the title of "Martyr". They wrote recently: "Our point: the fact that Joseph Smith killed 2 & wounded another does not make him a murderer (I do not blame him for defending himself), but it does preclude his being a martyr!"18* If Joseph Smith had every right to not only defend himself, but also his friends there with him, as they also helped in defending themselves against the mob. He should be considered a "martyr," just as in the case with Peter who fought to protect himself & Jesus at first, & who later died for the cause of Christ as a martyr.19*
What do the critics mean by "martyr"? It seems that they define it as someone who dies, but who dies without fighting for their life or the lives' of others. Mormons would say that Joseph Smith died for the cause of his belief in Christ & the restored gospel. Thus he was a "martyr" for the cause of Christ & the restoration.20*
I have heard different anti-Mormons Christians bring up a very one sided account of the death of Joseph Smith, in different person to person discussions that I have had with them over the years now. And yet I must admit that I have also heard different Mormons present an account of the death of Joseph Smith, in which they have not spoken about how he defended himself before he died. They have called him a martyr, & rightly so! For notice again that Webster's Dict. does not say that any one who dies for their faith can't be called a martyr if they should happen to have defended themselves, or attempted to, when they were killed. Why don't some Mormons present the full situations? Perhaps they are only giving the basic elements of the situation & not all the details. Perhaps some don't know their own history? (As also I have noticed with some Christians). Or perhaps they are even as biased in their reports of these events, wanting to present only a positive account with out all the blood and guts involved. While the critics seem to only want to present a biased negative side only. Perhaps both sides have therefore been guilty of selecting only what they want their reader or listeners to read or hear. It seems to me that if the critics should continue to attempt to make it sound like Joseph Smith died (as some might be led to think of as) a western movie type of "gun fight," rather than in defense of his own & others' lives, having died as a martyr. Then what ever judgment that they pass on Joseph must also fall on the New Testament situation concerning Peter & Christ. Thus if the critics should continue to attack us in this way, they should only realize that they are in a round about way, also attacking their own Bible they claim to believe in, but also their own history. (As their own critics, the early & modern anti-Christians & Atheists have with us all).
In Ed Decker’s movie The Godmakers, those who don’t know Mormonism beliefs in Christ, that he is the one who brought about the atonement, might be led to believe that Mormons believe that Joseph Smith died for our sins as a martyr, so we too can become gods. If non-Mormons are led to belief that Mormons believe this way, this would be wrong, because Mormon consider Joseph Smith a Martyr Prophet, but not the one who did what Christ alone could do, and that it the atonement.
In historic Christianity, however, martyrs’ blood could wash away sins, for according to the early Christian writer, St. Ambrose, the saints, and especially martyrs, could be called upon to make intercessions. For it was martyrs “whose patronage we seem to claim for ourselves by the pledge as it were of their body remains. They can entreat for our sins, who, if they had any sins, washed them [away] in their own blood; for they are martyrs of God, our leaders, the beholders of our life and actions. Let us not be ashamed to take them as intercessors for our weaknesses, for they themselves knew the weaknesses of the body, even when they overcame.”
* STAR NOTES * #48:
1* [EAC] (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.38, 64-6.
2* Ibid. p.65-6. Origen response to this is found in (OAC) (TANF) Vol.4. op. cit.
3* History of the Church Vol.1 p.91-3.
4* (TANF) Vol.4 p.441-2, & 445 etc. bk.2 chap.24 & 34 (OAC).
5* History of the Church Vol 1, p.95-6. See also: Times & Seasons, Vol.5 p.549-522.
6* (TANF) Vol.4 p.433 bk.2 chap.9). & (PC&EC), op. cit., p.78-82.
7* [AM] The Evangel Vol.38 April 1991 #3 p.1 or title page, see "Smith Was Not A Martyr" John L. Smith's [AM] News letter.
8* [EAC] (COTTD) Hoffmann, op. cit., p.66.
9* (TANF) Vol.4 p.433 bk.2 chap.9).
10* (COTTD), op. cit., p.62.
11* Ibid. p.65.
12* Ibid. p.78.
13* History of America Before Columbus by P.D. Roo, op. cit., p.190 & Matt. 27:51. (No one is reported to have been killed during these events, in the New Testament), In different parts of the world other traditions speak of earthquakes, etc. (Bible Myths, Doane, op. cit., p.206-9), & (TANF) Vol.4 p.444-5 bk.2 chap.33).
14* [AM] (MSOR?), op. cit., p.259 lst col.
15* History of the Church Vol.6 p.617.
16* (MSOR?), op. cit., p.259 1st col.
17* (MSOR?) ibid. p.259, 2nd col.
18* [AM] The Evangel Vol.38 April 1991 #3, op. cit., title page.
19* (TANF) Vol.4 p.488-9 bk.2 chap.xlv.
20* Webster's New Dictionary (3rd College Edition), Ed. by Victoria Neufeldt, etc. 1988, p.830 defines "Martyr" as: "...1 a) any of those persons who choose to suffer or die rather than give up their faith or principles b) any person tortured or killed because of his or her beliefs 2 a person who suffers great pain or misery for a long time 3 a person who assumes an attitude of self-sacrifice or suffering in order to arouse feelings of pity, guilt, etc. in others..." We would say that #1 a & b best fits Joseph Smith's situation. You will notice that Webster does not give any qualifications in the way that the critics do. Joseph Smith was one who had suffered & died rather than "give up" his faith in Christ & the restoration, thus he did not, despite the mob give up his "faith or principles". But he was also "tortured" by different mobs during his life! & who died rather than give up his beliefs. Under Webster's definition for who would be a "martyr" Joseph Smith would have to be consider a Martyr.
I have seen this tactic used in many different situations. The purpose & reason for the use of this tactic, as used by critics, seems to be for the purposes of creating a negative picture in the minds of their readers or listeners. If their readers or listeners do not understand the full situation, or have any idea of the historical settings, surrounding doctrines, proof texts, or other elements involved in the situations, then the tactic works has even more negative results. For example how do you think people would react to a person who was to have described hamburger as "smashed up, extra bloody, mutilated dead cow"? But they left out the part that it was hamburger, that it safe to eat, for it has preserved in cold storage. Wouldn't your mind think of some sort of gross looking road side kill?, or of a gross bloody mess, of a thrashed dead cow in some field some where with flies & worms of the earth eating at it's flesh? Perhaps most people would get this negative picture in their minds, wouldn't they? Now in some ways it is true, hamburger has been smashed up, and extra lean hamburger has more red color to it that regular because less fat & more meat has been ground into it. And yes it is true that hamburger is mutilated when is ground up in a grinder. And yes it is dead cow. But that's not how we think of it when we go to the store & buy it. Can you imagine what would happen if our local & nation wide Fast Food stores were to advertize their products in this way. Today's sale: "2 half pounds of smashed up, extra bloody dead cow" such and such a price?
This sort of tactic, (negative descriptions), was used by the early anti-Christian Celsus who attempted to create a literal & negative picture of the doctrine of the resurrection, by making it sound like the Christians believed that the "same" bodies the Christians died with, would come out of their graves. Sort of like the horror movies that some of us have seen in which gross, wormy, & monster like "humanoids" come out at night to haunt the living. Celsus wrote: "It is equally silly of these Christians to suppose that when their God applies the fire (like a common cook!) all the rest of mankind will be thoroughly roasted, & that they alone will escape unscorched--not just those alive at the time, mind you, but (they say) those who long since dead will rise up from the earth possessing the same bodies as they did before....I ask you: Is this not the hope of worms? For what sort of human soul is that has any use for a rotted corpse shows just how utterly repulsive it is: it is nothing less than nauseating & impossible. I mean, what sort of body is it that could return to its original nature or become the same as it was before it rotted away?..."1*
Add to this the platonic concepts & how the body was considered to be worth in the time of Celsus, etc. & we can see how many of Celsus's readers or listeners have been shocked at what he claimed was the "Christians'" beliefs.2*
Celsus also left out an important concept, which he knew that the Christians believed in, which was, that the Christians believed that resurrected body would not be the same old rotten, gross, wormy body, but that the body would be changed & restored, even glorified & perfected. Origen clearly shows how Celsus had distorted the doctrine to mean something that the Christians don't accept. He give in his response a defense of the resurrection & deification. He present many scriptures in his defense. As I have shown already, he presents the words & defense of Paul on the resurrection, & goes on to tell what type of bodies there are & will be in the resurrection. That there will be different types, some bodies will be changed to such perfection & glory that they will shine like the sun with glory like unto Christ's resurrected glorified body. These important details are missing in Celsus's attack & negative description of what he had claimed was the "resurrection" as believed by the "Christians."3*
Today's critics (the anti-Mormon Christians), have also used this tactic as well. In the [AM] Movie, (TGM), Saint's Alive's founder Ed Decker mocks & distorts what he called "Mormons' beliefs" when they are not. Mormon don't think of God, & the other perfected & glorified member of that family in heaven, in the way that he describes that we do. Like Celsus, Ed Decker used the same sort of tactic, the negative description method. He described what critics have called "the Gods of Mormonism" as being "...extraterrestrial humanoids"4* Van Hale also noticed this tactic & responded with a his own version of the Christian faith, under the anti-Mormon Christians' own tactics & negative description method. He turned the tactic around on the critics in order to show to them & others, or how the critics own doctrines or beliefs would sound if it was presented in a negative way, or in a similar manner as in (TGM).5*
These tactics & methods mentioned, are not very fair, & it would be wise for our critics & ourselves (for we to may have some amongst us who it could be shown have used this same approach), to try & be more fair & honest in the future. The Atheists have also used this method as well. For example Madalyn O'Hair's misinterpretation, leads the reader to think of the sacrament in a literal way, instead of the symbolic interpretation behind it. She used a negative description,6* when she said that the sacrament was a "...barbaric habit of drinking the blood of Jesus, & eating the flesh of Jesus..."7* To many of us who know the real meanings behind the symbolisms in the sacrament, we know that it is not some sort of "barbaric habit." It is to remind us of what Christ did for us, the great atonement! We are reminded of this in the symbols of the sacrament, & they are not literal as this Atheist had suggested with the use of this negative description method.
1* (COTTD), op. cit., p.86.
2* (COTTD) ibid. p.86-7 ft.nt.s 99 & 100.
3* (TANF) Vol.4 p.456-7, 460, 502, 509, 547-551, 562-3, 593-4, 601-2, 614, 641, 646-7, 657,-8, 664 & 668.
4* The Gainsayers, op. cit., p.126.
5* Gilbert W. Scharffs also responded to Decker's methods in The Truth About "The Godmaker". (See also: Scrapbook of Mormon Polemics Vol.1 #1 Oct. 1985 p.12 by Van Hale & Bill Forrest, see "Critique of "The Godmakers" Terminology."
6* Acts 2:42-4; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Cor.10:16-17.
7* The American Atheist Sept. 1977 p.25-6. The American Atheist Radio Series, #107 July 27, 1970, entitled: Fanciful Facts About Jesus, by O'Hair.
Compare: [EAC] (COTTD), op. cit., p. 53, 56-61, & 64. And: [AM] (MSOR?), op. cit,. p.48 2nd col. etc.
Celsus claimed: "...Your teachers acts like a drunkard who enters a saloon & accuses the customers of being drunk..." & "We even hear of your eating habits." (Celsus wrote of Christ) "What! Does the body of a god need such nourishment?..."1* Origen wrote that Celsus charged Christ with eating & drinking, etc. "...God, therefore, who above all others ought to do good to men, & especially to those of his own household, led on his own disciples & prophets, with whom he was in the habit of eating & drinking, to such a degree of wickedness, that they became impious & unholy men."2* (Celsus used the betrayal of Christ by Judas, against the Christians), "Now, of a truth, he who shared a man's table would not be guilty of conspiring against him; but after banqueting with God, he" (Judas) "became a conspirator...."3*
Origen later wrote that Celsus claimed: "...Our teacher acts like a drunken man, whom, entering a company of drunkards, should accuse those who are sober of being drunk." (Origen responded): "But let him show, say from the writings of Paul, that the apostles of Jesus gave way to drunkenness, & that his words were not those of soberness; or from the writings of John, that his thoughts do not breathe a spirit of temperance & of freedom from the intoxication of evil. No one, then, who is of sound mind, & teaches the doctrines of Christianity, gets drunk with wine..."4*
* STAR NOTE * FOR #50:
1* Compare [PMD] The Myth Makers by Dr. Huge Nibley 1961 p.210-16. & [AM] (MSOR?) Tanners, op. cit., p.7 etc. & [AM] Honest Questions for Honest L.D.S. p.4 #18, by Wally Tope. Luke 7:33-4, Gen.9:21, (COTTD) op. cit., p.60 & 75-6.
2* (TANF) Vol.4 p.439 bk.2 chap.20.
3* Ibid. p.439 & on page 440 etc., Origen gives his response.
4* (TANF) Vol.4 p.494 bk.3 chap.lxxvi.
[See also references in #52]. [EAC] Celsus wrote: "...This savior, I shall attempt to show, deceived many & caused them to accept a form of belief harmful to the wellbeing of mankind."1* Concerning Christ's disciples, Celsus claimed that they were "unsavory characters" (ibid. p.59). He calls Christ "a liar", (p.61), & that he was "arrogant". He mentions "treachery of his disciples" (p.62). Claimed the Christian teachers taught "vulgar doctrines." (p.75), & "A teacher of the Christian faith is a charlatan..." (p.75-6). Origen responded that the teaching of Christ & the Christians bring about a change for the good, in the lives of those who live Christ's teachings. He wrote that "...Celsus, & they who think with him, allege, "they were deceived," & accepted a doctrine which, as these individuals assert, is destructive of the life of men; but who, from the time that they adopted it, have become in some way meeker, & more religious, & more consistent, so that certain among them, from a desire of exceeding chastity, & wish to worship God with greater purity, abstain even from the permitted indulgences of (lawful) love."2*
The early anti-Christian in governmental positions also looked upon the "Christians" sects as one of the causes in the disintegration of society. Pellistrandi tells us that the "...period of the Philosopher-Emperors came to an end with the assassination of the last of the Antonines in 193." (AD) "The Tripolitanian Septimius Severus was the first in the series of Soldier-Emperors who tried to cure the weakening of the central power & to contain barbarian pressure on the borders. Since they saw the Christians as an increasingly numerous leavening agent for social disintegration & religious division, they took energetic steps against the Church. Imperial edicts therefore forbade all proselytism & all propaganda. In 202, Septimius Serverus was the first Emperor to promulgate this kind of edict...."3*
The early anti-Christian may have also distorted (as we have seen already in the writings of Celsus) the different sayings of Jesus & his apostles & later Christian leaders in order to make it sound like they were teaching all kinds of harmful, gross, & barbaric things. The early anti-Christians & "out-siders" or non-Christians had heard all kinds of strange rumors of "...the ritual murder of a small child was surely inspired by the Eucharistic rite...."4*
Some critics may have caused their readers, (or the people who heard their claims), into thinking that the different doctrines, sayings, etc. (of the Christians), should be interpreted in a literal way, when in some cases they should not be. Some of theses may have been the symbolic types of Christ, & other symbolic rites like the sacrament. Thus, charging that the Christians were drinking blood & eating flesh! But again, only after they (the critics) had put a biased & distorted twisted interpretation to it, to make it sound like the rites were to be taken literal. Thus the charge of "cannibalism" eating the flesh & drinking the blood of Christ!, was spread in the gossip chains of the outsiders & early anti-Christians. Certainly the early anti-Christians could have also used the Christians' "own books" (as Celsus had boasted that he did in his case against the Christians.5*
And so they may have distorted (Luke 22:19-20) in which Christ said: "...this is my body which is given for you..." And without giving the surrounding symbolical understanding & concepts behind the sacrament, the anti-Christians could have used a negative description method to make it sound like the Christians drink blood. Again they could have used the Christians own writings, (in a distorted way, misinterpreting, & taking it out of context), by saying that it was real blood, "...the blood of Christ..."6*
Add to this, how that some Christian leaders, who had been convert from pagan backgrounds, began to interpret the sacrament, by blending the Christian elements with the pagan, & this would give things that the anti-Christian could point to as "evidences" against the Christians in general.7* Thus also in later centuries, by the time when the doctrine of "Transubstantiation" came into some later Christian sects, (in which the sacrament, some how in a mystical way, became the flesh & blood of Christ), perhaps the non-Christian may have also then had even more causes to wonder about such rites, & charged that the Christian were barbaric & cannibals.8*
Another element that may have also caused the non-Christians to think of the Christians as teaching harmful doctrines, & cannibalism, was that there were some groups who had blended cultic rites with Christian elements, thus coming up with a distorted rite that the early anti-Christians said was Christian, & the early Christian Fathers said was not, but that some extreme sects that had gone off the deep end.9* During the earliest centuries of Christianity the pagan cults, & their leaders & members, developed a bitter hatred, misconceptions, misinterpretations, & a intense rivalry against the Christians. The Christians wrote against the pagans, & the pagans wrote against the Christians. Pagans must have also saw the "threat" of losing members to this growing movement,--the Christians, & this also gave cause for many of them to take actions against the Christians. A careful study of the New Testament, shows us many polemical situations that the different New Testament writers were responding to. But also "...these Christian scriptures indicates that Christianity was drawing its converts from a wide variety of pagan religions, as well as Judaism, & these cults were causing much concern on the part of the Christian leaders. There was a tendency on the part of some new converts to interpret Christian teachings in the light of their pagan experiences. Therefore it was then a simple step to return to a pagan practice. Paul's first letter to the Corinthian saints devoted several chapters to this danger, as he discussed the problem of eating foods that had been first sacrificed to pagan deities." (1 Cor. chap.8-11). "The corruption of the sacrament into a pagan feast which he condemned appears to have some carry-over from a pagan practice. John warned the 7 congregations to whom he directed his Revelation to beware of such infiltrations."10*
When these charges of immorality & cannibalism were spread around by pagan anti-Christians & others. The early Christians sought to combat these charges as best as they could. These charges & many others made it difficult for Christian missionaries, who attempted bring in converts amongst peoples who had heard all kinds of wild stories & false rumors & charges against the Christians. "SOMETIME AROUND THE year 200 a Christian lawyer by the name of Minucius Felix wrote a dialogue in remembrance of his deceased friend Octavius...The dialogue consists of an exchange of speeches between a pagan (Q. Caecilius Natalis) & a Christian (Octavius Januarius) with Minucius Felix serving as a kind of moderator...." Caecilius must have also believed in the rumors & charges of cannibalism & human sacrifices spread against the Christians, & pass them on to others as well. For this is one of the things that Felix claims that Caecilius had brought up in this dialogue with Octavius.11*
Modern anti-Mormon Christians have charged that the doctrines in the restored church cause problems, "suicide," mental problems, destroys lives, through "bloody" rituals, & other harmful practices. 12* I have heard different anti-Mormon Christians attempt to generalize that most Mormons & their leaders "lie" & are "killers, child abusers, satanists, cultists, up to no good." I have heard all kinds of false charges, & gossip, lies, & claims made by different "Mormon haters" while I was a radio talk show host during 1987-8. Such charges came from hate groups & very biased persons who ignore the good that many Mormons do & attempt to do. I have heard different ones bring up these claims on other radio stations, & have read such charges in numerous anti-Mormon tracts. For example one anti-Mormon apostate, now claiming to be a "born again Christian" wrote during the Mark Hofmann bombings in Utah in 1985, that Mormon leaders were the ones who set in motion "the avenging angels" because of the "warnings" against "enemies" given in the "Fall Conference" a week before the conference. This anti-Mormon's charges & distorted interpretation of the basic messages of the Conference were shown to be false. No such threats were given, & in fact such extreme actions are against the teachings of the Church. But ignoring this, this anti-Mormon still pointed the finger at the leaders as if they were to blame.13* This was like how some people have done with rape victims, who claims that because they "look sexy" or dress "sexy" they are to blame, rather than the man who raped different women. A classic example of how the victim gets the blame for the crime rather than criminal.
When some Mormons, (just as with our critics who also have had different ones amongst them), do any sort of crimes, or harmful acts to themselves or others. Such persons act against the teachings of their Church. The Church itself should not be blamed, but such persons who do such acts.14*
1* (COTTD), op. cit., p.57.
2* (TANF) Vol.4 p.407 bk.1 chap.26 (OAC), & p.585 bk.6 chap.27, op. cit.
3* Early Christian Civilization, Pellistrandi, p.180-199, op. cit.
4* Pellistrandi, ibid. p.180-199.
5* Monumental Christianity, Lundy, op. cit., p.68-70 & (COTTD), op. cit., p.68.
6* Luke 22:19-20; 1 Cor. 10:16.
7* Apostasy to Restoration, Lyon op. cit., p.107-109.
8* The Great Apostasy, by James E. Talmage Chap.8 ft.nt. #6, p.96 & Outlines of Ecclesiastical History, by B.H. Roberts p.133.
9* Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199.
10* Rev.2:6-22. Apostasy to Restoration, Lyon, op. cit., p.10-11 & 58-9.
11* (PR&TEC), Benko, op. cit., p.54-78, see also: (COTTD), op. cit., p.18-24 & (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.9 & ft.nt.44 p.424.
12* [AM] Movie & book, (TGM) Decker, op. cit., & The Gainsayers, op. cit., p.123-139. & [AM] (MSOR?) Tanners, op. cit., p.398-404B, 474-6.
13* Through the Maze 1985 #12 Salamandergate: What's Behind the Utah Bombings? p.1-4, by James R. Spencer.
14* [PMD] The Ensign, May 1979, p.79-81 Boyd K. Packer "Judge Not According to Appearance" & When Our Faith Is Challenged Vol.1 p.6-7 (unpublished manuscript) by DaRell D. Thorpe.
Perhaps some [EAC] (based on the different tactics that we have seen thus far that they have used), could have taken the words of Christ out of context to make it sound like He was teaching things that would break up the family. Like when Christ said: "Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be 5 in one house divided, 3 against 2, & 2 against 3. The father shall be divided against the son, & the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, & the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, & the daughter in law against her mother in law." (See: Luke 12:52-53).
Dr. Charles F. Potter notes that “one saying of Jesus’ has caused much perplexity among the believers in the Prince of Peace: “Think not that I am come to bring peace on earth: I have not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34). . . . Prophetically, Jesus knew that his message was revolutionary and would cause divisions, even in united families, as the succeeding verses in Matthew admit. Jesus simply wanted it understood that he was no hypocrite, saying one thing and thinking another. He knew that his disciples would encounter conflict, and he was not deceiving them by promising them peace when he really knew in his heart that they were going to have a hard time. They would be hated by some when it was discovered that they were his followers. There is going to be real war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, as Jesus may have learned at Qumran.”
Jesus's teachings of love, kindness, charity, hope, faith, taking care of the needy, forgiveness, & other teachings that helped people away from sins, would cause others to reject his teachings, who wanted to continue in their bad habits of sin. While others in the family would perhaps, on hearing the good news of the gospel, would want to change their lives & live a better life. Thus there would be within that family, as in others, a situation that could cause some conflicts between those who wanted to live the good teachings & a good life. And & other members in the family who didn't, but wanted to live a life of crime, sin, & evil. So with these two extreme within a family there would arise divisions, contentions, & conflicts of interests, etc. Christ seem to have known that this would happen, that his teachings would be against those who wanted to continue in sin.
This may be why also different early Christian leaders encouraged the Christians to not enter into marriage with a non-Christian. And in some many cases marriage "...with a non-Christian was forbidden. Christian slaves were accused of introducing discord into the family by converting their master's children or wives; Christianity was charged with breaking up the home."1*
Celsus charged that the early Christian teachers encouraged children to rebel against their parents, he is reported to have claimed that "...The more reckless encourage the children to rebel. They tell the children that they remain silent in the presence of the parents & schoolteachers only because they do not want to have anything to do with men as corrupt as these pagans, who, did they know what the children had been hearing, would likely punish them for hearing it. These Christians also tell the children that they should leave their fathers & teachers & follow the women & their little chums to the wooldresser's shop, or the cobbler's or to the washerwoman's shop, so that they might learn how to be perfect. And by this logic they have persuaded many to join them."2* Origen responded to this claim.3*
"...The Christians were regarded with no friendly eyes by the pagan populace who imaginations had been excited by the strange tales in circulation about what went on a the Christian meetings...."4* "...Another source of conflict:" wrote Pellistrandi, "If not going so far as to dissolve marriages entered into before conversion, the Church at least tried to prohibit mixed marriages. We also know that she" (the church) "jealously guarded the secret of her central liturgy, the Eucharist, in which only the baptized had the right to participate...."5* Could a pagan husband, or wife trust their christian wife or husband to remain faithful to them? What kind of sexual orgies might they have indulged in at their secret meetings? All these elements, (the false rumors, apostate groups spreading rumors & stories, Christians who failed to live up to the teachings of Christ & who were found to be guilty of crimes, extreme sects who blended Christian rites with pagan & occult elements & rumors of what went on in the "secret meetings" of the Christians, etc.) combined to cause mistrust & problems amongst mixed marriages between pagans & Christians. Thus, some families were broken up.
The [EAC] & pagans must have also heard rumors & stories about the "holy kiss", that Christians were said to have greeted each other with. This traditional greeting may have been also taken to the extreme, or abused by some Christian sects, or by "false brethren" or "sisters" who had entered into the different areas of the Church. Tertullian also seemed to have been concerned about the abuse of this custom when "...he claimed that a pagan husband would not tolerate his wife "to meet any one of the brethren to exchange the kiss."6* "This matter did, in fact, cause problems very early in the Christian church. The Apologist Athenagoras, a contemporary of Tertullian..." was also concerned that the Christians should not abuse the "holy kiss" for erotic extremes & carnal purposes. And warned against kissing twice during this traditional greeting.7*
Benko also tells us that Clement of Alexandria (died ca. 215), also instructed newly converted Christians who had come from paganism that their appearance should be clean, they also "...must abandon a furious mode of walking,..." He also warned them against taking the "holy kiss" to an extreme thus counterfeiting it & turning it into an "unholy kiss."8* Clement also seems to have considered the "holy kiss" an important part of the "mysteries" as pray was. But he was concerned that some Christian men would look at the women in lustful ways, & so he advised men not to look at women at all, "...Christians should not only keep themselves chaste but also behave in such a way as to give no ground for suspicion by outsiders...."9* As time went by, the "holy kiss" may have been perverted by some Christians, or extreme Christians, & thus outsiders may have had been given a just cause for concern that the rest of the Christians had all practiced immoralities in their meetings.10* Tertullian came close to equating the kiss with martial union. The "...[virgins] are veiled because then both in body & in spirit they have mingled with a male, through the kiss & the right hand....""11*
Today's critics, or some [AM] Christians, have charged & claimed that the doctrines, practices, standards etc. in the restored Church break up families. In the [AM] Movie (TGM), a man (name or situation not given) implied the charge that the Mormons had taken his family, because of this he says that he tried to commit suicide. Another man claimed that "they" had turned his own children against him.
Again suggesting to the listeners, or those who see the movie, that it was the Mormons who had done this. Other false charges are made in this movie, such as "the church" attempts to get it's members to "divorce" the non-member who will not convert.
That Utah has "high divorce & suicide rates" as compared to other states, thus the Mormons were blamed for this. That families are "destroyed," etc. Such charges were answered in a number of publications.12*
1* Caesar & Christ (The Story of Civilization: Part 3, A History of Roman Civilization & of Christianity from their beginnings to A.D. 325), by Will Durant, 1944 p.647 see also ft. nt. 8 on p.647 & p.701 for Chap.30. "8. Friedlander, III, 186."
2* (COTTD), op. cit., p.73-4.
3* (TANF) Vol.4 p.486-7 etc. bk.3
4* The Birth of the Christian Religion, Loisy, op. cit., p.210-211.
5* Early Christian Civilization, Pellistrandi, p.180-199.
6* (PR&TEC), Benko, p.84 n.18. "Ad uxorem 2.4, E.T., ANF 4.34.
7* Ibid., p.84 & n.18 on p.99-100.
8* Ibid., n. Paedagogus 3.11, ANF 2.291.
9* Ibid., p.85, & n.20 p.100.
10* Ibid., p.54-78, & p.85.
11* Ibid., Benko cites from Tertullian, De virginibus velandis 11.7. Comments mine: In the early to later Christian marriage mystery rites. The ordinance & ceremony has been depicted with different kinds of hand clasps. The early Christian Tertullian seems to have hinted to the traditional hand clasp.
Many art works & even hand clasping rings have been preserved through the centuries. The hand clasp is often depicted as being with the right hand. Both the Bride & the Groom clasp each others' right hand.
(See: Rings Through the Ages, by Anne Ward, John Cherry, & others, 1981, Pub. Rizzoli I.N.P.I., p.54, fig.7, p.60, pl.114, p.67, pl.136-7, p.68, etc., British Rings 800-1914, by Charles Oman 1973, see 54 Love rings 15th century, A-E. And: Wedding Customs & Folklore, by Margaret Baker, 1977 p.33. Jewelry Through the Ages, by Guido Gregorietti, 1969, p.166.
And: The Art of Byzantium, Rice, op. cit., pl.73. etc. Jewelry 7000 Years, Ed. by Hugh Tait, 1986. Pub. by H.N. Abrams, Inc. N.Y. see p.238, fig. 615, & p.238, fig.614. An Illustrated Life Of Jesus, by Richard I. Abrams & Warner A. Hutchinson, 1982, Pub. Abingdom, Nashville, see p.16-17, Flemish, c. 1488-1541, depiction of marriage.
Also: The History of English Speaking People Vol.3 p.780. New Cath. Encyc. Vol.21, p.809. fig.2-a. & fig. 2-b. Early Gothic Manuscripts (II) 1250-1285, Nigel Morgan, 1988 Pub. Harvey Miller-London, see fig. 107. Encyc. Of World Art, Vol.V. pl. 226, & 279. World Tapestry, by Madeleine Jarry, Pub. G.P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y. 1968 & 69, see p.78-9.
12* The Gainsayers, op. cit., p.123-139. The Truth About "the God Makers" op. cit., & Scrapbook of Mormon Polemics, Vol.1 #1 & 2 by Forrest & Hale. op. cit. See again: The Ensign May 1979 p.79-81, op. cit. Packer.
The [EAC] Celsus, wrote of the early Christians that: "...There is nothing new or impressive about their ethical teaching; indeed, when one compares it to other philosophies, their simplemindedness becomes apparent...."1 A study of patterns & parallels in comparative religious studies, shows us that there are many basic similarities & elements to the basic concepts, & ideas in the different religions, of different times & nations of the earth's history. But there are also vast differences as well.
Because some have been able to find many parallels between the different religions, there are these polemical arguments among the scholars as to where the original patterns had come from, & who had the original pattern(s). There is also a lot of evidences to support the concept & idea, that the gospel has been here before, that the early nations knew of Christ, & what he was going to do, long before his birth! There is evidences to suggest that other nations had prophets or divine messenger sent to them, in addition to those that were amongst the Hebrews.
The Old & New Testament, & some early to later Christian & Jewish writings, have suggested that other nations have also had the gospel. That it was taught from the beginning, & that it originated in the pre-existence. That the "anointed one" (Christ), & the "anointed ones" (Prophets, missionaries, messengers, etc.) went to other nations in different dispensations. That the gospel was preached in other realms of the spirits. And that satan sets up counterfeits, & similar types of imitations of the divine things of God, in order to attempt to discredit the things of God. That these similarities between the divine & satan's counterfeits, is evidences that there was earlier dispensations. Later on in those dispensations there were apostasies, in which the divine things of God had become fragmented, & were later blended in with the satan's counterfeits.
Some early Christian Fathers used these parallels between the Christians & pagans to suggest that the parallels were evidences in support of the fact that the gospel had existed before Christianity. Other early Christian Fathers pointed to parallels in things that were believed by the pagans & Christians. Thus, in so doing this, they had attempted to try & get their critics, & rivals to be more tolerant of the similar beliefs held by the Christians. But also, that they would stop mocking their (the early Christians') beliefs, because, after all, the pagans had a similar views, in some cases. So if they were to continue to mock the Christians, they would also be mocking themselves. For they shouldn't bring up charges against Christians concerning similar beliefs, that they (the pagans) themselves held.
Some [EAC]s must have known of the early Christians' beliefs that the gospel had been known from the beginning, & in other times & places. And yet they charged that the Christians thought that only they would be saved & everyone in that time, & in times past, who were not Christians would not be saved. They, the [EAC]s, also used parallels against their rivals. Rather than as some of the early Christians had done, who had used the different parallels as evidences for Christianity.
Many Christians of today have rejected some of these earlier Christian beliefs, & thus the earlier answers that earlier Christians gave to the [EAC]s may also be rejected, by some of them. How will they answer the same charges as raised by modern atheists, anti-Christians, & others? Such charges concerning why God had waited so long to send Christianity into the world? And why is it, that there are similarities between the Christians & the different pagans, cults, & occult beliefs, in some ways? Was their a bit of injustice in the way God had made the saving gospel known to only the Christians, & not everyone else? The honest seekers after truth may have asked such questions as these, plus: What happened to those who never even heard of Christianity in other pre & post Christian times? Or who died without the knowledge of Christ? If Christ was the creator of the universe wouldn't He have also been able to have gone to other nations so they could be given a fair chance at salvation & the truths of the gospel? These are not only the questions of the critics, but are also of the honest seekers after truth, who asks such questions out of reason, & logic, in their quests for the answers to such questions.
James L. Barker tells us that: "If all are to be judged by the gospel--& if the gospel is the only road to salvation, then the only just plan would be that the gospel would be given to the first man. That this fact has not been believed by the Christian Churches has caused many, because of apparent injustice, to question the truth of the religions they knew. "Tardily Moses was to receive on Sinai, the divine commandments."2 "The objections of Clemenceau (& other atheists), if this false premise is accepted, are logical: Why, if God revealed himself to man, did he wait to give the Law until the time of Moses? Why did God wait until the meridian of time to send the gospel? Paul says that all mankind shall be judged by the gospel..." (Rom.2:16). Barker goes on to point out that God did not wait until the time of Moses. But had made the gospel known in the earliest times of the history of mankind. Even to "the first man" Adam, then on down through the ages in different times called "dispensations" of time, & in different nations.
Barker also wrote how that the Jews had fallen away into apostasy, & thus because of this, for 400 years before the time of Christ, they had no prophets, as they had earlier. Christ came along to restore the gospel & to bring about the atonement, etc. Many of the Jews rejected this because they felt that they had the old laws, & that they were good enough. (Matt.21:23).
Barker later goes to cite from Justin Martyr's (DWT): "One may see among us (the Christians) men & women who have received the gifts of the Spirit of God... there were no longer to be prophets in your (Jewish) race as in the past... For after him (Jesus) absolutely no prophet has come among you." And further on, "We have still among us, even until now, prophetic gifts, which should make you understand that which your race formerly possessed has been transferred to us."3
E. De Pressense wrote that other Christian Fathers (after the time of Justin), also claimed that some of the spiritual gifts still remained in the Church of their time, but that they were also fading out of the Church, or were of increasing rarity.4 For some students in history, the concept & idea that there were other great civilizations that were before the times of the Greeks, who had great insights in the sciences, & other knowledges, this was against the traditional ways of thinking. But such things were forced upon them with the coming forth of comparative studies, & the discoveries of libraries that gave us knew insight & understanding concerning these earlier periods of time.
"...This is an alarming thing to Classical students. They wanted, think that the Greeks were the first civilized people. There is a new book by Cyrus Gordon out on the subject. We always thought of the Greeks as the philosophical people, the critical, the open-minded, & so forth, & the Jews as the poetic & the prophetic. The Greeks are just as poetic & prophetic, & the Jews are just as philosophical & open-minded. They knew each other very well. There were constant interchanges between them." "It was not until 1930 that a number of people at Cambridge who had been working in different areas decided to compare notes & compare rituals of a dozen different cultures at the earliest times, & lo & behold! they were all the same ordinances & the same rites. So they gave it a name; they called it "Patternism."5
Many explanations have been given, as to why there are parallels. Many of the early Christian writers believed that the gospel had been here before them, that earlier nations had fallen away from it. Thus, left over fragments of the original patterns had been scattered everywhere, & had filter down into later traditions, customs, rites, etc., among the pagan cults.
Huge Nibley wrote that the: "Latter-day Saints believe that their temple ordinances are as old as the human race & represent a primordial revealed religion that has passed through alternate phases of apostasy & restoration which have left the world littered with the fragments of the original structure, some more & some less recognizable, but all badly damaged & out of proper context. The early fathers of the Church gave such an explanation for the disturbingly close resemblances between Christianity & other, notably Egyptian, beliefs & practices--all are the remnants of another age. In the present century, an army of scholars,... have been diligently at work first collecting thousands of scattered pieces of earlier customs & folktales, & then trying to put them together like the pieces of jig-saw puzzles, to see whether they all come from a few basic systems or even go back to a single all-embracing "pattern." Whatever the end result may be, it is perfectly clear by now that the same sort of thing has been going on for a very long time & in virtually all parts of the world."6
For many who consider the different early documents, books, writings, art works, monuments, etc. There seems to be a "...great concern for originality. If these are genuine Christian documents & genuine Jewish documents, where is the originality of Christ? This is the thing that worried the Roman Catholic writers, especially, because they liked to think of the Gospel as having the originality & uniqueness of a one-act play in which the human race having fallen, Jesus Christ came & established the kingdom of God on earth, so that the triumphant march of the Church through the world is to be the future history. Well, that is not the story we read in any of these documents, which teach instead the doctrine of dispensations. This is a thing that everyone is talking about today--dispensationism. People are concerned about originality here ... Now we realize that all the basic patterns or organization were there from early times." [They have also been talking about] "...the rediscovery of the Gospel....In terms of dispensations, it has been here before; Adam had it all; Noah had it all; Moses had it all. But they did not give it all to the people; it did not all come down, & it was necessary to restore it from time to time. This is what a dispensation is."7
Milton R. Hunter wrote concerning the meaning of the phrase "The Gospel Dispensations." "...The phrase was in common use among the Protestant groups before the Gospel was restored to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The concept came into use at least as early as the days of Paul, the Christian apostle. In 3 of his letters he speaks of Gospel dispensations."8 "Mormons believe that one of his" [Paul's] "principal statements refers definitely to our day. It is as follows: [God] having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, & which are on earth; even in him. (Eph.1:10)."
Hunter then proceeds to give us the "MEANING OF DISPENSATIONS." "Various definitions of dispensations have been given by Christian writers.... The following definition is given in a Bible encyclopedia: "Dispensations are called "the ways of God," & denote those schemes or methods which are devised & pursued by the wisdom & goodness of God, in order to manifest his perfection & will to mankind, for the purpose of their instruction, discipline, reformation & advancement in rectitude of temper & conduct, in order to promote their happiness.... The sacred scriptures reveal & record several dispensations of Divine Providence, which have been directed to the promotion of the religious principles, moral conduct & true happiness of mankind. These have varied in several ages of the world, & have been adapted by the wisdom & goodness of God to the circumstances of his intelligent & accountable creatures. In this sense the various revelations which God has communicated to mankind at different periods, & the means he has used, as occasion has required, for their discipline & improvement, have been justly denominated divine dispensations."9
In the next portion of his book, Hunter goes into some general details concerning the different dispensations.10 Because different parts, fragments, & bits of the gospel had been preserved here & there. Different ones have selected the different parallels in order to attempt to understand the whole picture to the puzzle. "One of the central problems in any discussion of the origins of Christianity is the question of its relationship to earlier sects within Judaism.... In the...description of the life & thought of the Qumran community, many theological & social comparisons may have been noted between..." variations "...of Judaism." "The sectaries practiced baptism & held ceremonial, cultic meals; they lived in expectation of a Messiah; they upheld a doctrine of dual realms, & spoke of a "New Covenant;" they saw themselves as a company of the "Elect," forming a knew spiritual temple." "The ruling assembly of Qumran & the Essenes, the "rabbim" or the "many," finds a parallel in the New Testament." "From among the body of the "rabbim," 12 laymen & 3 priests made up a ruling Council. There is a striking parallel to the 12 Apostles who governed the early Church in Jerusalem, not only with regard to the number 12, which is firmly rooted in Old Testament tradition, going back to the 12 tribes of Israel, but also with regard to their function in eschatological renewal of ancient Israel,..." Lk.22:30 "...In conclusion, the question of direct influence from Qumran must remain open. Many of the parallels between Qumran & the early church can be explained in terms of their common foundation in the Old Testament, though there are detailed resemblances which suggest a more immediate common ancestor... Even if direct connections could be demonstrated, then the notable differences in principle & practice would show that the early Christians did not simply borrow earlier patterns, but adapted & altered them to suit their own circumstances."11
"In recent years the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls... A partial news report on the findings of such archaeologists as English-born G. Lankester Harding, Director of the Jordanian Department of Antiquities, is as follows: "Most startling disclosure of the Essene documents so far published is that the sect possessed, years before Christ, a terminology & practice that have always been considered uniquely Christian. The Essenes practiced baptism & shared a liturgical repast of bread & wine presided over by a priest. They believed in redemption & in the immortality of the soul. Their most important leader was a mysterious figure called the Teacher of Righteousness, a Messianic prophet-priest blessed with divine revelation, persecuted & perhaps eventually martyred."
"Many phrases, symbols & precepts similar to those in Essene literature are used in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospel of John & the Pauline Epistles. John the Baptist's use of baptism has led some scholars to believe that he was either an Essene or strongly influenced by the sect. The scrolls have also given fresh impetus to the theory that Jesus may have been a student of Essene thought. It is notable that the New Testament never once mentions the Essenes, though it casts frequent aspersions on the two other leading sects, the Sadducees & the Pharisees." --Publisher"12
The fact that baptism, anointing, hand clasping, creation dramas, & other teachings, sayings, gestures, concepts, symbols, mysteries or ordinances. And other similar types of things, can be seen in the writings, monuments, rituals, etc., of pre-Christian nations. Is a thing that has been challenging to those who have had an erroneous conception about the gospel. Which concept is, that it all originated with Christ* & the apostles, at the time of their earthly missions. However, even the New Testament writers have acknowledged that the Old Testament was types & shadows, or hints of that which was to come in their days, & in the future. That the Prophets of old, knew that Christ would restore again, things that had been lost during an apostasy. Thus being head of the dispensation of His time in the flesh, while He was on earth. They also knew that He would show the people higher laws over those from that of the old ways. But not only would He bring back many lost truths that had been known to the Prophets of old, but He would give to them the higher laws over the former ones. [Note * If we accept the doctrine of the pre-existence of Christ. And if Christ, the WORD, had presented the gospel plan in the pre-existence. And then to the prophets throughout the ages & dispensations. If that was the case, then we could say, in a sense, that the gospel originated in Christ.]
This is clearly shown in His words in `the sermon on the mount' (Matt. c.5-7), in which he repeatedly says: "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time..." "But I say unto you..." He showed them how to solve many problems before they got started, where as the older laws dealt with the problems after they had arisen. Christ took them back to the very beginning & root of where some problems first start, in the mind. Thus, if you should think lustful thoughts towards others, such thoughts may become actions of sins, therefore don't think such thoughts. (Matt. 5:27-28 etc.) So in restoring them to higher laws, He says that He was not sent to "destroy the law, or the prophets...but to fulfil."13
The idea or concept of new revelation from heaven, was also part of this on going process in climbing higher towards higher laws & knowledges. Some of these revelations had been known to some of the Prophets before, & such Prophets had given some of these higher knowledges to the people. But also we read that there are some truths that have never been revealed before in prior dispensations, that were made known in later ones. Thus, this on going climb upwards, in mankind's quest for higher, & newly discovered truths. Many of which had not been revealed to the earlier Prophets, or to the people, but were made known to later ones, & later generations.
T. Edgar Lyon wrote that: "One of the erroneous ideas that had dominated religious thinking of western civilization was that the religious & theological truths in Christianity had their beginning with the teachings of Jesus & the spiritual awakening of the apostles on the day of Pentecost. The almost universal prevalence of this idea is indicative of 3 defects in the investigation of historical records. 1st it shows a lack of acquaintance with the teachings of the apostles, Peter & Paul. 2nd, it betrays a failure to comprehend the understanding which early Christian writers possessed, that the gospel was formulated before the creation of the earth. 3rd, in recent times the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has reemphasized the antiquity of the gospel."14
"Paul's View of the Antiquity of the Gospel." "...Paul made a clever application of the idea that the gospel was not new. Paul had been absent for a long time from the 4 branches of the church he had established in southern Galatia. These were in the cities of Pisidain Antioch, Iconium, Lystra & Derbe. During his absence some of his former converts were won over to another way of religious living & thinking. For what he wrote in his epistle, as well as what ancient Christian writers & scriptural commentators recorded, is" [that it was] "evident that some "Judaizers" had come among his flock. These were Christian Jews, who, although they had accepted Jesus, insisted that no one could be saved who did not continue to obey the Law of Moses even after having been admitted by baptism into Christ's Church. They felt that Judaism must be taken into Christianity & made part of it. When Paul received word of this situation, he wrote his Epistle to the Galatians. In many respects it is the most vehement & harshest of all his writings. After asking some pointed questions concerning the source of their knowledge of Christ, he pointed out that it had not come from their observance of the Law of Moses. Then he declared that if they were to rely on the Law of Moses to save them, they were in reality rejecting the atoning sacrifice of Christ." (Gal.5:1-6). "...Paul..." (also wrote) "...God...preached before the gospel unto Abraham... (Ver.8). He then pointed out that Moses lived several centuries after Abraham & that the Law of Moses was not given until 4 centuries after the death of Abraham. If, then, he reasoned with them, your Judaizer teachers say there is no salvation except through the observance of the Law of Moses, how could Father Abraham ever hope to be saved? Paul's pertinent answer to this dilemma is found in the following reasoning: The gospel is of greater antiquity than the Law of Moses, ante-dating the Law of Moses by a least 4 centuries; hence, if the Law of Moses were essential to salvation, as the Judaizers claimed, Abraham & all who died prior to the time of Moses, including Adam, would have no chance to be saved, since they never knew of the Law of Moses...."15
This was one of the big problems that the different people have had to face, & they had to over come. For when the early Christian missionaries began to preach this new religion in their area. They saw this new religion on the rise. It had similar concepts & many parallels, but also differences with the older ones. It claimed to be newly restored from the heavens, or revealed anew in that time. That the others were in a state of apostasy & had lost it.
For many people of those early times, this was a hard thing to accept, because they were locked into the older traditions that had gained acceptance, & had political backing. Thus many rejected the new revelations that came along in their day in time. The [EAC]s seem to have also been aware of this problem & challenge that the people had to over come. And so they took advantage of it, by claiming that this new religion, that was on the rise, had "nothing original" about it. For, the ancient critics charged that, it was derived from the different sects of the area, in which it had come out of. They pointed to the parallels, while in some cases, they ignored the differences. And by doing this, they claimed that the new religion of Christianity had borrowed from older religions. Or was really only a break off branch from the older ways, & religions, thus claiming to have new revelation from heaven. We see this sort of logic & tactics in the writings of Celsus, & others.16
Lyon also wrote: "...Among the writers of early Christianity are to be found statements which indicate that these early Fathers shared a similar concept with Paul & Peter. Their statements note the implication concerning this phase of the antiquity of the gospel. Ignatius, writing to the church of Philadelphians, expressed his understanding in these words: "He (Jesus) is the door of the Father, through which enter Abraham & Isaac & Jacob & the Prophets & the Apostles of the Church. All these things are joined in the unity of God." (IX, 1)"17
"The unknown writer of the Shepherd of Hermas (Vis. 2,iv,1), said, "She [the church, which he uses interchangeably with the gospel] was created the first of all things & for her sake was the world established." In II Clement, XIV, 2, there is written, "And moreover the books of the Apostles declare that the Church belongs not to the present, but has existed from the beginning." The same author, in the proceeding verse wrote, "Thus brethren, if we do the will of the Father, God, we shall belong to the first Church, the spiritual one which was created before the sun & the moon." Lyon then wrote: "From the foregoing it seems evident that in the early Christian period the missionaries & later the church rulers were aware that the gospel existed prior to the advent of the Savior."18
The Book of Enoch (62:7-8), identifies certain members of the council in heaven, in the pre-existence, as pre-existing saints. There is also this idea about which Albert Schweitzer wrote about. That of this ancient pre-existing church. How old is the gospel then? It is as old as the earth, & pre-existed in the heavens, as part of the church of the pre-existence.[See n.18]
Lyon continued: "...Another idea that appears in the writings of the early Christian Fathers is that the gospel had been on the earth during a number of different periods previous to the opening of the Christian era. These periods, during which the gospel had been known & then lost for a season, necessitating it's restoration even as in our own time, were referred to as dispensations, or epochs of special spiritual favor. Toward the close of the 2nd century, Irenaeus of Lyons wrote a defense of Christianity against those who attacked it because of its supposed newness. These opponents of Christianity argued that being new it could not be divine, as it had arrived too late in the history of mankind to offer salvation to those who had lived thousands of years earlier. To this Irenaeus replied: "Thus were they perfected who knew one & the same God, who from beginning to end was present with mankind in the various dispensations; as the prophet Hosea declares: "I have filled up visions, & used similitudes by the hands of the prophets."19
"Kirsopp Lake, in the introduction to his translation of Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, says that Eusebius: "...maintains that the teaching of Christianity was neither new nor strange...It had been followed centuries before by Abraham & Moses & later prophets; & the religion of the patriarchs was identical with that of the Christians...The student of church history will have little difficulty in recognizing that this teaching is in direct line of Justin Martyr, Aristides, Clement of Alexandria & Cyprian."20
And: "...Scholars who deal with ancient religious documents had known for many years of some of the doctrinal & devotional books of the Jewish sect of the Essenes. It was at one of their headquarters at Qumran, near the Dead Sea, that the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the recent past. These little-known writings of this Jewish community contain certain teachings that are found in the New Testament where they are attributed to Jesus, yet they ante-date the appearance of Jesus in mortality by a century or more. This has been assumed by some people to indicate that Jesus was either a member of their group & that he was instructed by them, or that he studied their scriptures & appropriated them for his own teachings. There is, however, a much more satisfactory explanation to be found in the teaching that the gospel is an eternal plan which was formulated in the heavens before the creation of the world. Starting from this premise, any similarities that exist between the teachings of Jesus & the writings of the Essenes are seen to have come from a common source, namely the gospel that was formulated before the creation."21
As I have mentioned already, The Shepherd of Hermas tells us in parable form, that Christ pre-existed, that he was in council with his Father at the creation of all things. But also that he would appear in the last days in the fullness of times, which many of the early Christians believed that they were in. Many of them thought that Christ would soon return. Even some of the early apostles were mistaken in this, as was also some of the early Christians after them. For the `last days' & dispensation of the fullness of times was yet to come, at some future time, in the 1800s A.D.22 The early Church historian, Eusebius, [4th cent. A.D.], wrote of Christ, as having pre-existed, & that He was the Messenger of the great council23 The gospel is said to have originated in this heavenly council before the world was formed. It is also interesting that the parable, & similitudes of Hermas mentions Christ as "the gate" or perhaps door. Doors, gates, & entrance ways are symbolic in early to later Christianity of a number of things, as mentioned before. "But the Gate is therefore new, because He appeared in the last days in the fullness of time; that they who shall attain unto salvation, may by it enter into the kingdom of God." In verse 109 of Similitude 9. The gate, is symbolic for the Son of God, Jesus Christ.24
The doctrine of the "2 ways" was taught by Christ who said "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, & broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, & many there be which go thereat: Because strait is the gate, & narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, & few there be that find it." (Matt.7:13-14).
It is interesting to note, that early to later Christian writings, & art works. Depict hand clasping at doorways, gate-ways, & passage ways into other realms. Also while going down in, & coming up out of lower realms such as hades, limbo, or the spirit prison, etc. Veils are also symbolic of Christ in some cases, (Heb.10:16-22). And it was before, & through veils that "rites of passage" handclasps took place in early to later Christian mystery dramas.(See: N.24.)
Since The Shepherd of Hermas, in a symbolical way, is hinting to the different mysteries of the Kingdom of God in these Similitudes. It is also interesting to note that the writer seems to hint of the times of a new dispensation. The dispensation of "the fullness of time." In which Christ, & perhaps even the gospel, it's mysteries or ordinances, it's temple rituals, etc. Would all be brought back again for the salvation of the human family in that later day dispensation. Peter also predicted that Christ would be sent at a time of refreshing & restitution. (Acts 3:19-21 & Eph.1:10). In early Christian thought, many of the earliest Christian writers taught that Christ, the gospel, the church, & mankind in general, all pre-existed in the heavenly realms, before the world was formed & made. Ignatius, calls Christ the "door," through which entered the different saints of different dispensations. Except in this portion of Ignatius, the dispensation of the fullness of times, is not mentioned as it is in the 3rd bk. of Hermas.25
Arthur Cushman McGiffert, made reference to Hermas, & other early Christian writings concerning the pre-existence. "As a divine being Christ was naturally thought of as existing before his appearance on earth. In 2nd Clement he is referred to as being at first spirit & then becoming flesh." (n.4: 2 Clem. 9:5; cf. 14:2; &: Barn. 5:5.) "And in the Shepherd of Hermas we have the following striking passage: "First of all, Sir, I said, tell me this, the rock & the door, what is it? This rock & door, he said, is the Son of God. How Sir, I said, is the rock ancient but the door new? Hear, he said, foolish man, & understand. The Son of God is older than all his creation, so that he became the Father's counsellor in his creation; therefore the rock is ancient. But why, Sir, I said, is the gate new? Because, he said, he was made manifest in the last days of the consummation; therefore the gate was made new that those who are to be saved may enter through it into the Kingdom of God." (A History of Christian Thought, 1: p.71-2, n.1 on p.72, Hermas, Sim.9.12:1-3.)
Seaich tells us that: "...The area of greatest contact between Jewish & Christian pre-existence doctrines was in the literature of apocalyptic, which taught that the entire Community of Israel (later "the Church") had a corporate pre-existence in heaven. This becomes the "pre-existent," or "heavenly Jerusalem"26 etc... whose members were sent to earth as "colonists from heaven" to prepare for the establishment of God's kingdom."..."27
This concept, (the pre-Christian time gospel), was also believed by Origen (about 185-254 AD).28 As mentioned before, Origen responded to Celsus' attacks, some of which Celsus had wondered why Christ had taken so long in sending forth salvation. He asked, how do Christians expect that the pre-Christian time nations could have been saved? Origen says that the Gospel was preached throughout the world by Christ, & by prophets or anointed ones, who were thus called by God. They were even visited by Christ in the different areas, times, & dispensations that they were in, & the different place that they were at. This was also Origen's response to Celsus' charge that the Christians were only apostates from the Jews, & that they had borrowed the different similar concepts & doctrines from others. Celsus had noticed that there were similarities & parallels between pre-Christian pagans, & Jewish sects, that could be compared to those of the early Christians of his time (Celsus wrote about 170-8 or 180 AD).29 Origen also "..."Tried to convince the pagans that Christianity is not a new religion, but that it goes back to the birth of humanity."30
Barker cites Mourret, Les Origines Chretiennes, p.316, to point out that Justin (died a martyr at Rome 166), Theophilus of Antioch (died 190), St. Irenaeus (about 200), Tertullian (160-220), Clement of Alexandria (150-211), & Origen (185-243),31 who he says "...repeat insistently that it is the Verb (Jesus) who revealed himself to men in the divine appearances of the Old Testament."32 Barker also cites Justin Martyr (103-166) AD as having written in his (DWT): "But Jesus is indeed he who appeared & spoke to Moses, to Abraham & in a word, to all the other patriarchs, to serve the will of his Father; it is he who came to be born a man by the Virgin Mary, & he is one still."33
Barker made reference to Tixeront who had used a quote from Irenaeus, who had died a martyr (about "205" A.D., according to Barker). "Man having been lost, God,"..."worked to save him progressively, giving him in succession the 4 testaments (dispensations) from Adam to Noah, from Noah to Moses, from Moses to Jesus Christ, & the New Testament (dispensation) by our Lord Jesus Christ."34
Some of the later Christian Fathers also maintained that the gospel was known to the Old Testament people before the Christian era. In the 4th cent. AD, Gregory of Nyssa wrote that their were types & hints of the gospel in the Old Testament. He wrote: "I find that not only do the Gospels, written after the Crucifixion, proclaim the grace of Baptism, but, even before the Incarnation of our Lord, the ancient Scripture everywhere prefigured the likeness of our regeneration; not clearly manifesting its form, but foreshowing, in dark sayings, the love of God to man. And as the Lamb was proclaimed by anticipation, & the Cross was foretold by anticipation, so, too, was Baptism shown forth by action & by word. Let us recall its types to those who love good thoughts--for the festival season of necessity demands their recollection."35
Roger Adam wrote in his thesis, that many early Christian Fathers taught with typologies: "TYPOLOGY--- That the realities of the Old Testament are figures of the New is one of the principles of biblical theology. This science of the similitudes between the 2 testaments is called typology. The foundations of this was laid by the apostles in their preaching that Christ continues & goes beyond the Old Testament. Paul states, "Now all these things happened to them as a type &, they were written for our correction" (1 Cor.10:11)." "...Most importantly the Savior himself set the pattern when He stated, "For as Jonas was three 3 days & 3 nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be 3 days & 3 nights in the heart of the earth" (Matt.12:40)."
"It is necessary to understand that typology deals not only with the life of Jesus, but of the Church & its sacraments as well. An example of sacramental typology is found in Jn.6:31, 49-51, where we are informed that the manna was a figure of the bread of the sacrament. Important for this study is the 1st Ep. of Paul to the Corithians (1 Cor.10:1-3) & the 1st Ep. of Peter where we learn that the flood was also a figure of baptism (1 Pet.3:18-21). What did the early church fathers understand by such typology, & what comments do they give by way of explanation? An examination of their writings should shed some light upon actual practice in the early centuries."36
Baptism & the descent in & ascent out of the underworld, the pit, hades, limbo, the grave, etc, are types of each other in early to later Christian symbols, as Roger Adams, & others have shown. Other cases or examples of "typology" is seen in the words of Jesus concerning the serpent that Moses had lifted up so that those who should look at it could be healed. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:..." (Jn.3:14, Num. 21:5-9). Paul also, in symbolic terms, called Christ "the last Adam." But this is said to be absent in the Qumran doctrine, or at least the Christology of the New Testament "...speaks of a heavenly saviour, the "Son of Man," the 2nd Adam, terms which are absent in the Qumran doctrine."37 While in 1 Cor.15:44-5, if people were not aware of the typology & similitude that Paul was showing, someone might misinterpreted it as if Paul was saying that Christ was Adam in a literal way, when this would not be what Paul had in mind. Paul also used typology in Rom.5:14, as also with baptism in Col.2:12. In the 4th cent. Cyril of Jerusalem also used a type of Christ by calling Christ "...the true Noah..." he was not saying that Christ & Noah were the same person, but was showing a type of Christ, in the saving wood of the ark, as in also the saving wood of the cross.38 For as Noah was saved from the flood through the wood of the ark, so also does salvation come through Christ, who died on the wood of the cross. The list of such typologies goes on & on.
When Christ said: "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: & they are they which testify of me." (Jn.5:39). He perhaps was not talking about the New Testament, because it was not compiled yet at that time. But was being acted out, live, at the time he said that. When Christ opened the scriptures & the prophecies concerning himself to 2 people, (Lk.24:13-35). He did not have the New Testament Scriptures, for they were not yet written, but where then being acted out live. So there must have been many hints & types that He could have shown them in the Old Testament scriptures, & other Jewish writings that predicted his dispensation. During the centuries that followed the early to later Christians used the Old & New Testament together & demonstrated the different types & similitudes of Christ.39
Milton R. Hunter wrote: "The study of comparative religions during the past 100 years has brought to light a surprising & significant succession of similarities in the beliefs & practices of the major world religions as well as the Mystery Religions... The people of Greece, Italy, Egypt, Palestine, Mesopotamia, & India, as well as the aborigines of America & the inhabitants of far-off China, had similar rituals & creeds. Scholars have marveled over this "golden thread," this trace of similarity, which can be followed throughout the religious history of man."
"Among the world-wide concepts are: a belief in a golden age in the past & a Utopia in the future; a belief in a Messiah & the virgin birth of "savior-gods;" a belief in the overruling power of Deity; a belief in demons, sin, rewards, punishments, & in the efficacy of baptism & of the eucharist or sacrament."40
Alexander W. Bradford [in 1841] wrote that in India " custom recently existing is remarkable as being similar to that which was practiced by the Mexicans & Etrurians. It consisted in the sacrifice, annually, of a youth & maiden richly dressed, by drowning them in their sacred river."41 "To the lake of Titicaca & Guativita in South America, it was customary for the natives to make pilgrimages, & in the latter, offerings of great value were thrown. These were strictly analogous to the Hindoo pilgrimages to their sacred streams. In the Hindoo temples are tanks of water, surrounded by colonnades & steps, whither the pilgrims descended to employ themselves in ablutions & religious contemplations." (Heeren's Res., v.3 p.81). "Tanks precisely similar may be observed in the ruins of Zacatecas in Mexico...."42 Though such practices as these mentioned here, reflects evidences that they were in a state of apostasy, & retrogression, we still can detect hints of possible fragments of the gospel, though it had become, at that later time, a perverted form of baptism, or a similar washing rite of some kind. Satan had brought them down that retrogression path to the point in which they had fallen into barbaric rites, of human sacrifices.
Hunter also wrote: "All religions believe in some sort of immortality. The claim to priesthood is universal. The concept of the existence of a divine plan for the guidance of men to happiness is world-old & world-wide. Most of the religious groups have taught the brotherhood of man, cooperation, & the golden rule. The belief that growth comes as a result of self-control & self-effort has been commonly held throughout the ages...." Hunter mentions a number of high moral concepts & ways of living, that are common in all religions. He points out that even the 10 commandments are fundamental in the beliefs of many people. He then presents some theories as to why their are similarities in the different religions around the world, & in different ages.
"Theories accounting for religious similarities:" "There is ample proof that such religious similarities as have been mentioned exist, & many more examples might be cited; but why do they exist? What are the theories which explain their presence?" Hunter then presents 3 theories. 1. the "Devil Theory:" "So similar were many of the pagan practices to those of early Christianity that Justin Martyr, about 150 A.D., after describing the Lord's Supper as given in the Gospels, remarked: "The wicked devils have imitated [it] in the Mysteries of Mithra, commanding the same thing to be done."43 "Tertullian, another Christian teacher (160-220 A.D.), stated that "the devil, by the mysteries of his idols, imitates even the main part of the divine Mysteries....He baptizes his worshipers in water & makes them believe that this purifies them from their crimes."44 "1300 years later, Las Casas (1474-1566 A.D.), a Spanish Catholic missionary, observing that the ceremonies of the Indians closely resembled those of the Christians, concluded that the devil had arrived in America ahead of the Christians & implanted in the minds of the natives many teachings closely akin to Christianity. It has been a Gospel teaching proclaimed by Jesus & the holy prophets, that the devil has exerted a powerful influence upon mortal beings in bringing about sin & apostasy & in counterfeiting the true principles & ordinances of the Gospel. But it is also true that the complete responsibility for apostasies & also for the world-wide religious similarities cannot be placed upon the devil. Lucifer & his followers have merely contributed their share--in conjunction with other fundamental causes--in bringing about those conditions." (D&C 93:39).
The 2nd theory that Hunter gives is the "Independent Development Theory"...that religious beliefs & practices have arisen spontaneously & independently in various countries. They hold that religious beliefs developed gradually as men evolved from savagery to civilization. Certain scholars point out that similar myths, legends, & folklore exist among all primitive peoples; & that these & primitive magic arose as a result of "fear," presence of death, reproduction, & other experiences that deeply stir the feelings of man."45
"The theory of independent development also maintains that the founders of the various great world religions developed their creeds, beliefs & practices on their own foundation, independently of other religions." To quote: "The striking similarities that exist, despite independent origin, are explained by a "psychic unity that leads men arrive at the same destination." Some supporters of this theory speak of a "convergence" of human ideas towards the same conclusions. In short, the blind or chance operation of some mystic force explains the similarities appearing in the religious systems of the world."46 "This explanation is also used to account for the world-wide similarities in art, mechanics, crafts & literature. Those who advocate this theory claim that all similarities in the general culture of mankind had an independent origin in different parts of the world."
Before we go on to Hunter's 3rd explanation. There is another aspect of this 2nd theory that we should consider here. In some NDEs we learn that the one of the reasons why some things seem to develop almost about the same time, but in independently of each other. Is because the heavenly beings have seen fit to give to the human race different bits of higher knowledges which they hope will not be abused or perverted for evil purposes, but will be used to further up-lift & help the human family on earth. Thus, some of the higher knowledge that has been worked on in the other realms of the spirits, or realms of higher development & learning in paradise, have been passed on through inspiration to different people in different times & places, (from the angelic beings, or spirits of that realm of peace & great learning), & sometimes these higher knowledges have come at the same time, put in different parts of the world to different people. This might be another possible explanation to consider. (Howard Storm's NDE, op. cit. Return From Tomorrow, Ritchie, op. cit., My Life After Dying, Ritchie, op. cit., p.25-8, Glimpses of Eternity, Gibson, op. cit., p.170-80.)
The 3rd Theory is called the "DIFFUSION THEORY:" "In contrast with the "independent development theory," a number of writers have maintained that the similarities in the religions & cultures of different peoples can be explained on the basis of having come from a common source or center & having been diffused throughout the world. Sir Edward Burnett Tylor & his followers are strong advocates of the "diffusion theory," having produced a large & convincing literature in its support. From the earliest times human beings have traveled by land & by sea very extensively, & through this intercourse their skills & learnings have passed from man to man & from land to land. There is an abundance of historical evidence to sustain the belief that ideas, handicrafts, arts, religious customs, & culture in general have been handed down from one generation to another & that races of people have borrowed all of these from each other."
"In fact, one of the most important causes of the similarities of beliefs & rituals is this very fact, that people do hand down their customs to their children, & they in turn to their children. In such an important matter as religion, the fundamentals carry on from generation to generation. Also peoples of different countries in their social contacts borrow rituals from each other. During certain periods of history, conditions have been more favorable to the dispersal of human customs, beliefs & culture than during other periods. For example, the conquests of Alexander the Great & the spreading of Greek culture to foreign countries resulted in a mixture of Greek beliefs with those of the conquered nations. Historians speak of this activity as Hellenizing the world. Again the subsequent rise of the Roman empire was very conducive to the spread of ideas & the blending together of religious beliefs. This fusing & blending of theologies is termed "religious syncretism."...."47
Some early anti-Christians, used as many similarities & parallels of the pagans, pre-Christian time cults, Jewish writings, legends, & other similar things, as they could find. All these were seen by the critics, as "evidences" for their claims, that the Christians had borrowed from these pre-Christian ideas. But also they pointed to parallels with the occult, & the magical sects, then compared them with things found in the Christians symbols, rites, sayings, etc. Claiming that these parallels were "proof" that the Christians also had their origins in occult sects & magic. The same type of arguments are have been & are now used by modern anti-Christian atheists, & anti-Christs.48
Many of the early Christian Fathers also noticed these similarities & acknowledged these parallels, & yet, they had a defense against the charges of the critics. For some Christians responded by writing that the devil & his demons had counterfeited all the things of God, in order to attempt to discredit the divine things of heaven, & Christ. But in the minds of those who had followed after their (the demons') deceptive counterfeits, the divine was the counterfeit, while the counterfeit was the divine.
All through out history, the Prophets have had rival counterfeit false prophets or persons who went around proclaiming themselves to be prophets, but who were not. All throughout history, satan has also sent his own agents who would preach counterfeit religions, or agents that would fight against the things of God. The true Prophets of God would also fight against the things of the devil & his agents. So it seems that there has always been a war between the forces of good which opposes the forces of evil. But also a conflicts between religion & magic, or what came to be known as the conflicts between the "left hand path" against the "right hand path," in the doctrines of the "2 ways."
"This radical conflict of principle between magic & religion sufficiently explains the relentless hostility with which in history the priest has often pursued the magician. The haughty self-sufficiency of the magician, his arrogant demeanour towards the higher powers, & his unabashed claim to exercise a sway like theirs could not but revolt the priest, to whom, with his awful sense of the divine majesty, & his humble prostration in the presence of it, such claims & such a demeanour must have appeared an impious & blasphemous usurpation of prerogatives that belong to God alone. And sometimes, we may suspect, lower motives...of the priest's hostility. He professed to be the proper medium, the true intercessor between God & man, & no doubt his interests as well as his feelings were often injured by a rival practitioner, who preached a surer & smoother road to fortune than the rugged & slippery path to divine favour."49 "Some professors of this black art though their work be devilish, yet they pretend to do it in the name of Jesus." "There are many who hearing in the Word of the wonderful creation, redemption, & preservation of man, & of the matter of the Sacraments, cannot believe them, yet afterwards go to witches."50
The writings & books reported to have been copies of the Book of Enoch give us some answers as to some reasons why we can find parallels & similar things in religion & magic, or in the divine things of God, & the things of the Devil. The Prophet Enoch was given many grand visions of the eternal worlds & realms of pre-earth life, earth life, & post earth life in the realms of the spirits. In visions, He saw the pre-existence of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) & of the human family in that "family in heaven" (Eph. 3:14-15). Enoch also saw some of the causes & forces behind the devilish deeds mankind had & would be seduced into doing. He even names some of the fallen, rebellious "...angels that sinned..." (2 Pet.2:4). John the Divine wrote many things that are similar to the prophet Enoch's visions. Like Enoch, John writes of "the war in heaven" & how that 1/3 of the "stars" or spirits fell from heaven after having done battle with the other spirits or angels of God. (Rev.12 & Heb.7, 14). Enoch was chosen as God's "scribe of righteousness,..." & sent to those rebellious spirits or angels, "...the Watchers of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, & their holy everlasting station,..."51 Enoch was sent to preach repentance unto them for "...they have denied the Lord of spirits, & his Messiah..."52 These fallen angel-spirits were & are led by Satan "a great star from heaven" who also fell & became an apostate from God. He led 1/3 of the "stars" or spirits into apostasy & rebellion against God.53
Justin Martyr explained that satan acquired his name by the deeds which he performed. "...For `Sata' in the Jewish & Syrian tongue means apostate; & `Nas' is the word from which he is called by interpretation the serpent, i.e., according to the interpretation of the Hebrew term, from both of which here arises the single word Satanas...."54
Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Sam.15:23), & apostasy is rebellion against God. Such was the case with these fallen angels who fought against the rest of the "family in heaven" who remained true & faithful to the Lord of spirits & the Messiah. Justin had also mentioned the angels of God that transgressed against God's laws.55
The Prophet Enoch names some of these fallen angels & their evil deeds. "The name of the first is Yekun: he it was who seduced all the sons of the holy angles; & causing them to descend on earth, led astray the offspring of men. The name of the 2nd is Kesabel, who pointed out evil counsel to the sons of the holy angels, & induced them to corrupt their bodies by generating mankind. The name of the 3rd is Gadrel: he discovered every stroke of death to the children of men. He seduced Eve; & discovered to the children of men the instrument of death...The name of the 4th is Penemue: he discovered to the children of men bitterness & sweetness; & pointed out to them every secret of their wisdom...the 5th is Kasyade: he discovered to the children of men every wicked stroke of spirits & of demons: The stroke of the embryo in the womb, to diminish it;..." Enoch mentions one by the name of "Tabaet" & tells of "the number of the Kesbel; the principal part of the oath which the Most High, dwelling in glory, revealed to the holy ones." "Its name is Beka. He spoke to holy Michael to discover to them the sacred name, that they might understand that secret name, & thus remember the oath; & that those who pointed out every thing to the children of men might tremble at that name & oath."
"This is the power of that oath; for it is, & strong. And he established this oath of Akae by the instrumentality of the holy Michael. These are the secrets of this oath, & by it were they confirmed. Heaven was suspended by it before the world was made, for ever. By it has the earth been founded upon the flood; while from the concealed parts of the hills the agitated waters proceed forth from the creation to the end of the world. By this oath the sea has been formed, & the foundation of it....& by this oath the sea has been formed, & the foundation of it....& by this oath the abyss has been made strong; nor is it removable from its station for ever & ever. By this oath the sun & moon complete their progress, never swerving from the command given to them for ever & ever. By this oath the stars complete their progress; & when their names are called, they return an answer, for ever & ever. Thus in the heavens take place the blowing of the winds: all of them have breathings, (ft.nt. "1. or spirits.") & effect a complete combination of breathings. There the treasures of thunder are kept, & the splendour of the lightning...." "And with them he established this oath, by which they & their paths are preserved; nor does their progress perish. Great was their joy. They blessed, glorified, & exalted, because the name of the Son of man was revealed to them. He sat upon the throne of his glory; & the principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of man. Sinners shall disappear & perish from the earth, while those who seduced them shall be bound with chains for ever. According to their ranks of corruption shall they be imprisoned, & all their works shall disappear from the face of the earth; nor thenceforward shall there be any to corrupt; for the Son of man has been seen, sitting of the throne of his glory. Everything wicked shall disappear, & depart from before his face; & the Son of man shall become powerful in the presence of the Lord of spirits. This is the 3rd parable of Enoch."56
Dr. Huge W. Nibley wrote about the different versions of Enoch literature, in his book: Enoch the Prophet. He wrote that the angels who were seduced into rebellion & apostasy against God & the other holy ones in heaven, had also counterfeited the things of God. These fallen angels were at one time good, but because of their fall, were cast out of heaven & not permitted to "ascend to heaven;..." & they "...became the ministers of Satan, & seduced those who dwell upon earth."57 They counterfeited the different oaths which the Most High God revealed to the holy angels, & to the prophets, & set up an order of things on earth to mock, contradict, & fight against God & the other angels who did not apostatize from their lofty positions & "...their holy everlasting stations..."58
In Nibley's book: Enoch the Prophet p.8-11; "...The angels or "Watchers" themselves yielded to earthly temptation, mingled with the daughters of men, & used the great knowledge entrusted to them to establish an order of things on earth in direct contradiction to what was intended by God. Some Enoch texts tell of false priesthoods in the days of Seth; Adam had prophesied them, & God is angry in their attempts for deception. They're not worshipping devils. The Apocryphon of John tells us that the original attempts to corrupt men & angels, through the lust of sex, was a failure until the false ones set up a more powerful machinery of perversion. At first they failed, it says, so they came together & created the antimimon pneuma, a clever imitation of the true order of things, "& they brought gold & silver & metals, copper & iron & all the treasures of the earth, so they married the women & begat the children of darkness; their hearts were closed up, & they became hard by this imitation false spirit." It was the deliberate exploitation of the heavenly order as a franchise for sordid earthly ambitions."
"Another text says the ordinances have degenerated into a false baptism of filthy water. According to the Slavonic Secrets of Spirit, it was administered by false angels: "Woe unto you who pervert the eternal covenant & reckon yourselves sinless." It was no open revolt against God but a clever misuse of his name; no renunciation of religion but a perversion of piety. "The time is approaching when all life is to be destroyed on earth, for in those days there shall be great disorder on the earth."
"Another theme is quoted in our Moses 7:26. The Adversary will glorify himself & rejoice with his followers in their works...It is the reversal of all values as men worship: "Not the righteous law; they deny the judgment & take my name in vain." This vicious order was riveted down by solemn oaths & covenants of which we read a great deal in the Spirit literature. When the Sons of Heaven marry the Daughters of the Sons of Men, their leader Semiazus says, in a very recently discovered Greek fragment, "I fear you will not be willing to do this thing." So they say, "Let us swear an oath & bind ourselves all to each other by them." The Lord says in the writings of Spirit in the book of Moses, "By their oaths, they have foresworn themselves, &, by their oaths, they have brought upon themselves death." The false oaths & the foreswearing is also an important theme. The systematic false teaching of the fallen angels soon "fills all the earth with blood & wickedness as the cries of the slain ascend to the gates of heaven, their groaning comes up & cannot depart because of the crimes being committed upon all the face of the earth." The passage in the book of Moses says the same thing."
"The great heavenly angels, viewing these horrors from above & seeing only one solution, asked God how long he was going to permit Satan to get away with it. This is another aspect of theodicy: Must not God put an end to men when their evil deeds threaten far greater destruction than their own demise would be?" "...The greater danger to all existence was that the perverters knew to much. "Their ruin is accomplished because they have learned all the secrets of the angels & all the violence of Satan;" the threat is from them who have received the ordinances but have removed themselves from the law of the gospel. One must be willing to accept the law of God & the law of the gospel before he is qualified to receive the rest of the ordinances. They had received the ordinances, but they were not keeping the basic laws on which the ordinances were given. Still," [employing] "the forms & knowledge they had, they set up a counter-religion & way of life. It was a time, says Zohar, when the name of the Lord was called upon profanely. "In the days of Jared my father," says Enoch to Methuselah, "they transgressed the covenant of heaven; they sinned & betrayed the law of the gospel. They mingled with women & sinned with them. They also married & bore children, but not according to the spirit, but by the carnal order only." They changed the ordinances, they married under a different order."
"Another texts, first published in 1870, addresses the same issue: "Woe to you who write false teachings & things that lead astray & many lies, who twist the true accounts & wrest the eternal covenant & rationalize that you are without sin." This then was no mere naughtiness, but a clever inversion of values with forms & professions of loyalty to God that in its total piety & self-justification could never be set aright--it could only get worse. The Zohar states the general principle: whenever the Holy One has allowed the deep mysteries of wisdom to be brought down into the world of mankind, they have become corrupted, & men have attempted to declare war on God. The only redeeming feature of the thing was that the fallen angels who had perverted the human race had not learned all the mysteries in their heavenly condition (we're told in a Gizeh fragment), & so were not able to give away everything. As it was, their power for evil was almost unlimited."59
"And now to the Watcher, who have sent thee to pray for them, who in the beginning were in heaven. Say, in heaven have you..." [while you were good, & before your fall, you had been given many secrets & had seen], "...secret things, however," [all hidden secrets of the heavens] "have not been manifested to you; yet have you known a reprobated mystery. And this you have related to women in the hardness of your hearts, & by that mystery have women & mankind multiplied evils upon the earth. Say to them, Never therefore shall you obtain peace."60
The Jewish Historian, Flavious Josephus (or Joseph ben Matthias) in the 1st century A.D., wrote concerning the fallen angels.61 In other Jewish writings such as "The Zohar" the Book of Splendor, is found other accounts of the "fallen angels" or rebellious angels.62 The different Jewish & early Christian sects were aware of the Book of Enoch & the traditions legends & stories concerning the fallen angels that sinned against the heavens & fell to earth.63 We also see hints of the Book of Enoch in the New Testament, in fact the New Testament writers must have been aware of, & used portions of the Book of Enoch as proof text.64 The New Testament writers may have learned from Christ & from accounts of Enoch's writings, that they must have known about, that there would be different ones who would set up rival counterfeits against them.
The fallen angels, (Satan & his followers, the demons, etc.,) are depicted as counterfeiters, "opponents," & opposing witnesses in the last judgment scenes. They are called slanderers, & watchers who keep tract of the sins of the human race so that at the last judgment that can bring up charges against them before God's judgment seat, accusing the human race of all kinds of crimes. They are rebells, lifted up in pride, they seek to take over the divine ranks, & abuse their powers for evil purposes in order to oppose good. They are also the prisoners of the great pit, & under world keepers, who torment the spirits in prison. They attempted to guard the gaits of their prison house from the great Light (or the Christ) who came & led the captives free, but they failed in their attempts. For the great Light did shine in the darkness. Satan is depicted at the left hand of God with the goats, he's the apostate & all his followers are apostates against God who have forsaken their heavenly divine ranks to become guides down the left hand path towards destruction & damnation. They are sinners against the heavens & help cause the human race to sin against the divine laws of God. They turn the things of God backwards, as the reversal of all holy things into darkness, & perverted evils.65
The early Christian Fathers also noticed this as well. They brought into this, their understanding of the evil forces that were behind such counterfeits. Claiming that the devil had sent out his own agents just as God had sent forth his agents, the prophets, etc. (Eph. 4:10-32). R. Joseph Hoffmann observed from a historical point of view, the parallels between the exchange of charges that the Christian Apologist, defenders, & writers charged against the pagans, & those that were turned around & thrown back against the Christians from the pagans, & so on in this early polemical battle. "...If the pagans were atheists because they worshipped the wrong god or too many gods, the Christians were atheists for rejecting the approved gods, of the empire & refusing to recognize the divinity of the emperor; if the pagan mysteries were marred by the immorality, the Christian cults had ritualized incest & gluttony; if the Bacchantes in their frenzy sometimes cannibalized outsiders, the Christians for their part indulged in Thyestean banquets & drank the blood of innocent children.... Just as there was nothing exclusive about the symbols & myths employed by the Christians in their celebrations, so there was nothing exclusive about the charges each side laid at the other's door...." (COTTD) ibid. p.23. Hoffman also pointed out that the early apologist sought to argue the superiority of Christianity, claiming that it alone possessed the only key to salvation. In the polemical battle that both sides faced, the Christians repeatedly insisted that their rituals & beliefs were based on originality in a divine sources, while at the same time, they argued vigorously for the antiquity of their religion. The polemical style soon became a fixed pattern for apologist to argue that Christianity was the anciently predicted religion in fulfillment of the ancient expectation that was foreseen by the Old Testament Prophets, & the true religion. But also, not only had the Prophets foreseen this but it was foreseen & "...preemptively imitated by the demons." (COTTD) ibid. p.23-4.
Thus the demons had know before hand all the different things that would make up the basic elements of Christianity, & thus they would imitated & counterfeited everything in order to discredit the "true religion." Many people would thus become confused by the counterfeits, & some couldn't discern between the "true religion" & the false ones. This basic argument shows up in the writings of the earliest to later Christians, & early Christian apologists, on into later centuries of later Christianity beyond the time of the Nicene creed era, after 325 AD.
Justin Martyr in his 2nd Apology, says that God had some angels appointed over men to care for them & help them. But there were some angels who transgressed the laws of God & thus counterfeited the things of God. "...But the angels transgressed this appointment, & were captivated by love of women, & begat children who are those that are called demons; & besides, they afterwards subdued the human race to themselves, partly by magical writings, & partly by fears & punishments they occasioned, & partly by teaching them to offer sacrifices, & incense, & libations, of which things they stood in need after they were enslaved by lustful passions; & among men they sowed murders, wars, adulteries deeds, & all wickedness. Whence also the poets & mythologists, not knowing that it was the angels & those demons who had been begotten by them that did these things to men, & women, & cities, & nations, which they related, ascribed them to god himself, & to those who were accounted to be his very offspring, & to the offspring of those were called his brothers, Neptune & Plato, & to the children again of these offspring. For whatever name each of the angels had given to himself & his children, by the name they called them."66
In Justin Martyr's (DWT), he wrote of the pre-existence of Christ, & of satan, the fallen angel. That "...this Christ, Son of God, who was before the morning star & the moon, & submitted to become incarnate, & be born of this virgin of the family of David, in order that, by this dispensation, the serpent that sinned from the beginning, & the angels like him, may be destroyed, & that death may be contemned, & for ever quit, at the 2nd coming of the Christ Himself, those who believe in Him & live acceptably,...shall exist in freedom from suffering, from corruption, & from grief, & in immortality." Others, Justin says, who live after the ways of satan & his angels will be judged & condemned to the "fire."67
Many New Testament writers also noticed the counterfeits that satan or the anti-Christs were presenting to the peoples of their time, & that more counterfeits would come. John must have known of other anointing rituals that were being done in his day in time, besides those that they (the earliest Christians were doing), for he warns those who have received the Christian anointing ritual, that there is a counterfeit anointing being done by "anti-Christs" & that "...the anointing which ye have received of him" [Christ] "abideth in you, & ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, & is truth, & is no lie, & even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him."68 Thus John must have known of another type of anointing, that was being practiced by some during his day in time. The earliest Christians he was writing to may have also noticed these things also. They, (the early Christians), were to consider their own anointing ritual as be divine, while the other was a counterfeit set up by anti-Christs. Or from apostates that "...went out from us, but they were not of us..." (1 Jn.2:19).
Paul must have also been aware of the different counterfeits & rival mysteries that were similar, in some ways, to the doctrines & ordinances that the Christians believed & practiced. Paul, like many of the earliest Christians, New Testament writers, & like Christ, taught the doctrine of "deification." That the human family had the potentials to advance towards godhood, or could become perfect, etc. Paul's different letters to the different areas of the primitive church, or scattered branches of Christianity in, &, of his time, reflect these concepts over & over again. It later became known as the doctrine of "deification," & perfection. In that the saved Christian was in the process of advancing towards moral, spiritual & physical perfection, in which their resurrected bodies would become like unto Christ's glorified body. And in which they would become joint-heirs with Christ, etc. These passages of sacred scripture, later became proof texts for the early Christian Fathers, who wrote concerning the deification of the human family.69 Paul also seems to have been aware of those who had set up counterfeits of the divine mysteries, as well as those of his time who may have blended the counterfeit mysteries with those of the Christians, as different ones fell away. For he combats the different false teachers of his time, (2 Thess.2:1-17). He must have known that there were those who were teaching a perverted mystery, & who had a perverted form & counterfeited doctrine of deification, & who exalted themselves, making themselves god, in their mysteries. He calls it "the mystery of iniquity" & warned that it was already at work, (2 Thess. 2:4-7). But he also reminds the Christians that it is through Christ that they are saved, & that it is He (Christ) which brings them towards "sanctification," not through these other perverted ways & mysteries. For Christ was the one who had "...called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Thess. 2:13-14). And so he warns them to "...stand fast, & hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." (2:15, & 16-17). Paul was not preaching against their own doctrines of deification in their own Christian mysteries, but was warning the Christians against counterfeit mysteries of "iniquity."
Arthur Cushman McGiffert wrote concerning the early Christian doctrines of deification. He mentions Irenaeus, as having taught the concept, but acknowledged that: "...The idea of deification appears here & there in other Fathers whose general interpretation of Christianity was radically different from that of Irenaeus...." In many cases in early Christianity salvation "...means deification in a strict sense. This was a common idea in the mystery-religions." 70 "as has been seen, & while in explicit statement it goes further than Paul & Ignatius & others of their school it is substantially identical with their position...."71
The Orphic poems written on golden plates, the "Plates of Naples," now in the Naples Museum, the Orphic poems...The dead has during his earthly life taken in the mystic rites which have told him whence life comes & whither it is tending. He now has the right to demand from the deities who preside over the death & rebirth of mortals that he be relieved from the endless round of incarnations; & he backs up this request by proof of the knowledge he possesses of their nature & his own origin, at the same time uttering passwords which he has received on his initiation. The effect of this, although out of reverence represented as an act of grace on the part of the divinities addressed, is in fact magical or automatic. The powers addressed perforce grant the request of the dead & he becomes like them a god, freed from the necessity for any further deaths & rebirths. The same idea is traceable throughout the whole of the Egyptian Book of the Dead from which it may have been directly derived..."72
Milton R. Hunter wrote concerning deification in Mormonism, but also, like the early Christian writers, He notes that the mystery religions also have a doctrine or form of the concepts of deification. "The Mystery Religions, pagan rivals of Christianity, taught emphatically the doctrine that "men may become Gods." Hermeticism, which had its rise in Egypt in the 2nd or 3rd centuries B.C., was a prominent religion in the Mediterranean world during the period of the rise of Christianity. Its literature, the Corpus Hermeticum, professes to be revelations to Hermes from his divine father & teacher. Hermes declared: "We must not shrink from saying that a man on earth is a mortal god, & that God in heaven is an immortal man."73 This thought very closely resembles the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith & of President Lorenzo Snow." (But I might add, also the early Christians--comment mine), "This religion taught that it was perfectly possible for man, even while living in mortality, to become a god. It also maintained, as does the true Gospel doctrine, that the spirit of the man who had become deified was immortal. To quote from Hermetic literature: "The natural body can be dissolved, the spiritual body cannot be." (Ibid., p. 219-220.) "The worshiper was taught that after he left this mortal life he would "be brought into the troops of the gods & the souls that have attained bliss." (Ibid.)
"Such teachings as the following appear in the theology of Orphism--another prominent pagan rival of Christianity: "`Happy & Blessed One, you shall be God instead of mortal.'...Thus the initiated, having lived a life of Orphic purity, finally became `God from man.'" (Ibid., p.107-8). "Archaeological evidence furnished by sepulchral art & grave inscriptions illustrates that the members of this cult believed that the status of divinity was attained after death. For example, at Guthaeum a first-century (A.D.) statue, obviously a portrait-statue of a youth, represented him as being a god--a Dionysus. "A priest of Thasos dedicated an inscription to his dead wife as `an incarnate goddess,' & a man by the name of Lucius consecrated a monument to his child of four years with these words: `To my sweetest child & personal God who hearken to my prayers.'" (Ibid., p.110-111.) "The Isiac Mystery Religion's initiation ceremony was for the purpose of deifying the initiate. The ancient records tell of the initiation of a man named Lucius. "At midnight he saw the sun brightly shine & saw likewise the gods celestial & the gods infernal." At sunrise the following morning he was dramatically dressed in sacred clothing, covered with symbolical figures, & seated on a pedestal in the middle of the temple before the statue of the goddess herself. In his hand was a lighted torch & on his head a rayed crown. The curtains were drawn aside & he was exposed to public view. "The faithful contemplated him with the admiration & devotion due a god." In fact, he was hailed as Osiris-Ra. "Reborn through the rite of initiation, the mystic believed himself born again to a superhuman life, the immortal life of the gods." (Ibid., p.186-195.) "The Great Mother Mystery Religion furnishes another example which deified its cult members. All holders of the priesthood, the Galli, were eunuch-priests & were regarded as gods. Each one was also called Attis, the name of the male god in this religion. "Just as Attis was believed to have attained the state of deity by the passion of emasculation, so by the way self-mutilation, the Gallus become a god instead of mortal." (Ibid., p.125-126.) "In the same religion, as well as in the Mithraic Mysteries, a baptism in blood, known as taurobolium, was practiced. As the neophyte emerged from the trench, drenched & dripping with blood, he presented himself to the expectant throng of worshipers. "They did obeisance to him as to a god, as to one who had been born again to a divine life."
"...Much evidence has been presented which shows that throughout history human beings had the belief that "men may become Gods." During certain periods the prophets have thoroughly understood this sublime truth; & at other times the doctrine has practically vanished from the earth. For example, during the early centuries A.D., both Christians & pagans accepted this doctrine wholeheartedly. Then there came a period, which lasted for hundreds of years, in which the "divine-man doctrine" was lost, except as it was applied to kings. During this period, often spoken of as the "Dark Ages," a drastic phase of the Great Apostasy..." [such doctrine became faded in some areas & were forgotten or lost in others.] For "...the true interpretation of this Gospel truth & its warped & adulterated application to the families of earthly royalty...." [are seen as being the later perversions of the doctrine of deification.] Hunter goes on to tell how that the doctrine was restored again through the restoration.74
John Lawrence Mosheim, D.D. & who was Chancellor of the Un. of Gottingen, wrote that in the earliest times of the Church, those who professed firmly to believe that Jesus was the only Redeemer of the world, & promised to live in a manner conformable to the purity of Christ's holy religion, were immediately received among the disciples of Christ. "...This was all the preparation for baptism then required; & a more accurate instruction in the doctrines of Christianity was to be administered to them after their receiving that sacrament...."75
Perhaps during this early time, Christ was still alive, & had not given to his followers the meat, or the deeper mysteries, but had only given them the milk, (1 Cor. 2:6-16; 3:1-2). Then later during the 40 days (Acts 1:1-11), after his resurrection, he gave to them the meat, or the deeper doctrines "...speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God..." in which he also showed to them the ordinances, which contained many symbols that centered around the death He (Christ), died, the resurrection, & the wounds of salvation & exaltation for mankind. At that time, they could perhaps have been able to have obtained a lot better understanding concerning the mysteries or ordinances, as He (Christ) had showed them the wounds he received from the nails of the cross, & other symbols, while He (the Christ) died for the sins of mankind as part of the atonement. But had Christ had shown them such things before, they might have not been able to grasp fully the significants of such things, & may not have been ready for the deeper symbolism as contained in the higher ordinances.
You might remember how that, despite how Peter had come to how from a witness from the Father, that Jesus was the Christ, he (Peter) still seems to have attempted to talk Christ out of going through with the atonement, for which Christ would be killed & be raised the 3rd day. (Matt.16:15-23). So it seems that even the Apostles had to wait until they had shown themselves to be worthy, & ready for the higher knowledge, symbols, & doctrines contained in the mysteries or higher ordinances. It is then in the different letters, & books, long after the 40 day teachings, that we start to see hints, & bits of the different concepts of the mysteries, which hints are used as proof texts by the earliest to later Christian Fathers, who wrote concerning the mysteries. In some cases, in later Christianity, the waiting period for the convert, in different branches of Christianity, was 2 or three years. Perhaps this waiting period was to weed out the weak or false Christians. Or those claiming to be new Christian converts, but who were in reality governmental spies, or pagans, counterfeiters, or anti-Christians who were seeking to infiltrate in to the different early Christian sects, to see what was going on, etc. Therefore, it was such a long time, because earlier before this, the Christians had problems with different ones who had, under false pretenses, had entered into the Christian sects as spies, & or as "wolfs" amongst the "flock."76
Paul also seems to suggest that people who had obtained rank in the Church, or who go through the mysteries should first be proved, & found blameless. "Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless...." So also should their wives, & the deacons at that time were to be of "one wife." Paul later wrote: "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." (1 Tim.3:9-12, & 16). In writing to the Corinthians, (1 Cor.2:4-14), Paul again suggest that those who are more worthy, may be able to hear the mysteries, (1 Cor.2:6). This passage later became a proof text source for which Origen, [during the 3rd century A.D.], had used in his response to the charges made by the early anti-Christian Celsus, who claimed thiefs, sinners, unjust, housebreakers, robbers of the dead, & other evil people participated in the Christian mysteries. Origen responded that only those who have repented, & have been turned towards virtue have made progress & have proved themselves worthy, purified and "...have led as far as they can a better life, then & not before do we invite them to participation in our mysteries. "For we speak wisdom among them that are perfect." Origen then goes on to hint to some of the prayer gestures with up-lifted hands, that are done in the mysteries, etc.77
John Lawrence Mosheim continues: "...Whosoever acknowledged Christ as the Saviour of mankind, & made a solemn profession of his confidence in him, was immediately baptized & received into the church."78 "But in the process of time, when the church began to flourish, & its members to increase, it was thought prudent & necessary to divide Christians into 2 orders, distinguished by the names of believers & catechumens. The former were those, who had been solemnly admitted into the church by baptism, &, in consequence thereof, were instructed in all the mysteries of religion, had access to all the parts of divine worship, & were authorized to vote"79 "in the ecclesiastical assemblies. The latter were such as had not yet been dedicated to God & Christ by baptism, & were, therefore, admitted neither to the public prayers, nor to the holy communion, nor to the ecclesiastical assemblies...."80
Mosheim continues: "...But, when Christianity had acquired more consistence, & churches rose to the true God & his eternal Son, almost in every nation, this custom was changed for the wisest & most solid reasons. Then none were admitted to baptism, but such as been previously instructed in the principal points of Christianity, & had also given satisfactory proofs of pious dispositions, & upright intentions. Hence arose the distinction between catechumens, who were in a state of probation, & under the instruction of persons appointed for that purpose; & believers, who were consecrated by baptism, & thus initiated into all the mysteries of the Christian faith....The methods of instructing the catechumens differed according to their various capacities. Those, in whom the natural force of reason was small, were taught no more than the fundamental principles & truths, which are, as it were, the basis of Christianity. Those, on the contrary, whom their instructors judged capable of comprehending, in some measure, the whole system of divine truth, were furnished with superior degrees of knowledge; & nothing was concealed from them, which could have any tendency to render them firm in their profession, & to assist them in arriving at Christian perfection. The care of instructing such was committed to persons who were distinguished by their gravity & wisdom, & also by their learning & judgment. And from hence it comes, that the ancient doctors generally divide their flock into two classes; the one comprehending such as were solidly, & thoroughly instructed; the other, those who were acquainted with little more than the first principles of religion; nor do they deny that the methods of instruction applied to these two sorts of persons were extremely different."81
The vote with the up-lifted hand, may have been another parallel that early anti-Christians may have noticed between the mysteries of the Christians & the Bacchic mysteries. Wilken tells us that in the Bacchic society votes were also made with a raised hand. "..."Whoever wishes the statutes which have been read to be ratified & engraved on a column will raise his hand. All hands were raised...."82 The early anti-Christians & outsiders sometimes had confused the two groups as if being the same, or at least the Christians were considered as having the same sorts of mysteries.83
One of the reasons why Christ was rejected by many of the Jews of his time, & after, was because they thought that he was just only a man who sought to make himself a God. He was rejected for being a "GOD MAKER!" Some of the Jews acknowledged Christ good works, but rejected Christ's claims: "...For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; & because that thou, being a man, maketh thyself God." Jesus reminded them of their own law that said "ye are Gods." Psa.82:6 was also a scripture that was used by early to later Christians as proof texts for the doctrine of deification.84
The Jews rejected Christ, because of their monotheistic beliefs in the one God only concept, perhaps then a tradition passed down to them as a results of the Yahwists during the Deuteromomic Reform (620-400 B.C.), which inforced a monotheistic interpretation of the Laws & even took out any hints to the earlier polytheistic period. By the time of Christ, this monotheistic belief must have been a strong traditional belief, & so many of the Jews considered it "blasphemy" for any one to claim divine honors for themselves.85 Some of the Jews just couldn't go for the idea that this man, (Jesus Christ) could be another God. For perhaps many of them had seen him as a child, had grown up with him, or had heard false stories about him. Many of them had seen the Christ walking, talking, sleeping, & eating, etc., & He (Christ), looked like just a plain ordinary man. Certainly this would not be how the only God of the universe would, or could be like, so they had supposed.86
The early anti-Christian writer, Celsus must have also been aware that the different Jews had problems with this "man" Christ, claiming to be a God. And thus, Celsus had attacked the story of Christ's birth, His eating habits, the fact that He (Christ) had a body, & needed nourishment. He wrote: "I think, Jesus, that the High God would not have chosen a body such as yours; nor would the body of a god have been born as you were born. We even hear of your eating habits. What! Does the body of a god need such nourishment? ..."87 Different ones who had heard of the Christian beliefs, that this very same man, (Christ), had pre-existed, & had created the universe, again, for many of them, these ideas & beliefs were strange. "You Christians mean to tell us that this Jesus created the world & the universe!, & then came to earth to work with wood, as the wood-working man's son!? Why would the God of heaven pick such a life? Why would he lower himself to such a condition?! Why would he travel, live, & come among mankind in such a low-ranked manner? Is not He supposed to free us from the bondage of the Romans?" Celsus asked: "Why should a god travel about like this one? Is it to see what is happening among men? But is He not omniscient?..."88
Yet for others, like the Romans & some of the Egyptians sects, there was a belief amongst them, that their rulers had become deified.89 Some of the early Christian Fathers would point this very thing out to the Romans, etc., in order to reason with them that the concept, as believed by the Christian concerning this deified man, (in which, though Christ had became a man, He still had remained a God), was not to strange a belief. Because it was similar to how the Romans thought of their Emperors.90 Celsus knew that the concept was pre-Christian, & was believed by many others, & so he considered the concepts of the "deified" man, as being an old "outworn myth."91
Justin Martyr also explains to the (so called) Jew, Trypho, concerning some of the counterfeits of satan. "Be well assured, then, Trypho," I continued, "that I am established in the knowledge of & faith in the Scriptures by those counterfeits which he who is called the devil is said to have performed among the Greeks; just as some were wrought by the Magi in Egypt, & others by the false prophets in Elijah's days. For when they tell that Bacchus, son of Jupiter, was begotten by [Jupiter's] intercourse with Semele, & that he was the discoverer of the vine; & when they relate, that being torn in pieces, & having died, he rose again, & ascended to heaven; & when they introduce wine...into the mysteries, do I not perceive that [the devil] has imitated the prophecy announced by the patriarch Jacob, & recorded by Moses? And when they tell that Hercules was strong, & travelled over all the world, & was begotten by Jove of Alcmene, & ascended to heaven when he died, do I not perceive that the Scripture which speaks of Christ, `strong as a giant to run his race,'" (Ps.19:5) "has been in like manner imitated? And when he [the devil] brings forward AEsculapius as the raiser of the dead & healer of all diseases, may I not say that in this matter likewise he has imitated the prophecies about Christ?..." 92
Loisy wrote that "...Justin...describes the rites of Christian initiation & worship. As this part of the Apology deals with the new Christian mystery...according to (Justin), "...the demons, having discovered an announcement of baptism in the prophecies, at once proceeded to make rules about washings & such like purifications; the same with the eucharist which these wicked beings had imitated by setting up a similar rite in the mysteries of Mithra--the presentation of a loaf & a cup of water accompanied with certain well-known formulas. Justin seems to imply that these formulas also are not without their counterparts in the mystical language used by him in explaining the Christian rite. It does not seem to have occurred to him that some of his pagan readers might be inclined to think that it was not the pagan mysteries for which the intervention of devils was responsible, & thus from his analogies an idea not altogether favorable to the Christian religion."93 The fact is, (despite what Loisy has written here), it did occur to Justin that his pagan readers would think that the Christian mysteries were of "the devil" rather than the other way around, for Loisy forgot to include what Justin said concerning the false rumors going around about Christ.
The sacrament or "the Eucharist" was also counterfeited by the demons, in the Mysteries of Mithras, Justin wrote in his 1st Apology. The symbolism behind the sacrament was either misunderstood, misrepresented, distorted, or presented in a literal way by critics, who were attempting to explain what happened in the Christians' "secret meetings," & "secret rites." Justin attempted to explain to the Emperor Antoninus Pius (Rome, 138-161 A.D.), that the sacrament represented Christ's suffering in the flesh. They were taught to remember this through the "Eucharist." Those who had been washed from sins in the washing of regeneration, were allowed to receive the common bread & common drink. The rumors however were going around that because the bread & drink represented the flesh & blood of Christ, it was claimed by out siders, & early anti-Christians that the Christians drank real blood & ate real flesh. This charge was answered by the Christian Apologist, such as in Justin Martyr's 1st Apology. He was also knew that one of the reason why the critics were making such charges, was because there were some extreme Christian sects, who had fallen into strange practices. Thus He wanted the Emperor to not get such heretic sects confused with the other Christians.94 But also satan had set up a counterfeit, according to Justin. For "...the wicked devils have imitated in the mysteries of Mithras, commanding the same thing to be done. For, that bread and a cup of water are placed with certain incantations in the mystic rites of one who is being initiated, you either know or can learn."95
Clement of Alexandria, (during the 2nd Cent. AD), may have also known of the similarities, but vast differences between the Christian mysteries of the time, & those of the pagans. He wrote in his "Exhortation of the Greeks," that the demons had influenced the barbaric rites of the pagans "...being influenced by demons, through some artful sorcery, to compass man's ruin." The pagans commemorate "deeds of violence" in their religious rites, & with "sticks & stones, statues & pictures they build up the stupidity of custom" (2.2). They worship Dionysus with orgies in which they celebrate their sacred frenzy with a feast of raw flesh; similarly savage are the rites associated with the cults of Demeter, Corybantes, & Eleusis. For Clement, the point was perfectly obvious: "The mysteries are mere custom & vain opinion. It is a deceit of the serpent that men worship when they turn with spurious piety towards these sacred initiations that are really profanities & solemn rites without sanctity .... What manifest shamelessness! Formerly, night which drew a veil over the pleasure of temperate men, was a time for silence. But now, when night is for those who are being initiated, a temptation for licentious talk abounds, & the torch fires convict unbridled passions....Ah! Suffer night to hide the mysteries. Let the orgies be honored by darkness." (n. 27. "Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation, 2."). "Like Justin & his near contemporary, Tertullian, Clement contrasts the true mystery with the false rites of the unbelievers, the true gnosis with the false doctrines of the pagans...."96
In his 1st Apology, Justin Martyr wrote how the devils had counterfeited & misrepresented the scriptures. They, "...the devils, in imitation of what was said by Moses, asserted that Proserpine was daughter of Jupiter, & instigated the people to set up an image of her under the name of Kore [Cora, i.e., the maiden or daughter] at the spring-heads. For, as we wrote above," (chap. lix.) Moses said, "In the beginning God made the heaven & the earth. And the earth was without form & unfurnished: & the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." In imitation, therefore, of what is here said of the Spirit of God moving on the waters, they said that Proserpine [or Cora] was the daughter of Jupiter...."97
Clement of Alexandria also knew of different extreme "Christian" sects, that had perverted the teachings of Christ & the gospel. In his 3rd book of the Stromateis, Clement tells of a libertine gnostic sect, the Carpocratians, who relied heavily on a book written by the son of Carpocrates, Epiphanes. Clement claimed that they had blended elements of Christian symbolism, doctrine, & scriptures, etc., with pagan & occultic types of practices. They overturn the lamp & in the dark have intercourse where they will & with whom they will. Clement claimed that they had perverted the words of Jesus, & that they practiced a perverted & wicked sexual ritual that they treated as if it were a "sacred religious mystery." Such a gross perverted "mysteries," if they could even call it such, (for they were an insult to the name, were more like brothels than anything else). For such things was an insult to the true mysteries.98
Another element that added to the misunderstanding, & misconceptions, & made it hard for the "outsiders" or non-Christians & anti-Christians to be able to discern between some Christian sects & those of the pagans, etc., was that some Christian leaders, who had been converted from pagan backgrounds, had started blending in with the Christian religion, pagan elements. Thus the pagan elements were more visible & thus the early anti-Christian & non-Christians, & pagans were able to point these things out in order to built on their case against the whole Christian body in general. Thus, as T. Edgar Lyon wrote: "Not many years passed after the apostolic ministry before mystical interpretations of the bread & wine in the sacrament commenced to appear in Christian congregations. Some seemed to go back to the cult of Bacchus or Mithras & drew from them mystical explanations that were foreign to the simplicity of the early Christian sacrament...."99
"The handclasp was an important initiatory gesture in the Mithraic mysteries. Iconography shows Mithras (himself often equated with the sun) clasping hands with Sol, the Sun, in a gesture of agreement, friendship, & reconciliation (at one time there was an antagonism between the two) .... In one relief, ... Mithra & Sol clasp hands over an altar, while a spit of meat pecked at by a raven is directly above the union of the hands...." [Thus in] "...Mithraic rite, there is some evidence that the handclasp came at the end of the initiation. According to Vermaseren,..." oaths & handclasp are done by "...joining of the right hands..." but there were others with "...the left hand..."100 Justin Martyr, [A.D. 110-165], like other early Christian Fathers, such as Origen, [3rd cent. A.D.], must have also noticed or heard of such parallels with their own early Christian mysteries. The early anti-Christians must have also helped them see this also, for they charged that the early Christians had borrowed from the Mirtha cult.101 And yet at the same time we see some of the early Christians pointing to different parallels of similar beliefs in other nations to in order to say to their listeners or readers that they were not so strange or to different from others, for others have also believed in similar things.
Pre-Christian hand clasping monuments, & the cross in funerary monuments that depict handclasps, are seen in different nations of the old world. Thus critics like the late 19th century A.D., anti-Christian writer, T.W. Doane had also noticed these parallels, as did the early anti-Christians, before him. And thus, like the ancients, he again questioned Christianity's beginnings & brought into the polemical mess, a typical environmental patternists' parallel pointing theory, to haunt the much later Christians of his time with. But also attempting to discredit it's origins by charging that these parallels that he was pointing to, "proved" that Christianity originated, & borrowed from the environments, or areas that it grew out of, deriving it's main core elements from the pagans & cults of the areas in which early Christianity grew in. Thus he charged that later Christianity was false & void of truth, & was based on earlier myths & cultic lore. He mentions, & shows a depiction of a funerary monument of the "ancient Etruscans" that shows two figures clasping hands before a cross symbol, which he says could pass for a Christian one for sake of similarities.102
Tertullain also must have been aware of the differences, but also of the parallels between the Christian mysteries & the different pagan cults. He may have also been aware of the different charges that were being made against the Christian mysteries. For Tertullian, according to Lundy, " equally emphatic when he says that the devil has a baptism of his followers: "and if my memory still serves me, Mithra therein sets his mark on the foreheads of his soldiers; celebrates also the oblation of bread, & introduces an image of a resurrection, & before a sword wreaths a crown."103 Tertullain's remarks that "the devil has a baptism of his followers" must mean that Tertullian saw in such a baptism a counterfeit of the Christian's baptismal rites. Like other early Christians, such as Justin Martyr before him, Tertullian had also noticed that their own eucharist, or the sacrament, (Luke 22:19-20; Acts 2:42, 20:7; 1 Cor. 10:13-28), was dangerously similar to the Mitharic communal meal. Which he, like Justin had, must have considered was a counterfeit of the true eucharist of the Christians. (Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, Ed. by Everett Ferguson, & others, Garland Pub., N.Y., & Lon., 1990, p.609-10, see: Mithraism, also: Justin, 1 Apol. 66; Tertullian, Praescr. 40).
Allen Richardson also wrote concerning Mithraism in his research paper: "MITHRA A Persian Christ many years B.C. Critics say his many parallels to the Christ are proofs that Christ imitated Mithraic mythology & folklore.... MITHRAISM Contains many doctrines identical to Christianity. Critics say the following references were taken from sacred books of Mithraism. 104
Milton R. Hunter tells us that there were many "mystery cults" before, during, & after the time of Christ. These cults had similar practices, beliefs, rites, doctrines, with those of their rivals, (the Christians sects), but they had distorted many aspects of these things. One of the things that some of these "mystery religions" offered as part of their doctrine was resurrection. Hunter wrote: "...Another important factor which served to make the Mystery Religions popular was the fact that these cults promised their devotees many of the things Christianity promised, such as the assurance of the resurrection & a happy future life beyond the grave. They even promised that cult members could be exalted to godhood. They also had such doctrines as baptism, sacrament, atonement, sacrifices, & a belief in savior-gods. In fact, these pagan religions taught & practiced, in a distorted way, many doctrines which were directly related to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even a casual glance at the doctrines of the Mystery Religions convinces one that they had come from one common source of religious truths--the Gospel revelations given to Father Adam & the other holy prophets of God. Since many people failed to distinguish between the original & counterfeit brands of religion, the Mystery Religions became Christianity's strongest pagan rivals. The following quotation shows clearly this rivalry: "From Paul to Augustine...the fathers of the early church knew these cults as the strongest rivals that Christianity had, & with sour eloquence they testified to the popularity of the Mysteries among the Gentile religionists."105
"The Mystery Religions are of special interest to us in this course of study since they affected the teachings of the Christian Church more than any other groups, resulting in drastically altering the teachings which Jesus had given & thereby bring about the great apostasy...." "The Mysteries of Mithra originated in Persia about 1500 B.C. & migrated westward, arriving in Rome 66 B.C. For more than a hundred years prior to Paul's birth, the worship of Mithra was the most popular at Tarsus, the apostle's home town, & it remained so for centuries thereafter. During the early Christian period, Mithraism became the most popular religion in the entire Roman empire; in fact, it became the state religion. It retained that position of importance until 312 A.D., when Constantine legalized Christianity; & then, in 392 A.D., it received its death blow when Theodosius outlawed all pagan religions. If it had not been for these important events, & especially for the sheer superiority of Christianity, much of the world might be worshipping Mithra today instead of Jesus, so powerful did this pagan cult become."106
Huge Nibley wrote that there is a lot of parallels, fragment, bits, & hints of the Temple endowment throughout the world. Some parts during falling aways, or times of apostasy, had become so fragmented & badly damaged that they are less recognizable as compared to other fragments. Some things had been lost & had retrogress during different phases of an apostasy. He also noted that the early Christian writers had also noticed that there were parallels between their mysteries & the mystery religions also. "...The early fathers of the Church gave such an explanation for the disturbingly close resemblances between Christianity & other, notably Egyptian, beliefs & practices--all are the remnants of another age..."107
Ham, who was also in the Ark with Noah & the others, just may have obtained the endowment from Noah. How? Perhaps from the sacred writings that Noah had preserved with them in the Ark, during the great flood. According to traditions & legends, Noah is suppose to have preserved some of the writings of his fore-fathers, such as a heavenly book given to Adam from an angel. This book was said to have been handed down to different righteous men, such as the prophet Enoch, & later it was preserved in the ark by Noah, by "...having enclosed it in a golden casket...." & thus it also survived the flood. Perhaps there may have also been many other sacred writings preserved as well, (if in fact these legends have any fragments of truth to them).108 The same source here, says that Noah (some time before Noah died), had entrusted the book to Shem. Shem later passed it on to Abraham, who passed it on later, to Jacob, then Levi, then Moses, later Joshua, then Solomon who all in turn learned the great wisdom, the things of the future, & many other things, (ibid. p.154-7).
Abraham also speaks of the writings of his fore-fathers which were preserved by the Lord. Abraham is reported to have written that "...the records have come into my hands,..." & they were the "...records of the fathers, even the patriarchs, concerning the right of Priesthood, the Lord my God preserved in mine own hands;..."109 Perhaps those who also were with Noah may have been taught, or may have learned from Noah, the divine mysteries, & or from the books thus preserved. Thus perhaps latter descendants of Noah may have passed on the knowledge to their children, & so on. Some of these later descendants may have rebelled, & also later had children & later descendants from them, etc., who at some point in time, fell even deeper into a state of apostasy, thus retrogressing & perverting the endowment, & blending it in with satanic inspired counterfeits.
Thus by the time of Abraham, (& even more so, by the time of Christ & the early Christians), the descendants of the Hamitic lineage had preserved an imitation of the endowment, but of which had fallen into a state of apostasy. Thus we see fragments of retrogressed apostate hints of the endowment in a perverted pagan form, which have only faded hints to anointings in a royal Coronation rite.110 And the washing of different parts of the body so that they might be restored after death & never lost again. The protective garment, the creation drama in a garden, the fall of man, the long pilgrimage back, passing through different passes, gait ways etc. Through all which the initiate also learned the wounds of salvation, (the wounds of the god, Osiris), & that it was through these wounds & suffering of this god, that one's own death could be avoided. The initiate was at some point in this mystery, pronounced clean, given royal & divine rank, (as in the royal coronation rite & in their customs of funerary rites of dressing their dead, thus, they were being prepared to enter into the presence of God) They would enter into the presence of God by clasping hands & embracing through a veil. If the right answers to the test, & if the right pass words were given, the initiate would be able to pass through the veil as if going into the presence of God, into a heavenly realm. Even hints to deification was contained in these mysteries as being the ultimate end of the journey's end.111
Later Christian coronation rites amongst the later Christian kings, shows the later preservation in part, of the earlier Christian mysteries. That like wise, as in the case with the later Egyptian mysteries. When both cases of earlier times, to later times of apostasy, is compare. We seem to see some good examples of what happens during an apostasy. Consider, for example, the endowment amongst the Egyptians when it was in later stages of an apostasy as compared to the freshly restored divine mysteries in early Christianity, before Christianitys' own great apostasy of later times, when the endowment had been torn to shreds, scattered, & in which fragmented bits & hints of it are seen throughout the later Christian sects in later apostate Christianity. Then consider & compare the Egyptian with the later cases in later Christianity. It is interesting to note some parallels in the effects of both cases of their own apostasies. Early to later Christianity & ancient americas' cases, also show some interesting situations.
But in later Christianity, though it had fallen away from many of the divine truths, yet it has clearly many more cases of preservation of the different fragments of the endowment, & gospel than any of the other cases mentioned here. Perhaps because of the many different early to later Christian art works, manuscripts, monuments, rites, & other things that have preserved in part many basic elements of the gospel, & the endowment. Despite how in some cases the fragments of truth had been blended in with other earlier apostate fragments, & legends, etc. Thus even many good peoples in later branches of Christianity, should be credited for doing the best that they could, despite having been with out divine revelations & many of the spiritual gifts, & the prophetic leadership. That the earliest saints had enjoyed.112 Of which divine help had been given to help preserve, & also check & balance the basic gospel message against further retrogression & apostasy. (Eph.2:19-22, 4:10-14). For despite this & other challenges, many later Christians had preserved, as best as they could, the different fragments of truth that they, (perhaps through the light of Christ), may have been inspired to preserve. But also, traditions, legends, art works, manuscripts, & even some later rituals, (as in the case with the coronation rites of the Christian kings), etc., all played an important part in preserving fragments, bits, & some basic elements of the original gospel.
Celsus, (the [EAC] of the latter part of the 2nd cent. AD) made the charges that Christians had imitated the polytheists in establishing chambers of mysteries, & secret meetings in which also immoralities were practiced. And where the initiates learned pass words, degrees, & rites of initiation.113 Having borrowed such things from the cults of Mithra & Osiris.114 That the Jewish nation had left Egypt, revolting against the Egyptian community, now the Christians had revolted against the Jews & were apostates from that systems.115 That the Christians must have also borrowed from Egyptian rites, mysteries, symbols, pass words, etc., as well as from others mystery religions. Such charges, & that fact that he could have also pointed to many parallels as "evidences" for his charges, such things must have been challenging & disturbing to many of the early Christians. But the Christians had answers to these charges that were good ones, & they made sense also.
About a decade before the time that Celsus had written against the early Christians, [170-80 A.D.], Justin Martyr [110-165 A.D.], certainly must have noticed the parallels, as well as the differences between the Christian mysteries, symbols, predictions, scriptures, etc, & those of the pagans, cults & occult sects. Thus he attempts to explain that the reason why there was parallels was because the demons had set up counterfeits. Thus the Christians continued to reject the pagan cults' mysteries as being counterfeits of satan. However, the problem was, that many of the early anti-Christians, pagans, & outsiders didn't perceive these things in this way. But rather, they charged that the Christians had borrowed from the pagans, etc. It becomes even more clear that Justin was aware of the false rumors going around against Christ when we consider more of what he has to say in response to the Jews, in (DWT).
In writing about Christ, Justin wrote that "...this Christ, who also appeared in your nation, & healed those who were maimed, & deaf, & lame in body from their birth, causing them to leap, to hear, & to see, by His word. And having raised the dead, & causing them to live, by His deeds He compelled the men who lived at that time to recognize Him. But though they saw such works, they asserted it was magical art. For they dared to call Him a magician, & a deceiver of the people. Yet He wrought such works, & persuaded those who were [destined to] believe on Him; for even if any one be labouring under a defect of body, yet be an observer of the doctrines delivered by Him, He will raise him up at His 2nd advent perfectly sound, after He has made him immortal, & incorruptible, & free from grief."116
Justin also wrote: "And when those who record the mysteries of Mithras say that he was begotten of a rock, & call the place where those who believe in him are initiated a cave, do I not perceive here that the utterance of Daniel, that a stone with out hands was cut out of a great mountain, has been imitated by them, & that they have attempted likewise to imitate the whole of Isaiah's...words?" In the footnote is this information: (n.2) "Justin says that the priests of Mithras imitated all the words of Isaiah about to be quoted; and to prove it, is content with a single example, namely, the precepts of righteousness, which they were wont to relate to him, as in these words of Isaiah: "He who walks in righteousness," etc. Justin omitted many other passages, as easy & obvious. For since Mithras is the same as fire, it manifestly answers to the fire of which Isaiah speaks. And since Justin reminded them who are initiated, that they are said to be initiated by Mithras himself, it was not necessary to remind them that the words of Isaiah are imitated in this: "You shall see the King with glory." Bread and water are referred to by Isaiah: so also in these mysteries of Mithras, Justin testifies that bread & a cup of water are placed before them (Apol. i).--Maranus."
"For they" (ft.nt. 3 "the devils") "contrived that the words of righteousness be quoted also by them." (n.4 "...the priests of Mithras.") "But I must repeat to you the words of Isaiah referred to, in order that from them you may know that these things are so." He quotes Isa.33:13-19. Then wrote: "Now it is evident, that in this prophecy [allusion is made] to the bread which our Christ gave us to eat," (n.6. "Literally, "to do," ...[The horrible charge of banqueting on blood, etc., constantly repeated against the Christians, was probably based on the Eucharist.117 "in remembrance of His own blood, with giving of thanks. And this prophecy proves that we shall behold this very King with glory..." Justin goes on to suggest that other scriptures were counterfeited: "...And when I hear, Trypho," said I, "that Perseus was begotten of a virgin, I understand that the deceiving serpent counterfeited also this." Justin promised to show to Trypho, that (Isa.7:14), concerning a virgin giving birth to a son, is a "...prophecy referred, not, as you were taught, to Hezekiah, but to this Christ..."118 Some of the Jews had claimed that Christ was not predicted, while the Christians said that He was.
After having noticed that other nations of the earth have had stories of half-human-half-gods, having been born of virgins. The early & modern anti-Christians have charged, that the Christians have only borrowed such stories. The early Christians responded by writing that the other pagans nations had fallen into apostasy, & had distorted the predictions. And, or, satan had sent forth his own agents to set up rival counterfeit predictions in order to discredit the divine predictions.
A.S. Garretson, wrote: "Touching the prophecies, the discussion shows that the one prophesied of was not proclaimed by the prophets as the "Son of God," but as "Immanuel," & other similar names. This may seem to descend to the level of casuistry, but it is something more than a "distinction without a difference," for it enabled the orthodox Jew to say to the Christian Jew, "Our prophecies nowhere mention the coming of a "Son of God.""119
Origen also notes that Celsus also used the [EAC] charges of the Jews in his own charges against the Christians, for he claimed: "...But, according to the Jew of Celsus, "countless individuals will convict Jesus of falsehood, alleging that those predictions which were spoken of him were intended of them." We are not aware, indeed, whether Celsus knew of any who, after coming into this world, & having desired to act as Jesus did, declared themselves to be also the "sons of God," or the "power" of God. But since it is in the spirit of truth that we examine each passage, we shall mention that there was a certain Theudas among the Jews before the birth of Christ, who gave himself out as some great one, after whose death his deluded followers were completely dispersed. And after him, in the days of the census, when Jesus appears to have been born, one Judas, a Galilean, gathered around him many of the Jewish people, saying he was a wise man, & a teacher of certain new doctrines. And when he also had paid the penalty of his rebellion, his doctrine was overturned, having taken hold of very few persons indeed, & these of the very humblest condition. And after the times of Jesus, Dositheus the Samaritan also wished to persuade the Samaritans that he was the Christ predicted by Moses; & he appears to have gained over some to his views. But it is not absurd, in quoting the extremely wise observation of that Gamaliel named in the book of Acts, to show how those persons above mentioned were strangers to the promise, being neither "sons of God" nor "powers" of God, whereas Christ Jesus was truly the Son of God." Origen goes on to quote Acts 5:38-39. Then wrote: "There was also Simon the Samaritan magician, who wished to draw away certain" [people] "by his magical arts. And on that occasion he was successful; but now-a-days it is impossible to find, I suppose, 30 of his followers in the entire world, & probably I have even over-stated the number. There are exceedingly few in Palestine; while in the rest of the world, through which he desired to spread the glory of his name, you find it nowhere mentioned. And where it is found it is found quoted from the Acts of the Apostles; so that it is to Christians that he owes this mention of himself, the unmistakable result having proved that Simon was in no respect divine."120
Allen Richardson demonstrates to the anti-Mormon Christians, of modern times, etc., that the critics' own test, standards, logic, & charges, if such things were placed on the Bible, (as modern atheists & anti-Christian writers have done already). The Bible, that many anti-Mormon "Christians" have claimed to believe in would not be able to pass the [AM] "Christians'" own tests, etc. Richardson's points are not to be considered as an attack upon the bible, for he believes in the Bible. His purpose it to show the modern [AM] "Christians" what would happen if they were to be placed under their own methods of attacks, logic, standards & tests. He has therefore attempted to show the [AM] "Christians" their own scriptures, etc., from another angle. Asking the critics, if the bible, & their own beliefs can pass the same tests, etc., that they have placed on Mormonism. Thus he wrote: An Index Of Biblical Polemics (an unpublished research paper which was given to me by Allen Richardson). On p.83 he show some of the other nations who have stories of "virgin births" in order to show to critics ([AM] Christians) that Atheists & anti-Christian writers point to these stories as being the sources for the Biblical accounts of the virgin birth of Christ.
Under the heading "VIRGIN BIRTHS." Allen Richardson wrote that stories of virgin births were "...common among all early pagan cultures, such as Egypt, India, Greece, Persia, Phoenicia, & Etrusca. The virgin Alcmene bore Alcides, of Thebes. Celeste bore Zulis, who was later, crucified; Semele bore Bacchus in Egypt, Ceres became pregnant by the father of all gods & gave birth to Osiris of Egypt. And Bacchus was later born as a son of Minerva in Greece; Prudence bore Hercules son of god Jove (see: GARDEN OF HESPERIDES-THE ORIGIN OF IDOLATRY Vol.1, p.433; The virgin Yasoda bore Krishna, Maia bore...Sakia, Mayance bore Hesus of the Druids. Other divine sons of virgins include, Ophion (Phoenica), Guatama (India), Scipio, (Rome, Arian; Juno gave birth to Mars (Juno was impregnated by touching a flower).121
H. Spencer Lewis wrote that in the Egyptian religion "...the conception & birth of Horus was pictured, sculptured, adored & worshipped as are the incidents of the conception & birth of Jesus among the Christians today. Another Egyptian god called Ra was born of a virgin."122 Lewis also claims to have "...seen on one of the ancient walls of a temple along the Nile, a beautifully carved picture representing the god Thoth--the messenger of God--telling the maiden, Queen Mautmes, that she is to give birth to a Divine Son of God, who will be the king & Redeemer of her people." "Turning to Persia, we find that Zoroaster was the first of the World redeemers acclaimed to have been born in innocence through the conception of a virgin. Ancient carvings & pictures of this great messenger show him surrounded by an aura of light that filled the humble place of his birth. Cyrus, king of Persia, was also believed to have been of Divine origin, & in the records of his time, he was referred to as the Christ or the anointed Son of God, & was considered as God's messenger. Even Plato, who was born in Athens, 429 B.C., was believed by the populace to have been a Divine Son of God by a pure virgin called Perictione." "...Osiris, son of the holy virgin, or Neith, was born on the 25th of December; & the Greeks celebrated this day as the birthday of Hercules. Bacchus & Adonis were also born on the 25th...."123
The late 19th century AD anti-Christian writer, T.W. Doane, wrote that the different parallels between the pagan nations & Christianity shows that Christianity derived their beliefs from these pre & post Christian time pagan sources, he also lists a number of nations that had virgin births, (some have already been mentioned above) including the fair god of the ancient americas "Quetzalcoatl."124
A.S. Garretson tells us of the different "SUPERNATURAL OR MIRACULOUS CONCEPTIONS." He mentioned Gen.6:11 & gave a date of "B.C. 2448." Also: Hebrews 7:1 dating this "B.C. 1913." He mentioned Hercules of the "Phoenicians & Greeks, dated "B.C. 1100." "No fewer than 100 conceptions of this character may be found recorded in the "Theogony" of Hesiod, B.C. 850. Among the most noteworthy may be mentioned,--Agamemmon, King of Greece, whose mother was a goddess. Agamemnon was long worshipped in Sparta as "Zeus Agamemnos." There was, too, the renowned soldier who fought at Troy, Achilles, whose mother was the goddess Thetis & his father Peleus. And the pious Aeneas, son of the Goddess Venus, & founder of the Latin Race." "B.C. 900 Mithra. The birth of Mithra is said to have been miraculous. It was witnessed & testified to by Aryan shepherds of Persia, who brought gifts & adored him. The incidents of his birth & life are mentioned in the Iranian Avesta & Hindu Vedas. At the end of his mission & work he is said to have been transfigured & translated, disappearing in a chariot swiftly drawn upward toward the sun. The worship of Mithra continued from 900 B.C. to A.D. 1500. This religion was embraced by Commodus, Diocletian, Galerius & Julian;" [the apostate] "because the religion of the Roman legions, & by the 3rd century A.D., had so completely covered the Roman empire that "It seemed on the verge of becoming the universal religion." "It gave way to Manichaeism & Christianity."
"B.C. 725. Romulus, the founder of Rome. We are told by the historian Livy, that Romulus was the son of the god Mars & the vestal virgin, Silvia, & that for centuries he was worshipped as the patron divinity of the Roman people...." "B.C. 700 Smyrna claimed to be the birthplace of Homer & his birth was there long held to have been supernatural...." "B.C. 600 Dionysus, was worshiped first in Thebes, later generally over Greece & Asia Minor....he had for his mother a Greek woman, named Semele, & for his father the god Zeus." "B.C. 582. Pythagoras of Samos. From the biographers of Pythagoras, or rather his commentators--Porphyry & Iamblichus, we learn that his father was the renowned god Apollo...." 600 years later, wrote Garretson, the Christians rejected & "bitterly opposed" the teachings of Pythagoras. "B.C. 460 Pericles was worshipped over Greece as an incarnation of Zeus.... It is said" [that] "the Egyptian disciples of Plato taught that his mother, Perictione, had, as a Virgin, suffered a miraculous conception by the god Apollo, that the god had declared to Ariston this circumstance & that Ariston married her thereafter.... B.C. 330 Alexander the Great. The oracle informed Alexander that his father was the god Jupiter Ammon & not Philip of Macedon...His mother, Olympia, however, denied the assumption."
"B.C. 325 Ptolemy, half brother of Alexander, was called "Saviour" by his Egyptian subjects. B.C. 102-44. Julius Caesar, claimed to have descended, on his father's side, from the gods. Guizot quotes him thus: "My aunt Julia is, maternally, the daughter of kings; paternally, she descended from the immortal gods;....B.C. 4- A.D. 1? Jesus. Matthew 1:18....B.C. 4 Apollonius of Tyana....A.D. 14. In the reign of Tiberius..." Another situation is related by historians (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, bk.18 Chap.3). "...A.D. 10-90 Simon Magus or Simon of Gitta, was a Samaritan Jew, a convert to Christianity & founder of the Samaritan Gnostic Christian sect known for several centuries as "The Simoniani." He is mentioned in the Acts, was a friend of Felix, written of by Josephus, & himself claimed to be "an incarnation of the Divinity." The Christian Father, Justin Martyr, writing at about A.D. 138, mentions Simon,-- "one who performed such miracles in Rome, in the reign of Claudius, that he was thought to be a god & the emperor honored him with a statue." And further says that the Samaritans & many of the other nations "acknowledged him as the first God." Mention is made of him by Irenaeus (A.D. 180). Tertullian (A.D. 200). Hippolytus (A.D. 220). Origen (A.D. 270). Cyprian (A.D. 260). And by St. Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem (A.D. 340). Cyril gives this rather ambiguous account of his death: "Simon had given out that he was soon to be translated to heaven, & was actually careering through the air in a chariot drawn by demons, when Peter & Paul knelt down & prayed, & their prayer brought him to earth a mangled corpse." "A.D. 39. Agrippa, king of the Jews, in the reign of Claudius, was held by many Jews to be a god....A.D. 1806 Napoleon allowed the impression that he was more than human,..."125
Justin Martyr "...says: "It having reached the Devil's ears that the prophets had foretold the coming of Christ (the Son of God), he set the Heathen Poets to bring forward a great many who should be called sons of Jove. The Devil laying his scheme in this, to get men to imagine that the true history of Christ was of the same character as the prodigious fables related of the sons of Jove." "...Justin Martyr (A.D. 140), in his Apology to the Emperor Adrian, says: "By declaring the Logos, the first-begotten of God, our Master, Jesus Christ, to be born of a virgin, without any human mixture, we (Christians) say no more in this than what you (Pagans) say of those whom you style the Sons of Jove. For you need not be told what a parcel of sons the writers most in vogue among you assigns to Jove...." As to the Son of God, called Jesus, should we allow him to be nothing more than man, yet the title of `the Son of God' is very justifiable, upon the account of his wisdom, considering that you (Pagans) have your Mercury in worship under the title of the Word, a messenger of God...." As to his" [Christ's birth as] "being born of a virgin, you have your Perseus to balance that."126
The [EAC] Celsus passed on the rumors of his time, (perhaps such false rumors as were going around amongst the earlier anti-Christian Jewish sects, etc., that), Jesus was not born of a virgin but of "a Roman Soldier named Panthera" that got Mary pregnant, which was why her husband had "driven" her away.127
Justin Martyr also wrote: "But those who hand down the myths which the poets have made, adduce no proof to the youths who learn them; & we proceed to demonstrate that they have been uttered by the influence of the wicked demons, to deceive & lead astray the human race. For having heard it proclaimed through the prophets that the Christ was to come, & that the ungodly among men were to be punished by fire, they put forward many to be called sons of Jupiter, under the impression that they would be able to produce in men the idea that the things which were said with regard to Christ were mere marvellous tales, like things which were said by the poets. And these things were said both among the Greeks & among all nations where they [the demons] heard the prophets foretelling that Christ would specially be believed in; but that in hearing what was said by the prophets they did not accurately understand it, but imitated what was said of our Christ, like men who are in error, we will make plain...."128
Justin goes on to say that the writings of Moses were older than "all writers," & he predicted the coming of Christ, (Gen.xlix.10). Justin then says that the devils had made counterfeits of these predictions. "...The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, & gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, & they number wine...[or, the ass] among his mysteries; & they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven...." Justin also seems to suggest that other things were counterfeited. "And when they" [the demons] "heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, & by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, "Strong as a giant to run his course," (Ps. xix.5.) "they said that Hercules was strong, & had journeyed over the whole earth. And when, again, they learned that it had been foretold that He should heal every sickness, & raise the dead, they produced AEsculapius."129
The [EAC] Celsus, who is said to have written his polemical book against the Christians about 170-8 A.D., according to how some writers have dated his works, wrote: "...As the Christians themselves have said, Jesus himself spoke of rivals entering the contest with his followers, wicked men & magicians, who would perform just the same sorts of wonders, only under the supervision of Satan." (Mark 13:6) "Even Jesus admits that there was nothing exclusively "divine" about working these signs--that they could just as easily be done by wicked men. Nonetheless, in acknowledging this capacity in others, he unwittingly proves his own performances to be a lie....Is it not a silly sort of argument to reckon by the same works that one man is a god whilst his rivals are mere "sorcerers"?..."130
Tertullian (born about 160 AD & who's experience in Christianity began after his baptism by immersion about 190 AD, & continued on into the beginning of the 3rd cent. AD.131 wrote concerning some of the workings of demons. "...Even God's dispositions they" (the demons) "picked up in the past from the words of the prophets, & to-day they gather them from the readings of Scripture they hear. Therefore, taking from them certain responses with regard to dates they set themselves up as diviners in thievish rivalry with the divine...."132
The true Old Testament time prophets, & the true Son of God, Jesus Christ, & His apostles & prophets, of New Testament times, & the early to later missionaries, etc., or those divine messenge, or those acting under divine direction, had been always faced with the challenges of rival counterfeit messengers, some of which had even been apart of, or had known the ways of truth, but who had apostatized. While other rival counterfeit messengers had learned of the divine things, had borrowed what they liked & then had blended in elements of the divine with the counterfeits in order to produce their own versions of what they then claimed was the "divine message." Which was really was not, but which was their own brew of a mixture of bits of the divine, later perverted because it had been blended with counterfeits. The divine messengers have had to deal with these problems & challenges one right after the other, all throughout history, in each dispensation, & in every nation that the true prophets of God, or the divine messengers were sent to, or were raised up in.
One good example of this, for a case in point, was in the case with some of the earliest converts to Christianity, or even the so called, & perhaps even the different pretended converts like "Simon" (Acts 8:9-24) Here is a good example & case were we see how different ones would become known & would later blend their own ideas, & magical counterfeits with Christianity.133 This man "Simon" had "beforetime" had "bewitched the people of Samaria" Later as a "convert" to the Christian faith, in the time of the apostles, he sought to buy with money, the powers that he saw Peter was able to use by the "laying on of hands." Peter refused to sale him the holy powers, & perhaps other spiritual gifts. And it must have been not to long after that, that this "Simon" went off into his own ways again, perhaps blending Christian doctrines, rites, symbols, practices, etc., with his former practices as a magician. This only caused more problems for those areas of the early churches who attempted to remain true Christians, & who attempted to stayed true to Christ's & the Apostles' teachings. And despite how there were some, in every early branch, & the later sects that had apostatized, or had caused strifes & contentions over different points of doctrine, etc., as the New Testament & early Christian writers point out over & over again.
It is also clear from historical writings, that the Christians feared that they would be mistaken for these extreme-apostates, or "renegade Christians" who were going around doing all sorts of terrible things in the name of Christ & Christianity. Who were mixing & blending cultic, pagan, & occult rites in with the Christians rites, thus perverting the Christian rites with such extreme mixtures. The problem was, that many non-Christians & outsiders couldn't tell the differences between who was who. They confused the extreme practices of these renegade Christians, with those of the rest of Christianity. The early anti-Christians didn't help much in these matters & situations either, for they only added to the confusion by lumping all the different movements into one group, under the general title of "the Christians" or "the Nazarene sects." Thus, with this sweeping generalization, some of the early critics made their attacks on the Christian movement in general, as a whole. Perhaps they may have thought that if they could use the wild stories of the terrible things that were said to be happening at that time among the extreme renagade Christian sects, (stories that even some of the other Christians themselves had said were happening). Perhaps these early critics thought that they could then pass over the blame & charges, to the other Christians as well, in general, & could thus make them all look bad.
Charges & rumors of what went on in the "secret meetings" of Christianity were wide spread. The early Christian writer, Minuscius Felix,134 "...a 3rd-century Latin Apologist, gave a lurid account of Christian debauchery which he claims to have derived from Marcus Cornelius Fronto (100-166 C.E.), a Latin rhetor & tutor of Marcus Aurelius...."135 For Caecilius charged that sexual orgies, & all kinds of ritual murders took place during the "secret" Christian meetings. Tertullain also seems to have been aware of the problem also, but he claims that renegade Christians were involved, but not the normal Christian body.136
Wilken wrote that: "Once the suspicion had been aroused that Christians engaged in clandestine rites, tales of this sort could spread. The possibility, however, must not be ruled out that there were some basis for such accusations. A number of Christian writers mention bizarre rites practiced by certain libertine groups, for example, the Gnostic sect known as the Carpocratians. Clement of Alexandria, writing in the early 3rd century, says that the Carpocratians celebrated a "love-feast" in which the participants had intercourse "whenever they will & with whom they will" (Strom. 3.2.10). Justin Martyr, writing in the middle of the 2nd century, had heard stories about Christian groups who "upset the lamp" to engage in intercourse & partake of human flesh (1 Apol. 26.7). He was concerned that the non-Christians or the outsiders would think that the rest of the Christian sects were doing the same sorts of things. He thus wrote that people should not think of this behavior as being a characteristic element & a typical behavior of all Christians in general. (TCATRST), Wilken, ibid., p.18-25, etc.) But the most dramatic account comes from a later Christian author, Epiphanius of Cyprus, who claimed to have knowledge of a Christian group called the Phibionites which practiced ritual intercourse & the eating of an unborn child." "...If certain libertine Christian groups did practice ritual intercourse, as such practices came to be known they contributed to rumors that all Christians were guilty of crimes. The rumors may have been fueled by the practices of these extremist & fringe groups."137 "If a Christian sect in one city celebrated the Eucharist without clothes, or participated in a ritual in which human semen was offered to God & consumed, it is not difficult to imagine how stories would spread that Christians in general were depraved & guilty of unspecified "crimes." Outsiders could hardly be expected to distinguish one Christian group from another."138
The stories of a certain group that "upset the lamp" was known to the Christians, it seems, but also to the early critics. During a secret meeting a dog would be tied to a lamp & would be thrown a scrap of food, & thus when the dog went for the food it would "upset the lamp" causing the lights to go out. Thus it was claimed, that in the darkness, all kinds of lustful acts of sexual intercourse & orgies took place.139
"When Pliny" (2nd Cent. AD), "was informed of the presence of the Christian group in Bithynia, it is possible that he saw similarities between the Christians & the Bacchae. He knew that Christians met together for a secret ritual & he must have wondered what went on in those gatherings. He may also have heard other rumors about the new religion. He indicated that he expected to find evidence that Christians were guilty of "crimes." He did not, however, specify what these crimes were. They could have been ordinary offenses such as robbery, theft, adultery, & fraud, but he could also have heard tales about debauchery & infanticide in connection with Christian rites."
"Not so long after Pliny, Christians were accused of clandestine rites involving promiscuous intercourse & ritual meals in which human flesh was eaten, the so-called Thystean banquets (Thystes, who seduced his brother's wife, was invited to a banquet in which his sons were served up to him) & Oedipean unions.140 By the late 2nd century such charges had become widespread. There is no way of knowing whether stories of this sort were already circulating in Pliny's time, but in his letter to Trajan a statement that Christians only "took food of an ordinary, harmless kind" suggests that he may have heard rumors of sinister activities in the Christian gatherings...."141 But still the charges & misrepresentations, misunderstanding, misconceptions, rumors, early anti-Christian charges, renegade Christian rites & practices, & cultic-pagan black magic rites & practices of the times all added up to confuse the outsiders, who were attempting to find out what was going on. Thus charges of ritual murders, crimes, bloody oaths, ritual sexual intercourse, the eating of human flesh, all such things were brought up against the Christians in general, when they were not to be blamed in general. (The 2nd century AD writer, Lollianus, mentioned by Wilken.142
Garretson tells us another charge made by "Celsus: "Immoralities were practiced in these secret meetings." Origin: "We deny this." "This can be admitted only in exceptional cases. Tertullian, when he left the Catholic body & joined the "Montanist" body of Christians, states several instances of this kind....that the churches were crowded with people of all rank. Many who had been criminals came to the altars for forgiveness of sins, "whom the temples & the gods of Rome would not absolve." And these mixed multitudes put in danger many of the institutions, or rites of the Church; especially the rite of the "Agapae," or love feast, in which the indiscriminate & unreserved kiss was indulged. This was more than human nature, that the "Mediterranean climate" could stand, & scandal & even tragedies followed, & cases of more immoral practices are specifically mentioned....But Tertullian conveys the idea that the irregular lives within the Church were the exception & that the majority were good people."
"Celsus: "Christians imitate the polytheists in establishing chambers of mysteries in their churches with pass words & degrees, & rites of initiation." Origen: "We deny this." To this we have but one instance that I am aware of & that by the "Valentinians," a Christian body of some importance. The Valentinians divided their church, or societies, into chambers, degrees & orders, & the votary was initiated into these orders by a solemn ceremony. The first service appears to have been open to all classes, after this service was held, & before the "initiated" resolved themselves into a 2nd meeting, a deacon would step to the door, then turn around facing the audience, & in a loud voice,...would say: "Come out all ye catechumen, all ye who are possessed & who are uninitiated."143
E. De Pressense wrote that: "It was chiefly the ignorant & the common people that the artifices of the magicians found dupes. We see from the romance of Apueleius how much credit the magicians had among the people. In opposition to their false miracles, the Church could show miracles which were true, & supernatural events such as had signalized the first days of missions were still repeated, though with less & less frequency...." He goes on to mention some of the early Christian fathers who had noticed a decline in the spiritual gifts & miracles, but who claimed that such things still took place, in their day in time.144
Tertullian relates some miracle healings by anointing with oil.145 Other early fathers mention other miracles as well, devils were cast out, etc., "...when all the powers of darkness seemed abroad..."146 As the centuries went by into later ages of Christianity, the spiritual gifts seem to have been replaced by counterfeit miracles & magical formulas.147
Justin speaking of the attempts of "heathen exorcists" in failing to cast out demons, & how through the name of Christ they, the Christians succeeded. Tertullian also describes the demons would not lie to a Christian when "any Christian will compel the spirit to confess honestly that he is a demon, even though he may have elsewhere falsely pretend to be a god...."148 But the spiritual gifts were fading out of the churches.149
In the thinking of Tertullian, (who later joined the sect known as the Montanist Christians),150 the spiritual gifts were still to be considered as having continued, prophecy would continue until Christ came again.151
Origen also knew that there were counterfeit miracles, but also claimed that the miracles of God are stronger & that demons lose their strength when divine powers are at work, He thus wrote: "To the Greeks, then, I have to say that the Magi, being on familiar terms with evil spirits, & invoking them for such purposes as their knowledge & wishes extend to, bring about results only as do not appear to exceed the superhuman power & strength of the evil spirits, & of the spells which invoke them, to accomplish; but should some greater manifestation of divinity be made, then the powers of the evil spirits are overthrown, being unable to resist the light of divinity. It is probable, therefore, that since at the birth of Jesus "a multitude of the heavenly host," as Luke records, & as I believe, "praised God, saying, Glory to God in the highest, & on earth peace, good-will towards men," the evil spirits on that account became feeble, & lost their strength, the falsity of their sorcery being manifested, & their power being broken; this overthrow being brought about not only by the angels having visited the terrestrial regions on account of the birth of Jesus, but also by the power of Jesus Himself, & His innate divinity. The Magi, accordingly, wishing to produce the customary results, which formerly they used to perform my means of certain spells & sorceries, sought to know the reason of their failure, conjecturing the cause to be a great one; & beholding a divine sign in the heaven, they desired to learn its signification. I am of the opinion that, possessing as they did the prophecies of Balaam was celebrated for such predictions, & finding among them the prophecy about the star, & the words,..." (Num.24:17 Septuag. version), "...they conjectured that the man whose appearance had been foretold along with that of the star, had actually come into the world; & having predetermined that he was superior in power to all demons, & to all common appearances & powers, they resolved to offer him homage. They came, accordingly, to Judea, persuaded that some king had been born; but not knowing over what kingdom he was to reign, & being ignorant also of the place of his birth, bringing gifts, which they offered to him as one whose nature partook, if I may so speak, both of God & of a mortal man,--gold,..." etc., "...they brought these offerings after they had learned the place of His birth...." Origen goes on to say that because the Magi came to worship the true Christ, an angel of God warned them not to go back to the Herod, but to return home another way.152
Celsus also attacked the prediction concerning the coming fire that was to come upon the wicked, a prediction that was also amongst the Christians sects. (2 Pet.3:10). Celsus claims that it didn't originate with the Christians but that Plato had taught it long before them. And yet he asked, what kind of a god would bring down fire with him?153
When early anti-Christian brought up their different charges & claims, they would also note the differences, contentions, polemical situations, & splinter sects amongst the scatter branches of Christianity. When it was to their advantage, the critics would point this out, & thus charge that Christianity was divided against itself. But then they would ignore this when it was to their advantage to lump all the different rival sects into one group, "the Christians," in order to make a sweeping generalization.
Another early Christian Father, "...Hippolytus (who lived until ca., 230), had reported on a serpent sect of his own time known as Perates..." This group mixed in pagan elements with Christian elements to form a strange brew & counterfeit doctrines & rituals. Fragments of the prayer circle seem to have been blended in with their strange rites.154 "Here are the inside...of an Ophitic communion bowl of Hippolytus' time. In the center, the forward part of a winged serpent (left wing lost) coils around a hemisphere, from the base of which there radiates spikes of flames. 16 naked figures, 9 females, 7 males, all regarding the winged serpent, stand in attitudes of worship, with 5 of the women in the Medici Venus pose. Apparently we are viewing here the interior of a cult sanctuary symbolic of the highest heaven, where the cycling serpent, having ascended from the lower plane through the golden sun-door to eternity,... They have ascended (spiritually) through the sun-door, which opens at the instant of noon..."155
In this bowl are the said figures. They are depicted as making different gestures that are common in early to later Christian art works, & are mentioned in scriptures, & early to later Christian writings.156 It is clear that the early Christian Father Hippolytus saw in this sect, that some of the Christian elements had been blended in, & counterfeited by them.
Had this later pagan-cult sect come in contact with left-over fragments of an earlier dispensation, that originated in the Prophets of God, & which had been borrowed by apostates, who may have blended different mystery gestures, etc., from other pagan cults? Or did this sect come in contact with the early Christian mysteries, (perhaps from an apostate, or some one like Simon), & thus the different fragments of the mysteries were blended in with cultic mysteries? Why are the early to later Christian prayer circles, & gestures similar to those found in this bowl? (See also: Temple & Cosmos, Nibley, ibid., p.159-60, fig.39-E).
Francis Legge tells us that Orphic mysteries are a blend of different mystery religions. That it dates back into pre-Christian times. Persian influences, Zoroastrian, the Eleusinian mysteries, Neo-Platonic, Oriental ideas, all had some influences in the retrogression stages in pre-Christian times to post-Christian times. A number of early Christian fathers had written against them in their day in time, such as ones like St. Augustine in his Against All Heresies, which passes under the name of Tertuallian.157 St. Jerome is said to have written that the Ophites derived their doctrines from Nicolaus or Nicolas of Antioch, the deacon mentioned in the Acts 6:5. Origen in his writings against Celsus says that they boasted of one Euphrates as their founder (OAC) bk.6 chap.28). While Hippolytus says that their tenets were said by themselves to be due to the "very numerous discourses which were handed down by James the brother of the Lord to Mariamne..." (bk. v. c.7 p.141, Cruice). The early Christian Fathers condemned this counterfeit & heresy with the others that they wrote against. Some writings are in question how ever, & Legge points out that some writings said to have been written by some of the Fathers may have been written by others, but which were put forth as if it had been written by a different one.158
If early Christian Fathers noticed these different parallels, (again despite the many differences also), we can be sure that the early anti-Christians must have also noticed, because they were looking for such things to help them build their cases against the Christians. Another example of different ones who were going around counterfeiting different things can be found in Acts 13:6-11. "And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus: Which was with the deputy of the country, Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas & Saul, & desired to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. Then Saul, (who also is called Paul), filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, & said, O full of all subtilty & all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?..." (verse 11 tell of the sorcerer being blinded for a season, through the rebukings of the Lord through Paul). Notice in this scripture, that Paul rebukes this sorcerer, who is always working against the missionary efforts, of the Men of God, & was always perverting the right ways of God. Again we see how different counterfeiters & cultists, many of them, would pervert the ways of God by blending the divine with the unholy!
In some cases in early, but more in later Christianity, in many of the different scattered branches, we can notice more & more different clues of the blending of the divine things of God, with the counterfeits, pagan & Christian symbols are blended together. We see "...the blending of pagan art with Christian themes."159 Many of the converts to Christianity had come from many different backgrounds, some converts had been pagans, others Romans, Greeks, Jews, etc. "The converts to Christianity no doubt entered with sincere convictions. They were, however, individuals who had been reared in the pagan world." (Or what ever backgrounds that they came out of). "Their training, their culture & their thought-patterns had been conditioned by backgrounds. These had become part of their natures & although they had embraced the new faith with a feeling of conviction, pagan culture was still strongly imbedded in their thinking."160 Some converts were placed in leadership positions, (in some cases), & despite though they might have not understood all the basic doctrines & mysteries, they did their best. While in other cases the conversion process took sometimes up to 2 or 3 years, then after they had shown themselves to be worthy, they were taken through the mysteries. In other cases & in some churches, the leaders of different branches of Christianity mixed their Christian understanding, in with their own pagan backgrouds. Some had also apparently commenced to solve different problems that arose " making interpretations drawn from pagan backgrounds. These appeared reasonable to them but they did not realize that they might be contrary to the spirit of Christianity...."161
Then on the other extreme we have Christians who perhaps were at first pagans, who later became apostates, (in some cases during times of persecution), & who kept the ideas with them that they had learned from Christianity & in going back to their old pagan ways blended such ideas with paganism. During the time of the 3rd century A.D., Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus (Born about 200 A.D., to pagan parents), joined the Christian movement about 246 A.D., & soon became bishop of Carthage, (in North Africa). He studied the writings of the Montanists, & early Christian Father, Tertullian. Two years after He became bishop, (about 250 A.D.?) "...the Emperor Decius ordered a persecution of the Christians...." Church officers were to be arrested under this order. And "...every inducement was to be made to persuade the laity to return to paganism, even to buying a libellus certifying that the bearer had satisfied the emperor's command even though he had not. When this persecution suddenly broke upon them, Cyprain went underground & directed the church from his hiding place. The Persecution stopped as suddenly as it had begun,..." The members of his group charged him of being a coward, but Cyprain did not see how the church gained anything by dead martyrs. Out of this situation came writings that explored this issue. Some writings "...had to do with the condition of those who temporarily returned to paganism during the persecutions. Cyprian refused to allow those who gave evidence of having turned to paganism to return to the church & denied them rebaptism. He differed sharply with Bishop Stephen of Rome over this issue & never recognized the Roman church's method of receiving the lapsed back into communion."162
In some cases in later Christianity, heretics who wanted to return to the different churches, or main branches, went through different stages. In the time of Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, heretics were given the "unction of chrism" (anointing), or the laying on of hands or what they called the "imposition of hands." Or by a profession of the faith only. Different areas of the church did it different ways. In some cases baptism was required. Some were required to purge themselves on oath, that they were no longer with the heresy that they had left, thus they were welcomed back into the fold. In other cases, an interrogation sometimes took place also.163
Another early Christian Father, S. Cyril of Jerusalem (born a few years before the outbreak of the Arianism in A.D. 318.164 He warned the early Christians of the different evidences of counterfeit rivals that had been set up against Christianity by magicians, anti-christs, apostates & heretics. He saw in these situations the "signs of the times," that were predicted by the Lord, the prophets, & apostles. Cyril quotes Paul (2 Thess.2:3-10), & says that the falling away was in process in his time, "...and now is the falling away. For men have fallen away from the right faith..." In the footnote that follows after this we read: "The prediction was supposed by earlier Fathers to refer to a personal Antichrist, whom they expected to come speedily." (DWT 110:32): "He who is to speak blasphemous & daring things against the Most High is already at the doors." (IAH), V.25. Cyril in this passage regarded the heresies of his time as the apostasy in general, but he also watched out for a person who would rise to power over as the Antichrist. Cyril named some of the heresies that were around during the Nicene creed era (325 A.D. & there after), & continued to use the predictions in scripture, (2 Tim.4:3), that had predicted the falling away. "For men have fallen away from the truth, & have itching ears." He wrote concerning some of the situations of his time, for he must have observed that: "...Most have departed from right words, & rather choose the evil, than desire the good.... This therefore is the falling away, & the enemy is soon to be looked for: And meanwhile he has in part begun to send forth his own forerunners..." So even satan had counterfeited the idea of having "forerunners," just like Christ had forerunners who were sent to prepare the way before Him.
Cyril of Jerusalem, like some of the earlier Christian writers165 in earlier centuries, wrote that the devil had set counterfeit virgin births amongst the pagan religions. He wrote: "But as, when formerly He" (Christ) "was to take man's nature, & God was expected to be born of a Virgin, the devil created prejudice against this, by craftily preparing among idol-worshippers...fables of false gods, begetting & begotten of women, that, the falsehood having come first, the truth, as he supposed, might be disbelieved; so now, since the true Christ is to come a second time, the adversary, taking occasion by...the expectation of the simple, & especially of them of the circumcision, brings in a certain man who is a magician,... & most expert in sorceries & enchantments of beguiling craftiness; who shall seize for himself the power of the Roman empire, & shall falsely style himself Christ; by this name of Christ deceiving the Jews, who are looking for the Anointed,...& seducing those of the Gentiles by his magical illusions." Cyril seemed to have thought, (like some of the other early to later Christians), that the end of the world was near. Cyril suggested that the Antichrist would rise up amongst the Romans, & would, by his magical craft, he would seize power, & show forth signs, & by his magical deceit. He would seduce the Jews, & thus claim he was their promised Messiah, who would also restore their temple. But such a one would afterwards be filled with all manner of unrighteous deeds, crimes, murders, & other evils. But the true Christ would soon come & "...slay" [the] Antichrist with the breath of His mouth..." & delivered him to the fire of hell.
Cyril used the Old Testament predictions as proof texts, for his interpretations, such as (Dan.7:23-5) etc. Cyril suggested, like other early Christians, that satan would counterfeit even the miracles of the divine, & would produce illusions that would make others believe that miracles were done, when they were not done. "And who is this, & from what sort of working? Interpret to us, O Paul. Whose coming, he says, is after the working of Satan, with all power & signs & lying wonders;...implying, that Satan has used him as an instrument, working in his own person through him; for knowing that his judgment shall now no longer have respite, he wages war no more by his ministers, as is his wont, but henceforth by himself more openly.... And with all signs & lying wonders; for the father of falsehood will make a show...of works of falsehood, that the multitudes may think that they see a dead man raised who is not raised, & lame men walking, & blind men seeing, when the cure has not been wrought." Cyril then used 2 Thess.2:4, & claims that the anti-Christ would come to the temple of the Jews, which has been destroyed. "For God forbid that it should be the one in which we are!" Cyril knew that the Christian had temple ordinances of their own, & hoped that the anti-Christ would not come in amongst them to counterfeit their rites, exalting himself. Cyril had lectured on the mysteries,166 & yet he also seems to have been aware of the predictions that the anti-Christ would bring forth his own counterfeit wonders, signs, & works, & so the Christians were called on in the mysteries or ordinances to "renounce" satan & all is evil works & ceremonies of evil, & sins, (ibid. p.145 etc.).
Cyril warns the Christians to guard themselves against satan's counterfeit mysteries. "...Guard thyself then, O man; thou hast the signs of Antichrist; & remember them not only thyself, but impart them also freely to all. If thou hast a child according to the flesh, admonish him of this now; if thou hast begotten one through catechizing..." (Which would perhaps mean that they had become the persons "god-parents." If the persons' real parents were dead, or were to die, they may have also witnessed these persons' catechetical entrance into the Church, & would therefore be considered their guardians, or perhpas their spiritual guardians.167) Cyril continues to warn them to "put him also on his guard, lest he receive the false one as the True. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work...." (Here Cyril used the words of Paul (2 Thess.2:7). "I fear these wars of the nations... the schisms of the Churches..." [&] "the mutual hatred of the brethren. But enough on this subject; only God forbid that it should be fulfilled in our days; nevertheless, let us be on our guard...." Cyril later concluded this Lecture thus: "...And may the God of the whole world keep you all in safety, bearing in mind the signs of the end, & remaining unsubdued by Antichrist. Thou has received the tokens of the Deceiver who is to come; thou hast received the proofs of the true Christ, who shall openly come down from heaven. Flee therefore the one, the False one; & look for the other, the True. Thou hast learnt the way, how in the judgment thou mayest be found among those on the right hand; guard that which is committed to thee" (1 Tim.6:20) "concerning Christ, & be conspicuous in good works, that thou mayest stand with a good confidence before the Judge, & inherit the kingdom of heaven:--Through whom, & with whom, be glory to God with the Holy Ghost, for ever & ever. Amen."168
Some of the Christian during the 4th century AD, & their critics may have also notice other parallels between the Christians & the pagan cults. Gregory of Nyssa mentioned many things that were part the mysteries, or Christian ordinances, such as baptism, washing & anointings, garments, robes, etc. He hints to a creation drama, where they were banished from Paradise, & recalled. The fig-tree leaves covering being removed so that a "costly garment" could be clothed upon them. The opening of the "prison" (spirit prison so that the captives can go forth over into paradise.169 Of which also, according to many art works, from early to later scattered branches of Christianity, suggests that different types of hand clasps170 were done, which was symbolic of a number of things. The right hand of Christ, raised Adam & Eve & those in the spirit prison house out of the pit, the grave, limbo, the under world, hades, etc., (as they called that realm, depending on what area in the different sects or Churches a person was at). And thus they were released from prison, & taken over to the "right hand" or the place of favor, to the blessed realm of paradise. And this was through the resurrection of Christ, who also came up with them, taking them by the hand.171
Other Christians & their critics may have noticed that the pagan cults had similar parallels in their mysteries, when compared with each other. Such as a creation drama of some kind, & even the other elements. To explain this disturbing fact, some of the Christians continued to insist that their mysteries were from a divine source, while the pagan cults, they said, was of the devil, or was a clever counterfeit of the divine. We know that in earlier centuries, Celsus had charged that the Christians had borrowed from the mysteries of Mythras. Some years later Origen responded to these charges in his 8 books against Celsus, as I have mentioned before. There are hints, (though these are said to be questionable, or there is some uncertainty about them, but there is hints), of some parallels at a Mithraic chapel discovered at Housesteads in Northumberland. M. Cumont conjectures that some of the scenes may depict a person in the act of prayer, with up-lifted hands. While other scenes may depict " allusion to the Fall of Man & his subsequently clothing himself with leaves as described in the Book of Genesis,..."172
St. Ambrose (Born 340 AD), "...probably at Treves...youngest son of Ambrose, Prefect of the Gauls." During this year "Constantine II." was "killed at Aquileia." Eusebius also died during this year. Toward the end of the 4th cent. 387 AD?, Ambrose wrote about the Christian mysteries or ordinances.173 Baptism, anointing, garments, renouncings against the devil, etc., were discussed by St. Ambrose. But Ambrose also seemed to have been aware of other counterfeit mysteries or ordinances. Ambrose wrote against the pagan mysteries, & wrote that if any Heathen Emperor made the faithful Christians to be amongst the sacrifices of the heathen altars, & should compel them to vote, & swear the oaths at such gatherings, "...a Christian who was compelled with a choice such as this to come to the Senate, would consider it to be persecution,..." Ambrose, considered the gods of the heathens to be "devils" & he cited Ps. xcvi [xcv.] 5, as proof text for this conclusion. The pagan, or heathen oaths were counterfeit oaths, as were their barbaric rites. So many of the Christians thought that they would be polluted if they should happen to be made, by some sort of governmental decree, to take part in the mysteries at the heathen altars. Ambrose wrote in his reply to the Memorial of Symmachus. (In which Symmachus had hoped to stop a famine through the heathen rites, it having been brought about with the cessation of the heathen rites. Ambrose of course wrote that such a famine did not have anything to do with the cessation of the heathen rites). Ambrose wrote: "...If the old rites pleased, why did Rome also take up foreign ones?..." He charged that the heathen had been counterfeiting the Cybele from the Almo. He objected to the heathen-pagans who wanted to erect an alter in the Senate house of the city of Rome, where the majority who meet there were Christians. He rejected to the swearing of oaths at these pagan-heathen altars, to obey laws & decrees.
"...Where, says he, shall we swear obedience to your Grace's laws & decrees?" (Ambrose had written to the Christian Emperor Valentinian II, concerning this memorial which was sent to the Emperor by Symmachus), "Does then your mind, which is contained in the laws, gain assent & bind to faithfulness by heathen ceremonies? The faith is attacked, not only of those who are present but also of those who are absent, & what is more, O Emperors, your faith, too, is attacked, for you compel if you command...." [other to take part].
A new convert to Christianity, "...Constantius of august memory, though not yet" [been] "initiated in the sacred Mysteries," [of the Christians] "thought that he would be polluted if he saw that altar. He commanded it to be removed, he did not command it to be replaced. The removal has the authority of an act, the restoration has not that of a command." Ambrose did not want to see these pagan altars, & the mysteries of counterfeiting "devils'" mysteries "polluting" the uninitiated, who have not yet been through the "sacred Mysteries" of the Christians. So also it seems, did others, such as the person mentioned.174
What concerned Ambrose & other Christians?, (even ones who had not been through the Christian mysteries, such as this "Constantius of august"?) Did they know of some of the similarities, & differences? Had they heard, read, or even known of some of the things that went on in the pagan mysteries? Some of them having been pagans, or, & had pagan parents, prior to becoming converts to Christianity? What may have concerned them, as well as other things, was the counterfeited parts, & elements of similarities in the pagan mysteries, which if they had been made to take part in, again, (or for the first time, in some cases with others). Their minds, (so they seemed to have thought), would be "polluted." For the similar elements of the pagan-heathen mysteries, may, or could return as "flash backs" in their minds, as they beheld the symbolical gestures, symbols, etc., of the "sacred Mysteries" of the Christians.
Some of the similarities are evident when we start to compare the early Christian writings, art works, monuments, etc., with those of the Romans, Greeks, & other pagan nations' art works, writings, monuments, etc. For example, some coins from the 1st three centuries of the Roman Empire "...bear the imprint of a female figure whose hands are uplifted in a gesture of prayer. With the female figure, legends such as vota publica (public prayer), pietas, pietas augusta are to be found." (Public Oaths & votes), "Vota publica were offered on official holidays & anniversaries. For example, a Roman military calendar discovered at an army station at Dura Europos on the eastern border of the empire in Mesopotamia designates 3 January as a holiday for "vows fulfilled & offered for the preservation of our Lord Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Augustus & for the eternity of the Empire of the Roman people." Sacrifices accompanied the prayers..." to the Roman pagan gods.175 Wilken also points out that on Roman funerary art & stone sarcophagi different depictions of prayer gestures can be seen, such as "...a figure with hands uplifted in prayer, the so-called orans;...The orans was a visible way of representing pietas toward the gods..."176
As I have pointed out earlier, a common way to pray, for many people in different nations, & in the different mystery religions, was to pray with up-lifted hands.177 Early anti-Christians also noticed these similarities, & thus charged the Christians as having borrowed from their pagan rivals. The different defenders of the faith claimed that the pagans were the ones who had borrowed, & counterfeited such things, having been inspired by "devils." And so on, the polemical war of words & charges flew back & forth between the Christians & the anti-Christians, pagans, Jews, Greeks, Romans, etc. Each one charging the other of having borrowed from the other. Each one attempting to show that their rites were of divine origin, & were of ancient antiquity, more so than their rivals.
Origen had responded to Celsus charges that the Christians had borrowed from the mysteries of Mithras & others.178 In his series of books responding to Celsus, Origen hinted to some of the prayer gestures with up-lifted hands, that were done in the Christian mysteries. He had cited from Ps. 141:2, for scriptural support for this practice,179 Origen may have realized that Celsus had noticed some parallels between the Christian Mysteries, & the Mysteries of Mithras. The Mithraic mysteries also had these prayer gestures with uplifted hands,180 hand clasping,181 & a sort of sacrament which earlier Justin Martyr & others had said was a counterfeit inspired by demons, who wanted to discredit the divine rites of Christ.182
Garretson wrote: "With reference to the rites & mysteries of the Christian Church, which were introduced into it largely by Gentile Christians & Greek theologians, there is" (Garretson claims), "reason to believe that much was taken from the mythologies of that & earlier ages by these converts, & that Nazarene Christianity was transformed & molded by Gentile Christians & scholars into the likeness of the polytheism of their ancestors. A trinity had been worshipped in Samothrace. Baptism had been practiced in the worship of Isis. Redemption by sacrifice, mediation of the Logos, immortality of the soul, the resurrection, the last judgment, were cardinal articles of faith in the worship of Mirtha. This religion had been taught in Persia for 4 centuries before Jesus, & was continued in Rome until the 4th century, when, after an almost equal struggle with Christianity for supremacy in the Roman world," [it] "was discontinued. Epigrams of the 2nd century are extant charging Christians with plagiarizing the doctrines of this cult. Aristeas of Proconnesus had risen twice from the dead & had been worshipped! A resurrection had been affirmed in the ceremony of the ancient worship of Adonis & Aphrodite & of Tammuz & Ishtar. The Phrygian god Attis, born of a Virgin, rose from the dead on the 4th day, & his resurrection was yearly celebrated for centuries; &, as of martyrdom, they were not unknown at the feasts of Bacchus & at the Olympic games. The early Christians, too, in many instances sought martyrdom. In the 2nd & 3rd centuries, Christians had come to regard martyrdom as a rite of the Christian communities--not a voluntary rite to be performed, but one that, under certain circumstances & conditions, should be cheerfully suffered...." Garretson goes on to tell us that Tertullian, & Ignatius & many of the Church Fathers looked upon martyrdom a sort of rite & it was considered an great thing for the Christian to die for the cause of Christ. For which also they would receive the martyrs' reward & would be crowned & robed amongst the other faithful martyrs who had gone on before.183
As we study much later Christianity, during the dark ages, when the predicted falling away or apostasy was in it's later stages of developments, & was in the retrogression processes. We can see, with the help of historical records, etc., how these different situations, problems, & challenges, etc., had brought about further retrogression in the Christian ordinances, doctrines, & teachings, etc. How elements of paganism & elements & fragments of Christianity began to blend together in some cases, despite how that they were bitter rivals of each other at different times, & even wrote against each other. In later Christian art works we see even more evidences of the blending of Christian themes with pagan symbols & myths.184 This is what happens during times of the different eras in the great apostasy, for the retrogression processes had, through time, caused the things of the divine to blend in with Satanic counterfeits. Even to the point were it was even reversed & turned in complete opposition to what it once had been.185 When it had retrogressed to this point it was then that we can see in paganism, occultism, & cultic rites, symbols, gestures, doctrines, etc., only fragmented hints & bits of the divine that have been so corrupted & smothered by the counterfeits, by those later stages, that they are only fragmented hints, & bits. In some cases we see complete reversals of the divine things of God, Christ & the prophets. For there are cases in which Christian prayers, many symbols were turned up-side down, or copied as is, or were altered a bit, doctrines, rites, etc., were done in reverse or backwards or depicted in reverse, & this was done in opposition to the Christian religions.186
Thus in the even deeper & darker ranks & stages of the retrogression & apostasy from any & all religions that had anything to do with Christ, it is then, & in them, that we see the ultimate apostasy & rebellion against the true God & Christ. In satanism, a total rejection & war against Christ, is waged. "...Satanism was involved, its essential ingredients being the worship of the Devil & the reversal of Christian values. A Satanist was one who renounced Christ & his Church, & blasphemously maltreated its sacred objects, symbols & ceremonies...."187 "The rituals of ceremonial magic are not always healthy, as stories of Satanist sects, black sorcery & sadistic practices attest. Evidence of diabolism can be seen in the wrecking of Christian symbols, the desecration of cemeteries & occasional ritual murders."188
They mock Christ & his rituals & "...think that the powers of evil can be invoked by the simple process of standing Christian morality & ritual upon its head."189 Thus also in reversal to & of Christian legends, traditions, art works, symbols, & pathways of the right way, or the "right hand path," that leads to paradise & God.190 Many of these ancient to modern magicians (occultists) have sought to present themselves as being of the divine with clever counterfeits. Thus it has been very hard for some people to be able to discern between the divine things of God & Christ, & those of satan's agents & counterfeits. While other things are as clear as night & day to discern, because they are in complete opposition with each other. On 2 different sides of the extremes far away from each other. The one teaching the doctrines of the "right hand path," while on the other side of the scale, the other is seen teaching the doctrines of the "left hand path."
In the time of Peter the apostles "...Simon the Samaritan, surnamed "Magus" or the "Magician," who was contemporary with Jesus, was believed to be a god. In Rome, where he performed wonderful miracles, he was honored as a god, & his picture placed among the gods."191 "Justin Martyr, quoted by Eusebius, tells us that Simon Magus attained great honor among the Romans. That he was believed to be a god, & that he was worshiped as such. Between two bridges upon the River Tibris, was to be seen this inscription: "Simoni Deo Sancto," i.e. "To Simon the Holy God."192
Eusebius was one of the Nicene Fathers, or was involved in the Nicene creed era around 325 A.D., etc. He used Justin Martyr's works to help him present a history of earlier Christians & counterfeits. "But our faith in our Saviour & Lord Jesus Christ now been diffused among all men...the enemy of man's salvation contrived a plan for seizing the imperial city for himself. He conducted thither the above-mentioned Simon,"...aided him in his deceitful arts, led many of the inhabitants of Rome astray, & thus brought them into his own power. This stated by Justin," (Apology I. 26, 56), "one of our distinguished writers who lived not long after the time of the apostles. Concerning him I shall speak in the work of this man, who in the first Apology...which he addressed to Antonine in behalf of our religion writes as follows:" (Justin's Apology I, 26). "And after the ascension of the Lord into heaven the demons put forward certain men who said they were gods, & who were not only allowed by you to go unpersecuted, but were even deemed worthy of honors. One of them was Simon, a Samaritan of the village of Gitto,...who in the reign of Claudius Caesar" (41-54 AD) "...performed in your imperial city some mighty acts of magic by the art of demons operating in him, & was considered a god, & as a god was honored by you with a statue, which" (was) "erected in the river Tiber,...And nearly all the Samaritans & a few even of other nations confess & worship him as the first God. And there went around with him at that time a certain Helena...."193
In later centuries after Eusebius' time, St. Augustine observed & believed "...that it was possible to produce miracles by magic, because:" "devils are attracted...not by food like animals, but like spirits, by such symbols as suit their taste, various kinds of stones, woods, plants, animals, song rites. And that men may provide these attractions, the devils first of all cunningly seduce them...and thus make a few of them their disciples, who become the instructors of the multitude. For unless they first instructed men, it was impossible to know what each of them desires, what they shrink from, by what name they should be invoked or constrained to be present. Hence the origin of magic & magicians."194 When scattered branches of Christianity were left to themselves without divine direction from God, or at least from a "mother" Church claiming to be "orthodox," some, if not many scattered branches or sects were found to have mixed the divine in with the counterfeits, even some of the much later Christian Fathers seemed to have done this. Thus developing a sort of "Christian magic." They would use bags of dirt from Jerusalem, "where Jesus died & rose again." Other relics were considered to have magical powers, such as wood from the cross, (or that which was claimed to have been from the original cross that Christ died on). Later relics such as the cup, that was said, that Christ drank from, & the sword that was pushed into His side, & the robe, shroud, nails, etc., were considered to have magical "divine" powers to them, in later Christianity. "...Christians frequently gathered at the burial place, & a paralytic was healed when he visited there. Other materials mentioned by Augustine as having magical import were oil mixed with the tears of a presbyter who prayed for a young woman (when a woman was anointed with this mixture she was freed from the devil); flowers used in a procession that bore the relics of a saint (they restored the sight of a blind person) & a dress that had been taken to a shrine (when it was put on the body of a dead woman who was restored to life)."195 Such things were said to have magical powers.
In modern times, [AM] critics have brought up similar charges in order to attempt to explain the origins for Mormonism. For rather than accepting Mormonism & it's own claims to where it came from. Critics have attempted to use all kinds of theories, charges & claims. One example is how critics are always looking for parallels in pre-Book of Mormon times (references & situations in pre-1830 times), or times before Mormonism, or the Church was restored. Thus the anti-Mormon Christians, (like the early anti-Christians against the early Christians), have charged that there is nothing original about the Mormonism because it was "plagiarized" from different pre-existing sources, situations, books, rumors, stories, dreams, rituals, & symbols, etc.
The Tanners [AM], i.e., present a number of "examples" of different parallels between the pre-Mormon time sources, etc., & Mormonism in order to suggest that Joseph Smith must have some how known of these things, & thus "borrowed," or "plagiarized" from these different things. On p.63-88 of their book: Mormonism Shadow Or Reality?, the Tanners present & number of sources that they feel were "borrowed" or "plagiarized" by Joseph Smith in order that he could produce the book of Mormon. The Tanners logic if followed on the Bible that they claim to believe would bring up the following questions to consider. Was Micah 4:1-3 only a plagiarism of Isa.2:2-4? Was 2 Sam. 22:22-24 copied into Ps. 18:21-23? Was Jude 9 borrowed, or is it a plagiarism of the apocalyptic Assumption of Moses? When Jesus prophesied of the destruction of Jerusalem had he gotten the ideas from the common knowledge of his time. Was he only repeating what was foretold in the ancient books of the priests before his time? Thus did he plagiarized from Tacitus Histories V. 13:4; Suctanius Vespasian 4.5, etc.?196
If someone was to compare the Book of Enoch with the different books in the New Testament we would find many parallels. Charles Gill has in fact made a comparative study, under the logic & standards that the Tanners & other [AM] Mormon Christian critic have used, wouldn't the New Testament have to be considered as a plagiarism of the Book of Enoch?197 Parallels have been compared between the things Jesus said & that of "the Magician"198 Other examples could be given here. The early to modern anti-Christian have also noticed these types of parallels & thus contended & charged in similar manners that the modern [AM] Christians have.
The late 19th century anti-Christian & occult writer, H.P. Blavatsky compared the teachings of Jesus with Manu, & the precepts of Buddhism. She brings into question the originality of the teachings of Jesus. "And now, open Manu & read: "Resignation, the action of rendering good for evil, temperance, probity, purity, repression of the senses, the knowledge of the Sastras (the holy books), that of the supreme soul, truthfulness & abstinence from anger, such are the 10 virtues in which consists duty...Those who study these 10 precepts of duty, & having studied them conform their lives thereto, will reach to the supreme condition," (Manu. Bk. VI, slokas 92-3) "If Manu did not trace these words many thousands of years before the era of Christianity, at least no voice in the whole world will dare deny them a less antiquity than several centuries B.C. The same in the case of the precepts of Buddism. If we turn to the Pratimoksha-Sutra & other religious tracts of the Buddhists, we read the 10 following commandments: 1. Thou shalt not kill any living creature. 2. Thou shalt not steal. 3. Thou shalt not break thy vow of chastity. 4. Thou shalt not lie. 5. Thou shalt not betray the secrets of others. 6. Thou shalt not wish for the death of thy enemies. 7. Thou shalt not desire the wealth of others. 8. Thou shalt not pronounce injurious & foul words. 9. Thou shalt not indulge in luxury (sleep on soft beds or be lazy). 10. Thou shalt not accept gold or silver.199
Blavatsky then quotes from Matt.19:16-18 then compares "What shall I do to obtain possession of Bodhi? (Knowledge of eternal truth), asks a disciple of his Buddhist master. "What way is there to become a Upaska?" (The answer) "Keep the commandment." "What are they?" "Thou shalt abstain all thy life from murder, theft, adultery, & lying," answers the master." (Pikakattayan, Bk.III, Pali Version). "Identical injunctions are they not? Divine injunctions, the living up to which would purify & exalt humanity. But are they more divine when uttered through one mouth than another? If it is godlike to return good for evil, does the enunciation of the precept by a Nazarene give it any greater force than its enunciation by an Indian, or Tibetan philosopher? We see that the Golden Rule was not original with Jesus; that its birthplace was India. Do what we may, we cannot deny Sakyamuni Buddha a less remote antiquity than several centuries before the birth of Jesus. In seeking a model for his system of ethics, why should Jesus have gone to the foot of the Himalayas rather than the foot of Sinai, but that the doctrines of Manu & Gautama harmonized exactly with his own philosophy, while those of Jehovah were to him abhorrent & terrifying? The Hindus taught to return good for evil, but the Jehovistic command was: "An eye for an eye" & "a tooth for a tooth."200
The modern [AM] Christians use other sources in their theories & explanation as to the origins of Mormonism. Their approaches has it's own parallels in the early to modern anti-Christian tactics, & charges, as we have seen here. They attempt to draw on parallels with between the occult, & pagans with some of the things in Mormonism,201 At the same time they ignore the parallels in their own religion that would be parallels with the occult as well! And thus they wouldn't be able to pass their own standards, tactics, misrepresentations, & tests. It is also interesting to note that the modern Mormons, & their claim to there having been a restoration, also have noticed that their are parallel, & so like the early Christians & saints of old, the latter-day saints have made the same kinds of claims, again another parallel to consider. For we Mormons say that satan has set up counterfeits, & is attempting to mock, discredit, & lead people away from the truths of Christ as they have been restored in this modern dispensation, through the latter-day prophets of God & Christ. But while we may note the similarities between both ancient & modern situations. We might also note that there are many more differences as well.
1- (COTTD) op. cit., p.53. 2- The Divine Church, James L. Barker 1952, (n.1. Clemenceau, In the Twilight of My Thought, vol.1, p.393. French Premier at end of 1st World War. Noted French statesman & atheist.) "If there ever was a revelation, why was it not complete & definitive?" n.2, ibid., p.180. 3- (DWT), lxxxiii & lxxxvii, 3, as cited by Barker ibid. p.42-3 & n.9-10. 4- The Early Years of Christianity, 1871 p.14-19. 5- The Early Christian Church in the Light of Some Newly Discovered Papyri from Egypt, op. cit., p.6 & 9. 6- The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, an Egyptian Endowment, op. cit., Explan. xxi. 7- See n. 4- Nibley ibid. p.11-12, 15 & 17. Eph.1:10. 8- 1 Cor.9:16-17; Eph.1:10; 3:1-5; Col.1:25-6. 9- The Popular & Critical Bible Encyclopedia, 1: p.532. 10- The Gospel Through the Ages, op. cit., p.66-7 & 68-95. 11- Daniel To Paul, Ed. by Gaalyahu Cornfeld, (Assisted by Bible Scholars, Historians & Archaeologists) 1962 The Macmillian Co. NY & Lon. 1962 Hamika Baolam Pub. House Ltd. part II p.203-4. 12- The Secret Doctrines of Jesus, Lewis, op. cit., V.4, p.31 & n. 13- Matt. c.5-7; Deut.18:17-18; Acts 3:22. 14- Amos 3:7; Eph.3:3-5; 1 Pet.1:3-12; 1 Cor.2:9; Isa.64:4. 15- Apostasy to Restoration, op. cit., p.27-9. 16- (COTTD) op. cit., p.61, 91-4. 17- Barker, op. cit., p.38, Ignatius to the Philadelphians IX,1. IX,1 on p.30 of Lyon's book. 18- Barker, Apostasy From the Divine Church, p.57. Lyon, op. cit., p.29-30. & The Heavenly Council, Mysteries & Sacred Ordinances, Seaich, op. cit., p.1-10, unpub. Seaich's n.s The Mysticism of the Apostle Paul, by Albert Schweitzer, trans. by William Montgomery (Seabury Press, 1968,), 102-3, 116ff; & R.G. Hamerton-Kelly, Pre-Existence, Wisdom & The Son of Man (Cambridge Un.. 1973), 126-30, 176, 178, 222. 19- Against Heresies, XII, 13. 20- Barker, ibid., p.57-60. 21- Lyon, op. cit., p.31-2, & Barker, ibid. p.36-9. 22- [Hermas 3rd bk. Sim.Ix 109-111, op. cit., p.247 & 255.] Who were some of the early Christians who were mistaken about the time frame for the "last days" before Christ's 2nd coming? (Lk.21:32). With all the persecutions, etc., that many early Christians had to face, they may have thought that they were living in the last "generation" right before Christ's return. Therefore they believed that the predicted signs of the times were being fulfilled, & that their `generation' would not pass away, `till all be fulfilled.' Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, that the 2nd coming would not happen until a falling away, or apostasy had come to pass first. From these words, we might suppose that there must have been different ones among the Thessalonians who were saying that the day of Christ's return was at hand, or was upon them. Thus some were troubled by it, or were concerned by it all. Or it may be that certain portions of Paul's first letter may have been misunderstood, for he wrote that: "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive & remain unto the coming of the Lord..." (1 Thess.4:15). Some of the Thessalonians may have interpreted that portion to mean that there would be different saints who would live to see Christ's return during that generation. Paul also seems to want to clarify himself, & the misunderstanding that may have sprung up as a results of what he had written in his 1st letter to them. For in his 2nd letter, he wrote that they should not be shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. (2 Thess.2:2). He seems to have been concerned about the time frame, & signs of the times, one sign was that there would be a time of apostasy. Paul attempted to make sure that the Thessalonians understood this, in his 2nd letter. Paul may have believed that the 2nd coming was close, & could possibly happen in his generation, but at the same time he was watching for the signs of the times. In each generation of Christianity, there seems to have been different ones who have thought that the situations of their times was to be interpreted as being the signs of the times. Some Christians during the beginning of the year 200 A.D., & a few years afterwards, had believed that Christ would return by the year 200 A.D. And when He didn't return, some were disappointed. The scriptures say that even our Lord Jesus Christ does not know of the time of His return, only the Father knows. (Mk.13:32-37). Therefore, many of these cases have turned out to be pure speculations. For Christ did not return, as they thought He should. (M&PITEC) op. cit., &: (COTTD), op. cit., p.10-13; (PC&EC), op. cit., p.103-4. The Early Renaissance, Ed.s Clive Gregory LLB, Sue Lyon BA., etc., Marshall Cavendish Lim. MCMLXXXV, MCMLXXXVIII, Lon., N.Y., & Sydney, p.131.)
Part of that predicted apostasy would include the growth of counterfeit mysteries or ordinances that would pervert the doctrine of deification, &, or teach a perverted form of the doctrine. Paul also noticed that counterfeit "mysteries" were already at work during the time he wrote his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians. "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work..." (2 Thess.2:4-8). Paul warned that it was not through these counterfeit mysteries, (that also promised deification to it's initiates), that they would be glorified & deified by. But rather it was " our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." Which gospel included the Christian mysteries or ordinances. (2 Thess.2:13-14; & Rom.8:16-18; 1 Cor.2:6-16; 11:1-15; 13:2; 2 Cor.3:17-18; Phil.2:5-12; 3:15; 20-21; Col.1:26-28, Heb.10:16-22; 11:13-16, 40, etc.) Therefore they were to stand firm in the traditions that they had been given by their leaders, as it was given live, by word of mouth, or through letters from them. (2 Thess.2:1-15). Arthur Cushman McGiffert, wrote concerning deification in early Christianity. But he also notes that deification "...was a common idea in the mystery-religions...." (A History of Christian Thought, V.1, p.140-1, Pub. by Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y., & Lon., 1932 & 54, &: (F&ROC) V.1, p.134-5. (TANF) 4: p.434, 475, 486-8, (1 Cor.2:6), etc. Sacred Mysteries, Augustus Le Plongeon, 1909, p.89, 93, 121-2, 124, 138, 140. The Gospel Through the Ages, Hunter, op. cit., p.108-112.)
John also must have noticed that there were counterfeit mysteries at work even during his day in time, which perverted the rites of anointing. He looked upon these as being the signs of the times, & thought that it was the "last days," & that Christ would return soon. The early Christian mysteries, with it's anointing rites, were all connected to the idea of deification. Also, according to the earliest to later Christian writings, the anointing rites helped purify their souls. In being thus purified in the symbolical rituals, it was a type of what would happen in truth, when they would ascend to meet Christ. Or in the case with John's views concerning the 2nd coming. When Christ appeared, they would be like him, & would be purified even as Christ is pure. (1 Jn.2:18-29; 3:1-3; Archaeological Discoveries, by Ignazio Mancini, O.F.M., 1970, p.85-99. The Teachings of the 12 Apostles Or, The Oldest Church Manual The Didache & Kindred Documents in the Original, by Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D., N.Y., Pub. Funk & Wagnalls, Astor Place, 1890, p.275-6. (TN&PNF) 5: p.518-524; 10: p.321-3; Library of Fathers, 2: p.260-269; The Pilgrimages & Struggles of the Human Family In & Through The Different Realms of Existences, op. cit., The Grand Pilgrimage, V.1, #1, April 1992, "God Makers" In Early Christianity! A Sequel to "The Godmakers"?!, THORPE, op. cit.)
23- (TN&PNF) 1: p.82-4, & Psa.82:1, 6 & Job 38:4-8 Prov.8:22-31; 30:4. 24- Hermas, 3rd bk. op. cit., Sim. 9:109-111. & Lowrie, op. cit., & E.S. Drower's The Secret Adam. Anastasis, Kartsonis, op. cit., & By Study & Also by Faith, 1: p.202-221 & 611-642. & B.Y.U. Studies V.22 Winter 1982 #1 p.31-45, Blake Ostler. & The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, Nibley, p.286, etc. & Temple & Cosmos, op. cit., &: The Salerno Ivories, by Robert P. Bergman, Pub. by Harvard Un. Pr. Lon. Eng. 1980, p.103 & 106, fig. 179 & 185. Monuments of Romanesque Art, op. cit., pl.15, fig.35, pl.66, fig.151, etc. Early Christian Art, W.F. Volbach, etc. (TN&PNF) 12:163-9, 176, 179, 182-3, 188 & 190, Leo the Great. Etc. 25- Barker, op. cit., p.38, & Lyon, op. cit., p.30 & Hermas 3, Sim.9:109-111. 26- Gal.4:26; Rev.21:2; 4 Ezra 7:26; 2 Clem. 14:1; Hermas Vis.2.4:1. 27- Mormonism, the Dead Sea Scrolls, & the Nag Hammadi Texts, op. cit., p.5-8, & Hermas Vis.2.4.1. &: Barker, op. cit., p.38 & n.5, citing: Vis.2.4.1, &: Lyon, op. cit., p.30. 28- Date given by Barker, op. cit., p.38. &: Gal.3:8, Heb.4:2. 29- (TANF) 4: p.422, 424, 447, 464, 468, 501, 505, 516, 557, 583-4, 609, 634-5 & 641, op. cit., Pellistrandi dates Celsus' works "The True Discourse" or "Doctrine in Keeping With the Truth" as having been written "about 178" AD. op. cit., p.180-199. 30- Barker, op. cit., p.38, & n.8. 31- Barker gives a date to Origen as being 185-254 AD, op. cit., p.38, while Mourret give a date which perhaps may reflect the date of Origen's birth up to the time when Origen wrote what Mourret has mention to, the date of 185-243 AD. Barker may have been giving the date of birth & death, Barker ibid. p.38-9. 32- Barker, ibid., p.39 & n.12. 33- Ibid., p.39 & n.13, (DWT) CXIII, 4. 34- Barker, ibid., p.39 & n.15, Tixeront, Histoire des Dogmes, 1: p.261. 35- (TN&PNF) 5: p.521, Gregory of Nyssa. 36- Roger Adam, op. cit., p.9, 10, 48-9, p.38. 37- Daniel to Paul, op. cit., p.214. 38- Adam, op. cit., p.40. citing Cyril of Jer. P.G., XXXIII, 982A. 39- Justin Martyr's (DWT), (TANF) 1: p.199-202, 207-8, 213-270. 40- Hunter, op. cit., p.39. 41- Mod. Trav. India, v.7 p.59. 42- American Antiquities, by Alexander W. Bradford, 1841 pub. Dayton & Saxton, NY, p.386. 43- Justin Martyr, Apol. 1, p.66, cited in Harold Willoughby, Pagan Regeneration, p.162. 44- Tertullian, De Praescriptione Haereticorum, 40, cited in Willoughby, ibid., p.160. 45- Lewis Browne, This Believing World; James G. Frazer, The Golden Bough. 46- John A. Widtsoe, Evidences & Reconciliations, p.79. 47- Hunter, op. cit., p.39-42. 48- Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199. 49- The Golden Bough by Sir J.G. Frazer (3rd Ed. 1932) i, p.226. 50- Richard Greenham, Works (3rd ed. 1601), p.554. From: Religion & the Decline of Magic, by Keith Thomas 1971 p.253 Pub. by Charles Scribner's Sons NY. 51- The Book of Enoch The Prophet p.14 verse 5. 52- Ibid. p.54, verse 11. 53- Rev.8:10 En. lxxxi.2; Rev.9:1, Jude 6. 54- (TANF) Vol.1 p.251 chap.ciii Justin Martyr's (DWT). 55- (TANF) Vol.1 p.190, chap.v of 2nd Apol. 56- The Book of Enoch the Prophet, Trans. by Richard Laurence, LL.D., re-issued by Williams & Norgate 1892. See Chap. LXVIII:4-42, or p. 84-9. 57- The Book of Enoch the Prophet, p.22, 60. 58- Ibid. p.14, verse 5. 59- Enoch the Prophet, Nibley ibid. p.8-11. 60- The Book of Enoch the Prophet, ibid. p.22 chap.xvi:2-5. 61- Antiquities of the Jews, (Josephus Complete Works p.28). 62- Writings of the Rabbis & Other Important Discoveries, by Joshua Moses Bennett 1990 p.11 Doct.#21 The Zohar I. The Book of Splendor. 63- Fallen Angels by Bernard J. Bamberger, op. cit., & Ancient Israel Myths & Legends Vol.1, op. cit., Amgelo S. Rapport. 64- Jude 6, etc. 2 Pet.2:4; Rev.8:10; chap.12 & John 9:2 Interpreter's Bible Dictionary 3:869, op. cit., &: Satan (the Early Christian Tradition) by Russell, op. cit. 65- The Prince of Darkness, by Jeffery Burton Russell, 1988, p.28-166, etc. Otherworld Journeys, Zaleski, op. cit., 1987, p.18-94, etc. 66- (TANF) 1: p.190, 2nd Apol. chap.v. Justin Martyr. 67- (TANF) 1: p.217 (DWT) ibid. 68- 1 John 4:1-4; 2 John 7; 1 John 2:18-20, 22, & 27. Rev.13:14-16; Only verse 27 here, is cited above (1 Jn.2:27). He told them that their anointing or "unction" was "from the Holy One" 1 Jn.2:20. 69- Rom.8:16-18; 1 Cor.2:6-16; 13:2; 15:40-42; 2 Cor.3:17-18; Phil.2:5-12; 3:15, 20-21; Col.1:26-28, etc. 70- McGiffert n.4. "The idea of union with God or of the indwelling divine, was not only current in the mysteries but was shared by many philosophers: Stoics, Cynics, & even Platonists. See, for instance, the interesting quotations from Seneca & Epictetus in Halliday: The Pagan Background of Early Christianity, pp.233 ff." 71- From: A History of Christian Thought, by Arthur Cushman McGiffert, Vol.1, p.140-1, & see also n.1-4, Pub. by Charles Scribner's Sons NY & Lon. 1932 & 1954. 72- (n.2. "...The deification of the dead was also a Pythagorean doctrine, as appears in the Aurea Carmina, 11, 70, 71, ed Gaisford."). (F&ROC) Legge, op. cit., Vol.1, p.134-5, see also n.2 on p.134). 73- The Gospel Through The Ages, Milton R. Hunter, 1945 Pub. Steven & Wallis Inc. SLC Ut. p.110 & n.30, citing Harold Willoughby, Pagan Regeneration, p.220. 74- Hunter, ibid., p.104-113, & notes. 75- An Ecclesiastical History Vol.1, Chap.3, v. see p.117, pub. in 1819. 76- 2 Pet.2:1-2; 2:20-22; 1 John 2:18-29, 3:1-3; Gal.2:4; Rom.16:18, 25-26; 1 Cor.14:23-33; Eph.4:11-19; Col.2:8-12 & Acts 20:29-31. 77- (TANF) 4: p.487-8 bk.3 chap.lix-lx, (OAC). 78- Acts 2:37-45, 16:31-33, 18:5-7. 79- The vote may have been with an up-lifted hand, see: Apostasy From the Divine Church, Barker, op. cit., p.104-6. 80-Ibid. 1: p.100-1, chap.2, vii, part 2, Cent. I. 81- An Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 1, chap.3, v-vi, p.117-8, (1st Cent. AD) part 2, by John Lawrence Mosheim, D.D., Trans from the original Latin & notes by Archibald Maclaine, D.D., 1819 Lon.) Some Spelling here in these old texts of the early 19th century AD, have been updated to that of the 1990s spelling. 82- (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.41. 83- Ibid. p.16-17, (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., p.123-126, etc. 84- John 10:30-38; Psa.82:6; Isa.41:22-3; The Homilies of Jerome, p.106-7, & p.353, (Wash, D.C.: The Cath. Un. of Amer. Press, 1964.) &: (TANF) Vol.3 p.480 & 608, Tertullian. &: (TN&PNF) Vol.4, p.65, 159, 311, 328-9, 385, 405-6, 411, 413, 415, 477, 572, 576, 578-9 & footnotes to each these pages. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, op. cit. 85- (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.47-55. Ancient Text & Mormonism, Seaich, op. cit., preface iii-iv. &: The Gods of The Egyptians or Studies In Egyptian Mythology, Wallis, op. cit., Vol.2, p.140-2. 86- Justin Martyr must have also been aware of this belief amongst the different Jewish sects, when he made a response to the Jews in his (DWT), see: (TANF) Vol.1, p.199, 213, 220-4, 228-30, 232 & 264 ibid. 87- (COTTD), Hoffmann, op. cit., p.58-60, & 65. 88- Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199. 89- Caesar & Christ (The Story of Civilization: Part 3) by Will Durant, 1944, p.226-7, 256, 260, 268-9, 274, 280, 291-2, 309, 388, 430, 432, 523, 623, 640-1, 646, & index: "deification," p.716. 90- Justin Martyr 1st Apol. cited by Lyon, op. cit., p.77-8. 91- Christianity & Classical Culture by Charles Norris Cochrane, 1st Pub. by Clarendon Press, 1940 Paperback Oxford Un. Press 1957, see p.266-7. 92- (TANF) 1: p.233 chap.lxix Justin Martyr's (DWT). 93- The Birth of the Christian Religion & the Origins of the New Testament by Alfred Firmin Loisy, Un Bks. 1962, op. cit., p.206-7. 94- (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.19-21. 95- (TANF) Vol.1 p.185 1st Apol. chap.LXVI, Justin). See also: (F&ROC) Legge, op. cit., Vol.2, p.247, & n.4. And: (PR&TEC) Benko, op. cit., p.10-11, 54-6, 60-78. 96- (COTTD) Hoffmann, op. cit., p.21-22, & n.27 on p.47). 97- (TANF) Vol.1 p.184-5, 1st Apol. chap.LXIV, Justin. 98- (PR&TEC), Benko, op. cit., p.64. 99- Apostasy to Restoration, Lyon, op. cit., see p.58-9 & 108-9. 100- By Study & Also By Faith Vol.1 p.619-620, Compton, op. cit. Hand clasping in the Mithra mysteries is also mentioned by Legge in his (F&ROC), op. cit., p.244-5. 101- (TANF) 4: p.583-87, & bk.6 chap.22-31 etc. (OAC). 102- Bible Myths, Doane, op. cit., p.344, fig.27, Gorrio Tab.35. &: The Art of Ancient Greece & Rome, by Giovanni Becatti, 1968 p.345 fig.327. The Emergence of Man, Ed. Charles Osborne & others 1975 Time-Life p.118. & The Buried City, text by Ernesto Vergara Caffarelli & Giacomo Caputo 1966 p.42-3 & 58. 103- Monumental Christianity, Lundy, op. cit., p.66 citing from Tertullain's De Pras. Haret. c.40. 104- Matt. 16:18; Luke 1:7-8; Heb. 10:19-20; Gal.5:1; Rev.5:6; Dan. 2:34; Mal.4:2. An Index Of Biblical Polemics, research done by Allen Richardson (not dated, unpublished, copy given to me by Richardson around 1985 or 1986?) p.58. 105- Pagan Regeneration by Harold Willoughby, p.26), From: The Gospel Through the Ages, by Milton R. Hunter, 1954 Pub. Stevens & Wallis, Inc. SLC., UT., p.34-5. 106- The Gospel Through the Ages, Hunter, ibid., p.35. 107- The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, an Egyptian Endowment, Nibley, op. cit., explanation xxi. Eugene Seaich quotes Nibley works, & shows that the Egyptians had imitated the Temple Endowment as they had received it from the Hamitic lineage. Ancient Texts & Mormonism, Seaich, op. cit., p.106-7. 108- The Legends of the Jews, Vol.1 p.90-3, 154-7. 109- The Pearl of Great Price, Abraham 1:25-31. 110- Early Christian & Byzantine Art by John Beckwith, fig. 14 & 16. & (TNF&PNF) Vol.5, p.269-71, 321, 325, n.1, Vol.12, p.148, n.5, p.152-3, & n.6. Also: Records of Christianity Vol.2, by David Ayerst & A.S.T. Fisher, 1977- Basil Blackwell, Harper & Row, etc. p.225. Early Gothic Manuscripts (II) 1250-1285, by Nigel Morgan, Pub. Harvey Miller-Lon. in 1988, see fig. 6-7, 21, 29 & 120. Facts on File Encyc. of World Mythology & Legend, op. cit., p.572-3. Middle Ages (The Horizon Bk. of the Middle Ages) by the Ed. of Horizon Mag., Ed. in charge Normon Kotker, written by Morris Bishop 1968, p.16, & 39, 434. The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval Europe, Ed. by George Holmes 1988, Oxford Un., Press, p.84. New Catholic Encyc. 1967, by the Cath. Un. of Amer., Wash. D.C., Vol.I, p.567-8, see anointing. The Age of Chivalry (Manners & Morals 1000-1450) by Charles T. Wood, Pub. Un. Bk.s & Morals, 1970 in Lon., Eng. by George Weldenfeld & Nicolson. Also see: Heraldry, by Ottfried Neubecker, J.P. Brooke-Little, etc., Pub. McGraw-Hill Bk. 1976, NY. etc. p.69. The Flowering of the Middle Ages, by a number of people, texts by Christopher Brooke, George Zarnecki etc., Pub. Thames & Hudson, 1966, p.14. Also: Age of Faith, by Anne Fremantle & Ed.s of Time-Life Bk.s, 1965, is a pictures of a Christian "coronation throne." The Sacred History of Knitting, by Heniz Edgar Kiewe, 1967, Pub. by Art Needlework Indust. Lim., Ox. Eng. see p.57-8, Chap. 13, entitled: The Sack Royal 970- 1961 A.D. Anointed, King in Divine Right, In the Sack Royal. &: Mormonism & Early Christianity, Nibley, op. cit. The Pilgrimages & Struggles of the Human Family In & Through the Different Realms of Existences, Thorpe, op. cit. Early Christianity in the Ancient Americas, & Old & New World Parallels, Thorpe ibid. Jesus Christ's "Everlasting Gospel" & Ancient "Patternism," Thorpe, op. cit., (all 3 manuscripts unpublished at this time). 111- Ancient Text & Mormonism, Seaich, op. cit., p.106-114, & notes, on p.134, 142-47. And: The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, Nibley op. cit., Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, Erwin R. Goodenough, Vol.9 p.145. By Study & By Faith Vol.1 p.611-42, op. cit., Also: Approaching Zion, Nibley, (Vol.9 of Col. Works), p.556-62, 566-70. 112- John 14:14-27, 15:26-7, Acts 1:21-6, 1 Cor. chap. 12-14, 2 Tim.16-17, 2 Pet.1:19-21, Rev.19:10, etc. 113- (PC&EC) Garretson, op. cit., p.71-2, etc. 114- Early Christian Civilization, Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199, & (TANF) 4, p.487-8, 583-94, op. cit. 115- (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.112-7, (c. Cels.3.5), etc. 116- (TANF) Vol.1, p.233 chap.lxix Justin's (DWT). 117- Note mentions: Kaye's Illustrations from Tatian, Athenagorus, and Theoph. Antioch., cap.ix. p.153. 118- (TANF) 1: p.233-4 chap.lxx-lxxi, Justin's (DWT). 119- (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.71. 120- (TANF) Vol.4 p.421-2, bk.1 chap.lvii, (OAC). 121- Richardson, An Index of Biblical Polemics, op. cit., p.83. Kersey Grave's World's 16 Crucified Saviors, & Higgins, Anac., Vol.I, p.378; Volney, Ruin of Empires, p.169...." 122- H. Spencer Lewis's The Mystical Life of Jesus, 1929 p.83. 123- The Mystical Life of Jesus, Lewis, op. cit., p.83 & 134. 124- Bible Myths, by T.W. Doane 1882, 7th ed. 1910 p.211-14. 125- (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.214-227. 126- Note from Apol. 1 ch. 22, cited by Doane, op. cit., p. 124-5. 127- (COTTD), op. cit., p.57 & Lundy, op. cit., p.68-70. 128- (TANF) Vol.1 p.181 1st Apol. chap.LIV, Justin Martyr. 129- (TANF) 1: p.181, 1st Apol. chap.LIV, Justin Martyr. 130- (COTTD), op. cit., p.66-7. 131- Apostasy to Restoration, Lyon, op. cit., p.110-111. 132- Fathers of the Church, by F.A. Wright, Lon. 1928 p.37. 133- Clementine Recognitions. 134- Felix, you might remember was a Christian lawyer who wrote his dialogue between Caecilicus (an early anti-Christian & his friend Octavius, a Christian. Stephen Benko dates this dialogue around the year 200 AD, see: (PR&TEC), op. cit., p.54. 135- (TCATRST) Wilken, op. cit., p.18-19. 136- Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199. 137- (Note: 10 "For a discussion of libertine Christian groups as well as a translation of key texts, see Stephen Benko, "Pagan Criticism of Christianity during the First Two Centuries A.D." Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt, ed. H. Temporini & W. Haase (Berlin, 1980), 23.2: 1081-89. Also Benko's article, "The Libertine Gnostic Sect of the Phibionites according to Epiphanius." Vigilae Christianae 21 (1967): 103-19." 138- (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.19-21, & n.10 on p.21. 139- Wilken ibid. p.19, Pellistrandi ibid. p.180-199, The Octavius of Marcus Minicius Felix, Ancient Christian Writers, no. 39 (NY, 1974) p.221 ff. Trans. by G.W. Clarke, Octavius 9.5-6. (COTTD), op. cit., p.16-17 & (PR&TEC), Benko, op. cit., p.10-13, 54-78. 140- Athenagoras, Legatio 3.1; 31-32. 141- (TCATRST), Wilken, op. cit., p.17-18. 142- (TCATRST), ibid. p.18, see also note 8 on p.18. 143- (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.71-3. 144- Citing: Ireanaeus, "Contr. Heares.," II. p.57. 145- Tertullian, "Ad Scapulam," c.iv. 146- Origen, I. p.36. 147- Origen, I. p.461. 148- Tertullian, "Apol., c. xxiii.
149- The Early Years of Christianity, by E. De Pressense, D.D. 1871, N.Y., p.14-19. 150- Apostasy to Restoration, Lyon, op. cit., p.112. 151- (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.8. 152- (TANF) 4: p.422-3 bk.1 chap.lx (OAC). 153- (COTTD), op. cit., p.77. 154- Hippolytus, Elenchos 5.17.1-2 & 8, as quoted in II, 230. 155- The Mythic Image, by Joseph Campbell, Pub. by Princeton Un. Press in 1974 p.298-9, & ft.nt. 15 on p.298, as found on p.507, see also p.299 or "IV. 299" for the said bowl. 156- Mormonism & Early Christianity, Nibley, op. cit., p.45-99. 157- Legge, op. cit., n, Pseudo-Tertullianus, Adversus omnes Haereses, cc. v., vi. p.273, Oehler. The writer was probably Victorinus of Pettau. 158- (FR&ROC) Legge, ibid. 1: p.121-148, Vol.2 p.25-82. 159- Dictionary of Christian Lore & Legend by JCJ Metford 1983, p.24-5, see amulet. 160- Apostasy to Restoration, Lyon, op. cit., p.107-8. 161- Lyon, op. cit., p.108. 162- Lyon, ibid. p.119-121. 163- (TN&PNF) 13: p.82-3, Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, writings to Quirius, Epistle lxvii. And: (TN&PNF) Vol.13, p.20, Gregory to Marinianus, Bishop of Ravenna (Ep. lxxix). &: Caesar & Christ, by Will Durant 1944 p.600 & n.28-29, Acts 8:14-17; 19:1-6; Cath. Encyc. IV, 217-8. 164- (TN&PNF) 7: p.104-114, & p.1 of Intro. 165- Justin Martyr's 1st Apol. chap.9, chap.LIV, & 2nd Apol. chap.v, (TANF) 1: p.165, 181 & 190. 166- (TN&PNF) 7: p.144-157. 167- Compare 1 Cor.4:15 & Clem.Alex. Strom. iii.c.15. 168- (TN&PNF) 7: p.104-114, Lect. xv. S. Cyril of Jer. 169- Eph.4:7-10, 1 Pet.3:15-21, 4:5-6, Isa.41:13, 42:6-7. 170- Note #7-8. (F&ROC) Legge, op. cit., Vol.2 p.241-5. Art in the Early Church, Lowrie, op. cit., pl.100. The Lost Books of the Bible, op. cit., p.86-8, The Gospel of Nicodemus, chap.xix:1-4, 8-12; xx:11-12. Russell, op. cit., p.118-122. The Winchester Psalter, Wormald, op. cit., fig.27. Christ's Image, Auclair, & others, op. cit., p.129. Gothic Painting I, p.48, op. cit., Hanns Swarzenski Vorgotische Miniaturen Die Ersten Jahrhunderte Deutscher Malerei, p.85. The Art of Byzantium, Rice, op. cit., p.174. Byzantium, Bon, op. cit., Art of the Early Renaissance, Batterberry, op. cit., pl.130, p.120-1. Byzantine Art, Banks, op. cit., pl.316. Age of Spirituality, Weitzmann, op. cit., p.634-6. fig. 574. 171- (TN&PNF) 5: p.518-24, Gregory of Nyssa during the 4th cent. A.D. By Study & Also By Faith Vol.1, p.620-23, op. cit., Lowrie, op. cit., pl.100. Early Christian Art, op. cit., fig.83. The Lost Books of the Bible, op. cit., p.86-8. Christ's Image, op. cit., p. 129. Isa.42:6-7. The ABC's Of The Bible, (Reader's Digest), Ed. Kaari Ward, & many others. 1991, p.139, & 219. Art of the Early Renaissance, op. cit., p.78, 80-1, 184, fig.79. Etc. 172- (F&ROC), Legge, op. cit., Vol.2 p.241-3. 173- (TN&PNF) X: p.xiii, III. Historical Summary & Chronological Tables, & p.315-325. 174- (TN&PNF) X: p.411-22, see Ep.18:30-32, on p.421, Ambrose reply (Ep.17, 18) has been dated about 384, according to the III. Historical Summary & Chronological Tables, on p.xiii of Prolegomena of St. Ambrose in (TN&PNF) Vol.X. 175- (TCATRST) Wilken, op. cit., p.56-7. 176- (TCATRST), ibid. p.81. 177- The Illustrated Bible Dictionary Vol.2 p.614, & Archaeology of the Bible, by Magnus Magnusson, 1977 p.84. Early Christian Art by Wolfgang Fritz Volbach, p.10. Christian Iconography, Grabar, op. cit., 9 fig.13, p.10 fig.15-16, p.32-4 fig.57-60, p.74-5 fig.190, p.137 fig.140, p.211 fig.232. Monuments of Medieval Art, by Robert G. Calkins 1979, p.84-5. Art of the Middle Ages, Michael Batterberry, p.12-13, fig.I-5 & I-7, p.15-16, fig.I-11. The Renaissance, Danald L. Hill, 1980, p.202. The Origin of Christian Art, by Michael Gough, 1973 p.34-5, fig.29. Gen. 26:3, Deut.7:8, Ps.88:9, 141:1-2; (TANF) 4: p.488, Origen, op. cit., bk.3 chap.lix-lx. Dan.12:7, Rev.10:5-6. Josephus (Complete Works), op. cit., p.476-8, & 33, & 75. etc. 178- (TANF) 4: p.583-4, bk.6 chap.22-4 (OAC). 179- (TANF) 4: p.488 bk.3, chap.lx. n.6. 180- Francis Legge shows that one of the scenes that have some uncertainty about them, is " one of which a suppliant is kneeling before the archer-god & raising his hands towards him as if in prayer;...M. Cumont..." suggest that this scene "...may depict a prolonged drought upon earth, in which man prays to Mithras & is delivered by the god's miraculous production of rain...." But he admits that this interpretation is "pure conjecture." (F&ROC) Legge, op. cit., Vol.2 p.242-3. 181- Legge ibid. Vol.2 p.244-5, By Study & Also By Faith Vol.1, chap.24, p.611-42, op. cit. 182- (TANF) 1: p.185, 1st Apol. chap.lxvi, Justin, op. cit. 183- (PC&EC), Garretson, op. cit., p.10-12, see also: (M&PITEC), Frend, op. cit., 2 Tim.4:7-8; Rev.3:5; 6:10-11; The Encyc. of Visual Art, Vol.3 p.235 & The Icon, by Kurt Weitzmann, op. cit. p.30-1 & Romanesque Sculpture, by M.F. Hearn, p.39 fig.18. 184- Iconography of Christian Art by Gertrud Schiller Vol.I #364, 365, & 374, etc. 185- Stolen Lightning, O'Keefe, op. cit., p.44-5, 55, 121-4. 186- O'Keefe, ibid. p.44-5. 55, 121-4. 187- Man Myth & Magic, Vol.9 p.2479, Cavendish, op. cit. 188- Beyond Science, by Cottie Anthur Burland 1972 p.120-1. 189- Witchcraft, Eric Maple, 1973, p.101, op. cit. 190- As mentioned earlier: Matt. 7:13-14; The Horizon History of Christianity, Bainton, op. cit., p.214-5. Heaven: A History, op. cit. p. 99, pl.7; p.113 pl.10, p.129, pl.19. p.149. pl.27, p.179, pl.33. p.244, pl.48, p.337, pl.60. See also: Otherworld Journeys, Zaleski, op. cit., p.28, 56-7, 122-3, 222n.) In occultic lore & legends, rituals, symbols, etc. are seen as the reversal of this to the "left hand path," that retrogresses down towards satan's realm & ways. See: The Encyc. of Witches & Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley 1989, p.101; & Man Myth & Magic Vol.1 p.277, op. cit., Hammer of the Gods by Stephen Davis 1985 p.4-9; The Ultimate Evil, Terry, op. cit., p.163-4 & Religion & the Decline of Magic by Keith Thomas, 1971 the whole book. 191- Eusebius, Eccl. Hist., Lib. 2, ch. xiii. as cited in Bible Myths, op. cit., p.129. 192- Ibid. xiii, Bible Myths ibid. p.129. 193- (TN&PNF) 1: p.113-4, & ft.nt.s Chap.13, Eusebius. 194- De civ. dei 21.6, & Hopfner, "Mageia," p.312. 195- (PR&TC), Benko, op. cit., p.122-3. 196- Richardson, op. cit., p.46 see "IMITATION OF COMMON PROPHECIES." 197- The Book of Enoch the Prophet, Trans. by Richard Laurence, LL.D., Introduction by Charles Gill, intro. p.iv & v. & xxv-xxxvii. 198- An Index of Biblical Polemics, Richardson, op. cit., p.46-9. 199- (Occult & late 19th century A.D. anti-Christian writer), Blavatsky, op. cit., p.163-5, citing from: (Pratimoksha-Sutra, Pali-Burmese copy; see Le Lotus de la Bonne Loi, translated by Burnouf, p.444.) 200- Ibid. Unveiled Vol.2 p.163-5, by H.P. Blavatsky (1877). 201- [AM] (TGM) op. cit., & Sacred Ceremony Secret Ritual or Sinister Trap? by H.I.S Min. Park City Ut. note dated, [AM] tract by a modern Christian.
[This art work is based in part on 2 different Christian art works. See: Gothic Painting I, p.48, Master of Westphalia 14th century A.D. Depicting "Christ in Purgatory." Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne. Collection directed by Claude Schaffner, & others. Editions Rencontre Lausanne 1965; Eng., English ed., Edito-Service S.A. Geneva 1968. Also: The Christian World, text by Geoffery Barraclough, etc., Pub. by Harry N. Abrams, Inc., N.Y., 1981, see p.8-9. "The message of redemption has always been central to the church's teaching. Until modern times this has been taken central to the church's teaching. Until modern times this has been taken completely literally: without Christ's vicarious suffering on behalf of mankind, everybody would spend eternity in hell. The image of the Harrowing of Hell was therefore boath a literal truth & an allegory. According to tradition, as embodied in the Apostles' Creed, between Christ's burial & resurrection he descended into hell & released all the virtuous who had lived up to that time. In this spirited rendering in alabaster, made in Nottingham in the 15th century, he is shown taking Adam by the hand & leading him out of hell's jaws. Eve follows, then John the Baptist & then all the patriarchs & prophets who foretold Christ's coming...." Consider also: Isa. 42:6-7; "I the LORD have called the in righteousness, & will hold thine hand, & will keep thee, & give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, & them that sit in darkness out of the prison house."]
Why is it that Christians [AM], have gathered together any mistake, problem, etc., that they can in order to make it sound like the "fruits" or results of the teachings in Mormonism are "bitter" & bad? I have heard different [AM] callers, call in on different radio stations in the Salt Lake Valley of Utah, over the years, & they have brought up this approach & standard many times. It because they themselves are perfect, & do not have personal problems, of any kind, or do not have problems with in their own families? I'm sure that in every family their have been challenging situations that have arisen. Or problems of one sort or another.
In [AM] publications, I have noticed that these critics look for any problems past & present that they claim that Mormons have had, or which some in truth have had, & now have. The critics seem to take delight in seeing some Mormons fail in different situations.1*
In [AM] (MSOR?), op. cit., p.210-11, the Tanners point to the different family problems that Joseph Smith is said to have had. Under the heading: "Discord In Joseph's Home." The Tanners make sure that their readers see that Joseph Smith had "Quarrels," "turned his wife out of doors", & during another family fight, Emma (Joseph Smith's first wife) is suppose to have sent Eliza R. Snow (one of J.S's plural wives) out into the street in her night cloths. That she was struck by Emma one time, at the top of the stairs, & thus it was rumored that Eliza lost the unborn child she had in her, as a results. The Tanners make sure that their readers see these negative family problems, by underlining etc., their sources that they quote from. And what is all this suppose to proof? That a prophet of God is a false prophet because of human-errors & family problems. etc.?! But where there any good days, as well? Or happy time? Why do the critics seem to only want to present as much of the negative things as they can find, & ignore any good that happened. Can the Bible pass this same test that the Tanners & other [AM] Christians claim to believe in? Don't we read of an Old Testament Prophet who had family problems amongst his wives? We read how Sarai "...dealt hardly with her" (Hagar the Egyptian maid servant & another wife of Abram), "she fled from her face." (See: Gen.16:3-15). We know that other Prophets had family problems as well, read for example Job, read what happened in Adam's family with Cain & Abel, see Gen.4. There are all kinds of family problems, & tragic things that happened in the lives of the Old & New Testament peoples. Would the [AM] critics therefore be willing to place the same sort of judgment on the Bible as they have with Joseph Smith & others in Mormonism?
The [EAC] Celsus charged the same sorts of things against Christ & the earthly family that he grew up in. Celsus claimed that Joseph (of the New Testament) had driven away Mary for adultery. "...she was driven away by her husband--the carpenter--and convicted of adultery? Indeed, is it not so that in her disgrace, wandering far from home, she gave birth to a male child in silence & humiliation?"2*
Some modern Christian [AM] critics have had their own standards, logic, cheap-shots, negative fault findings, turned around on them. Some Mormons have show that the critics would not be able to pass their own tests, that their claims can be challenged, they have exposed their lies, distortions, & misrepresentations, & have even shown how that the critics have also had family problems, as well.3* But the critics still keep on coming back with the same old stuff, in pointing out that some of the Mormon leaders did something stupid, foolish, dishonest, or had family problems, etc. Or that some Mormon somewhere went crazy, & did something real stupid. Then at the same time, it seems that many of us Mormons have to fight back with a long list of crimes that the critics are suppose to be guilty of. And then it's the critics turn, & so on. This of course never solves the problems that we see in each other. So it time we all get back to the basics, acknowledge that we are all sinners, & all have family, personal problems, & challenges in which we need to over come. Or that within our Churches we have different problems as well. But rather than building a lost list, (like a chain), of problems that we might notice in each other, in order that we can lash out with hatred with this list-chain. Wouldn't it be a lot better if we all went back to looking at ourselves, & following the teachings of Christ, & start loving each other with Christ like love. Instead of this on going contest to see who can out do the other, in bring up the most stinkiest, dirtiest raunchiest horror stories & terror tales concerning what goes on in each others' families & lives!?
* STAR NOTE * FOR #55:
1* [PMD] The Ensign, May 1978, p.76-8, Kimball, & May 1979, p.79-81, Packer, op. cit. And: Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Vol.18, No.2, Sum.1985, "The Godmakers Examined," p.14-39, also The Godmakers: Shadow or Reality? by Allen D. Roberts, p.33. See also: 7th East Press, Aug. 24, 1982, Anti-Mormon: Cult of Negativism, by Tim Slover, p.A-6. Critics "...take delight in the failures of Mormons..."
2* (COTTD), Hoffmann. op. cit., p.57.
3* They Lie in Wait to Deceive, Vol.1-3 by the Browns, op. cit., [PMD].
[AM] Ed Decker is said to have made of movie which filmed some of the Missionaries for the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). They were filmed around the MTC (Mission Training Center) in Provo Utah. After this Decker shows a swarming mass of vampire bats, thus hinting that these Missionaries were like unto a swarming flock of vampire bats.1*
A similar description was given by the [EAC] Celsus, of which Origen wrote of in his 4th book: "In the next place, ridiculing after his usual style the race of Jews & Christians, he compares them all "to a flight of bats or to a swarm of ants issuing out of their nest, or to frogs holding council in a march, or to worms crawling together in the corner of a dunghill, & quarrelling with one another as to which of them were the greater sinners, & asserting that God shows & announces to us all things beforehand; and that abandoning the whole world, & the regions of heaven,...& this great earth, he becomes a citizen...among us alone, & to us alone makes his intimations, & does not cease sending & inquiring, in what way we may be associated with him for ever." And in his fictitious representation, he compares to worms..."
"In reply to these, we ask of those who accept such aspersions as are scattered against us, Do you regard all men as a collection of bats, or as frogs, or as worms, in consequence of the preeminence of God? Or do you not include the rest of mankind in this proposed comparison, but on account of their possession of reason, & of the establish laws, treat them as men, while you hold cheap...Christians & Jews, because their opinions are distasteful to you, & compare them to the animals above mentioned? And whatever answer you may return to our question, we shall reply by endeavouring to show that such assertions are most unbecoming, whether spoken of all men in general, or of us in particular...."2*
Celsus mocked: "As to the squabbles of the Jews & the Christians, I can only say that these sects remind me of a cluster of bats or ants escaping from a nest, a bunch of frogs holding council in a swamp, or a clutch of worms assembling in the muck: all of them disagreeing over who is the worst sinner. Thus do they say "God shows himself to us first--& he ignores the affairs of the world in order to give us, his chosen, his full attention; he sends his messengers to us alone, & never stops sending them & seeking that we may dwell with him forever."..."3*
The use of some sort of animal, such as barking dogs, vipers, etc., has been used by the ancient & modern leaders & critics to illustrate certain points. So this sort of polemical illustrative "name calling" is seen on boths sides of both the ancient & modern situations.4*
1* Answers to Anti-Mormon Questions, Tapes 1-3 by Darrick T. Evenson 1988. At this time Evenson was then claiming to be a [PMD], & these tapes were made before the 1991 controversy, mentioned already. The Tapes were produced by Tree of Life Productions, Las Vegas, Nev.. On Tape 2, side 1 or A. Tape #T131, Evenson makes the claim that "...In a video tape, entitled: Introducing Saints Alive In Jesus. Decker is presented, as well as a narrator. In one scene we see a scene of the Missionary Training Center & Missionaries learning their discussions. And in alternative scenes between the Missionaries at the MTC, we see vampire bats, or what look like vampire bats by the thousands, in a few scenes, leaving their caves...."
2* (TANF) Vol.4 p.506 bk.4 chap.23-24, (OAC).
3* (COTTD), op. cit., p.79.
4* Isa. 56:10-11, Phil. 3:2; Mark 7:27; Matt. 3:4-8, 12:34-35; 2 Pet. 2:20-22. See also: The Ensign Nov. 1984, p.82-85, Bruce R. McConkie's Gen. Conf. Talk entitled: The Caravan Moves. On page 85, "What does it matter if a few barking dogs snap at the heels of the weary travellers? Or that predators claim though few who fall by the way? The caravan moves on...." Not to long after this talk was given, I remember seeing an anti-Mormon Tract come out by Ed Decker's Saints Alive, that had on it some dogs. The [AM]s at Saints Alive seemed to have taken it personal. Thus claiming that McConkie called them (the [AM]s & other critics), "barking dogs." Perhaps those who opposed Jesus didn't like being called "vipers" either. So as we can see here, boths sides, in both the ancient & modern situations have had some speakers, writers, etc., who have used these types of "name calling" methods to make their points.
[PMD] (The Myth Makers, by Huge Nibley, op. cit., Nibley presents the early anti-Mormon charges of the 19th cent. AD, & wrote a defense of the Prophet. There were all kinds of rumors & false stories, & lies going around against Joseph Smith & his background, of which modern anti-Mormons have sought to bring back to life such charges & rumors, that the earlier anti-Mormons had claimed was the truth. One of the main charges that Nibley wrote about is the claim made by early anti-Mormons that Joseph Smith was involved in the occult, & magic, & that he hired himself out to hunt for hidden treasure with the help of magical "peep-stones" & other magical rites & practices. The Tanners, & other [AM]s have brought up these same charges all over again in their [AM] publications.1*
But also a man claiming still be a "Mormon," but who sounds very "apostate" in his presentations, books, & view points, D. Michael Quinn, wrote a book that leans strongly towards early & later [AM] positions & claims, & not to long ago he gave a talk critical of Mormon leaders & the Church.2* In his book, Quinn brings up some of the charges that were common amongst early 19th century [AM]s concerning Joseph Smith's supposed experimentation with the occult & magic. But he also points out the [EAC] charges & claims that have been made against the bible, & the magical influences within early Christianity & the bible, by "...employing parallel methods..."3*
The [EAC]s also attacked Christ & the early Christians for the same charges & reasons, as the early & modern [AM]s have in the 19th-20th centuries, have concerning Mormonism. Celsus claimed that "...Is it not so that you hired yourself out as a workman in Egypt, learned magical crafts, & gained something of a name for yourself which now you flaunt among your kinsmen?..." Celsus goes on to lump all the Christians into one massive group with a generalization remark that "these Christians" are said to be known to have used in their magical workings, "magical stones."4*
However, many [ECD]s, like Origen, wrote that the teachings & miracles of Jesus brought mankind to do good, & helped people to believe in God & act as if God were to judge every man according to their deeds, etc. Origen asked: "...But if they indeed wrought miracles, then how can it be believed that magicians exposed themselves to such hazards to introduce a doctrine which forbade the practice of magic?" (TANF) 4: p.413). Later Origen points out that the Egyptians had slandered Moses, claiming that he was a "sorcerer." Origen asked the Jews that Celsus had used as part of his case against the Christian, why Jesus is not to be believed by them simply because " are His accusers?"5*
"...There are two criticisms in the Talmud..." one of which Garretson says was that Jesus was consider a criminal because he claimed divine honors, & that "...he deceived a credulous people by works of magic." Pliny who was 10 years old at the time of Christ's death, & lived near Naples & perished in the eruption of Vesuvius A.D. 79. "...Writing on the subject of magic (BXXX, C2) Pliny says: "There is another sect, also, of adepts in the magic art, who derive their origin from Moses, Jannes, & Lotapea, Jews by birth, but many thousands years posterior to Zoroaster; (?) & as much more recent, again, is the branch of magic cultivated in Cyprus." To the last sentence the translators add this foot note: "By some it has been supposed that this bears reference to Christianity, as introduced into Cyprus by the apostle Barnabas. Owing to the miracles wrought in the infancy of the Church, the religion of the Christians was generally looked upon as a sort of magic.""6*
1* (MSOR?), op. cit., p.32-49D.
2* Early Mormonism & The Magic World View, (Pub. in 1987 by Signature Books, SLC., Ut. In Oct, 1991, I went to a meeting held at the Un. of Ut. The B.H. Roberts Soc. with Sunstone Foundation. The basic theme was something like, Truth or Consequences, daring to tell the truth about Mormon history & situations. Amongst other speakers, D. Michael Quinn was one of the speakers. All the speakers gave what I thought of was bitter, apostate type of talks that sounded like "anti-Mormon" type of talks, blasting the leaders of the Church, & different recent & historical events. They opened the meeting up for questions. I asked the speakers if they would let us know what their standing in the Church was, if they were apostates? Still members? Or what. I directed my questions to the whole group, but, also singled out D. Michael Quinn. I told him that I had heard from apostate sources that he had left the Church, so I wanted to hear from him, were he stood in relation to the Church. He refused to tell say. He said that he speaks of such matters in private, but not in public. After the meeting was over, I went up & talked to Quinn, & asked him the same questions. He answered that he was "still a Mormon, would always be a Mormon, would die a Mormon." We talked about his upcoming book a little, & I told him about some of the research I had done, later He went on to talk with other people there, & I with others there also. He seemed to be a nice man, but I felt that he had lost the spirit, & was very "apostate" in his thinking & speaking, while at the same time, he still was claiming in private that he was a Mormon.
3* Early Mormonism & the Magic World View, op. cit., p.1-5.
4* (COTTD), op. cit., p.57, & 98. Origen wrote a response to these charges in his [ECD] (OAC). (TANF) Vol.4 p.412-3, bk.1 chap.38.
5* Ibid., (TANF) Vol.4, p.415, see also p.427, 437-8, 452, 545, 467, 588-92 etc.
6* (PC&EC), op. cit., p.47 & 49.
[PMD] The Myth Makers, Nibley, op. cit., p.210-16. Christ was also accused of wandering about with sinners, eating, drinking & accepting charity from others.1* Celsus wrote: "Why--though a son of God--do you go around begging for food, cowering before the threats of the people, & wandering about homeless?" (Ibid., p.58-9). Huge Nibley deals with similar charges as brought up by early [AM]s in Joseph Smith's time & there after, in his book: The Myth Makers, and give a defense, [PMD]. * STAR NOTE * FOR #57: 1* Luke 7:33-4; Matt.11:18-19; (COTTD), op. cit., p.60-2, 75-6.
In a very biased way, the critics have used only certain portions of the History of the Church, (as mentioned already), to make it appear that Joseph boasted in an arrogant way.1* The Tanners also seem to want their readers to think that Mormons are so egotistic that they think of themselves as "the best people." Perhaps some Mormons, like Christians I have met, do think in this way. But this is not how most of us Mormons think. For we know that there are many good people out their, & that some of these people, may be just as good as we Mormons try to be, & they are certainly better than the Mormons amongst us who do not live up to the high standards & the teachings of the Church, & perhaps they are even better than the people who do live up to the teachings.
The Tanners place under the heading: "The Best People" some sources which they hope will proof their charges & claims, (MSOR?) p.3, 2nd col., op. cit.) The Tanners take a part of John Taylor's words, & build a "shocking generalization", in which they seem to want their readers to think that the Mormons think they are literally "SAVIOURS," as most people think Christ is. When, I don't think Taylor had this in mind. It seems to me that He had in mind that Mormons believe, (as do other Christians) that through the message, & the preaching of the gospel, we can help bring others to Christ, & salvation, & in a certain sense, be "saviours". Not that we become literal "Saviours" & die for the sins of the world, etc., but that we "...know how to save our progenitors, how to save ourselves, & how to save our posterity..."2* Many LDS people believe that this would done through the restored gospel plan & through Christ who gave it through his heavenly messengers & modern prophets.3*
The early Christians also made similar comments, of which I suppose may have been blow out of proportion by early anti-Christians. I wonder how the Tanners would have presented such things, had they been the early anti-Christians? S. Cyril of Jerusalem in the 4th cent. A.D., wrote that they in becoming Christians, the Christians are therefore called by a new name, & are as if "Christs." "...Being therefore made partakers of Christ, ye are properly called Christs, & of you God said, Touch not My Christs, or anointed...Now ye were made Christs..."4* In the rituals of some of the early Christian sects, they would go through the mysteries as if, (in a symbolical way), they were a "Christ." Many of the symbols of the mysteries centered on Christ's death on the cross, the descent into the spirit world, the resurrection & later the ascension into heaven, etc.. So in this journey of the soul through the rites, they would act as if they were an anointed one, or a Christ, as Cyril of Jer. mentioned in his lectures on the Mysteries.
The Tanners, on p.4, lst col. (MSOR?), point to another quotes from Joseph F. Smith & Brigham Young,5* is also used by the Tanners. The Tanners seem to want to have their readers conclude that because Mormons think that they are "Saviors" or "redeemers" that Mormons are suppose to "accept Joseph Smith" was their personal savior in the traditional way that modern born-again Christian have with Christ. But this would not be a correct conclusion. The Tanners make sure their readers see their point by making the source they quote from stand out: "NO SALVATION WITHOUT ACCEPTING JOSEPH SMITH"..."6*
I have sat in anti-Mormon meetings in which this misinterpretation, & misrepresentation has been expounded upon. It is a false conclusion. All J.F. Smith was saying, was that Joseph Smith was a prophet, & if you accept him, you accept the restored gospel, & the Christ of the restoration, & it will save you. Just as if you had lived in Noah's day & had accepted him as telling the truth, you would have been saved from the flood, but if you rejected him, then you would not have been saved.
The [EAC]s in primitive times, were also concerned with the Christians claim to revelations to them only, so the critics thought.7* Celsus must have been aware that many of the early Christians believed that other peoples around the world, in those in the realms of the spirits could be saved through the gospel, but he ignored this, in one part of his writings, in order to charge that Christians are such egotists, that they believe that they will be the only ones saved, while everyone else will be roasted in the fire, when God brings the fire, like a cook, upon the world.8* Perhaps even in Origen's book against the Celsus, we see how he thought that the Christian religion was better that the superstitious doctrines of wicked men. "...Whereas the Churches of God which are instructed by Christ, when carefully contrasted with assemblies of the districts in which they are situated, are as the world; for who would not admit that even the inferior members of the Church, & those who in comparison with the better are less worthy, are nevertheless more excellent than many of those who belong to the assemblies in the different districts?"9* Was Origen then boasting that they were "the best people"?
Justin Martyr in the 2nd cent. A.D. wrote: "...Christians received the death sentence simply because of their name. Justin himself, in his 1st Apology," "addressed to Emperor Antoninus Pius, begged for nothing more than that specific charges be presented against the Christians & that only if the charges were substantiated should the person involved be punished as they deserved. But, he argued, if no one could bring proof of criminal activities then their punishment simply for being Christian was a gross violation of reason & justice. "By the mere application of a name, nothing is decided, either good or evil, apart from the actions implied in the name; & indeed, so far at least as one may judge from the name we are accused of, we are a most excellent people." Justin also argued that the name Christian means "good."10*
"In the second part of the sentence Justin referred to the occasional spelling of the name "Christian" as Chrestianus in Latin, & the coincidence that in the Greek language the word Chrestos means "good." So, in the same chapter he wrote: "For we are accused of being Christians (Crestiani) but to hate what is good (Chrestos) is unjust." This is, of course, merely a play on words, more bitter than sarcastic."11*
The [EAC] Celsus charged that the Christians thought of themselves as being above other people, that they were "arrogant" boastful, & yet they were an "unsavory" group of people.12* The Christian did not agree with Celsus, however, & sought to answer such charges. From the sources mentioned above, I suppose that if the modern anti-Mormon Critics had lived in the days of Celsus & the early Christians, perhaps they may have also charged that the Christians also thought of themselves as "the best people." If however we Latter-days Saints (or the Mormons) have some amongst us who are perhaps "guilty" of being overly proud of their religion & think highly of their own people. So also, there may have been perhaps enough early Christians who also may have had this sort of overly proud attitude, which gave the earlier critics something to complain about, as the modern critics think they need to do. So what ever the judgment that the Modern [AM] Christians feel that should be past on the Mormons, such judgment may also have to fall back on their own earlier Christian roots. If they should allow for the early Christians to make the statements that they made, they shouldn't mind it to much if the latter-days saints boast a little too.
1* The [AM] movie (TGM) misquotes, distorts, & misrepresents a quote from Vol.6 of History of the Church, p.78. (This situation I have mentioned before in earlier notes). The Tanners have also misused this source in an unfair way, as mentioned before. Vol.6 p.78, plus p.319-20 & 408-9, on p.255 of their (MSOR?).
The Tanners quote History of the Church Vol.6, p.408-9, on p.255 of (MSOR?). The purpose of which is to make it seem like Joseph Smith was some egotistical boaster, who was boasting about his good deeds. But why do they, as well as other critics not include the biblical basis for which Joseph makes his boast? For he was following the example of Paul. 2 Cor.11 is mentioned in the source that the critics quote from, so they should have been aware of the situation & setting for such a boast. So why did they leave it out? (See: 2 Cor.11:10-33). But was Joseph Smith evil for boasting? Was Paul? of course not.
2* John Taylor, Journal of Discourses Vol.6, p.163.
3* Rom.10:9-21, Rev.14:6-7; Acts. 3:19-21, Eph.1:9-10. The Shepherd of Hermas, 3rd Bk. Sim.9:109-111, The Other Bible, op. cit., p.247 & 255. Klausner, op. cit., part 3, ch.9. Ginzberg, op. cit., Vol.2, p.138. Since Cumorah, Nibley op. cit., p.518-530. (TANF) Vol.8, p.37, verse 11.
4* Library of Fathers, 2: p.267-9.
5* Journal of Discourses Vol.6, p.229. History of the Church, Vol.7 p.287 etc.
6* Doctrines of Salvation Vol.1 p.198-190, Joseph Fielding Smith.
7* Early Christian Civilization, Pellistrandi, op. cit., 180-199.
8* (TANF) Vol.4 p.549 bk.5 chap.14 & (COTTD) op. cit., p.41 & 86.
9* (TANF) Vol.4 p.476 bk.3 chap.29 (OAC).
10* Op. cit., (PR&TEC), Benko, p.1-2, see also footnote 2 on p.24, Justin Martyr Apol. 1.3-4; ANF 1.163ff.
11* Note: 3 "For a collection of passages from the writings of the early Christian fathers concerning this play on words, see Stephen Benko, "Pagan Criticism of Christianity," Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt. II. 32/2 (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1980), p. 105."), (PR&TEC) Benko, ibid., p.2 see also n.3 on p.24-5.
12* (COTTD), op. cit., p.59-61.
[PMD] Scrapbook of Mormon Polemics, by Mormon Mis. Vol.1, #1, Oct. 1985, p.9 "Could a Prophet...? by Van Hale, see point #9. "believe something unscientific? Lev.11:7; Deu. 14:7 (the hare does not chew the cud)." Rev.19:17. And: [AM] (MSOR?) Tanners, op. cit., p.2-4B. Also mentioned in the [AM] movie (TGM). Van Hale made a very good response to the critics in his tract: How Could a Prophet Believe in Moonmen? Pub. by Mormon Miscellaneous, response series #4, April 1983, [PMD].
In the [AM] Movie (TGM), op. cit., a person in the movie makes the comment, (after having listened to the so-called things that Mormons are said to believe in), that "this sounds like Greek Mythology." The [EAC] Celsus claimed that many of the Christians' ideas came from the Greeks, or where borrowed from other pre-Christian nations. "Many of the ideas of the Christians have been expressed better--& earlier by the Greek, who were however modest enough to refrain from saying the their ideas came from a god or a son of God...."1* Other Christian sayings are charged with having been borrowed from Plato the Greek Philosopher, (COTTD) p.94). Origen notes that Celsus charged that the story of Noah & the Flood, or the "deluge" was "recklessly altering the story of Deucalion" of the Greeks. Origen seeks to answer such charges, & attempts to show that the Flood story & different things in the Jewish Scriptures has been preached to all nations, & rejects Celsus charges that the biblical narratives are "...fables, clumsily invented for infant children."2* The concept of the "heavenly Jerusalem" or heavenly regions or realms, Celsus claimed was borrowed from Plato's Phaedon discourses. Origen shows that the concept pre-dates Plato, & he claims that Plato got the idea from Isaiah & the other Hebrew Prophets.3*
Other biblical sayings & teachings are challenged by Celsus, who attempts to say that they came from Plato, while Origen attempts to explain that if the doctrine is good, & sound despite who had it first, it does not "...affect the value of the truth communicated. It is no objection to the principles of Jews or Christians, that the same things were also said by the Greeks, especially if it be proved that the writings of the Jews are older than those of the Greeks. And further, we are not to imagine that a truth adorned with the graces of Grecian speech is necessarily better than the same when expressed in the more humble & unpretending language of the Jews, in which the prophets wrote the books which have come down to us, has a grace of expression peculiar to the genius of the Hebrew tongue...." Origen also points out that Jesus had preached repentance to the "...whole world, & with much greater results...." than Jonah did with Nineveh.4* Celsus argued that "...other truths have been borrowed & corrupted. Any one who wishes can easily by searching find more of them." And so despite Origen's later answers to such charges, it seems that the early anti-Christians, or at least Celsus, must have thought that many of the different ideas, concepts, stories, scriptures, rites, etc. sounded "like greek mythology" & other nations' ideas.
1* (COTTD), op. cit., p.91.
2* (TANF) Vol.4 p.516 bk.4 chap.xli-xlii.
3* Ibid., 4: p.622-3 bk.7 chap.28-31 (OAC).
4* Ibid., 4: p.634-6 bk.7 chap.lvii-lxi.
[AM]. The Tanners charged that the Mormon Church "suppressed" different things in our history, rituals, & other situations that arise from time to time, that could make the Church look bad, if such things were to "ever get out to the public."1* Also in the (TGM) Movie, op. cit. Ed Decker makes this claim, after presenting "Mormon beliefs" in a re-phrased, sensational & offensive manner, he claimed that Mormons are embarrassed by such beliefs. I have also heard other critics claim that Mormons attempt to suppress some of the "deeper" more difficult concepts from the new members. I suppose that if the same standard was placed on the Bible that the critics also claim to believe in, that the Biblical writers might also be considered as being "guilty" of such things.2* Paul also hints to the new members, or those who are not yet strong in the faith as being "babes in Christ" & he says that he had given them milk & not meat because they were not able to bear the deeper mysteries of the Kingdom. (1 Cor. 2:6-9; 3:1-3). Paul to the Hebrews wrote: "Of whom we have many things to say, & hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; & are become such as have need of milk, & not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good & evil." (Heb.5:11-14). Peter also wrote: "Wherefore laying aside all malice, & all guile, & hypocrisies, & envies, & all evil speaking, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:" (1 Pet.2:1-2).
Jesus Christ warned his listeners: "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, & turn again & rend you."(Matt.7:6). Jesus also concealed the deeper meanings of the "kingdom of God" in types, parables & symbolical sayings, & told his closer followers, the disciples that " is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given." (Matt. chap.13 also see 13:11). So was Christ "suppressing" or censoring things, & withholding information from others? Yes! Did his Apostles also give to the new members, or as they called them "the babes in Christ," just the "milk" or the basic doctrines first, rather that the "meat" or the deeper "mysteries" & ordinances of the gospel? Yes, the scriptures & historical evidences shows that they did.
The [EAC] Celsus claimed that: "The cult of Christ is a secret society whose members huddle together in corners for fear of being brought to trial & punishment....They also practice their rites in secret in order to avoid the sentence of death that looms over them...."3* Origen comments on Celsus's charges in these words: "Moreover, since he frequently calls the Christian doctrine a secret system (of belief), we must confute him on this point also, since almost the entire world is better acquainted with what Christians preach than with the favourite opinions of philosophers....And yet the mystery of the resurrection, not being understood, made a subject of ridicule among unbelievers. In these circumstances, to speak of the Christian doctrine as a secret system, is altogether absurd. But that there should be certain doctrines, not made known to the multitude, which are (revealed) after the exoteric ones have been taught, is not a peculiarity of Christianity alone, but also of philosophic systems, in which certain truths are exoteric & others esoteric. Some of the hearers of Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit; while others were taught in secret those doctrines which were not deemed fit to be communicated to profane & insufficiently prepared ears. Moreover, all the mysteries that are celebrated everywhere throughout Greece & barbarous countries, although held in secret, have no discredit thrown upon them, so that it is in vain that he endeavours to calumniate the secret doctrines of Christianity, seeing he does not correctly understand its nature."4*
Celsus again used the anti-Christian charges of the Jews, who had claimed that they knew of things that were true in the life of Jesus but they didn't say. Origen answered back such claims, wanting to know what they had to say, & why they wouldn't say it. He rejected their claims that the prophetic foreknowledges of Christ had been "invented" by the gospel writers.5*
Had the Gospel writers suppressed some things that were in the life of Jesus, that the Jews said they knew about? John is reported to have ended his gospel: "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." (John 21:25). Celsus also mocked the biblical stories believed by the Jews & Christians concerning the different stories in Old Testament times.
"...There is also current among the Christians a variety of stories dealing with the begetting of children long after the parents are of child-bearing age....Their books are chock full of stories about the treacheries of mothers, God appearing on earth in various disguises, brother murdering brother, purportedly righteous men having intercourse with various women other than their wives; indeed, stories that rival in their immorality the tales of the Thyestians: brothers selling brothers, women being turned into salt-- & so on. It is no wonder that the reasonable among the Christians, embarrassed as they ought to be by such stories, take refuge in allegory!--as they are, all in all, very stupid fables...."6*
* STAR NOTES * FOR #62: 1* (MSOR?), op. cit., p.5-13F. 2* 1 Cor.2:6-9; Isa.64:4; 2 Cor.12:1-4; Matt.16:19-20, 17:9; Amos 3:7; Psa.25:14 "The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; & he will shew them his covenant." 3* (COTTD), op. cit., p.53. 4* (TANF) Vol.4 p.399 bk.1 chap.7. 5* Ibid., 4: p.436 bk.2 chap.13, (OAC). 6* (COTTD), op. cit., p.80-1.
[AM]: The claim was made in the movie (TGM) that the Mormons' Temple clothing is "magical," & based on "occult" practices.1* The early Christian "mysteries" were also mocked by the pagans, Jews, Romans, Greeks, & other early anti-Christians. Holy Garments were also used in Old & New Testament rituals by the Prophets, & the New Testament Saints & there after. There is plenty of evidences from scripture, early to later Christian writings, art works, monuments, & in some cases ancient preserved clothing, that shows us that sacred clothing or garments were worn for religious symbolisms & reasons.2* St. Gregory the Great mentions the "...white vestment (birrum)..." in which a person "...had been clothed when he rose from the font...."3*
St. Ambrose calls the garments of the mysteries "...the chaste veil of innocence..."4* While S. Cyril of Jerusalem in his lectures on the mysteries called it "...the garment of salvation..." & said that is was a type of the cloth that Christ's body was covered in while his body was in the tomb.5* Many early to later Christian art works, depict angels with garments in their arms at baptismal scenes. These art works could have reminded the early to later Christians of the garments of which they had worn as part of the mysteries or ordinances.6*
Roger Adam also wrote that "...after baptism it was customary to wear white garments in token of the innocence of the soul which through remission of sins the converts had acquired. These garments were commonly worn for 8 days & were metaphorically called the garments of Christ or the mystical garments."7* "The Sunday following was called Dominica in albis depositis, because those who had been baptized took off their white robes, which were laid by in the church as evidence against them if they broke their baptismal vows. Whitsunday (White Sunday), the English name for Pentecost, is suppose to have been so called from the white garments worn by the newly baptized catechumens when it was the custom to administer that ordinance on the Vigil of Pentecost." Adam also wrote that Jerome also wrote concerning the washing & anointing ritual with the garment.8* Adam also wrote that there is some inscriptions on some sepulchral slabs that say that the persons had died during the time that the white robes were worn. He also quotes from Gregory the Great who mentions the white garment.9*
During the 4th cent. AD, another Christian Father, Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, wrote that in the mysteries there is "...the clean & fair apparel; teaching us the figurative illustration that verily in the Baptism of Jesus all we, putting off our sins like some poor & patched garment, are clothed in the holy & most fair garment of regeneration...." Later on in his writings, he wrote: "...Thou didst strip off the fig-tree leaves, an unseemly covering, & put upon us a costly garment..."10*
Gregory of Nyssa also made reference to the descent & ascension out of the spirit prison, in which Christ had descended down into the spirit prison to set the spirit prisoners free, by resurrecting them, & taking a hold of their hands to lift them up, then to also bring them over into paradise. In some cases the early Christian symbolical mysteries were a type of this. In that as they would come up out of the font, it was a type of how the spirit was set free from the spirit prison, & like unto the spirit's resurrection & deification in which their souls would be set free & clothed in a glorious body, which was like unto the garment in the mysteries. Note that Gregory of Nyssa mentions the garment, calling it a "costly garment." Then right after this he wrote: "Thou didst open the prison, & didst release the condemned; Thou didst sprinkle us with clean water, & cleanse us from our filthiness...." (hinting here to washings & anointings?) Then later he wrote that "...Paradise, yea, heaven itself may be trodden by man; & the creation..."[See note 10].
One of the symbolism that we see as a type of the resurrection & deification, was in many of those cases in which the newly baptized person is clothed in a garment. Some art work suggest different colors & patterns, depending on what area of Christianity, & what time frame that is considered. In some cases the wearing of a garment(s), or robes was a type & symbol of the type of body that the spirit would be clothed in when it is resurrected from the under world, grave, limbo, hades, the pit, etc., as it has been called in different times & areas of early to later Christianity. Some art works show angels clothing the newly resurrected soul in a garment as they come out of the grave. In such cases, these art works may have preserved these types of mystery traditions, types & symbolisms. Marion P. Ireland wrote that "...White was the robe for newly baptized Christians in the primitive church,..." (Textile Art in the Church, by Marion P. Ireland, 1966, 67, & 1971, Pub. Abingdon Press., Nashville & N.Y., p. 73.) Other sources suggest other colors were also used in some cases. (See: (TANF) 2: p.49-50, 54, 91-3, 104-5, 174, 198-200, 203-6, 209-11, 213, 215-219, 231, here Clement of Alex., mentions being anointed & clothed in a garment, symbolic of Christ. He also made reference to "...the robe of immortality,..." See also p.234, 253-56, 265-6, 271, 302-3, 312-13, 461-2, etc. And: Monuments of Romanesque Art, Swarzenski, op. cit., pl. 20, fig.45, pl.173, fig. 380, & 381, pl.173. And: Anastasis, Kartsonis, op. cit., p.72, etc. An Illustrated History of England, by F.E. Halliday, 1967-8, The Viking Press, N.Y., p.47, an art work depicting souls riding up on a garment in the hands of the angel ("St. Michael") towards God. (12th century A.D. Shaftesbury Psalter.) And: The Painted Romanesque Ceiling Of St. Martin In Zillis, Text by Ernst Murbach, Pub. by Frederick A. Praeger, N.Y., & Wash., 1967, English trans., see: J-II 98*. The Toledo Museum of Art European Paintings, Pub. by the Tol. Mu. of A., Toledo Ohio, Dist. by Penn. State Un., Press, 1976, p.389, Spiridion Chrysoloras 17th century A.D., depiction of Christ's baptism with the traditional angels with garments in their arms. To name a few sources to consider.)
Different scholars & writers have conflicting interpretations as to the meanings of the garments of baptism, of course, but there seems to be enough evidences to support the fact that the early Christian worn garments & holy robes as part of the different ordinances or mysteries.11*
Some of garments are said to have marks or symbols on them, & it is possible that a Coptic Christian tunic (shirt) may have markings very similar to other markings found on garments found in other parts of the world. There is a tunic-shirt that has been dated "4th to 5th cent." AD. A navel mark can be seen ( - ). But also over the left breast area, is a faded ( V ) mark, or possible symbol. On the side of the right breast area is what just might be a reverse ( L ) mark or symbol, but this one has faded out, & is hard to discern, & therefore it could also be just folds in this ancient garment.12* The book says that the belief was, that "The dead..." are "dressed in the clothes they had worn in life,...Women often had their heads covered with a veil or kerchief; men wore a cap."13*
Roger Adam also mentions a few marks or symbols that are in the knee area of some early Christian robes & notes that some symbols, angels, & "undeciphered letters" are depicted in some of the baptisteries at "Ravenna & the Baptistery of Naples."14*
In the americas their is reports of Indian Priestly or "High-Priest" vestments that are said to have the same sort of marks or symbols.15* The Hopi Indians are said to have legends or traditions of a lost sacred book that will have portion restored by a long lost white brother who will be known to them by certain handclasps. Part of their religious or in some of these Kiva ceremonies is the "...wearing of certain types of clothing, & in these clothing are certain marks sacred to the people..." they also have a type of washing & anointing ritual, which is common in many different tribes, as in early to later Christian sects.16* The Great White God who came to the ancient americas is also said to have certain symbols in his robes or garments.17* In some cases the early Christians may have placed symbolical types & symbols of Christ suffering on the cross, the descent into the spirit world,18* the ascension out & the resurrection, etc. in these symbols & marks, but also depicted such events on garments, or robes. Perhaps this is what Paul had in mind when he wrote "...for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." (Gal.6:17) And: "Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus's sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh." (2 Cor.4:10-11). Paul also likens the veil, as a type of Christ's flesh, "...the veil, that is to say, his flesh." He then goes on to hint of the washing & anointing ordinances, (Heb.10:16-22). Some early Christian Fathers also saw the garment with it's markings & symbols as a type of the veil.19*
Nibley tells that the ancient "The Testament of Job" tells of an interesting prayer circle, & healing garments, & in which one of Job's daughter is said to have "...recited the hymns, she let the spirit be marked (kecharagmenon) on her garment." What ever this is suppose to mean, is unclear to me at this time, but perhaps this may be another possible reference to markings on ritualistic garments,(?).20*
As time went by, the concepts & ritualistic practices & symbolical meanings behind garments & veils, & the symbolical markings, etc., all these things were fragmented & almost lost during the great apostasy. We see possible hints of the veil in the traditional cloths or curtains that depict the face of Christ on them. (B.Y.U. Studies, Vol. 22, Winter 1982, #1, p.31-45. Heb. 10:16-22. Art & Mankind (Larousse Encyc. Of Renaissance & Baroque Art), Gen. Ed., Rene Huyghe, Excal., Bk., N.Y., p.49-50, fig., 78. Signs & Symbols In Christian Art, by George Ferguson, p.209, XI. Frescoes Of The Church Of The Assumption At Volotovo Polye, text by L. A. Alpatov, 66. (TN&PNF) Vol. 7, p.91, etc. The Art & Architecture of Russia, George Heard Hamilton, 1954 & 75, Penguin Bks., p.105. Origines sive antiquitates Ecclesiaticae, Bingham, Halle, 1727, vol.iii, p.215. A Short History of Tapestry, by Eugene Muntz, p.56-8. The Painted Churches of Cyprus, by Andreas & Judith A. Stylianou, op. cit., p.131, fig.66, p.169, fig.92, p.200, fig.113, p.260, fig.151, p.291, fig.172, p.335, fig.199, p.356-7, fig.s 211-12, p.450, fig.267.)
Earlier, Clement of Alex., seems to suggest that the garment is a symbol of Christ. "And I will be" He [Christ] says, "their Shepherd," & will be near them, as the garment to their skin. He wishes to save my flesh by enveloping it in the robe of immortality, & He hath anointed my body." (TANF) 2: p.231). Clement then seems to hint to the symbolical journey of the soul on it way towards immortality. In the mysteries, upon coming out of the font & being clothed in a garment, it was a type of the newly resurrected soul's journey or passage towards the realms of the divine in immortality. In many cases the hand clasp or helping hand is seen in how Christ takes a hold of their hand. Perhaps as in also in the symbolical "rite of passage hand clasps" mentioned & seen so many times in the early to later Christian art works & writings concerning the descent & ascension of Christ, in & out of the under-world, hades, limbo, the pit, grave, etc. In thus taking a hold of their hand, they are raised up from their fallen state or conditions. And supported, so as to never fall away again. Christ had thus sealed them His, with this hand clasp.
Later Christian art works show tug of wars, between angels of God & demons. The demons attempt to cause the "fall" of those who are on their way towards the heavenly realms, & moral perfection. Angels clasp a hold of the ascending souls,' arms, hands, or wrists, in order to pull them up towards the heavens. While demons attempt to hold them back, or pull them down, thus helping in their fall. (See: The Facts On File Encyc. Of World Myth. & Legend, Anthony S. Mercatante, 1988, p.57, op. cit. The World Of Giotto c. 1267-1337, op. cit., p.189, etc. Italy, by Mercury Bks., 1954-7, p.200-1. The Place of Book Illumination in Byzantine Art, by Kurt Weitzmann, p.40-1, fig.s 33-4. The Illustration of the Heavenly Ladder Of John Climacus, Martin, op. cit., see LIX, fig.179, etc. The Ancient Civilizations of Byzantium, by Antione Bon., op. cit., p.144, etc. The Christian World, Barraclough, op. cit., p.100-1. Russian Illum. Man., Popova, op. cit., 42.)
Earlier, Clement of Alex., wrote: "They shall call Me," [Perhaps making reference to those in the spirit prison who call unto the Lord for help. See: Psa.20:6, 28:2, 68:18, 88:1-14; Isa.41:13, 42:6-7, 43:2, 51:14, & Eph.4:7-10]. "He" [Christ] "says, "and I will say, Here am I." Thou didst hear sooner than I expect, Master. "And if they pass over, they shall not slip," saith the Lord. For we who are passing over to immortality shall not fall into corruption, for He shall sustain us. For so He has said, & so He has willed...." (TANF) 2: p.231.) Clement goes on to hint to the symbols & types in the mysteries. The garment & anointing is a type of that deification to come. The anointed are deified, their bodies are clothed in a body which shines forth with immortality & that same type of divine light as Christ's glorious body does. The garment of light being a type of this.
Clement of Alex.: "...Boast not of the clothing of your garment, & be not elated on account of any glory, as it is unlawful." [Speaking of those who cloth themselves after the luxurious garments of this earthly world. For God has in mind a better & more luxurious garment to cloth them in.] For "...those that wait at the court of heaven around the King of all, are sanctified in the immortal vesture of the Spirit, that is, the flesh, & so put on incorruptibility." (TANF) 2:265.)
Clement also wrote that the priestly robes of the Jews in the Old Testament times, in their laws & ordinances, these were a prophetic type of Christ's ministry in the flesh. The point here being, that one of the symbolical meanings behind robes & garments was that it was a symbol & similitude of the body, the flesh. And in some cases the deified glorified resurrected body. The Christian was also to take upon themselves the same type of glorified body as Christ's resurrected body. Thus, the garments & robes of the mysteries were a type of this. Clement of Alex., wrote: "Truly, then are we the children of God, who have put aside the old man, & stripped off the garment of wickedness, & put on the immortality of Christ; that we may become a new, holy people by regeneration, & may keep the man undefiled...." (TANF) 2:217, 452-4, 265-6, etc.)
Clement of Alex., also wrote that in "...our regeneration, we attained that perfection after which we aspired..." [And in having followed Christ's example]. "...In being baptized, we are illuminated; illuminated, we become sons, being made sons, we are made perfect; being made perfect, we are made immortal. "I," says He, "have said that ye are gods, & all sons of the Highest." [Citing from Psa. 82:6]. "This work is variously called grace, & illumination, & perfection, & washing: washing, by which we cleanse our sins; grace, by which the penalties accruing to transgressions are remitted; & illumination, by which that holy light of salvation is beheld, that is by which we see God clearly...." (TANF) 2:215)
In coming up out of the font, (again, the type of the spirit prison, grave, limbo, hades, the pit., etc.,) the Lord would reach down to clasp their hand. Clement seems to hint to this, when he wrote concerning the descent of Christ into hades. "...For some the Lord exhorts, & to those who have already made the attempt he stretches forth His hand, & draws them up...." (TANF) 2:490-2, Isa.42:6-7). This is what we see many times in the art works of the harrowing of hell, the descent, etc. (Anastasis, Kartsonis, op. cit., p.72, etc. Gothic Painting I, p.48, op. cit., Christian Art, C.R. Morey, p.86.)
In later centuries, we see what just might be preserved fragments of the basic elements of washings & anointings, in which baptism by immersion had faded out by that later time in the later rituals. And which a faded form of washings & anointings & the garment had taken it's place in the later anointing & sprinkling rite of infant baptisms.
The modern "...ceremony of infant baptism, as practiced in the great church of the world." [Is described by J.M. Sjodahl], "The priest who performs it is directed to wear a white surplice, & two "stoles," or regalia; first one violet colored, to denote the sinfulness of the candidate, & then, after the evil spirit has been driven out, a white one, the symbol of purity & innocence. After the officiating clergyman had learned the name from the godfather, he gently breathes three times upon the child, to drive away the devil, and says: "Depart from him, thou unclean spirit, & give place to the Holy Ghost the Paraclete." Then he makes the sign of the cross on the forehead & the breast, & says a prayer. Next he lays his hands on the head of the infant, to signify that he takes possession in the name of the Lord, & utters another prayer...." Later during this ceremony, The clergyman "...puts a little spittle on his thumb & touches the ears & nostrils of the child, saying: "Epheta, that is to say, Be opened;" &, "For a sweet savor." Again the devil is commanded to be gone. The ceremony of the spittle is regarded as "deeply significative." Man is, we are told, in his natural state, spiritually deaf & dumb. Hence the ceremony of opening the ears & nostrils to "signify the necessity of having the senses of the soul open to the truth & grace of God."
"Next a promise is taken in behalf of the infant that it will renounce Satan, & all his works, whereupon it is anointed with oil upon the breast & between the shoulders, in the form of a cross. (Here the violet regalia are changed for the white.) The infant is now asked whether it believes in the Trinity, & the sponsor says, Yes. It is then asked whether it will be baptized, & the sponsor again says. Yes. Then water is poured 3 times upon its head, in the form of a cross,..." [In the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost]. "...After the water the infant is anointed on the head with chrism consisting of oil & balsam. A white linen cloth is also placed on its head, a reminder of the white garment in which the Christians in ancient days were clothed after baptism...." (The Reign of Antichrist (Or The Great "Falling Away") by J.M. Sjodahl, 1913, op. cit., see p.36-45, citing here from pages 41-44.)
The late 19th century A.D., anti-Christian writer, T.W. Doane, also noticed that there are similar things & parallels between early Christianity & other pagan nations, and thus attacked Christianity with the charge that it had borrowed such things from the pagan cult. He claimed that the early Christian robes had "masonic symbols" on them.21* The [EAC]s also took note of the different signs, symbols, & "secret marks" that they claimed that the early Christian were known to have used.22*
The [EAC] Caecilius charged that the early Christians had "distinguishing marks on the body,"23* Sense the Christians in general were also looked upon by the outsiders, [EAC]s, etc., as "...a sort of magic..." cultic "secret combination" that practiced "black magic," it seems that if the outsiders, & [EAC]s also had known or heard about the garments that were part of the early Christian mysteries. If such was the case, they must have also considered such garments as being "magical."24* Caecilius wrote in his attack upon the Christians that "...They know one another by secret marks & insignia,..."25* Some of these early Christian sects may have, like the Egyptians, thought that their dead should be dressed for their journey or pilgrimage to the other realms. In Egyptian customs for the dead, "...the people buried are dressed to come into God's presence..."26*
In the different scattered branches of early to later Christianity. The font was a type of the realm of the dead, for as a person descended down into the water of the font, it was also like a type of Christ's descent into limbo, hades, or the spirit world, the spirit prison, the under world, (As they called it, in the different areas & different sects). To come up out of the font was a type of Christ ascension up out of the under world, the grave, & the resurrection. Thus as the body is clothed in a garment after the anointing, it is also a type & fore-promise to the person who remains true to the faith, that what happens in this symbolical journey of the soul, (in which the body is clothed in a glorious body in the resurrection, as it is symbolically depicted in the mysteries), will in reality later happen in the resurrection. Thus also as the spirit makes it's pilgrimage & ascension into the higher realms, it is also clothed in a royal robe, garment, or rides on a garment up into the heavenly paradise thus also clothed in order to enter into God's presence with other holy beings who have gone on before.27*
1* [AM] Tract: "Here They Come 30,000 of Them", by Saints Alive. This tract attacks the Mormon Missionaries, & mentions in here that Mormons are suppose to have put on "magical underwear." This is what the critics have called the Temple under-garments. (MSOR?), op. cit., p.458-61B & 463. See also: [PMD] The 7th East Press, Aug. 24, 1982, A-7, Anti-Mormon Cult of Negativism, by Tim Slover. And: The Gainsayers, op. cit., p.123-142.
2* Rev.1:6; 2:17; 3:4-5, 12, 21, 10:7; Rom.16:25; 1 Cor.2:7; 4:1; Col.2:1-3; 1 Tim.3:8-9. & Historical Commentaries on the State of Christianity, Dr. Johann L. Mosheim, 1854, Vol.1. p.77, 127, 373, 391, Vol.2 p.472. Gen.3:21; Ex.28:2; 29:4-30; 40:7-16; Lev.14:14-29; Num.18:8; Isa.1:16-18; 22:21-3; 52:15; Ezk.36:24-27; 41:1-23; 42:14; 44:17-21 etc. Christian Envy of the Temple, Nibley, op. cit., Ancient Israel Myths & Legends, op. cit., 1: p.1, 164-9. Josephus Complete Works, op. cit., p.73-5. The Horizon Book of Great Cathedrals, op. cit., p.284-5. The Christian World by Geoffrey Barraclough 1981 Thames & Hudson Lon., p.119. The Other Bible, op. cit., p.13. Heaven: A History, op. cit., p.40, Rev.6:11.
3* (TN&PNF) Vol.13. p.3 Ep.6.
4* (TN&PNF) Vol.x, p.321-3, chap.6-7.
5* Library of Fathers Vol.2 p.260-66, Lec. xix-xx.
6* See for example: Art in the Early Church, Lowrie, op. cit., pl.121. Iconography of Christian Art by Gertrud Schiller, Vol.I, fig.376. Zech.3:1-4. Behold the Christ, Bainton, op. cit., p.79, fig.76. Rev.7:14-17 & Christ Lore, by Fredk. WM. Hackwood, op. cit., p.117. Baptism For the Dead, Adam, op. cit., pl.16 p.29. Plus many others.
7* Adam cites in his note 23, from "Cote, Archaeology, 53."
8* Ad Fabiolam, Ep.cxxvii.
9* Baptism for the Dead, Adam, op. cit., p.57-9 & 61.
10* (TN&PNF) Vol.5, p.518-24, reprint 1972, Gregory of Nyssa during the 4th century AD.
11* The Voices of the Cathedral, by Sartell Prentice 1938 p.174. Byzantine Wall Painting In Asia Minor, Plates II, by Marcell Restle 1967, pl.28 & pl.203. Italy, by Mercury Art Books, Florence: Edizioni Mercurio 1954-7, p.231. The Other Bible, op. cit., p.445-447 & 452-4. Ethiopia Illuminated Manuscripts, by Otto A. Jager, Pub. by the NY Graphic Soc. & Unesco. pl.13.
12* Ludmila Kybalova's book: Coptic Textiles, 1967, p.68-69 fig.15-16.
13* Coptic Textiles, ibid., p.34.
14* Baptism For the Dead, Adam, op. cit., p.122.
15* Mormonism & Masonry by E. Cecil McGavin 1947 & 56, Bookcraft, op. cit., p.72-3.
16* The Improvement Era, April 1955, p.285-6; The Gospel of the Great Spirit by Joshua M. Bennett 1990 (proof readers manuscript p.7-8); & By Study & Also By Faith Vol.1 p.637-8, op. cit. The Book of the Hopi, by Frank Waters, op. cit., p.252 etc. See also: God's Chosen People of America by Zula C Brinkerhoff 1971 p.10, etc.
17* He Walked the Americas, Hansen, op. cit., p.14-145. The Messiah In Ancient America, op. cit., p.3-4 fig.1. Antiquities of Mexico, Lord Kingsborough Vol.2.
18* Byzantine Art, by Alice Bank, H.N.A. Pub. 1977.
19* BYU Un., Studies Vol.22, Winter 1982 #1 p.31-45, St. Ambrose, op. cit., (Hamman, Traite des Mysteries in L' Initiation Chretienne p.74.
20* Mormonism & Early Christianity, Nibley, op. cit., p.60-2, n.76 on p.62, & p.90, The Testament of Job according to the SV Text, by Robert A. Kraft (Missoula, Mt.: Scholars Press, 1974), 3-111 on the various texts. Part of the Greek version is also reproduced by F.C. Conybeare, "The Testament of Job & the XII Patriarchs," Jewish Quarterly Review 13 (Oct. 1901): 111-13, The Testament of Job 46:1-9; 47:3-12; 48:1-8; 49:1-3; 50:1-3; 1:1-5, etc.
21* Bible Myths, op. cit., p.358.
22* Historical Commentaries on the State of Christianity, Mosheim, op. cit., Vol.2 p.472.
23* Gal.6:17, & Apologetical Works, Tertullian, (Wash. D.C.: The Cath. Un. of American Press, 1962) p.335-6. Early Christian Civilization, Pellistrandi, op. cit., p.180-199. By Study & Also by Faith, op. cit., Vol.1 p.635, n.48, Compton.
24* (PC&EC), op. cit., p.10-12, 47, 49, 71-3, 87-8, & (TANF) Vol.4 p.399, 421, 427-8 etc., op. cit. Also: (PR&TEC) Benko, op. cit., p.103-139, p.12-3.
25* Ibid. p.55-6, n.3 & p.74, "Octavius 1-13, E.T., ANF 4.177." & (COTTD), op. cit., p.53, 59-60. 64, etc. Christ Lore, op. cit., p.5, & Pliny Ep.10:96, as cited in Documents of the Christian Church, by Henry Bettenson, 1963, op. cit., p.3-4, also (M&PITEC) Frend, op. cit., p.9, 124-5.
26* Jewish Symbols in Greco-Roman Period by Erwin R. Goodenough Vol.9 p.145), see also: Matt.22:1-14; 1 Cor. chap.11). The Other Bible, op. cit., p.491, 500, 523, The Book of Enoch.
27* Brigham Young Un. Studies Vol.22, Winter 1982 #1, p.31-45, Clothed Upon: A Unique Aspect of Christian Antiquity, by Blake Ostler. Also, Heaven: A History, op. cit., p.137, 140-1, pl.26. The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting (1200-1500) by Richard Marks & Nigel Morgan 1981, p.60-1, pl.11. L' Art Roman En Espagne by Marcel Durliat 1962. fig.219. Medieval French Miniatures by Jean Porcher #27. Anglo-Saxon Art by David M. Wilson p.186-7 fig.233. Monuments of Romanesque Art, Swarzenski ibid. pl.20 fig.45, pl.173, fig.380-1, pl.209. fig.491. Romanesque Sculpture, op. cit., p.39 fig.18. The Icon, Weitzmann, op. cit., p.26-7, 30-1.
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Joined together by hand clasping wedding ceremonies in Ancient times.
See this book for numerous examples of hand clasping marriages in ancient times:
Preferred Citation: Hall, Edwin. The Arnolfini Betrothal: Medieval Marriage and the Enigma of Van Eyck's Double Portrait. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1994 1994.
Numerous examples of hand clasping in wedding depictions.
Preferred Citation: Hall, Edwin. The Arnolfini Betrothal: Medieval Marriage and the Enigma of Van Eyck's Double Portrait. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1994 1994.
Numerous examples of hand clasping in wedding depictions.
Marriage of the Virgin - Raphael 1504 AD Milan - Pinacoteca di Breva
Hand clasping ring 18th century
Links to More Art Works & Writings of Interest to Endowed LDS Members
LDS Restoration & Historic Christian art & Writings Christian Art As Evidences for LDS Restored Gospel
Temple Study (For Additional Evidences for Temple "Mysteries")
Different articles & links to art works, papers, comments & studies on Temple type evidences. Historic Christianity, & other areas of the world have fragments of "the mysteries," which are found in wedding ceremonies, ritual dances, wedding rings, art works, etc.
Creation scenes of God wedding Adam & Eve, joining their hands together in marriage!
Cité de Dieu La - Augustinus council in heaven; fallen angels, creation of Eve hand clasp.

Surrounding God on his throne, angels in council, angels falling, on right, creation scenes with God clasping hands with Eve to pull her out of Adam's side.
Council in heaven, falling angels, creation scenes, God pulls Eve out of Adam's side by hand clasp

Bible of Robert de Bello- England S- E- Canterbury 1240 1253 Historiated initial with scenes of Genesis
Top enlarge portion that shows council in heaven & the fall of the angels

Bible of Robert de Bello- England S- E- Canterbury 1240 1253 Historiated initial with scenes of Genesis
Rev.12:1-5; Gothic manuscript, 1250-85 AD, Angel passes Christ child into Hands of God

See: Nigel Morgan, Early Gothic Manuscripts (II) 1250-85, (Lon.: Harvey Miller, 1988), fig. 37.
St. Michael & legend. Left, 2nd down, war in heaven.
Fall of the Rebell Angels - Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri
War in Heaven, God's angels combat rebell angels & thrust them down into the underworld!
Chute des anges déchus, BNF Richelieu Manuscrits occidentaux, Français 21, Fol. 17 Saint Augustin, Cité de Dieu (traduction Raoul de Presles), France, Paris, XVe
The Fall of the Rebel Angels from Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry (miniature), c. 1410
Michael defeats the Dragon- Raphael 1503-05 AD Paris- Musee du Louvre

To have a fallen foe under foot was an ancient symbol of victory, such as Michael standing on the devil or dragon. We also see this in Christ's victory over a fallen devil in the underworld, descent into hell, limbo, hades, purgatory, the abyss, where a personified death, or the devil is crushed by the doors of hell, as Christ resurrects the spirits held captive!
Michael defeats the devil underfoot - Raphael 1518 AD - Paris - Musee du Louvre
Hieronymus Bosch, Haywain triptych, AD 1515 - Council, war, fall of rebellious angels.
Pieter Bruegel the Elder- The Fall of the Rebel Angels - AD 1562
John Martin, 19th century English painter, 1825, Fall of the Rebel Angels
Pre-mortal Christ watches Adam's descent from heaven to earth

Creation of the World (fresco), Rusuti, Filippo (fl.1308-17) / San Francesco, Upper Church, Assisi, Italy / Giraudon / The Bridgeman Art Library International
The Milton Shield - Michael tells Adam & Eve about the War In Heaven!
Creation of Eve, Dutch illustration, 15th cent.

See: Reader's Digest, ABC's of The Bible, (NY: The Reader's Digest Association, 1991), p. 18.
Creation of Adam, God's left hand to Adam's left to clasp hands.
Harrowing of Hell. Christ about to clasp Adam's hand
Christ grips Adam's hand as souls are set free from hell.
Altar Gospels in silver-gilt cover with enameled medallions. Dated 1772.
Treasures From The Kremlin, An Exhibition from the State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, May 19--September 2, 1979 and the Grand Palais, Paris, Octover 12, 1979--January 7, 1980. (New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1979), p. 84-85, 173,Altar Gospels in silver-gilt cover with enameled medallions. Dated 1772. Christ's hold a crossed battle banner in his left hand, while with his right, he grabs hold of Adam's right hand to raise him up in the resurrection. Under Christ's feet are the doors of hell which have fallen, as he frees souls out of hell. Up above this seen is the Father, with a triangle behind his head, a traditional symbol for the trinity. Below the Father, is the dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. Note too how Christ's face shines with glory in this beautiful depiction of salvation for the dead.
God joining the hands of Adam & Eve to wed them!
Orants = Praying figures, are often depicted with up-lifting hands
Orants are praying saints, oftened praying with up raised hands.
Creation of Eve surrounded by praying angels in heavenly council?

BIBLE German Nuremberg Anton Koberger 17 February 1483 God pulls Eve out Adam's side, by hand clasping
Early Christain Prayer Circles - Orants with up-raised hands
Ladder to "Christian moral perfection" with Christ pulling souls into heaven by wrist grip.

St. John Climacus, 15th c. Lenin Library, Moscow
Protective blanket, like protective robes souls are clothed in to protect them from winged demons!

Matfré Ermengau of Béziers's Breviari d'Amour of angels carrying the soul of a virtuous man to Heaven
Judgment: On Christ's lower right side, souls on Abram's(?) lap, clasp hands, saved in paradise!
Paradise scenes, greetings & hand clasping guides

Giovanni di Paolo Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia Italian Sienese ca 1400–1482 Hand greetings in paradise
Peter greets souls, with hand clasping on Christ's right hand.
2 Ways, right hand path on Christ's right hand of judgment, hand grip & clothed in garments!
"2 ways" Right & Left Paths, Peter clasp hands of souls on right hand of Christ's Judgment.

12th cent., Abbey Church of St. Foy Peter at door to paradise
More Evidences in Historic Christian Art

Christ descents, ascensions, robes for martyrs, etc.
Orant = Praying female, face veiled, up-lifted hands.

Orant figure from Catacomb of Priscilla, Mid 2nd - 3rd c.
Christ & Adam grasp hands as Christ starts the harrowing of hell.
Hjembæk. c.1475. (M-K 11-085) Harrowing of Hell.
Christ's descent into Limbo, 4th-5th century AD. Adam's right to Christ's right. Venice, St. Marks.
Early Christian Art, Late Roman & Byzantine Empires, 3rd - 7th c. fig. 83.
Mosaic of hand symbol on pillar, with curtains on both sides.
Hand clasp welcome of righteous on right hand of Christ's judgment
Christ in Purgatory, 14th cent. Gothic painting, Master of Westphalia, redrawn by Debra Worth.

Gothic Painting I, p. 48, Wallraf-Richartz Mu., Cologne, Col. dir. Claude Schaeffner, etc., Eng.: 1968.
Christ lifting Adam out of hell, Angels assist Christ
Baptism for the Dead: The Coptic Rationale, John A Tvedtnes
12 oxen under font represent 12 apostles. Baptism of Christ, angels with garments. Latin script

12 oxen, Renier of Huy, Baptismal Font, 1107-18
Liege- Oxen analogy of moten sea 1 Kings 7:23- 12 apostles - Rupert of Deutz De Trinitate, 1117
Baptism of Christ hand of Father angel with garments
Baptism as type of Christ's descent into hades, under doors watery underworld monster is crushed!
Baptism of Christ, Angel holds white robes. Early Christians dressed in white, symbolic of purity.

Ersin Alok Tolali Fresco mid-11th-13th
Mary's soul, in Christ's hands. Angel with robe, a traditional symbol for deification.
Ivory - Lower Saxony early 11th c. Christ's descent into hell & ascension into heaven.
4th century Christian ivory work, Munich, Ascension of Christ.
Ivory work of Christ's ascension into heaven. From Rome, 400 CE. "Reidersche tafel"
Ascension of Christ into Heaven, drawing of a Christian work dated 980 AD.
Christ's Ascension, Drogo Sacramentary (Paris BN lat. 9428), 9th cent.

L'Ascension 40 jours après la résurrection de Pâques Jésus caché par une nuée s'élève dans le ciel IXe siècle Bibliothèque nationale Paris
Christ's ascension, Father's right hand extends to clasp & greet him
Ascension of Christ into Heaven, ca. 1050
The Door Panels of Santa Sabina, 4th-5th century AD (?)
Christmas Legends of Christ's wanderings around the world in different guises! (Matthew 25)
Redrawing of Mayan apron hand symbol, Aug. 1880

Augustus Le Plongeon, Sacred Mysteries, (NY: Macoy & Masonic Supply Co., 1909), p. 40.
Corn God resurrected by Head Band Twins, Late Classic vessel.

Susan Milbrath, Star Gods of The Maya, Astronomy In Art, Folklore & Calendars, (Texas Un. Press, 1999), 100-1, fig.3.11
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